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1:1 "Eva map iy es gbt0s ty br’ abrod é gyéveto rat fan hae kai 1) gic Ev TH oKoTig gativer, Kai Sta ger oo vate 5 dncotuhyévoc 6 Eyévero éevOpan mgpit 005, Svona adts Toswvns obtos HABEV eis paptopiay iva Hapropiion rept 100 pwréc, iva navtes movedoaaw 31° eit, 8 ox i éxeivos 15 GG, GAN? iva ay epi 205 oats 9 "Hy 1) 9G 1 duTbny, 8 et mieve, eabpaoy, sie ic tebe 10 év 1 Koop W, aio as veto, Kali 6 KOGHOS Obey ode Eye, 1 eg ob tbs RhOey, xa gi TSi01 ardv on napéhaBov. 12 boat 88 Aafioy abv, Edoxey eves éEovoiav tékya Bc0d yevéoOan, tois motevovow eis opia aizod, 13 of ob é ainérov ov5E Ex Bedfatos GupKds ObdE Ex GeAraros Gvdpos dd Ex Boob 14 Kul 6 Abyog cups éyévero Kal ox ui os igs renee wa BoEav adtod, SLAW dg Hovoyevods ray 1G, RARpNS XEprtos Kai dAnOeiac. faawvnc uapropel gent gbrpd Kat senor Obtog tv iv bv elaov, ‘0 dic pov épx6pevog BEY HOD Yevover, Sri mbtos pov Hy. 16 8 em nex 105 apart aro0 ets ives ehéboney xa rip de nog © 17d lo Suk Moria E60, "yes rat eae, dua Tnood 70. 18 ov EV MODROTE” seis Oebg 8 dy le tov wOAnoV 205 Rutpog éxeivoc EEnyhcato. fhsF) Phtit hchth ena PAD PAM NIL RLO- Mekerese 2a Wis SAP MUMAC INE Ms Sar AMAAAL We 2Eu MeoKoes FO TNL WIE Wd 9 Bande hGH ot tarOr RIE Te SA AGM ARIE AKC ALO MGEt AReTT toe ACY) 0 Fs SACrIr Gamat Acar BNE INLET = CUREATAC FAH hem toh W PMA ATE he Wet Oe QCM MA RIALS £0 fA AC 7 perth ME APC ome hh ACT RetnG mn NIE Acie ACY? hamer = ‘The Gospel According to John "The Word Became Flesh iit Desinning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the ‘Word was God. "He was inthe beginning with God. 5All things came into being trough him, and without him mot oo thing came into being. What bas come into being *in hio was life,* and the life vwas tho Fight of sll poopie. $Tbe light shines in the darkness, and the darkness id not overcome it ‘6There was a man seat from God, whose name was John. "He came as & witness to testy to the light, #0 that all tnight beliove through him. #He himsctf ‘was not the light, but bo came to testify to the light. ?The troe light, which en- lightcas creryone, was coming into the ‘word? 10He was in the work, and the workd came into being through him yet the world did not know him. "He came © what was his owo,* and his own people i not sceept him. Bat to all who recelved him, who belicved in his name, he gave power to become children of God, Bwho were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or ofthe will of man, but of God. 14And the Word became Gest and 19 Kal atm goriv 4 waprmpia 10d ‘Toawov, Ste anéotevay [npoc abtdv] of “Tovdaiot iE lepogoksnan i 1G Kai Agvit TOWEL adtOv, Dd tic et; a moev ral oe vicars, ai okey oe :y@ ObK Soci 21 xai pomouy abrév, Ti obv; 38 Vinits ef; Kad heen, Ove oii, O mpoorien re ct ov: ca axexpi6n, Ob. 22 obv ait®, Ti ek; tva anbxpiow Sapev eae mépwaan fpéc: ti Meyers epi wros Ev Ti Ephy gal is rt y Hgts, ‘4 mpoptims, 24 Kai xuBiag ci gota Hoav éx tav Papioatav. 25 wai fav abtov Kai gina aire, Tos ovv vee obK ad 8 Xprotds weeks Soawne keyow, Ed fate Hatr- wéooc bydv EoTKEV bv opeic odk oidate, 27 6 dticw pov LOUEVOS, OB OdK sit [Ey] &E0¢ va ee wow unten oo poor innG 38 Tai Brig revevo mip 10 lopddvov, dnov fy 6 ladwne BartiCov. 29 Ty énanipiov BAEnet whe ingot Spxnevow apes giby Kat heya. TOe 5 Guvoc, 108 Beod 5 aipay awa HD nbgpoV. 30 Odtes dor nap ob Lyd elnov, or Epes vip 0g 7% ov west vi i ang tip Topar did tobt0 Oro dy Boum BanrLinv, 32 Kab Euapripnoey Taavnc Aéyov bu ‘TeOéapan 10, pr KataBaivoy dg epiotepav £0 wai Epetev én" aaitov. 33 Kay OOK ffGerv atv, GA? 5 rényi w ev dan EKtivds Hor elnev, Eo’ bv ay Ying 13 av xarvaBaivov Kal wévov én’ adtdv, ob tig dow 6 Bamrov év majuan dri. TAFT ANGE NEE FA NIE AE Ach tehe-# TABOR ATE TF Ww? RA Empet me wera fusd7¢ Aress? Oabat unt PRAT PORCH LU toe mer hay RANLPT AE HCAEA REL your” AO Mite emihee ANE OTF W? RAPA WI? GA ators RecA has AE WN? heed OF Alte enhs BREN TF W? AAD? MA RISHEL NAS av 7 MAU? Airs BRC gr MLE KALE NAS Th 27 ONE HP Mie OFLL OK LPT he £78 ve YF ae 2-25 tran heciesx? wi 40 NTRS AM Heche err ASN OLF LE RERAUS HA FY Farrel Whe athts BEA ARE Ne OD hen AUT Ae TH NST tIze-et Dennitu Erhat Phe f37 27 mee ALS CIETY Whe (AA PoLoemer Dak RAP feLh AC py to RAROs Bey TIC TahIh Farrer MLO OCR Th 1k ODF7F Ot 20 IS 29Mrie ChTh KOT OF ACh Aem AEE RIAU RAE Mr tA} SAT MLFOIE MAAC MIs MAIL 10° WE @AA Reemat DAP Lt OCs NAL LAP fd UTAA OF AA ACh SA0% £0 08 hE Aaartborr WIC? AG TD ARC A FANT IDE MARY NOD DFen webu he es BEAT NT AY file ennG? erTeh NOE ‘water. Among you stands one whom you €o not knom, 2the ove who i coming after me; I am not worthy to uate the thong of his sandal” This took place in Bethany soress the Jordan where John ‘was baptizing, ‘The Lamb of God 29The next day be saw Jesus coming toward him and declared, “Here is the ‘Lamb of God who takes away the sia of the workd! *This is he of whom I said, “Afr me comes a man who ranks abead Joba. MR CM UT ASCE NO-T* ing from heaven like a dove, and it Bur Meter WIC! A 77 fed hmerh MIE TANT ACO FOR boaom™ 6Or“the Christ” remained on him I mypeif i not Ikaow bim, but the one who sent me 10 OAC ALP SEH 34 ‘is fot 6 vide t 35 Ty xadpiov nddwv cionyKet 6 ‘loa Kai Ex tév pabytov abtod S00 Sonate t@ 'Inoov. eeperecoovn déyer, Toe 6 Guvdc tod 608. 37 Kai F\Kovoay of 660 pabntai adtos Aahoiwros Kai FKoAOVOnGaV to Tod. 38 otpageic 38 6 Inoodc Kai Geacupevos adrovg aKoLoypod as Ayes adtois, Th ett of BE clay ubtG, ‘Pap 8 pETVEVOHEVOY AuDGOK HE, Aéyer adtoic, “Epyeote kai obv kai elday nod péver Epewav tiv fépav Gg dexdm. 40 "Hv | 1G Lipwvog [étpov els sx Tay dxouativti nape lodvvon regi éxohovdnaaveoy aed: edpioket obras mpértov tov Gaekpov tov Wtov Divava Kui déyer ait, Edpicapev TOV Meooiay, 6 éotw weOepynvevouevoy Xpwotic: 42 Hyayev avtov mpoc tov, ‘Toby. euPlzyas adt@ 6 ‘INoodg einzv, Xd ei Lipwv 6 vid¢ Todwov, od cAnOion Knog, 6 épunveverat Métp. 06, 43 TA Enoopiov HOEAnaev € iy edcratn xa soptoee, feta nod péverc; Syeove. xi nap? adrg, éxeivyy: di eiv aig " Korn, OOo. kai Réyer aitG 4 Tysobc, AKohosOer 101, ‘44 iy $8 6 Odhinnos a6 Bypoatbé, éx ig ROEM Avbpéou Kai Tetpov. 45 rome iumnos tov Nadavarih Kai déyer aided, “Ov Expayev Moiioric év 7H voue Kai oi npoprftar svprKayev, ‘Toody vidv Tod Toohy tov and Nucapér. 46 wai cinev atta NaSavary, “Ex NaCapéx Sivarat n dyaddv elvan; Ayes aeg [6] OO. pyov xai We. 47 elBev 6 Inoottc tov NaBavat) Epydpevoy mpoc abrov Kai Aéyet nepi avtod, Tée dndac Topanditns tv d6hog ode Eon. 48 Lye abt étbpaxe Se a én opti beng PLN ABCLOAS ASCO OF Mere PAN TLEMEd we AAs MIE AEFAU ACO TATANAC AE NR UY emnnchnue 35 MNO £17 CAI DLE on CHE unt Seem YACt AAS One ALE terahte Nw tht MMOL 01 AN OE RP much ATIC Ate NEON Pitts BAL BOC fie Aiteter ARE 77 PLAZA Fo? vers =rIcer: tt OFF TTLAVT MEET FOV OPC OF Tt 88 wore Fu A MAFe-s rte LTC O77 ABE ONS #7 CACO IE Tel AOC AE PUA Mice the AINE Orbe bthtee he At AT TP? Arch OTT MECH Mice Ach hNbEe tent SIRT HEPTT ATFOS:- UAT NPHSA NAT FCAT @-7 RCHEN TAF tors SOL AE Ane Remon Kihie bon hh4: Att fo AE arr) wi AWE he Doan Me 34 to Rech nt 88 SAM hit OS TAA how ORLY LORI AT tetas AAS 8 SZASIF WTEC EAT hie Ch tet Wiht 4e4 wes = ZA8a STRAT APH ow OT OF PANERA Oo dw AAF *T95K abgke i = F 4 i ui i Ht ae ital i H f A i i i i | 3 : i qk i s fl eeik Ft L i x He t i i i & i 5 [ z i and followed ‘Andrew, a il it oe tb E a il rit § aod 2 Fae fils gf, gh E sty nh he I [ £ £ 8 i { il EE tt ae aE i i Naavar, Hoey pe avddoxerc; axexpi0n Inoods Kai ier y ait), TIpd wd OE w AaMOV pavijout Svea ‘nd Tv unt elo oe, 49 dacxpitn add Nava, Paige 9 vids 200 Boos, ic 08 lopai. 56 dxxpion Ty ODS ‘ebtev a) einév oor ott ween ge UnoKite Tijc OUKiG, MoteveEIc; ce Toutav dyy. Kai Ayer itd, A any ‘eyo buy, ar ov (Stat Kali tods dyyEhous td 00, ‘ivovtac Kai Katapdtvor ieee oe igaaa owes 2:1 Kai 2b Kesler aii gies sous eat oa 82 Kalo ood. Kai ot waOytai adzob ic tov yapov. 3 Kai botephaavt0c olvon Aye imp to) Inood mpd avtiy, Olvov oo sqovorv. 4 [Kai] Léyer adrf 6 ‘Tyoodc, Th éuoi kal ool, yovan; ote Teer t t ‘apa. 5 Reyer urp adtod toig yon Ser amen Hroav 3 Exet Awan dspian FE katt tov xaapispdv tav Tovdaioy Keievat, onan va waco 0 feck 7 AL eien yaios | Batos. Kai Eyeuioay adtiac Boo veo. 8 xan haven boi A seg Kai oépete 1 apyetpurhive ol && fiver, 9 oe Ob Fyevoao ixdavoc 1b Hap olvov ye) ov eat abe Rb aobow cor gh Be haan etoav of Hvthnkdres 70 Bap, povel fov 4 dpyatpixhavoc 10°xai héyer Ms vOpenoc mpdtov tov KdV Tow Kai Stav jpedvaldawy tov Bidoou- ov tenronnuc tov KuAov ovOV Zag fipn. 11 Tavmy éxoi iy tov onyistov @ Tyood fv Kavi i Fa Epavéposey thy S6Eav abtod, xai (orevouy cic abrdv of wabntai aitod. apna, Am NORA HORTAUI hare ARK oan LAR AEMEOE NAA 09% AAU? AfOU Kise BOTSRAP eat Puc Et AoE MMC AE Wl Ret TAAOKA THE W Anwe SHE fer oman hah AFF heva 04 CAOe RWI? hi TLOAT YC PFU Rhos WhO hott AE AAD t AFIS Od ERMA oe anit Oho AE AS Lome Ao Ch SeNFO here guraiter + man ss OCT Mt FAO ATT ONE WCET AR RIP Rt oot CH OF Act shown stony EP Ant UL EA Sih AST FO £7 OE Nb th¥ar hafors she (rhe AYE G4 DATE 2c 77 AAT? Le WT hARCO DATS SATE ANMAZME feLAte? wie ARCr APF # hte MIRLSLCIY PTA HIE AL At (R28 2TF OE tere Wict AFAATEr vat ore vit Whe ger Wics TAL OP 299) od erhTe hA Fes Mh A¢for onto hafe-s Mh MOT Pick Fos thd +h bu Aico dant MeL haters AAS OF toZ7 ME Wes OF Ate an hort ME om MOtrL BDO RT NAME Th SOK a AAD EETIA Rhos Heh £0 trantt Keres ARETE hag TAMmt Be oer aN debe replied, “Rabbi, you are the Son of Godt You are the King of Israel!” Jesus answered, “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? ‘You will sce greater things than these.” And be said to him, “Very truly I tell ‘you! you wil se heaven opened and the ‘angels of God ascending and descending ‘upon the Son of Man.” ‘The Wedding at Cana 1100 the third day thers was a we digg in Cane of Galles, and the ‘mother of Jesus was there. 3Jesus and his disciples had aso beta invited to the ‘wedding. >Whea the wine gave out, the ‘mother of Jesus said to him, “They have po wine” ‘And Jesus said to ber, “Woman, what concern fs that t0 you and ‘0 me? My bour bas not yet come.” *His mother said to the servants, “Do ‘whatever he tells you" «Now standing there were six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of purification, cach holding ‘twenty oF thirty gallons. *Yesus said to ‘them, “Ful the jars with water.” And they filled theaa up to the brim. *He sald 10 ‘them, “Now draw some out, and take it 10 the chief steward.” So whey 100k it. 9 Wen the stoward tasted the water that Ina become wine, aod did pot -know ‘where it came from (though the servants ‘who had drawn the water know), the ‘steward called the bridegroom "and said 10 him, “Everyone serves the good wine ‘frst, and then the inferior wine after the ‘Biests fave become drunk. But you have Jkzpt the good wine until now.” “Jesus id this, the first of hin sign, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed bis glory; and is ‘isciples believed in bin. \ 12 Merit toro Karéfin eis Kagapvaobp abrbs Kai ¥ pimp arirod {avtoo] wal of pabneat i of dBEAOOL pewav ob MORAG Tpépa kat éyyic fy 1 xdoza tov ‘Towbaioy, xan ave mohobvrac Boag Kui mpoBara Kat mepiotepiie kui Zovg KepwaTioTitc radnpévorc, 15 Kai xonjous gpayéhhiov Ex opowviay naveas &EEBakev ex TOD iepob vce apoBata xl tos Bias at Seéyev 10 Képya Ka c dvexpeyey, 16 Kui toic Tas Tepistepiic Mohodow siney, Apate taba taV KOA Upiot tig tpanéLag tvé EvtedOev, fi RoLeite TOV oiKoV TOD ‘matpdc LoD oiKov Exmopioy. 