Science, Technology and Society: Martillano, Oliver C. MWF/ 6:00-7:30 PCEIT-09-302A Mrs - Elizabeth Buraga

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Science, Technology and Society



PCEIT-09-302A Mrs.Elizabeth Buraga


The first lesson I can remember is the introduction to science and technology, that our lives will be
difficult without electricity or without our everyday transportation, including jeepney and buses. These two have
a very great influence on our everyday lives, and these two are the products of science and technology.
Science and technology have a vivid influence on human life; Science and Technology is also a continuous
form of research to build inventions and other machines that can make our lives simpler and more comfortable.

In the second part of the lesson, we're going deep into the word Science and Technology through some
statements such like Science is a methodical way to learn knowledge, which I think is the best way to explain
science, because learning science requires steps and procedures because it's a deep understanding of all
things and Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, and technology is the result of
science for reality and, through this means, we should consider that science and technology can also be
dangerous because of experiments that may contribute to the risk of everyone.

The most memorable thing for me is that history will show us how to analyze modern science and
technology, because history is the building blocks of today. Some of the best ideas come from the past, and
the term "innovation" literally raises science and technology in our modern world. History gives us a lot, but
there are some developments that potentially lead to someone's threat.

In the lesson of belief that can explain any phenomena; there is some belief that can actually be seen
before the phenomena, just as animals become restless when a disaster arises, since animals have higher
senses than humans, they can first feel the approaching disaster this kind of belief has a scientific explanation,
not as if it is a belief that there is a golden pot at the end of the rainbow, which is not possible since the
rainbow is the dispersion of the lights from the raindrop.

In my own adaptation of our lesson, I might say that science and technology both offer the best of us
and the best of our adaptation to our modern world. The belief that has come from tradition can now be
clarified by science, and there are some superstitions that have a scientific basis, but some mere superstition
does not have a scientific basis, we have a lot of devices developed in our age because of the explosion of
scientific knowledge.

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