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Leonela Guaza

GUACHENE_ Municipality (CAUCA)

Vereda cabañita

20/ September/2020

Manager Mr. Smith

Company Protection Animal
28, Terrace Road
E14 9PB
Tl. +44 79935585
Dear Mr. Smith
I am writing you this letter and I hope you are well. I am writing to you with the
utmost diligence to inform you of what is happening with the bears in my country,

Due to climate changes and the immense temperatures of global warming, the sun,
heavy rains and social influence, it is expected that by 2030 the bears will be
extinct because the habitats are on fire, and they have had to migrate to other
places. Man is the first cause of disaster and I would do it. I like you to be there to
solve the problem.

I await your prompt reply.


Time passes and global warming becomes stronger, due to the immense waves of sun and
inclement weather this due to climatic changes and the melting of the Arctic glacier ice.

Polar bears have had to leave their homes in search of food and most of them have failed in their
search and die from disjunction of their bones and decompensation of their muscles, says the
author NICKLEN, who also arrived crying because of the circumstances of this report.

This polar bear that died in search of food and not finding it among the waste left by humans,
sadly dies of hunger.

Sad reality we are faced with today being so negligent with our environment that animals suffer
from desolation and are becoming extinct. I saw on the news the other day that a man was taking
a break in his garden and a bear came in and drank water from the pool and reporters said the
animal just wanted to drink a little water

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