17 "Baw oi padncai adtod Set yerpay obv of Toviaiot kai elnay adr, TE onpicioy deuxvieis Hyilv Su cadre moreics 19 GacoxpiOn Too, eal elaey abrote, W TODTOY Kai év tpLaiv ApEparc, ray ObV Of Toubutor, Peoorpaxoyra xu Eteow Avoate tov: éyepd abtdv. 20 elxay , Kai OD EV ‘vans 0 yepeic a 6yo by einey 6 Thooic, 3 ‘Ae BE fy Ev toic Tepooo}.pors év wf 4 cope nok 0d vi ndoye év TH Eoptt Be to Syopa ebro BrpOH a epone. in eig Tepoodiuya 5 “Inoodc, 14 xai edpev Ev 16 iep@ tov< Eotiy, 0 bios 108 ofkov Gov Kutagéyeral ys. 18 dxexpiOncay av; 21 éxeivos Tod ads tO Gamat0< adtod. 22 dre ov vent x vernon Epviodnoay oi pabrtai abtod Str tobTo Beye. Kal Exiatevouy Tf YPaoil Kai tH éxigtevouv DVTES AUT i t a 24 abroc 6¢ Inoodc odK onpcia & &x0' TO ; Emotevev adtov adtoig dia 10 adtOv ‘avboxew navras 25 xii rt ob zpsiav ayers pl to ifipamon: abt Yap Eyinooney Hy ev 1ZhiLY GAA BASES DENSE het ECE 20 Ok ICT UF cht ST TEE HTS 13thEOe 4Ahr 40R wot AS OF AMAA ome Mae Penr wertis' OFF Cm Far wile Tea ate 447mm NIT steer ew ‘mp MEF on? OFF nevi Neer homtes tate ti TH Nena MSF FOW 1A ant *ora Tarte par ny @OKI thOtT AT TE OF ASRCHE Mos TRF ome mca mtv Ft LOTR ‘Mie NIL TRL Aides MOAR AROS hie LUT MAPPED r) rant patsu? nite PRAM AO BUF Ot Oe SD RECIES Orit OF Were Ap: RAF s MOAILU KEV: LU Qt PEA NACI ALT IF Yee sare Wit NHN At 47 PeTPAT? Nebe DRACO 77 On herh Ot ee £4 Mice Zin Hy herd WHT (OA RP ome Ch PUT NIL ESTE NANT O° SVE AS ISTO? 9A hows 23Otin AIAr OASART N+ SREIO? PAK OF UH A OFF Bho howl HBTIC TAL Oh 0°%) ve for Wc! an tor Tr Aethe OF MCS heierter Wet Et ON SADT Fore CS = Jenus Cleanses the Temple 13 The Passover of the Jews was near, i § i i i ‘ered that house will consume me” "The Jews thea said to bit show bimself knew what was in everyone. \gimaene on neve AP PUY LAREN PTAA NIK fw We CAT OAAF OL AED caviomc sige ae ees athe ah i olupev Ou dnb Grow eknkodac [AE HREM 2c tw Ae ATE nSdoxahos: oddsic yap Sivatar v ea | PROZTO? WALT ANTE AS emp nous ah Poeae Sah (kot EA CAP eric nw Bp06 pes’ abzod, 3 dinexpibn Toor WAMAAAC INE NIK may AF Ec iopawien arly maeee ne we om Sovatar iSelv TV nee KOTE RAYAU-+ AO AD Fe 2 heyernpoc aveov' NEM MOTE RaMaUS a0. 27 6] Nxsonuog Tas dover tv porog Rachaak te mm evn Orivan yEpov i Bovarat sig ty ST APE aes Kolav rte untpd abtod Bebrepoy 4RSAPP unos {AA A? sicehOeiv Kai War; 5 axexpil ft AOAE 2 ATE OF ‘Inooic, Ay Mut dune eve oot, bay | ™ Tig Mb MD ER LONE INE LF ever ee ob DSat0¢ Kai AvEHpATOS, ART? AAG s SALI onat AP ivatat cicehOeiv cig tiv BaoiAe tO) AU AA} Reve NOTE RAYA Bc0d. 6 1H yeyevvnnevov Ek TG CapKog hee OST heh hatenR opt got, Kai tO YeyEWvBEVOY EK TOD MPL OR AMM Or? mvebpatos mvedpd conv. 7 uN Oavpions AM AREAT# thu> trong indv Go, Asi bpas ‘rantyduen P72 Wert hae FHOAR wy Gyodev. 8 18 med) Brov Seder mvel cal gq yee TATOO ATOR FLA 3:1 "Hy 88 &vOpamog ex tv Gaprcaiov, NucoSnuos Syoua $0, avi abt0b axoterc, 2. ox oda 8 ay al ea aa ck CS SFAA MARU ASRS Mt éotiv me 6 ye x aL1Olo LAAT SPA Rice Clawson, Moma Me Pa Oe elney ai lag Sbvatan tabre S ROTA FHOAR UR KPAO hore 10 dnexpiOn Inoois xai clnev ait, 3 : ow Ret ast el6 dibdoxahos 108 Tope) kui taibra ob RATA AR BO SPAT hes WLAN oad RU AN@- RTE TANERA OF” UC AP? BUT AFe F777 Uh HE Rett hAYaU! fret? RICA STOTT NeeheAT+ PUNE RENATT ® BHA ywaoxers; 11 duty duny Myo oi Su 5 Sia Hadar Popbwaney Haptopodyey, kai cupiay Hav Smart aten. 12 clit enteta eit Oty fat of mansion by ino ftv tit \d matevorte; 13 Kal odbeic, inate yew eis toy obpavoy cipoék Ree ne Onc Fe an hes ic TOU For da FE NC Ae Fu 07 Gopionon, 14 kal kai KaBdrs Mori Sb PPAF? MAEM heck dyaoe tv doLy EV Th EPTUD, OVTOG GE OR ATE ton ATI TAPE dyeobFivar det TOV vidV 108, avOpan00, 15 tva nis 6 motedov ev abt Em Coty OT Ot (aap Wye 06: 1 TOG YC \oev tov gponew pore sty Uw toy unum Boxer, tva mic 4 morebav cig adzdv jh Gxbkyra G0? Ey Cont aidvov. | ACA MATE FET CO the AE Yon MEAP APR OF NO AIR OA KY OhCO Le te TUNA Ee RIT 2 XiRpat The AE Pea ets TB OACH TLITF ote THAT Loh NATLO NW AAEM AMAA AILS AND dahie | LE hed NM ORKATE ‘Nicodemos Visits Jesus iNew thee wa Para named Nicodezaus, 2 leader of the Jews, Ho came to Jomus™ by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher ‘who hes come from God; for no ane ean o these sign that you do apart from the, presence of God.” *Fesus answered him, “Very traly Tell you, no one can see the ingdonn of God without being bora trom sbove.”* ‘Nicodemus said to him, “How ean anyone be born after having growo old? Can one enter @ second time into the mother’s womb and be born?” Jesus answered, “Very truly tell you, 0 one can eater the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. *What is born of the Besb is fosh, and what is born of the Spirit is sprit. Do aot be astonished that Isaid to you, "You? must be born from shove."s "The wind? blows ‘where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it gocs. So it i with everyone who ls born of the Spirit.” ‘*Nicodemas said to him, “How can these things be?” Jesus enswered him, “Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things? 11*Very truly, [tell you, we speak of ‘whet we know ond testify to what We have seen; yet you? do not receive our testimony. @1f T have told you about carthly things and you do not bellow, how cam you believe if T tell you about things? "No ove has asocaded into beaven except the one who des ended from heaven, the Son of Man.’ 4 Ad jut as Moses liled up the serpent fn the wikdemess, so must the Soa of Man be bited up, ISthat whocter believes fn him may have eternal life.* 16*For God so loved the: world that bbe gave bis only Son, so tht everyone who betioves ia him may not perish but ‘may have eterna tie, JT 0b ip axtoted.ey 6 Uebg zav vi sg tov Kéapoy iva Kpivy tov KOopov, GAR” twa 6 K6opos 61° adt0b. 18 6 motevov gis abebv ob xpivorar 6 8¢ wi mawcbov Bin wecpuan bn yh moxlewooeey sig 2 dyopa 205 povoysvoiic viod tod Beod. 19 agin BE gow A xpiots Jr. 10 965 arte ic tov Kéojiov Kai Hydmoay i vOpuOX TALOV 10 OKETOS f1 19 OO: ty yp adtav movnpa ta Epya. 20 nag ‘yap 6 padda mpAooav niet td ods Kui obk Epyerat 905 iva ph ert a ‘abtod: 21 6 38 RoW TV ay Epyear mpoc 16 gédc, ive toavepagn abot cepa wn 86 gor eipyag tm ee Goiig Kui oF ure sal abso ele my Towbin yy kak x2] DuepiBov wet pet’ abrv Kai eBanntev, Kai 6 Tos Wy Exel, xai mapeyivovto val eBantiLovto: 24 odae yap iv, Paneer eig ty KAY 6 Te “Eyévero obv Giymac éx tv jal ‘Ot odvioo ust & Tovdajou nepi readapioyor, 2 26 Kai Gov mpac tov , ‘ladwny xai cinav arg, ‘Poppi, 5s jv peti God népav 10d Topddvov, hepapripnKac, we obtoc vies Epyovegn apis abtov. 27 dexpion ‘Twéwng Kai cinzy, Od dvatat avOpanos AayBaverw ob82 Ev sizv a in A Bedouin ait Ek 10d odpavod. 28 adroi bpsic por yapmops ice Sui einov [6u1] Ode cipi Eye 5 * On Ansotahuévos cipit Eumpoobey éxcivov. 29 6 Exov tiv Vopony vogiog Eotiv: 6 dé pihoc tod vungion 6 éomkiis Kal dKotav ato 204 naipes du hv oovly 200 voupioy 4 én endipoca. 30 DEaveW, Spe BE el Kali Seawvov 8 det éhattodoBat. WAR MAK NIALT WO NILE OAT MALCE AMAAAC OF 4AP RAAOPSs WAACH ATS 7 AELCRAAPT OTE 77 QN74. AAUAAAC AE ag" NAA om A? TECROFAS OTC OR AT NA 9 FE ere Wh wacs tracy? £a% mactd DA OLA FOK LU Ws ht POLERET Ute ALITY LAAT + PCOT NIALANT OR AICTE AE Or Ae MLERCT Few UNUIAKE FEOF IK UY £1aT INE Ok ACY pw mae 22HHLU AAA AEAA Hee oor Ch OC OF Loe RIC sams ON Se WICh 36 Here Sore Hice [eam £7 aaa A> OF OLS) ANF fe o> MCT Sar? WICt hear Leno WC CAIN TT OF OY HATA er mcse 25 RALLYE? NTA Lt cogorc, 17"indeed, God did not seod the San {nto the world to condemn the workd, but fa order that the word might be saved through hie. "Those who bebove in him are not condemned; but those who do not believe are condemned already, be- ‘cause they have not beicved in the manne ‘of the only Soa of God. # And this isthe ‘that the light bas come into the world, and people loved darkness rather then ight because their deeds were ev #For all who do evil hate the {ight and do not come to the light, 50 that their deeds may not be exposed. But those who do what is tree come to the Tight, s0 that t may be clearly seen that their doods have been done in God."* Jesus and John the Boptist ‘Aller this Jesus and his disciples ‘went into the Tedean countryside, and he spent some time there with them and baptized. John alo was baptizing at ‘Aeson near Selim because water wat sbundant there; and people kept coming find were boing baptized ™—John, of course, had not yet been thrown into 35 AKEOL hha AA MTR? prion. hchc oe sek rane or te ePUC URE atCATh 1k DAE 20 Mice RINT fom Ohcunt+ Mw ACh Far dh Cer OR NC Lom hte DEaAth Ane DIY O00 hh 1g WATine Ao NIKE APA ASFA MATH Rb HCOEN AERA CT ACh O24 PARAAW DARD OF POMNCATAtes § Bewleek SAFO Ch Es Yori $e 07 Ae Le TOM iee £rK AE? 2D £ATAs KAY SU Lh Ph th8e 8 PALO AAP Ab TF 47h FALBoas 25Now a dacunsion about purification sore between John's disciples and a Jow.* They came to John snd said 10 him, "Rabbi, the one who was with you across the Jordan, to whom you testified, hore he is baptizing, and all ae going to him.” "Joho answered, “No one can ‘receive anything except’ what has been ‘vea from heaven. You yourselves are my witneses thet T said, ‘I am oot the ‘Messiah, but T have been seat ahead of him’ He who has the bride is the dridegsoom. The friend of the ‘xidegroom, woo stands and cars him, rejlces greatly at the bridegroom's voice. For thie reason my joy has been (olfiled. He must increase, but T must decrease." 1 31.0 va@bev épysucvos éndiven ive éativ: 6 dav Ex tig Tis EK Ts YT éouw Kai éx trig ric Aadet. 6 & tod odpavod spxduevoc [Endven miviov sows] 32 9 fvpaxy cl Feouaev rodeo wep a xa thy wapropiay uBaver 33 6 AeBov adtOd ’ rie ipisey SA 0 Gabe OaNTG tot. 34 By yp anzoedey 6 Oabe 1h 08 haha, ob yap éK pErpPOU narip éyang tov Sony alguien. BS anatdo vp Ne bbe Syetan Gory, G2? dpyh 108 cod péver Sucre Got 4:1 105 oly Eyven 6 Tyo sor wie no wed Pete rs paOntic monet kat sptttoure Igobc ais ov 8 G2? of i GoiKev tiv “lovéaiay wal amf Sev 7 say ic tiv Tabada 4 Bier 38 aindv duipeoa. et Epyerar ovv ci maki aie Sahapelac ASfonevy Sone ma ‘yopion 6 Eboxevy axa {rol Tegto vi aod 6 fv Be ext RIYA 10d TaKAB. 6 obv Toots rexomuantic dx Obomoplas seonetew éni tH my}: dpa tv Stupdac (eran Yuva ex aware bane depen a cer ingot, Abc por xciv: 8 of yap wantai adrod b0et6ay W7Odv iver T owas, 9 Aig oir ae AE Yopapinc, Tae ob lovdaiog a yoo mei ne made Puapinoos fot 18n Tyoodg Kut ciney Coe a fee oan omen Geo wal ig Gott 6 Aéyaiv doy Ads wot mv, IMous adrov Kai ESoxev Gv Got on sett eee adr@ [7 yovil], Kuprc, Eyes Kal 2, obte Gvehnpa Bubs node ob Egere vb i rap éotiv ea cae, STDAE FrLeomer howe Ae Ww NLC Mw tree 1 IFRCIT PRICAS hoe t1 $9F PLAN As BF DNeT TOA NILADAL OTF NIL OF ates MATMAAC the TAMNAKCT PA STEAL D7 RMAC WIL ASE ASAT Tt BHA ALY LOR we ONE drt sas*HOAR fey TF AMAA 9 ORCI AP PACA NIN EOP? ETS NAVE Afi HAM LAP Axe much $2090 fart FID TAT D LEA@SY NIK Om 13 Oe ULE LUKT HF OR TAA RIP ELT Ae TLD emerck RIK AED ef hAmoserrs 4007 CEP ALAR 1 UAT HAY FO AAT ATS Mime tee hath OPV) OC OMA TOTCE tried omit SOLS CF0 TWICE NIAT AT OD ATER whe poner © hot DATE RE omerck 8 a @8 WET Sher WCTs nny a7 Stik AT took ho hv? MCLE Ot WUT ths eat 7 Kt Mes? Ate KEOe Pasote od piel MC Mb Mibh 1d vet oP tar ‘The One Who Comes from Heaven 31 The one who coines from above is bey the Soa will not soe fie, But must cadure God's wrath. Jesus and the Woman of Samaria AyiNow wen esos arned that the ‘Pharisees had heard, “Jesus is making, tear the pot of pound tot Joo bad sBven to his son Joseph. “Jacob's well was, there, and Jesus, tired out by his journey, ‘was sitting by the well. It wes about noo. ity to bey food.) "The Semariéan women said to him, “How ic it that you, a Jew, ‘2k a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?” “Ifyou knew the pit of God, and who it 4s that saying 0 you, ‘Give me dria,’ you would have asd hin, ant be would WCE Reve piven you vag water” |The ‘woman sald jo him, “Sir, you have no bucket, and the weil is deep. Where do FGn7 eo peal to" 7Osher ancient suthortcs read “the Lord” *Other ancioat ‘nvtbortes lock this acces * WOK Il) mar Aret Met 12 ‘Tt abrax rai th fod weitov ci ro napa 6 ibe fav KEV Hiv td Kai rot Era nal of iat aged Opéra adtod; 13 dnexpien ‘Inooiic kat cincy ath, Has 6 niveoy &x tov Hato toOTOD dtyh rmddiy: 14.3¢ 3 dy nig &k tod Hat0c ob EY 600 TG, OV pi Biyfoss oi row ald, dd 2e BdGw cdr yevgesa, ay abt a@Aopévon cic ainov, 13 Meyer pds see Tovi, Kipis, 88¢ yor tobt0 1 05 t Bap, iva wh owe Re épyoum tvOdde dvthei “Yaaye oavnoov tov iv5pa aon at MDE evbdbes 17 axexpiOn Aywva Kai einev ade}, OOK Ayer abti & moos, Kadéde ela vd) oa ‘Avia ob Eyo- 18 névee Yap devdpac we os. Wott rooty Epon, Kai dpeic Ay ORR erst BTiS Htotevé por, yoven, kai viv, iy ovk Esty cov Kopue, dep eTépec Mav. iv 6 tonos Onov abril 6 Thoobc, ear dpa bre obte év 16 Sper toot odte Ev ‘Tepooodsipors mpooxvvijoete tH xatpi._ 22 busi poaKwod ex tov To apooxoveite 6 obk oiSate- Hels 8 oidayev, Sx A awrmpia atv éotiv. 23 4 ‘a oa Kai vov ‘eat, Ste of GAnOwor sKvVFisovaW th xatpi mpooxovqtai Evaveduan Kol Gknbelgr Kal yap 6 REcip rowobtane aitéy. 2 Gari x ‘mveva 6 TpooKvvodvtus, le0c, Kai TOdG ea cbtov &v mveduan Kai ne ci mpdcrcveiv.25 Myst at f con Oba s ti Meooias & Xprosés: Stay An éxeivos, i ftv Graven, 26 héyer avey & Inootc, Ey eit, 5 AABv oor. TRARS TAP WHI NAY PRE OF Dd haRA HA? BIO NOt gant DEAL hiked Haast NSO HHAAAVIT CO AKEP TEE hi atta NiNto-* BAS CAR hy @S TT ML thie MIR TT LIA AE hie @ La Ute TM a hemeIrs dt Prine OD ACh wire AMAT REO CLL. Ad fod Fre Esa NIK date Babb 1s UEt NAAMT OOP APA ORLY NASM LAT @D hail Nitore T6Afitwr:- INT AAT? me +h efay We Mts Tote DA Ga fhe hAtee Air hrs Oa tie OAT Ane ASICEL MAPAT OF CTS Av? HATE 2C FAO MAT AES AFT Aiud her 45900 MAT? wabke 1 WEE Ret WE WIR WW Asan BORED MY Fee OAL ATTRA ANIRGT PLIES NRE OTe AP ve tanto hates Hh OF NOAM DAE NPE ATS hem Tit Any tee ofr Ants ART ARO CPHAADT Un Bo AAs BATTEN ATS ORE TAT Atul XY Ad DALES tors arsete MITANI® BTC 1 MOTE FLNTE AAA NOTES Ghost TLITAGT ue Lema hoe UTRAL AO ANAT AIR NLU FOP LAAT ARM WAAL OPA tet PLATA FP nerds Mhert RAAT SHLDIETAS Shtet heheh PLA oh NAL OPAL Rete er UT LITETA A you got that living water? "Are you greater than our snesstor Jacob, who ‘rave us the well, sud with his sons and his Docks drank from I1?” #esus eal 0 bee, “Everyone who drinks of this water Will be thirsty again, “but those who drink of the water that I will give them will ever be thirsty. The water that I will five will become in them a spring of ‘water gushing up to eternal life” The ‘woman said to him, “Sic, give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty or have to keep coming tere to draw water.” 16Jesus ssid to ber, “Go, call your Jnusband, and come back.” "The womaa ‘answered him, “I have 00 husband.” Jesus said to ber, “You are right in saying, ‘I have no husband’; "for you have had five butbands, ad the one you hhave now is not your husband. What You Ihave said is (roe!” The woman said to Aim, “Sir, I soe that you arc 2 prophet. 2% Our ancestors worshiped on this mout- tain, tue yous say that the place where people must worship is in Jerussiem.” 2 Jeaus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the bour is coming whea you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. ® You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. BBut the bour is coming, and is pow here, when the true ‘worshipers wil worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Fetber seeks such 1 these to worship him. *God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and trath” 5 The woman suid 0 bln, “I know that Messith is coming” (who fs called Crist). “When he comes, Foe BAfih TTC AS * 27 Kai éxi obs HABav of waOntai Ache PE AAP adtod Kai SOadpaCov On petd yovarKds 27M Uh RE eek Shader: oddeic wévtor cinev, Ti Cees Hy Ti meee WA 26 Remi FEM Dadsic wer’ avriic; 28 apijey ov TY ac Te= 9) RALEAR? mE fav abtiic H Yovi Kat amyAOev cic TY pa gy AGIe AY? SA TH RAL Toh Kai Level tig GvOpdrnorc, 29 cote Rees MAE ARLED EP OR iets avdpomov inv wor névea So eT 22% AER BELLI a, rT OF fac Eorw 6 Xpiotoc; 30 ante IES he 5 ARE NIH ACH cE bn mb, Kal FIPKOVEO TOS Loney perTh? Ae Bhieht or 311 shu ipatav witdv oi HO OR AEM Levan MAC pgOntai Bi, gaye. 32.6 5¢ STRAT AUT? AA Rt oogem they aba eye Exo, paysiv flv Cht- eOrrc Of4 OA CiAe Ae eis od« 01 Pe Eheyoy obv ot He Sheth TH ATH PFO wabrcai mds Sabena Mi tic fiveykey #% taA@ eA ARE AS GUT payew;, deyer adtoic Incotc, \AFee BAILY Rb conerchi- $i Bes bo son iva Roujow 1 GEANHO peynNae NIE hem WTEAT LF Tob aguyavtds LE Kai TeLLOGO adTOD TO 447 MAMA! MALAY APAV AA prov. 35 ob busts Meyers ou Eu Hore WARN OA PANYT 29K Tetpapnvoc corw Kui 6 Ocpropds Epxerar; MARE IE Sob her Lt, éedpnce a oy0ahod¢ Seno ae peace Spav Kai Osdou0e tac xdpdc de Leveal We SATE Oe ee we ee “abe Aw AAR SecFe7 RI slow mpoc Oepiapdy. Hn 36 6 OepiLov pstiov hauBaver rai covdiyexupniv cis Milne weaned terahhs =MLSPe Kean ‘any aiéviov, iva 6 oxeipay Sod yaipn PONE PLAT PLS ET NO ful 6 BepiLov. 37 yap rove 6 2.6105 ie dc Sti Adhos Eotiv 6 6 Bepl Ge 8h WAATS: AAT aor FE7 LAMAR ® BAIA CHCA NT cay. 38 &ycd cairo Oepicew 8 ob : SP SERA LNG 2H ONY RO oby, uh KeKoméxarte: we UTAASs ™hAF ATT FAL Kexomaxact Kat ‘sig toy wnov envy ciachhiare, 9 Font) MPR MR RE Whe tteF shee ASHE Lh ix BE tic MOhems Exeivns moALO’ exiotevoav ele citdv 1Bv Lapapreiy 51a. oer aiko-s BAEPE FRLWID Vir Bud foundoae 8 eh haprupovans Ont VIS 4 ha omahcbe 6 int, inév por ndvea & xoinoa 4 0 a ovv FAGov npos abtov of Papapira, Hpotov oF ber teres APF an hee ate ararce. eR ACh atv petven map’ adtoic: Kui Fjctwev Exel 600 Hpépas. 41 Kal ZOARG mAsious Exiotevoay di Tov RSyov abtod. Rerar Uh ANIC INE NATE Art ARSE oat #7 FUR $28 MAA dhe HLEEE LAD (Oe hee E Mathie hv? ‘ho will proclaim all things to us” *Jesus said to her, “L am he,? the one who is speaking ta you.” ‘27 Tust then his disciples came. They ‘were astonished that he was speaking ‘with a woman, but no anc said, “What do you want?” of, “Why ate you speaking ‘with her?” Theo the woman Jeft her ‘water jar aod weat back to the ety. She said 10 the people, »"Come and sce a ‘an who tokd me everything I have ever dove! He cannot be tbe Messiah, can be?" They left the city and were 02 their way to ion 31 Meanwhile the disciples were ur ‘ng him, “Rabbi, eat something,” "But ‘he said to them, “T have food to eat that you do ant know about.” #50 the dis- ples said to one another, “Surely no ‘ove has brought him somcthing to eat?” 2AJesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him wto seat me and 10 complete his work. “Do you not say, ‘Four months more, thea comes the hharest’? But [tell you, look around you, ‘and 200 bow the felis ere ripe for bar- vesting, The reaper is atready receiving! wages and is gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying bolts true, ‘One sows and another ‘reaps %I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have taored, ‘and you have eatered into thei labor.” 39Many Samaritans trom that city belived in him because of the woman's testimony, “He told me everyining T have ‘ever done.” @S0 when the Samaritans ‘came to him, they asked him to aay with them; and he stayed there two days “And many more believed because of his word. They soid to the woman, “It is no Tonger because of what you said , ai Tod KdGLOD. 43 Metis Bi ta 5: ExciBev cig thy Te ‘av Eh abide 189 Inso’s éuapripnecy om mpagitms fy cf 45 bre i ove Exe Big pl ry oe sic tiv Caddaiay, sS@ayto abtov oi Fodihaion névea Eopaxdres boa Enoingey év Tepooohs xai abtol yap Sov Tadvuaiac, Snow éxoingev atl Hy nig Baotduxds ob 6 vids Hodéver Ev Kagapvaody, 47 obtoc axotoag 8. “Inods fixer éx tic lovdcia Tanaier axial neve abiov nal Hipdea iva Kota Kat vi xai tépara iSnre, ob pi moresonte. Reyer moc adtOv 6 BaoVAKGs, Ki KatéBn6t mpiv dnobaveiv to a hov. 50 Reyer ait 6 ‘Ingots, Hopevon, 6 vid Iponos tH hoy ‘Gov. Extotevoev 6 av bv elaev abti 6 ‘Inoodg Kai 51 Sn 88 adtod KatuBuivovtos of SodAoL bud abr0d dmivmoay abt aig aitod Gf. 52 éxdder0 obv thy Spav aizav Ev KOMWOtEpOV ebay obv air o Th Gpav Epo Ggfxev abtov 6 mvpetic. 53% ae 0 felnev marip Ox [ev] éxcivn, TH dy abt@ 5 Tnoods, 0 vidg cov Srigtepory adds x 34 Tobto |ée] i Exoinocv 6 'Insodg EOGv Ex Tic "Tovdaiag tig tiv Tadiaiav. 5:1. Mevi tadta fv éoprh va ‘lovSaiov xai avéfin ‘Inoois cig Bony 8¢ év 70ic lepoodAvpa. 2 sO] i Hoc éxi tH is Suors ext th ‘BBpara Byacude néviclowoac Spouok. éoptyy. 46 "HA Bev obv nahi Kavi v5 Bop ola: jaeat wbtod, tov ov, ‘yap dxo0vioKewv. 48 elnev ob 8 Ineo apbs andy, Bay 1 onycta Kai itl Q olkia aHtOD SAn. wv SEtTEpOV onLETOV v hey. ‘yap GiknKOUHEV FF EMEA PAF MRT MR kai oidapev 611 ovtdc EoTW GANBas O ThLY MAA TALEO OA C+ ASOnr OF AICAAE ons 2OASCARTE NOE NC Amt memnnt WEG e INNLY ere ef FRE SEE ; tla le abpenetens tbat sireepeitpaaat sere pPnaeetaties rtacrilaea Case ered 3 ev ranbrac katéKcit0 Mio tv LV, THPMBV, YOAV, Enpav. 5 thy 86 Tc GvOpe@MIG Extt tpréxovee [Kai] Oxxt Ec Sxov Ev ti dodevcig abrod- 6 todtov dV 6 Thsobs KataKEipevoy Kal yous Sti nokbv Hdn Ypovov Eyer, Meyer aid, Often Oy "co xen 1 6 dobevav, Kupie, GvOpanov odK yo va 6tav “aparth® Bo dA We ele tiyy KokuapiOpav: Ev a. EG, @Aog mpd waquBaiver eye. “Ingo, “Eyewpe dpov tov ESV COD Kui REpINATEL. 9 Kal eee Sng 6 Gvopanos Kai ee tev ‘abtoo Kai Bote || Py Be Burov gv éxcivy loseyev one tovsein ase Pe ‘tebepanenpéve, L4PBatdv cor, Kai ovK iv oot pat tov Kpapartdv Gov. LI 6 88 dmexpiOn gitoig, O nomous we dy} Exeivdc pot sinev, Apov tov xpaBartév Gov Kal nepindtei. 12 Hpdomouv aicov, Tig éonv 6 &vOpanog 6 cindy ot, Apov cai nepuniter; 13 6 d¢ iadeis odk bet tis éouy, 6 isp Tnooiis Eévevcey Byhov veoc fy x rome, 14 wert rata eppioxer adtdv 6 ‘Ingods év 16 iepd Kai elev abt, “Ide wyitic yéyovac, unKét rave, Wve pi) Yeipov Goi Ti yévATaN, iS demoew 9 be Mog Ket yey twig Tovdaiorg Su "Ingois Eon 0 Rovfiog abrov Imi]. 16 Kat Sud TOOT Ediaxov of Tovdaior tov Tnoodv, 61. qadta énoie év oapPare. 17 6 8% [Inoosc] dxexpivato avtoic, (0 aunip pn épyalerat xéyo EpyaLopar- 18 Bud todt0 bv pAAov éLitouv abtdv oi Tovdaiot axoxteivar, St. 08 pSvov Ehvev 10 cdf Barov, Gidd Kai navépa Sow Bhayey tiv Gebvfoov Eavedv nosy ww FOAA Ub ari 24F WC ® 4hIA 78 Ul TIF AAN OL met Sick OCR OO} SOT WIEST RYAU hose: acorn nA lek aes rm hewre NOt £e AAUIT Ak@E 7ROET 2F Vet o2e iisem 1 homme Sek OieT PST CS he TA TIG THA hee Ate AAS +h PT ROCKA tir wanate thE ax Here MAY he LE AAG # CORSO NORE KYRA 2o-e the tke TOF 47 AF wee dAnY Apo Cheha? te CH fe RADU ARTO hATZEL Avr hide ACH TH SAVES he KAA Htheu 28 hay ike ORNAEO- 8 BRICK? RAD BF FTO LE FAY NO OT WO? te atts BAL 17 OS AGL ANH AA WE Ait ote Aide ICS LELONS fer °TD IK or Metre “hay OA Ret Nerden ATIOS Ret LAT huty (LAD NIALLCHMY OR Lt DmAt AEE wre ShOte BR SAVE REO NIK TD ARLE YIGS MAARUT GAT EAT HAR GT ALOR ASM PARKA OC AILNIT FLAT We TAO THe AOE Roh Me Ered NE RIF Nwete Ate mninTonn these lay many invalids blind, ame, and paralyzed." $One man was there who ‘bad ben il for thirty-eight years. “When ‘Jesus sw hie ying there. and knew that bbe had been there a Song time, he sald t0 him, “Do you want to be mnde well?” 17The sick man answered bien, “Sit, Ihave 190 06¢ 10 put me into the pool when the ‘water is stived up, and while Tam making my way, someone cle steps down ahead of me.” *Jesus said to him, ‘Stood up, take your mat and wall.” *At once the man was made well.and be took up his mat and began to walk. ‘Now that day was a sabbath. "So the Jews said to the man who bad boca coured, “Iti the sabbath; it & not Lawl for you to carry your mat” But be snawered theas, “The man who made me well sad to me, “Take up your mat and wwalk"* ® They asked bim, “Who is the mun who said to you, “Take it up and ‘wale Now the man who bad been healed id wot know who it was, for Jesus ‘nad disappeared In! the crowd that was there. “Later Jesus found bim io the temple and said w him, “Ses, you bare beca made welll Do not sin any more, 40 that eothing worse appeas to you” §8The man went away and told the Jews ‘that icwas Jesus who bed made him well Therefore the Jews started persecuting, Jesus, because he was doing such things 00 the sabbath. "But Jesus saswered them, “My Father is stil workiog, and 1 MRIVAY OUND An Te OF NEL i Are Ne 7) £eP cho WA WAC 20 Nrthhte RUE Add Wo DAAt DALY ALOK AT Sit Minto £Lar? Mice 19 Anexpivato obv 6 Ingodc cai =| TIAARU AS ond DAUT Baeyov aveor, Ami dpuy leyo Opi, ob MFO RO Nee MA Ssvatar 6 vide novel ag’ Eavtod obSéy AY AMT AFRCT Fe? Ye NIK fav uh esa tov matzpa nO.QUVEE: GAR Tete ASRET WP Ee ‘yap tv Exeivos nor, tata. Kai 6 vi |APS £ PLERCIO? ot BAe Spots norei. 20 6 yup mucip ost tiv RSA RVI NU FEGDATs BPA ‘vidv Kai mavta Seikvucw ath d abtog «= AR? LOAATE TLE oui, Kai peiCova toot Seige adt@ le FAPPAL ATH TRIE HIE Epya, iva vpetc Oavpdtnte. 21 Gonep yup hay tLMAT re FATTAS Aha S navip éyciper tods vexpois Kal PT) REA Er! RLOTT NIE spononet gotang wal 9 vidg oc OE aneiet Nu OAR Rae omorei, 22 OBE yip 6 nat ct penn aRory pamtTls SbSeva, didi thy eptow nowy SEb0K=v (nh we bY Rdesopae 16 vid, 23 iva navies TWO TOV IOV key pee IRE SORT Oe KaGdig Tuidor tov matépa. 6 UM TULA TOV TONE Aan” ROI, Ral BNI A 08 TG TOV naxépa TOV Répyaved | "Da Ay aq eo Opi bur 0 cov MR RELCRP# OAR? PIs NByOV nop axcUay hal moweoan tO Pane? AA ASHACHs BREA mépyavei we Exet Cony aidviov xai cig | MOPR RAFARD #383 forte? Kpiow obx Epyetat, GiAd petaBéBnKey éx, WHT CLE D fAAAE® | aeore 205 Bavaro cic Thy Gory. 25 Guny ay Anee Tete OF agor He yo suiv bu Epzerai dpa xai viv Eo | NH OL SCH Nears Ste oi vexpol axodaovaly Tic @wviig 105 | ZAM hOT MFAAHE viod tod Bod Kai of dxovoavres | + RMADACIAE £78 PD. ii 26 donep yup o naciip Eyer | hema Or LOA ACA ROT 3 Jai év Eavt®, obtoG Kai 1 ViG EboKev. tiiemtr naeet ow dys Evga, 27 Ka eeoNOiEN nls anti mae poy MOAe. Boaxcy wird xpiow moutv, Sci vids | Samm xa AOA Met NEE GvOponoy éoriv. 28 pi OanpiCere todr0, én Foye pa iv fi mkvece of Ev voKe ae yeeee ae oe muslons dxoucovew rik gave ubtod ay 9 ale Gove oi ta eyabis hoes BEN KIC fib ve ‘qothoave i SPH PLN NT OFF FoomAL ab) a POPP ShLP baEOt TYR 30 Ov Sovapon eye noveiv ax” heP SR0r ASCE FH Fon Enavt0d OvdEV- KABA aKobW KpivO, Kai OF MLV AAR a 4 un Sxaia dott, Sz ob Cita | SOAR he AA ARC? Desa 16 béAnja 1 tpdv GANG TS VAG TOD HPL NIK AW RLCAAD- SOR méwwavtss He. P7 Wt CAND PK NL LPRT only doing, for whatever the Father! does, the ‘Son does likewise. * The Father loves the ‘and shows him all that g x i i FE those who hear wil ive. Bor just at the Patber has lfc in bimeclf, so be has the Son abo to have life in hirr- self and be has given him authority 19 Tecate be i the Son 31 div éy@ paprps epi suavt0d, # ego ov obs ton nis 32 ‘Mog éotiv 6 paptupaw nEpi E100, Kal olde Bn adn@n conn paptopta thy daeretlace poe iawn et cate Mpdc lodvyny, Kai ueuapropniey wf dandeig 34 Sy0 BE od “aly Haptpiay AapBave, ai ro iva opcic aoOiire. 35 Exeivos 6 xandpevog Kai pa , pels d& HOEAyouTe py aiivat mpdg Gpav Ev tH ore abrod. 36 éya dé Eo tiv wapTupiav iGo tod ‘Todwwou tit yap Epya & Sedorev ord narip Wve tehsibow aa, abr ta Epya & mod paptupet nepi Snod Seo mathe we axtovanev. 37 Kul © Répwac We MaTHp Exeivoc pevaptipnKey EBL GION. oe gery wo Ranote te ote el ‘ob Empaxarte, 38 ral Tov hoyov atbtod ove Eyere ev Ou hévovra, tt dv dnéoteniev Excivos, ‘TOvtO dusic od motebere. 39 Epavvate hig ypagac, Sx bucic Soxette ev adraig vaio, 6d) Conv aiovioy Eye scelval ciow ol Hapmanodea. nap joo 40 al ob Oe pbc we Wve. Gow Eames. ‘41 Aozav napa avdpdmeny ob apBavo, 42 GdAd Eyvoxa opis bu ci dyamy 100 Oc0d odx Eyere Ev Euvtoic. 43 Ey6 Ehipivba év 1G Svdpiar tod natpdc yoo, wat ob AaBdveré we: dav os * .6n tv 7G Svopatt tO iSi@, éKxcivov Arpweote. 44 nic Sovadds Sucic moteboat 56Eav tapi: GA LOV JapBavovtec, Kai Thy S6Eav Ty mapa. a) Bevon ov cod ob cnet, 45 i doxeite MVOprIOw Ypav mpde TOY rarépa bor o wummropay hb Matric, cic 8v dpeic Hamixate. 46 ci yap émorevere Marboei, drorebete dy guce epi yap Euod éxeivos Erpayev. 47 ci 5 ois éxeivov Jaow od motedetc, RAG TIG Epoic PryAoW motEdoEtE; 6:1 Meté tata dn7ABcy 6 ‘Insotg é| Oakdoonc tic Padthain: \ AATeSa MAE AA DD AA EL few AC Pith NEE AELATT AHA Re PoLeIne BA rot ACH A Aa fLethle- Phhc Ker NIE Vi NOPADE BATH OF FAT ANFAA ROMP ARO eh DAs MAL TH Oo PHC AH Ag+ NTH KIRTL RUT MAA As BAC CUES Mirae ALT WLI ASHE Tet Heed OMICTY £n AAFU ORT os Ns Tram Ftc Plot Poh DAN AO DeKoe thai re4 $Y PRCT 68 WIR AVS OA Ra LemineaTs wan Woe ACh AA RE CHA s £907 he Meriter: aie MF OFT MCI they AO AH PHS ONT HE IDE UTC Fee A Torre BACHE MeORaeT THAT ALO? NEY. PNAS BIC OF ReeP CATO NCI AA AE Penh. SFO1 OVC 7 ALOT MAI ty- Of Xt Atom ATO 4G 8 FOR TT MDMAL FAC Ae.ito- NIX, RAE. NoPE AAU & 202 Ohi hee mF RATE Farr aA led be" (em) ACN Hea eAFos MAST ACh feaey whe trtean NAIA TATNAAC FAO? Ic HL Ant MRT ASE Pete? Sk OA IR Thu Apron Stu pernho nal Ach” tit (reKcrt mk we SA DPT NA? este MICE Ache OA RE REAATS Come?) Nee Sha 7 PUY NIA PTSNE-D GM Rtn on ma aac mn 47721 hohe PRaCERA fac tee UNGER FecI8F POREE DAE fib ANH thet * at hne WAC? RAPATE B1“IE I testify about myself, my tes- is another you think that In them you bave eternal Iie; and it is they that testify on my bchalf. # Yet you refuse to come to me to have ie. 411 do 80r accept gory froma hhuman beings. But { know that you do ‘not have the love of God int you. 81 have come in my Father's oame, and you ‘do not accept me; if another comes in his ‘awn name, you will accept him. *Fiow can you Delleve when you accept glory from one enother and 40 not seek the ‘Bory that comes from the one who alone is God? “Do not think that I wil apcuse yoo before the Father; your accuser i ‘Moses, on whom you have set your hope. 461f you bolicved Moses, you would believe me, for be wrote about te. But i you do mat believe what he wrote, bow wil you believe what I say?” Feeding the Five Teosand ‘After this Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, also called the Sea of Tiherias.! +A large crowd Xept following him, because they sew the okie, om fe Cow 5 aiep oxo: aMAMY Ok tee ORT ans nohiic, on sOeiopovy we omsia & snoict Etc nbn 3 Si Sc Wt may tah por Ate Spog Insots Kai &Ksi ExGONTO sti TOV Qu ated Ay Ber 0 micas, NEw meen Ney candle Nie Tix opoaANODGS TROVE KE NAM NIRS hen KIMI? Ocasdwevos dnt nokidg SyxKoc Epyetar mpg AMR *eMe AILCT eos Ge 05 Eppa nhs Se tha pah an ea dyopdcopey tiptous va péyoow oto, AA REM MRS 478 278 KIN 6 wobt0 dé Eheyev neipaioy abtdv: abtig NALA CHAP mB ASC IRL ‘yup fiber th & v.7 dmexpiOn REAPER Mae senate thee ait [6] Gdurnos, Ataxocioy Syvapiov emench AIR LPT RtCh OF iptor odk dpKodoty adtoic fva ExuctoG Ae NIECE APNE THIN Nt Boays [ni] M4By. 8 éyer aig els Ex tv ew ont 1 Ore Mees MD gaoneov abtov, Avdpéuc 6 ddEMpo¢ AAT AC TF WLU? APL Pulte APF Siuaivog lléxpov, 9“Eonwy naibapiov Gis py yey pargat naere WAC 8c Exe névte dptous KpiDivous Kai 350 pg AED Atom RECT papa: GAA tabu Tt Eon «i das OUST fee fob mic Mics ‘tooobtouc; 10 lnev 6 ‘ingots, Hovjoare Tods dvOpamous dwancoel, WBE yoptog CMAP Herm preter he gon HOPES ye ly PLAUA Mice MAihe fi 1g Ev 1h 6m. vénecay Odv ot ct apt ‘Don [1 MECH Sat Rew ALE merck hat kb mercer tig nevee FaBev obv tods Gptovs 6 Inaov< Kai ebyuptorhouc diéboxev tog Abtoomt APF taeNFa NA, avaxeysévors dvaxey Quoiog kai Ex tty ovupiov ue birte Quiet wane she Soov HOchov. 12 dc BE éverhioonouv, — We GAA RE emMMCET NIE ayer Toc paOntaic adtod, Euvaydyere th An NMEA MELO Che Teprocevoaven KLdopata, ive pm TL RHE AAFO-8 OAR ANOPES axoAnrat. 13 ovviyayov ob Kai iH RAPE PHM RIES syéuisay 8OScKa Kogivous KLaSHETOY — Zeewy HNL ROL HAE OO &k tév névte iptey tév Kpiive & Pirs UnEY TPT APE KON FR Srrfogcuany sic Befpoxsow. 140% grea rant af uti fu Te vtec O Enoinory Th OL MF Lene WE onusiov EAcyov bn Obeds éorw GANDIGS Ayes poorims 6 Spx6uevos cic tiv KdoHov. TBA FRIST ALAA 7 15 Tnoovc ovy yrodc Ot Ww Epygobar kai dpnaLew odtdv twa wt IDE Rooms RITOP NIRA Hor hot LIP Ok tee OF OF Ett hae 16 hetier at ke omemoh Totiigoow Bacvéd, dvexopnoey nih zig 15 Spog, ards USvoG. 16 Oe BE oyia syevezo xaréfineay 0} padntai airod éxi thy OGAascay 17 kai @R AAC WEAF HAITRT TH Supavecs tig nhoiov Tpyovto mépav tic to ANAC IR Of BECTET song cig Kapapvaowy. Kai cKotia pasar MICs WA LAP CE siges that he was doing for the sick. Mesue weat up the mountain and sat down there with hls disciples. 4Now the Pascover, the festival of the Jews, wer ‘pear. #When be fooked up aad si 8 large crowd coming toward him, Jesus ‘aid to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?” He said this to text him, for he himself knew what fhe was. going 10 do. 7Phllp answered Ii, “Six mont’ wages™ would not buy ‘enough bread for each of them to get & Tide” *0ne of his dlsciples, Andrew, ‘Simon Peter's brother, said 0 him, ‘There is a boy bere who has five bartey toaves and two fish. But what are they ‘among s0 maay people?” MJczus ssid, \PMake the people sit down.” Now there, ‘was a great deal of grass in the plaoc; 0. they* sat down, aboot fre thousand In ail “Thea Jesus took the loaves, ead when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; 30 alo the fab, a much as they wanted. 8 When they were satitfied, be tld his disciples, “Gather up the fragments fet over, 30 ‘tat nothing may be lest.” 3S0 they them up, and from the frag- meats of the five barley loaves, left by ‘those who bad eaten, they (ed tweive ‘baskets. 4Whea the people saw the sign that he had donc, they began t0 sy, “This 16 indeed the prophet who is to come iato the work” 15When Jesus sealized that they were about to come and take him by force to suoke him King, he withdrew again to the mountain by himself Terma Wats on the Water 16Whea evening came, his disciples ‘went down 10 the sea, "got into 2 boat, and started seroes the sea to Capernaurn. TR war now dark, and Jesus bad not yet ii vet Kai oOo EATALOEL IAAI 15 me NICH Nae Ho BUT Tinea 18 3 se Behan oe eet ack Hoe” fA {Rt400 jaipur, Deysipero. 19 ‘agama wor APAT eer oth tes 01 os grabig cog neve Toe hath Ars ASieh OF oy soy Ino ag ME A’ MER #k mabe Otc kai Syybc Aphem £e 8 MRC TH Nb PE nena DAS RAF@s Z0ARU OFT feb AAT ORAL BALO-P 27 tH a tpuiKoved Ocmponi aenin 200 mhoiov nt xa £po| 30.8 Be Meyer adtoig, Eye cia un ‘goBeiogc, 21 HOchoy obv hapew abrov tic 16 mholov, Kui ed0é«c éyéver0 1 ee ee eee f Oy Th eepn BTV. ge | ME AM HATA AO OFC MLE wr Gehcoone a og corns ia Baa NIRAMEFS 26 ome Hoo oi sxe tat bwat Snob F MOFFO NIE CA NAL Guveiomdev toic paOeaic aieod 6 On hee ouerch 3c OE 27 ‘Ingots cig tO molov GMA povor ol — | Sek NAAM KEL 2A 7) AME i abt0d dafOov: 23 GLa Wey | AUPE 14 Cacho? NEC oF hot pwal ex TiBepuddoc Eyybc 10) ONO ASL heh hraceeh ‘tOnov Grou Epayov tov Eptov mes MAMET REih OLE Rt ap\or Fob seupign. 24 dtc ObV | genewck MLS NIAAMIG OF 1t xhoc Sti Tnaoiig obx Eotw exci Gare pore trens cose ot gana eee EviBnou witoi Lire wk heonV ears tig ti hovipra xal Ao cig 25MAC TAR ASTER oor Kapapvooiy Cyroivecs tiv Tnsoiv.25 yc ype @kKy eB oma? wail sbrov mepay sis Dacor, | Ales BACHE AO: hot einov abtg, ‘Papp, note dde yéyovac; 26 | MOF rane feecerecsts anexpiOn cdtoic 6 Thoods kai cinev, iM FAA fey i MERLE GMC AU Sinn Be eater aa ante aptov Kai ‘rgotéotn 27 Ty conte Hi PACU a MEST IC 1 Ty Bpdow 0) | AMAAP aRer acLTC MOA The pao ri wou ek Gn ldviov, | A ALA et ACO RM, dg 00 dvpdmmov div Boor Moa Ae RARPATE =I odtov } warhp cowpepiacy 6 Oss ere 28 grins Teese Tegan ha | AUT ARMNOACT 2 NED Spyatdpeda. ta Epya tod Gpod; 29 ah fy TAMARAC Fo ixexpidn [6] Imgovc Kal clney aprois, TA alt oes tee a Towté éoaw 1 5 prow cob Dood, Wa | heen Sar haat [ee eic bv amégterev EKeivos, 30 5 SRY NLS ABT? Ginov obv avg, Ti obv nowic ob SPW AE PT Pane PCD onpioy, iva xaimotésoopey | AV? FH FweayT Meat INE oot, ti épyacy; 31 of natépes Hdv 1 NAT. MIKE Ame Mie XR péwa Epayov év TH EpHRO, KAVA dor Rd KARTE NLL OK 206 fide ‘yeypappévov, Aptov éK tod obpayod —| Kate MAREN: Rarrh he Boxev aiaig gayciv. 32 clnev oby | Natanue NET NIKE MFIE abroig 6 Tnoobe, Apiy duty Ayo Oui, 0b Mais nee Sy thw Sheon ox folate Nek Ye NE RTE, u Ke fatto ew Aetart BEN TANOAC NEE TE LO CRAMER AEeTT TNT Os DAFo-e MAALU 24 7Et BAD MES MOTT dent habe vod, da 6 muip Lov dibwaw 22The meat day the crowd that ed saved on the other side of the sea saw that there had beea only one bost these. “They abo saw that Jesus had 00 got into the boat with his disciples, but that his ticiples had gone away alone Thea some boats from Tiberias came near the place where they had eaten the broad ‘fier the Lord had given thanks.¢ So the crowd saw that neither Jesus his disciples were there, they them fet Into the boats and went to (Capemnaum looking for Jemut ‘25Whea they found him oa the other side of the se, they said to him, “Rabbi, sien a yon sone baer” teas ery truly, X tell you, Jou melon ot mes nr ecase Joo aw signs, but bocause you ate your fl of the loaves. Do not work for the food that perishes, bot for the food that ex- dares for eternal lif, which the Son of ee Hi ! tread of God ia that which? comes down from heaven and give life to the work.” They said to him, “Sir, give ws this ‘bread aways.” 35 AAI 29AU KAO th 35 elnev airoic 6 Imootc, Eya eit AYES Mb Vit wR NE FL pros tig Loc, & épx6pevos mpoc EUE 00 ame he ECAP OAS FOL SIE Hired xu o mioectay cic SHE Ob Lh AML BE REM MIC 7 iv yijoet manors. 36 G2’ clnov div OT. pe aO RIAAOT EU AAA al Copdars [ys] kai ob movebere. 37 Bow wan einer om @F ae Nav 8 Sooty por 6 na li pommat Ok RF Pema cep nO Kai tov épyouevoy mpoc Eu oj Exfidhoo 20, 38 5x1 xataféPnKa and tod nD iva no to 7 Ed obpavot OeAnWa tod neyavioe je, 38 APR ATCT NOTE OCNAus todr0 8é Eorwv 1 BEAU TOO mépyavtdc MAAN Od ATL ATA ABAD bs, iva nav 0 Séduxév por ui amodécn & mk Ommcter #7 XGARKTO abrod, Ad dvacthow wird [év] Th WAL ANY thal 29k fu tee Says fying. 40 robro yép tot SARI Nee ake rouse GEAnYa Tod matpdc WoL, tva nic 6 | Ote PHAAS BLOTS NIALTE Th mg) aee Kal motedov cic @OTOV | OF LIL EY WE MAP home Wh Ok oP Memeri =2y FoF ATRT AREA ATK CA Em Coty aidviov, kai dvactiow adtv | Fe #9 AteTPAD® éyo [ev A1NIAY AED NOTE to 1 | GR NIRS De YF MAA OA dco RTREREES ENA TRY trieste pu (Oe AE AT | +h ABRATI? NA hore [@cKAn NOR FART hie TH HMEPY. : Ov Obv of lovbaou nepi adt0d dn cinev, Ey cig 6 Gptog 6 Katafic éx 10d odpavob, 42 kui Ehsyou, by ot6¢ Eottv Toads 6 vidg Taohp, ‘00 tei ofdaev tov maépa Kai TV an GG voy Réyet Str Ex tod gioenssgBiine 1 amcrOy, 7 Me wet e or A “Ingots kai einey aiitoic, Mi} yoryiCete nev’ GlAtAov. 44 obdeic Sivata EhBciv ASML LRA tage # Ake Gera. Rp05 ue COV Uh 6. narip 3 nényas ue ee #7 NhirPAUs ver th adtOv, Kayo dvaoTiOw BOTOV Ev LATS te LCi Pe afl éoxarn fuépa. 45 Eonw yeypaypévov AF FREAAL ATIAY hh Ev tic mpoontaic, Kai Eoovtai zévtec AT PEE Ot OL AE LO Sibaxtoi Oc0d: nic 6 Gxovsuc napis TO | MAR WAM STF TAPS hh matpdc Kai paOdv Epyerar mpoc Ene. 46 | AC HUY MCt AC AMT by 6t1 tv marépa EMpaKéy ns cl IO ARENAS ORO ROT NAFSA Gv apa tod BE00, obtOs EHpaKEV TOV [ay MAL TLS? tA APY arépa. 47 aut duty Méyo vive 6 |haee weaze? MIke Mn Hie migtovov Eyer Cory aidviov. 48 &yd cit | 0 Gptos tic Catic. 49 oi zatépec buy = ARE ORL 0 OT Ae Eqayov Ev tf épywe tO wave Kat Parl he WACO MAF DAE Gnélavov- 50 ovtéc éotwy 6 Gptos 6 PP DATE AU? FOL NIFC BV 100 odpavod KataPaivey, iva tic ts ew NNT POLL ASO IEC gizod pay Kai wit dmodvn. 51 Syd cin xy ¥E Aer HOLY AIRE O04 Ae } dorps 8 Gav 6 éx tod obpavot Ae” TEAL RAF A GAT AE ‘KaETe &x TobTOD TOD Eprov Giger eis tov a Ra apo 33 OF Ohm NIKE Fe te bv Ey daw HOGS HOU Lot URED TIC * 43. Reha oman AATeos" To KOgpOD CariC. . ‘38 enue suid to thea, “Iam the bread | of life, Whoever comes to mie will never | be hungry, and whoever belicres in me wil mcver be thirsty. But T said to you that you have sea me and yet do not below. ™Evexything that the Father gives me wil come to me, and anyone, ‘who comes to me Iwill never drive away; for Thave come down from heaven, not to do my owa will, but the will of him ‘who seat me. 9 And thit isthe wil of him ‘who sent me, that I should Tage nothing (Of all that be bes given me, but raise it up on the last day. This is indeed the wil of my Father, that all who see the ‘Som aed belie in him may have eternal Iie; and 1 wil raise them up on the last 41 Thea the Jews began to complain about him because he said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven” They were saying, “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose: father and mother we know? How can be now sy, ‘I bave come down from heaven"? ‘*esus answered them, “Do not com- plain among yourselves. No one can ame to me unless drawn by the Father who seat me and L will raise that peason vp of the last day. It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Breryooe who bas beard and Jesmed from the Father comes to me. “Not that anyone hits soen the Father ‘except the one who is trom God he has seta the Futber, Very tnuly, I tell you, Whoover belioves han eternal life. T am the bread of Ife, Your ancestors ate the mamna in the wilderness, and they ‘died, This isthe bread that comes down from beavea, $0 thet onc may cat of it sad not dic. S11 am the living bread that ‘ene down from heaven, Whoever eat: Of this bread wil lie forever; and the beta that I will give for the life of the world is my Host.” Goer Sv" Ene, 58 odtbs Eotw 6 pros Tovdaton Myoviec, Ma Sbvatat o1 fy Soda ty clip een) one ainev oby abtoic 6 Inootc, Ajiy éuiy eyo div, div ph Peynte Thy GdpKa TOD viod tod GvOpanov Kai minte adTOD to lua, obx Eyete Cony év Exvtoic, 545 tPdYoV HOV Ty GdpKa Kai aivOV LoD td lua by Go aigviv, er fvaarfgn abtov tf oxen Hpépa. i nov enbne tow Bohne eat eos lov dnb Eon noo, 36 6 tpdyav hou Tiy odpKa Kal zivev poo 7 aipa év Soi péver xdyd év atin. 57 KaBirc dixéotedéy pe 6 COv mathp Kaye CO dud Pov atipa, xal6 spoya we Kaxsivos obpavod KataBac, od kati Epayov of nurtépes Kai anéQavoy- 6 tpoyav toDtov wv diptov Cijoer ele tov aidva, 59 Tadeo. elnev év ovvayarf diddoKo év Kapapvacs. Todo ody dxoboavtes éx TOV tay adtod sinav, Lelnpds torw 6 by0¢ obt0<: tic Sivatat adtOd dKoveW; 61 Eide 38'6 Too év Ext St. yorriovar nepi tovtou of paOnTai aiirod elnev adtoic, Tobto byds oxavouhiCer 62 div obv Bewptize tov vidv 108 dvOpOnov dveBaivovea dnou iv 16 mpotepov; 63 1) mvedpé éonv 13 {gomoreby, f gapt ob digest ryorre & Eyed iv ved Wai Cov éottv. Of ald’ elow Be Spay tWe6 ol ob motebovow. iSet Yap 8 pyc 6 ‘Ino tives eiciv of motebovtes Kal tic got 6 naj eitov. 65 Kai Elzyev, Aud todto el ‘lv Or, obdels Bovatat EADEIY npOs Ue Sav wht SeBopévov abtd &x tod naps. b6-Be costo nokdot [ex] 10 Hadntdv adtod dnAAGov cic ti 6xiow Kai opin pet’ aitod neptendtovy. 67 einev abv 6 Inood Tole Bodexc, Mixa is Oéhere Umdyew; 68 dnexpidn avtd Lipov Tlétpoc, Kopie, npoc tiva énchevospeoa; piiwata Config aioviow Exerc, 69 xal hele memorevKapey Kai EyvoKapey oui ob el 6 Ging 105 Ocod. 70 dxexpin adroic 6 sta ‘Inootc, OdK Sy dps tos ShBeKa, Beart Boney 86 ev totes Shanes “Toxaptdrov: obtos yup Euekev mapasid6var wbt6y, tic éx tov 5o5cKa. SSE Fifgjovio obv apis Gog ot, SENPMN REGRET BU hie > © AMA LAM? NK NIT AAT QA@ ACh ACARe thebiee SAAD Afih NAY Me he Wt hott MEAG! fe? AE ve hAinte Sor haat ALN y nRwr Furs HER POLI SRIF" Len TAT Ae oF Met ME leacie +7 NUPTTNO STE OTT onl FOL he emer ese BD Be) LAA LT Pll AE PT 60 AF GAC ATE 8 Sate MGR a ar We Str Ate Ere Ke PLS 8& RAPS PirT age pasae Shite Pak NIKE fu we nM 4F bo me OAT NIE TH AE Art fur NIKS feuoA ANA Pen MORSCUr AsherC PU free haw COhRe omnes PE Oke Ute RY PLA YC Yer 867F ANeIe CAAA? hie ASIA 17 Rb omer RAY XI KYL O00 hore hiFeri- SU SGDAFART @XYVAY ther AE AMERT OL cnt Aon Ade NRA LTA? SaLory Lier kh el 9 FIT AE mArrl A MCAT 2A 7 40m ALOT wes STE TH DASH PIF hive Aton Te Pet RYT NIK Th RAK OLA OOP oT NIK 1 hekeas $@> WCT2 SEIT NAL AA fet hha thins hav? of Ab Aemm LEA TAR hae CSRLUE fet HRE conned: MPF OR MA Peehtel Ok LAP TAGh 20 KALSI# ORL Ah Pe vib ITH LIP At penten! has sorry ke Chi 2H Et OR TD NTLANTT AYt Ar anew SA havi NTA ATE hci fate: MATA A AE NIK CW AEA howe SAP te sans A Sines Ab ATH Ale. os F04 toner Diu REAP WASTE AH APMC HO Le SANA 2 710A, TPP RE 0A Nhe LOK HS 21 Where. wht KOK TY Rei ROAR Rime INS hAwss ~SiTis Jews thea dlpuiad among themselves, saying, “How can this man ive us his Desh to cat?” *9S0 Jesus said 10 them, “Very tral, [ tell you, ualess you cat the fesh of the Son of Man and “rink bis blood, you have no life in you. Those who cat my flesb and dink my Wood eve eternal life, and 1 wil raise ‘heat up on the Lat day, for my flesh is fue food and my blood ix true drink. ‘Those who cat my fleah aod driak my ood abide ia me, and I in them. ust 4 the living Father seat me, and 1 live because of the Father, #0 whoever cats sme will the because of me, *This is the ‘ead that came down trom heaven, not like thot which your ancestors atc, and they dicd. But the one who eats this tread will live forever.” * He said these (hings while be was tesching in the synagogue at Capernauna, ‘The Weds of Eternal Life ‘who can accept it?” S'But Jesus, being ‘aware that his dixiples were complaining about i, suid 0 them, “Does this offend you? © Then what if you were to sex the Son of Man ascending to where be was before? It is the spirit that gives lifes the Bea is usctess, The words tbat I ave spokea to you are sprit and Me But among you there are some who do not beliewe.” For Jesus knew from the first ‘who were the anes that did not believe, ‘and who was the one that would betray him, “And he sak, “For this reasoa I Ihave told you tliat no Gne can come to te unless it is granted by the Father.” 66Because of this many of his dts- CGples turned back and no longer went about with him So Jems asked the twelve, “Do you also wish to go away?” “4Simoa Peter answered him, “Lord, 10 ‘whom can we g0? You have the words of ‘cern life. We have comme to beliore 1nd know that you are the Holy One of God."* Jesus answered them, “Did I ‘pot choose you, the twelve? Yet one of you is a devil” THe was speaking of ‘Judas soa of Simon Iscariot," for be, though oae of the tweive, was going 10 betray bin Fe Kai peti toca mepremicer 6 Inoois 7 iv of Tahiaia’ 09 yop Hockey év th ‘Tovdaig neputareiv, 5x e4yrovy abtdv of ‘oubaion doxrcivai. 2 fv 2¢ éryic Egpti tv ‘lovdaiov #51 7 mov Obv Mpdc adTdV Oi, 1 adtOd, MerapnOr éveebOev xai tmaye sic vy Tovdaiav, iva xai oi paOntai cov Ge w ood th Epya di noveic: 4 obdeig yap 1 Ev Kpugtd novel cai Lytet arog év nappnoig eivar. ei cadre novi, gavépacoy ceavtv t KooLO. 5 Od! Yap o1 dehpoi ait0d éxiorcvov cic, cbrdv. 6 Reyer obv airtoic 6 Ingoic,'O KaIpos 6 EU odnw RapeoTW, 6 é kuipo¢ 6 Dustepac mivtoré Eww Eroytos. 7 ob dovarar 6 Kdopos wiotiv Opis, Ewe 3é roe, 6x1 Ey! paptopG nepi aire ‘ta Epya abtod novnpa Lott. 8 dpeic aeviinee ig ny coptiy: Ey obK GvaBaive cic thy éoptiy tavmny, br. 6 yds xaupie ob neisiponas § cobra dé cindy abrdc Euewev 10 14 4 dvefnoay of ae sig ty éoptiy, tote Kai abtbc dvéfhy 01 Step We Koel ov at “Tovdaion étfitovv abtby év i] éo BAeyoy, Hoo éonw éxetyoc; 12 Kai ‘oa epi adtod ty nohdG, fv wig Kai 1G: of pv Eheyov bu Ayaes sou, 13 od88 1 ehiiher ipl abzod bus tov gopov tv Tovbuiov. 14°Hon bé tic éoptiic wesovans véBn Tnoods cig %0 iepov kai E6(Sa0KeV. 15 eBugpatoy ol of Tepbatot Meyovees, Tas obtoc oldev ys} ‘yoapporra ponsdnKs: 116 dcocpidn oby estots [5] nooks Kai cinev, "H uf Sida ove Bony gut ahha tod nényaveds pe 17 div nic EAN 1 HEAnya aabtod norElv, woserar nepi tic Sidazig nOtepov éx tod Brod gow A éyO am’ uavt0d Madd. 18 6 dg’ éavtod hakav tiv SéEav Thy iBlav Eee ‘88 Cnet ely BOE 108 néyavtoc adtdv ovtos GanOrig Cony Kai Gdixia Ev abt) od« Eotw. 19 0d Modatis BéSexev Spiv tov VOpOV; Kai obbeig EE DyGv nowt tov Vopov, ti we Lyteize dnoxrsiva; 20 anexpidy 6 Syh0c, Aawdviov Exerc: tic oc Lngct éxoxteiven, 21 anexpi8n Inoods Kai eixev aitoic, “EV Epyov éxoinon xal Ravtec Oavpdceré. 22 us 10010 Mantis Bebocy Suv ly tomy — odz bn éx t0d Moovos ee CAN? ax sav ma way caBaco neprtépvets &vOponov. 23 ei mepicouiyy hayipdver &vOpamoc év aBBary tva jth \v0f] 5 vopos Matiotons, Euot yohdite On Shov GvOpanov byt grotnoa sy oul): 24 un wpivene war Sui, GAG Thy Suxalav Kpiow Kpivete. mepi adtod oa wort. 11 ot oby ‘heLUP” AA ATi AL AT Let SLAY DA OC AEA RAN ALORT VCS MAA Lor AAR MICK WhLOLE tan 04a FCP VICE RIA CIEE: RE mech RIP PFE re RMSE biLy Pere @k pos TT Sete ATAP ALAI IDOE Phos APT MYT AFLOT LAW 14 AF ANT hiete SOIETE AY, Meni wes thi x7 AM RAFOR Une 7 NARGIS USE Moh Chee joe FADS MT LATA RSH OF BU OSA Gavi AEA ULE 7 OA, WOIKTE T Of Ite han MAA OLS? Lt ACh £97 OAT Tadikaig. dap tg AW Fh@e one WhEoRE 1) REM OLA IO? AFH MS LL Apt MC# BAAE ahhA dA ACO Me TYREE MCI RIK BP LTO YT AOE TH AERA A QA TT FFA Lie MCs 3AG TERT DA ae oTr ha het Mar Keser mice TAKUM AAS TOA Ok Meh art srivc Wee f SALOEP = BY AO ALC on BRT NIRA SOFA? The £5 ‘Pe MCs WOALY AEH AN XT AUP AFe: Puc ANT ye AIK WA AREAT I TZ 947 ASROT (LOE OFCt ACO LU FPuct NATAL 107 eer Aa hed OTIC WT sorns whete fESIC te? oc PLA PAL Abe? oc MLZAT 77 ACh LeOTHT ye OAC So°7 TAR = Reed AT? AAD PIT HATH TD aD fT seca YOU looking AIT DT fare AMIENS OA PY tented saw en AF et Atul Tr Anka PLAOAT Mebe DAL oA MET. NE re KEL UA For sRsite-. BaAy oma mle ietet bart AWE heh AeeAPT oat hoy Movite-s Bled a1 NF PP SOR FLA IN DAN AE rene yo tte (The Ushellef of Jesus! Brothers ‘7 iAter this Jets went about in Galilee. He did not wish® to go about in Judea because the Jows were looking for an opportunity to kill him. #Now the Jowsh festival of Booths” was near. $S0 ‘is brothers sad to him, “Leave here and B © Judes 50 that your disciples aso may soe the works you arc doing, *TbF no ‘one who wants” to be widely known acts fn soeret. If you do these things, show yourself to the work.” #(For not even his ‘brothers believed in him.) “Jesus sald to them, "My time haa not yet come, but your time is always bere. 7The world ‘cannot hate yoo, but it hates me because, [testy against ic that its works are evil 00 10 the festival yoursetves Fam not! ing to this festival, foe my ime has Dot Yet lly come *Afer saying this, be remained in Galilee. Jesus at the Festival of Booths YOBut after his broters had gone to the festival, then he also went, not publicly bot wx it weney im secret. The “Edsyov Ov TWEE ei wea, Ody O06 5 daw av Sati boxe 26 xi Be Radel kai obdEv abr ieqovon. pings eanBide Eyvoay of dn obrdc got 6 Xprotsc; 27 SRI odeov ofsaieynodev donb Xpuatic Guay Epmeay obdeis VG nO0ev gotiv, 28 Expakev obv ev 1G izp BiSdoKov 6 "Ino Kai Myov, Kapé ofdate kai oiSare nO8cV eipi- Kai dn” sane bx sxip00a, 2 For Bepvas ue, ig ob otbure- 39 yo oibu brow, eeaps aro cy Plnsiee ue dexéoteihey. 3 ‘Egjoow ob abrov mécat, cai obbels okey én wv Tbv iy sepa, 6 oO Copa cron al be saa I Etotcuoay cig windy xa am 0 Xprowbs dyav E464 wi wasiova 7 onpela. monjoet Gv obtos EnoINoEV; xo Syov Ae@PTAT heheh dea 32 Hxovoav oi Daptouiot tod byhov PF henOM hchth deem yorritovt0s nepi adtod tabta, Kai “Un fu Wacote PAnEE Lad Gxtotevay of épmepets Kall of Seopeo FREDAY? hie pétas fva maceow witdv. xa Sov sig ya Sueis ob Wah 35 lov obv of Tovdaiot mpd: favroig, Tod bros weiss nopenictat Se ssi oy eophdoucy abtby; pi eis asTopay TOV EAMVaV r opeveadat xai BibGoxely tod, FANVEG; 36 tig Zor 6 ov elnev, Snoy ei i obt05 Znuioeré pe xai josté [he], Kat nT oe Bon é (i , 0 Fs c00 me ee real moet. 38 morcbov cle ue, ‘Kabddg dlaey anor ‘movapol &x fovew BOUTS Ebos 39 wou Be cane opi tO myespstos 5 ayBaver mobo as ig abtOv- ob yup Reha, be iyaode olen sboEeo m hie hae BRYTAY pot AF RMRTYe fu Ot PX Ink AGT Och OFF ehha tt EF PUN® £0 FR PIRC WT Ane Xch OKO M2K-2 37 WIT 24k CANTO: +7 Aft on THe ttm? O9C OLDS EET Lane HS $07 Rae MARY taper APT OTe OA wed 1 Tet Aton TT AAAnNE wren WF hAwERE wee “Where docs this man intend to go that ‘we will not find his? Does he: intend to ‘p10 the Dispersion among the Grecks ‘and teach the Grecia? *What does he smecan by saying, “You will search for me ‘and yoo will not find me” and ‘Where I ‘mp, you eagnot come’?” ‘Rivers of Living Water 370 the last day of the festival, the peat day, whl Jesus was standing there, be cried out, “Let anyone who is thirsty believers in him were to receive; for as ye there was yF because Jeras ot yet I 40 Ex 10d dyho1 ray rton v, O8tés font ime: 41 Gdo Fheyov, See eeeaTs, 2 EE inc © Xpiotdg Epyerar; hp Se ic Lada 1g} einey 511 EK TOO, orcas iB nal dd Boh Keung bnou, sates a bette mao ait abd a ov oby of bmnpérm dipnepeic kai Daprcatovs, xai eitov abtoic éxEivor, Aus tf odK Tiyé 46 axexpinoay oi sanpétat, edalnoev odtag Svdponos, 47 drexpitnoay aby abeats ol * Ganong es 48 pn Tic Bx Mit xl Sues emia rv apyovtav éxiotcur 0 Jy Nowy 20av [oO mp0 é avian, pea gt MS pial more tev avOpwmoy av 41 ax xp map’ aitod Kai ort; 92 gzepitngay kai ef Sate eye Lokahas K Tiig TakAaias mpopims OOK rere HENS ay Ups Kati Exo Tov oiKoV abTOD, adtovc, 6, 8:1 ‘Tnoois de én0; tv EhauBv. 2 Op mah mapeyévero tic 16 iepdv Kai mis 6 ads Fpyeto mpdc adeiv, xal xabious aerKey abtobc, 3 youaw 8 of Youppurtetc Kai ‘ol apioaion yovaixa. kal orjoavees housig KatetAny aitiy Ev péog 4 héyovaw adie, dopH porZeNd| Heopeop wonyenanieve) > Aavib Epyetar d Rpt eto EV Syhep 1 1 MRS Easily bet apis tos ere atOv; vdEénotE acy cic abtov A & ‘Gv @aprouiay; 49 ada 6 dyAo5 odt0s 6 i th yore oo véuoy éxciparol sia, Wake & ov iver OV wv adtip, Mi Kai ob asvnoov Kai Te WOnouv Exatos cig sig 16 Opos Aibioxade, anf yovi eagedca Ex” 5 oq faoric sveteidato tig ie toabeae 2 ody aKosouvTes tay | AOAALY haw AEA APE PUY PR Met Ba) Ah@tt WE HO Riel SAAR fu RCA AO Ais Ad Te HCN Oho IAA LeMA9? “ncn bath me ACT bce IRC Wht AAP RIOT ORE NA API hive @X0AY ACH Ot PT Gam hha @astt ori ADAICHT RIAIE ALT OPA. NG Tr RT Te RASMET s A5SIAPEPOR WT hats OF LEMOS? wat AWLET I= FA ated ON 777 OT hirhtos SteAP HE: NILRY Nem “TH AY ae WE RATTICL The hire ONTAY LN@ FT ATH RTP As F077 Shhiet apa hace $7 ONC Sey KATY ONC TY AT? Pifete py ait cor eo 1m Mahates Shichi AIA OAT FRE OR ACH met fd ROAR BAST RE ACh Aga THN MARCT AF OF Nhe LCRA? hAFOs ERCP nas: hE Lae WIAA WI? LE MAA DALE OPCS AE Mite SI ASIAIAP OF OE Le QINON TH ok ene unt Bhs 2AM ROP OL PLA Lh RMP? Orte OF NC are PP OP ST CFO WIC ARE 5 echorie arnic treet A> Of ACh heen Nehhar REAP? Ahem: Seoruc URE én SUF AD Apornc ++ tf WE 8 See NILMLY Fit NTA er AAT DMT AIM OA x 5 & ‘The Woman Conght bn Adultery dOake av. od ov th Léyexc; 6 tobt0 BE Edeyov newatoviec avt6v, iva Eyoow xarmyopely adtod. 0 BE Moods Kato, mr 1 SaKTHNp KatEYpagEY cic TI Bt empenoy éportoves adtiy, dvéxvyev Kai einev adt0ic, g oe abet dvaudpty sos Spy npn, Ex abv 2 kui nav xataxdyos Eppagev cic mi viv. 9 01 3é axodoavte EEfpyovto Fig xa cig apEGuevor ano tay npeoBurépay eal KatEheti®n wSvos Kai év pécg obo. 10 avaxdyac 8E 6 Inoobc cinev adti, Piven, nod ciaiv; obdeig oe KaTEKpIvEV; 17188 elzev, Odset, mipte. einey dé 6 InGodc, OVE 816 o€ xataxpiva: nopebon, [kai] amd ob voy unk dudprave, 12 lady obv avt0ig ‘tianeev 8 Inoois KEyo, Fys eiqui 1 aig tod rdqHOd- 5 éxOAOVEBY p01 Ob Lh, sea axorig, Gan? Eze td eltov obv adté of apiouior, LY mepi ceuvtod waptopetc: apropia gow ook Eony tanbe. 14, dxexpin Ingode nai clney avtoic, Kav £16 paptps xepi éuavtod, v Anaptupia nov, bn: olSa ad6cv HASov Kai xod dréyor bpsis n60ev Epyoyon at Thy odipxa Kpivere, ove ofBate 14] nod Sdyoo. 15 bpetc ob Kpivn obdéva, 16 Kai dav epive d€ £76, H pions H be otul, manip. 17 wai Ev ta von qereocean Epi dnd éonvy, Ot. povos » éydy wai 6 népyas de tnccépe 1 51 dbo SvOparov ¥ paprpia GlmOric Eorw. 18 éy clu 6 papropv epi éiarvtod Kai méwwac pe mario. pet mepi fy Bayov obv ait, Hod éony 6 xanip ov; decexpiOn frre, 2 Odte tye oidate obte tov autépa Eué fBerte, xai tov natépa ov dv Tadta ta Phpata Ekadnoey Ev 16 yaloqudaxie diddoKev Ev 10 tepd- xa obdeig éxiacey abtdv, 6110 EyAsOeL H Spa ainod. cee 77 PAAUT Atehs sfeLh OAV NOASTR ALT LUT Aiea REO TH PIMA Ale Oe OPEC As ALT THAAD Ont et 1b 77 $5 fie NATE Pmdt PAAGt AAPLT LIE POI MEos SRIET PD Ate OME APLC AL Rhu ORC DP EAT Ahem ASO OPE oe Erce ANTE AIS AIL AFe Sal KE Oho? FO $2 OEE Doha en hs MRT FF Ate hate ac TY nat wi AYE At+ RLF NANEA ORT They sid hist test hi, 20 that fOey might bave some. charge to bring ‘npinat him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger oo the ground. 7Wheo they kept oa questioning him, be seraightened up and s2id to them, “Let ‘pone moog you who is wibout be ‘the (inst to throw a stone at ber." And ‘nce agin he bent down and wrote on Tra tbe prommd.® *Waen they heard it they weat away, one by ove, beginning with the cides; and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesu sraighiened up and sak to bes, “Woman, ‘condemned you?” "She said, “No one, Die? (LERATH TAPFT RATS OO . MACHER: IF CEE AIT OM plipaeny-meneingery ate AME AION RAT RALCR OO ahr OL Ere £16 Dart hire hate ‘Jesus the Light of the Workd T2RTIT Sle WL THAT 12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, anh eee 9 RN ged Sac tne TY? LAT MSD NL ABAT ALO fonows me will never walk ia darkness Atr ttr tad lertel uc wav the ht of a Tes we Re PeHNEATT Pharisces said to him, “You are test FDACHHY NOT KELAP KOE on your owa beball your testimony 8 not ‘MRS ePAA RAF EPH RE AA valid.” Jesus answered, “Even iT tes- 26 FF XM Cente WORF iy 00 ay own boball, my testimony is RRM: OAT ELE Noe ‘ald beeaue T ow where Taare con AOS FNC KOA HO from snd where Tam going, but you TH DOLA NIL SOD OFAP WY pot know where I come from or where I LAL AFOSR 2 SBSH FE am going FYou judge by human stan- SCR FLCANFOL RE ONT doads;t [judge no one. Yet even if Ido he ne RACES el jude, wy jade 8 vai for it isnot WAL 20 1 AIK (17%? ALLAU [alone who judge, but I and the Father’ FS Mb ULE SCS NOM YO bo seat me. Hn your lw it wen erent Ort Ponce that the testimony of two is NE The ae he valid. 1*T testify on my own behalf, and Gf CPOE Re PEt CANE Pat the Father who seat me teallies on my dn NE LePANeA Se MRYTAV?- AA dohall” Thea they said wo bl, “Where FU ORD WT Aleta ALO & your Father?” Jens answered, “You mas RY pe Nae” ho mow aces me por ny Faber yo ow aes ‘would know my a GNIET uo” Fic spake these words vile be £9P 10d Fv. MC KAFO-s DHE Bf MOPED SOFT COTEH OE Ta cert cnc errusd hin, became VG 49221 ane ry Empls ote one erreied hrm because Mercure one napenree bow sad no pe tae ree See hd” LT I Rh RERAL Jesus Foretells His Desth nig cay ieee usmle aaariter TamAP Foe: 2.Agsn he ato them, “Tam going yoo Kui Cytoeté a away, and you will search fot me, but you ihapig buav anodes. Srey iv PANTY MB otra AGT SPST ae fan pl indy Susic op Dowaae eAbeiv. 22 | Aber RMA Mone SAE Te ty te eves Eheyov oBv oi Tovdaior, Mijn droxtevet_ | Rae Nee Tee pang to Eh? I iat what Eavtov, On Mye1, Onov Eye indy bpcic atom Fer aN > £7 oe means by saying, ‘Where Iam going, ob dbvas0i 23 kai Breyev abtoic, | PAA? AIH Ate 2AS7 WAL yoy cantor come” He sald to them, "Ye é¢ raw wito Sore, byd ox tv ven AF" SH oe NE WY SAF ALL "You are tom below, fam tom above ein Susig ex rodrov vob KEoUOD Eve, | Ange MIARY:- MomASF yu a of he nor Ta toto th yO odk clu Ex tod Koapov toOtov. 24 | amswfu RAAFUL AA NIL world *T told you tht you woald dc ia eixov ow vpiv oti dmobaveioOe Ev tis Ie OS ASmLAF Fy MEAAF your sins, for you will ack Jour sine dpaptios bndv: div yop UN MOTELONTE | yg AAFen BRITAU? NEF OTD ales you belive am be."= aero clu anoOavatobe ev cute ‘Or Atte Rnhnrs heeges "They mid to him, “Who are your" quageine bpiv. 25 EAeyov OV adTO, ED Beaker erateork Ve wan 2H sl 10 em, “Why do Tpeak 10 Ee dasy ceoic 6 Tnoote, Tay apy SE ARETE Paw icey Ye MN you at als 1 ve mich to ay about SaKal Hiv; 26 nod Epo rept | REPT EP OE CROL A you and much 10 cee; but the one Suiby hahety wal mpiveny, G."9 REYES Wo Rage ACH E0°1U-FF BAP oc what Tine Hoard fen in? we ddnbig Eon aya Ficoved TOP” | agage AGIEAw NAF@2 AA "They Gif ot undetand that be was eritod mVTG Lah ele TOV KSCHOV. a nag yazan NADMEI speaking to them about the Futber. #50 27 ob tyvagay St tov matépa wbtOIS anew Aas hee? ARE Jesus sak, “Whea you have lifted up the Bdeyev, 28 cine obv [aitoig] 6900s, Ne ne agaatet “Lit Ab AIP Soa of Man, then you will realize chat I “Onav bya tov vidv Tob GvOparov, ‘am hey and that I do nothing on my 2 ‘- A . Ins haber WANTS Amr " tote woosabe 61 76 ei, Kotl re ‘own, but T speak these things ac the {UtOH MOLD OBEY, EAA KOO STC WAR ATK he AOE RIK Pa instrated me. And the one who sbiducey ue 6 nathp Tabta AAG. 29 Kai ARCT MNF? 2 Podaus Oe ene Ae eee Sreuved ie pet thon eon OOK ipiiKEv AEN HAE AC VOT AL LA Stone, for Tatwmye do whet pleasing 1 HOvov, OT EYO Te Gpeord adr NOV TLFAFOD MOTE AACIAMT AAV hin” %As be was saying these things, maytore. 30 Taira abtod hahobvtos FET ARTOIS NAFO-+ * 20 may beloved in him. nolol inio' cic adtov. ASIC PE ARCH here 31 “Eheyev ov Sincove mpdes00; “St nemar ForhD hee T ‘Troe Disciples remorooxdtac air Tovdaions, aN ante there ee 22Thea fens sad to the Jews vo d inte év TH Oyo to End, arch Shei eherypye bad bellowed in him, “If you continue in i yoo Eats 32 Kat Pesky. Kare ACH fem TY woh you om muy my disciples; ArPeuay, cai aac and you will know the truth, and the evaepiooet Oude. 33 Uaexpidnouy npdc FAA MAFOs AICI OA uth ‘wil make you fica” They Fae ect ABpady. Caicy nal odoew| AS! FARCE AC YF ANIET scowerod hn, “We are decades of é Wh AeFPF RAUITE Abraham and have never been slaves to Bedovkzbxapev manote- nae ob héyers | Su EdesOepor yevfiscode; 34 axcxpiOn [Aras NCE FomAFy AVR anyooe. What do you mean by saying adroic 5 sobs, Api diy Xéyo vaiv aaa? nate *You will be made free"™” Su nag 6 nordv rv apaptiay Bob BARS RAY NPAU Gar 2 emus answered thes, "Very truly, T Botw Tic apaptiag 35.6 8 500K0C OD aga ROAR AOFAAU-® BmAX tell you, every who commit sin lea viewer 7 ff obxig els tov alOwa 0 Vis pee.gecy ue MNP AGE fora saw ton The save des oot bev # pévet Eig tov aidva, 36 av obv 6 vi wae nat Sermancat place in the re Yuatg EevBepdap, Sveum eAevBEPOL ANAS 2S LA« MNYTRY $00 basa place there forever, *So if the socode, 37 olda On onépud ABPAGE | ay Ace a.eemiy amet nc So7 Maks you fis, you wil be tee Sore: Dia Cyericé we Ggtocelvan On. A es Ne Steet ow hat Jone éyoc 6 Eye ob pepsi tv Suv. 38 G 6x Hh Renitons, menace oe at you ae cei Eqpaxe nape. 7 natpi Mad Kai ucig UVF ON hewaw- an a fe Obv d HxOboate napit wd arpos MOWTTCINSTE Neos ATTRA Fea CHP 0 EN me, boca Pius Rb ANE IDE Steve De Pls yos foe ay word *1 Gosare ASIC ASHP Roe One mip go tad go oe Fo ine 8FF097 peconton MO = you have hoard from the Father." Ne PE et AB ARE | ' 39 AncxpiOnoay Kui cinay abu, ‘O ars Huo, Abad doe. Aéyer ADT Inoovs, F i ‘rod Apa é Epya tod Afpady Exowite: 40 viv dé. 6¢ ty Fixovau. mapa, 00 Oe0d- Todt ABpad OdK ExONGEV. yteité pe damoxteiven dv) apo out Rehdhnct 41 opeig noweite 1 Epya 108 nar bndv. elnay [ov] avtd, Hpeic ex mopveing ob yeyevviips0a- Eqonev tov Gedy. 42 einey adtoig 6 inooic, Ei 6 Bcd¢ xaThp bpdv Ty randite dv épé, Eye EEAABOV Kai Keo” ObDE yp dn” inavOa, GX” Exetveg ov duva08e dKovet Tov Endy. 44 bpeic éx tod ma SapGnon toed sowie narpic spay te Motel. BkEIVOS dvOpanoxrévos hy ax’ apyiic Kai év tH cig odk EomKev, Ou OK Eat hayden Ev a Ex tov idiov Srarip abwod. 43 eyo dian Azyo, ob moreveré or. 46 tig epi Gpapriag; et oh iets price ren ‘byeis oF moteveré or, 47 6 dv Ex 10d Bsod ta. HUTA TOD eheyyer 08 Gxober Bid ToT Beis OOK. dexobete, Out éx 10d Bc0d odx Eoté. __ 48 AncxpiOnoay of lovdaiot Kai nav abt, 0% TL TOV TAtEl vv, Kai ne pe. 50 eye $8 0 varov ob pi}, Seon tov alawa. 52 eixov [odv] airs oi Tovdaio., Nov éwvaxapev ott Sadviov Exerc, ABpairp dxédavev kai of poopie, Kai od Méyerc, Edy wag tv Hi 0 oo eiGov 80? doyov uav-rmprion, OD i ov kero atv 5 et ae Tea av }otK tintbavev. val Ay pad, iS aiva ccautdy nowic; “Eat 6 nap wou O Bozdtow he, Sv Duis, Eon, 55 Kai obK obey, Eooua. Spows div yebouns: aa lb bby xa vv pe. 56 ABpadp 6 aaThp Y fredhdcaro wa Oy cv utp cv Su, eat elBev Kal oi lovdaior mpo aoe Tic obna Exerc xa einey abroic Thoodc, Api diy oe ew Spout Fiveod ipav obY foods 88 Expé eva narépa £k tod Beod épavtod us Gnéotetdev. 43 st Ty Anat ty éry ob rvdaxers; doyov tov ul tag EmOvpinc tod . Sav hah 0 obo, a yours Eotiy Rat Seco a ov a Siudviw ece 49 Sona ‘Tnoodc, Ey dupsviov od ob Gate Ee 7 Sie ‘uv xal xpivaw. ay dy Nye Sui, v5 2 wv AS yOV TH of mpg int0ayov 4 axexpion Toots, Bay Sr Bodo Suavtoy, H B6Eo Ov xe 61 Ocdc bywoxare abtGv, {8 oida adtOV. Kav cino Sz odK o15a jov abtOd eixov obv [evefixovta Em, Bai évopaxac; 98 (a) eipi. 59 Betheoow Ex” abtév. nea a 5mROeY Ex 205 ipod. a 29nn@re MPT MOC YP we hits REGATTA YP ARE att tNACTTD re ae rte MCs “TIC 7) he? RAMAAL Chet? OTT Tr ICAED-T NO ATIRWS TLD IA Fol MIC NAW ARC? ANsrt TAAH Fe? re FLED Fu- MAFo-s AYA Met DATO ARTE NIE NAP AAD ACH D7 MMfidc to babe ehtOhe Dafoe RmAAACH AUSF nor negates wCT Me hdr DAA OTE mr FAUTE ACO APh AM heh hAcmrse eyed peshtek bh PIES yo? aay Arie dAttte you “RTH DAF Fu HAS tet CEo- PAPE PET AS LCP Panty # ACh heeEese YO TAB MCT ROTTT MRO TA AA AOE ASO s hE? ASIC hed LTIGAt boty th AEF NOP OSs Sh 7) OY 29 trecte ha Uw RSV MHASH OA Sat tLer’s Te? Rett trsic he ASHE AA Pr API? ODT ANAC 10 NMAC FA SAID ASH NATMATAC AE REEVES DALY RINT ABAEoe Saher Aree AIL OW EHR AbD ATA NF sane wa tAr777 Abbe @RhOr ernie NAY AAs Aa 387 fair TIC 1 NE) AinenD ATH ATCT Ahu-s ORE 7 tO) ic hAL AT LAAT PLAC? hae Mert Kort AFAADE 2A? fumt? 256 AMAT THE 20s OREO OR Xa ho? Ros NACI AT Ot Avs BIhe* Nt he te nha F neice tae? ws Fr FHL CaM TIT FRET Abebe AS arnt KATE BE C07 Oye Whe WHE FOE ALS ALS ASHE AWANED Eth Met Wi Shes FuAT Is hy TT hotth neter Ah DOK ASHE eet QUIET AG TD Retin dT hariraue =e tu ACIT 8? FE WE aeUh ARCTEONGT RIP hae Sheek WF NA et FA W NOCIP) AETIAT? hike AF: ROE KOT AATA dos MICK ABORE Re Ne RAFens SDALY AOK? £998 Ried Rein 7 PhmeFor heh SRE OT Denner DAC The Jesus and Abenban {9TThey answered him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, “IE you wore Abraham's chidren, you would be doing? what Abraham did, but now yoo are frying to iil me, 2 man who bas told you the truth that I heard from God, This ‘spot what Abraham did. #'You are in- deed doing what your father doos.” They nad w bim, “We are ot Degtimate clallrea; we have one Father, God him sell” © Jesus said to thean, “If God were your Father, you would love we, for I ‘cams from God and now Iam bere. 1d not come 00 my own, but be scat me. “© Why o you not understand what 1887? tis because you cannot accept my word. “++ You are from your father the devil, and you choose to do your father's desires. He was « murderer from the beginning and does not stand ia the truth, because there ie no truth ia him, When be tes, he speaks socording 10 his own nature, for be fsa linr and the father of Ties. But because I tail the wruth, you do not believe me. “Which of you convicts me of sia? ICT tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is from God bears the words of God. The reason you o not hear them is thst you are not from God.” “48 The Jews answered bim, “Are we ‘bot ght in saying that you are a ‘Samaritan and have 2 demon?” #Jesut answered, “Ido not have a demon; but 1 honor my Father, and you dishonor me. Yet I do not seek my own glory, there is one who socks it and be & the joxge. Very truly, I tell you, whoever keeps amy word wil never se death” The ‘Jews said to him, “Now we know shat you Ihave a demon. Abrahem died, and 20 di the prophets; yet you say, “Whoever eops my word will never taste death” Are you greater than our father ‘Abcaham, who dicd? The prophets also ‘ied. Who do you claim to be?” #Seaus auswored, “IE I glorify myself, my glory is ‘nothing. [ts my Father who glorifies me, be of wham you say, ‘He i our God,’ ‘though you do not Know him. But T sxnow hi; if T would say that 1 do not ‘know him, I would be ater like you. But T do know him aod 1 keep bis word. Your ancostor Abraham: rejoiced that be would see my day; be saw it aod was ‘Bad.” *"Thea the Jews seid to him, “You are not yet {ity years ol, wad have you seen Abrabamn?"t Jesus sald to them, “Very truly, I tell you, before Abraham ‘was, Iam” #50 they picked up stones 10 throw at bim, byt Jesus hid himself and ‘went out of tbe teanple. 9:1 Kai napéyov elev iivOpanov wphav Ex yEveriic. 2 Kai ipotmoay atdv of paOngat adtod Azyovtec, PaBBi, is 3 dacepion Inoove, i S anexpion Inoodc, tic faptev, obtos 7 of aypessae ate ancy nen axito8, 622° iva pavepwOf] ta Epya Tob Oeod év ants. 4 hyidic Set epydeodan ti Epya. tod népyavtdc pe Eas Hpépa Eotiv- Epyeran vOE Ste obdelc ovata Epyaleodai. 5 Srav év 16 Kdope d, ods efit to xoouov. 6 taieu cindy Eeevoey yauai xai Exoinoey mov Ex 105 TErboparos Kul Exé Q TART Tee Ec O@c TIE? Ae hte Akt mre cer ruc UEt BU Re 0-C UT NEAL Part fog TF wr? ACH OFA Or ET Ane ated shite A Mie MAA TATA Po OhCle RATT Yor RIA Perens ACA OF GAKE SmAt har oP e 497 AA PANSY oe ARCT RUA OTH Awe. TEE ANT RAF Fema s S090 Adv: Ay TCT? Pie $£y? fir Of wet NAS A CAP BS ‘A Mina Bara Blind Receives Sight 9°45 be waled along he saw + man ‘blind from birth. 2His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parva, that he was born bind?” *esus ‘asewered, “Neither this mm oor his siapedk; be wat born biind 50 that ‘God's works might be revealed in him, “Wer most work the works of him who seat me* while iis day; night i coming ‘when mo one can work. 5A3 long aa I am in the world, I am the light of the work.” ‘When be hed said this, be spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva 7a ea one bpdldabe Peet coy pov Emi tobe dobahnors 7 Kal ¢ ARCH OPPO COL7 SETE and spread the mut on the man’s Es, Et tote Oona. nov al 103 Sao syeneeta hora F0R1- TLRS DANE eomeeee ‘aying to him, “Go, wash in the pool of As WABev ov Kai Pal AAw1 FCAeL@ th Siloam" (which means Seat). Thea be aviyato Kai H) én. 8 Oi ody orn Any ZR Fm Apter vent and washod and came back able 1 ema VE CRTEP Peer tL ee “The ccigton sad two whe Me eon him before a6 a beggar began to Fee NEEAS TY hike ths 1s this nt the man who wed to al ‘and beg?™ *Some were saying, “It is be.” 9 i ORR ACM Atel AEF Ousers wore saying, “No, but tt is some- Bdeyov, Ody, Wi Spows ait tot. ALLA ACH BONAR AIK enn bin He bept eying, “Lam the éxetvog Sa Eye clit. 10 Eheyov ied ACOH OAR FF AAS man” But they kept asking him, “Then oby abt, [ac [obv] yveoxOnody cov of wages SET FY NIKE TH how were your eyes opened?” YHe SpBaApoi; 11 dtexpiOn éxetvos, ‘O_ GET Ricks PACH SANE AE anmwered, “The man called Jesus made GeOpannes 9 ieronevog Inaods mov fh PRAMAS he BF NEC mud, spread it on my eyes, and said to colnsev Kiri EMeypLsEV WOU TODS ARTE? F951 OL AAU? em me, ‘Go to Siloam and wash’ Thea T Ww kai eizév pot Or “Yruye cig ee gay da RANL FR pep Wout aod washed mnd roocived my sight” tov. obv.kul Te neu RAS tp Ae aap} They sad to him, “Where i be?” He yeltovec kai of Oswpotivegs abtov 15. xpotepov 511 mpoaaimne tv Ekeyov, Ody obt6s éoxw 6 KuBhwEvos Kai mpoouLtGV; 9 Gor Eheyov du. Odt5s Eorw, GAOL ‘wyduevocs aveBheyar, 12 Kai cima abt, 7 7 Tasers Sesoet ua, Ove oa. 70. set hicks MePr has ssid “Ido not know: 15" Area aby Ap 05 12QLY Gee FILET AO OR The Pharisees Investigate the Healing © ious tov note twprdv. 14 Hy 5é LLAOTY whe MALONE PH — 13 They brought to the Pharisees the abpparov ev A hepa vov mov RECH YETRY UHL $7 (107 saan who had formerly been blind, “Now éxomgcy 6 Ingo xu ave co8 15 nda obv Hpotov 5 abtQv rai of Oapisaiot aac 4 Wigs SAMY 2cA@sy RAP _ Rt MAR NR W mete ACHP BH MEAE NTL Hem 1k was a sabbath day whea Jesus made the mud and openod his eyes. Thea the Pharisees alo bopan to ask him bow be 8é cinev abtoic, [Inoy EnéOnxev ov éxi saver Apa” AAFeT = hdc bad received tis Heh. He sid to tn rove dpbahpodc, Kai Evpdpry Kat OS NAB pu hee fyq “He puted on my oes. Then I washed, Bréno. 16 Edzyov bv Ex TOV Dapiowioy 45 ASAT _TNMLALAC tow Ts<0” *Some of the Phations ‘avec, Odk Eotwv obtoc aps BEOU d RERAR hive Ate Thm Denn This man i ot from Got fr be Gvoponoe, bn 1 adfpurov ob mpel. NN Sr ee anak ap Oot Bot obser tbe sabbath” But G@J.01 [Be] Ekeyov, Nac Suvarar ae erties sid “How can a man who 5 0 GuOponoc awaprakds fovea ow Ama nth wae sinner perform soch signs?” And they oui; Kai gyioya Ty év aibtoic, "as ILYT" were divided. *7Sa they said again wo the Reyoust oor TOG may, Tod ERT Oered NPP 4eFV) pling man “What do yon say abou hin? st08, dv cov tobc TE AA Role 77 MAU? LTP was your oyes be openei\” He seid, ee mipk ave Meinobes 8 Bs caus be powttns ee ache ACHE MLE to AAs “Ho's a prophet.” ovaatl® Ox Beta eEYIGy ow oi Tovdaior xepi atdtod Sui Hy Tuphdc Kai dveBheyev fae Stop Egavmeey obs yoveic aivtod 109 ava hs 19 kai Npomaav aitovs Azyovtec, Odes< éotw vids DuGv, bv duets Déyete Ori rhohos Erevetin; mis obv Bhénes dpe 20 GxexptOnoay oty ot yoveig abt08 Kat AM iO cape abn ny kai 611 Tug) ye Uhr inner ouw Sone f de voter ato tobg dobaAUOds Huicis ob oWaue abso épuricate, Mrxiav Ge, wbrds nepi éavtou haAfioet. 22 taba sinay oi yoveic aitod dt égoBodvt0 ToOc ‘Tovdatovg: Sn yap ovvetéBewto oi Tovbuiot fu dav ms abtov ouooyy ry pistov, anoovvidynyog yévntan. 2 sotto of yoveis ubtod etxav Out Hkixiay dyer, abtov éxeparigare. sau eh enevnOWY oly tv GyOpoov Ex utépov dc Hv Tophdc Kai elnav abré, Adc d6Eav 1 Oc): Héig oldapev Ga. gbtoc § v)panos auaptwnc Som. 25 dxexpiOn oby éxetvoc, Ei quapiohsc gonv oie oida: Gy oldabu tuphdc Sv Gpn Brénw. 26 cinov ovv adr, Tt snoinaty Got; nc HvorkEV Gon To} S@8arpode; 37 aatzxpiOn adtoic, Eizov ‘ni Fidn Kai odk Kovoate: ti nahav here aKovelv; pi Kal dcic Oéhete god | paSntai yevéodar; 28 Kal eho adtov Kai ginov, EO Keo ei Excivou, tyisis BE 100 labotas topev waOntat: 29 Aust oidapev 61 Matiock hehddnxev 6 Bebe, i oiSapev 260g Eoriv. 3 Gaxexpi0n 6 avOpanos Kai cinev adtoic, Ev to0t@ yap 1 Oavpaotov Eoww, StL ‘psig odk oldate n6BEv Eotiy, Kal fivoutev Tove SpOahpovc, 31 oldapsy St: lnpeoiie 8 0eog i Gobet, GIA. dy nic Oeoospiic f kui 1 O&Anua adtod nor tovtoU dKovel. 32 EK Tod aidvos obK nl Heovobr bu Hivenkév nc SoOaALODG __MAMAC? PELL KARTE MIS hod yeyevnpévov- 33 si wi Hy odtoS apa beo0. oon 1Spvato noreiv obdév. 34 GnexpiOnouy xai einav air, EV Guaptiars ob éyewwnOne SAoc Kai od Bibdoxeic fyde: xul 82¢aov abtov Eo. IBALOE MST Pant OAK Aahn& Kh VOC NIL VL 2I ART DAAC AAS ERICH YR. ASHE 600 UT FORE PF Fed AED fu 77 AEP ADD DORE SPAT AAO meh Fos markt eania:- gy AIP? MR Wn doce ve IR FOAL ACOPATL HAG TD ROT ILD RIA ASOPEs OLE oe 9H TER hat NF Ae PP meat AC me ho YerE ACH AA Gi ESIC Aire BONE AER hh 2% E7 Ate EACH: DCAD 10 ‘te Lee hc OSC hrwed MASomr AEOR WLU 04% TTP CFs ANAND CALE: ome ne yet meat hive 2ADALY $@-C THIcE hex wr AF acto: NMAC? Nh ACL LU hem DaAtE oust NE Meee habe BRC mat mat aut Me FE bare IR WCU RI ND AE. £4 ROR TIC NOPAD haw BEImOT: FY RECIBV?NIE. Ph Sef het? Aire ZAC OP mah: Ne ICH DART On 77 ATT Arne POMEe? ATH Le Rb merck ATT TOMATETT Mikes =tAchor: AT Th Ch £4 mere We AE TH tomt, St meet HT BATUNMIAL mad IR HTIde MF ATF Att £0 he Tr hort NIE TD MaPr hits mete oan NAVY AAF@-:- NOST NIE TP Mitt Metes%o fy £7 NC ert AG 7 SET ET hits NT £07 OSC $77 NUAAAC LAT “Pa WK PmAITED NAAT ATOPATs Roe UT trenTe-> EAE TIP WIR hast GAT Behe, ad EPC ATIF 2 Eu tor UATLMUAC O67 PIT ASRCT AAFar Mice Memane- ht BATU DSmAt Feat t AT TP ONPY ARECCAUT? Mate OR OEP heats 18The Jews did not believe that be had been bind and bad received bis sight ‘until they celled the patcats of the man ‘who bad received his sight "and asked them, “s this your $00, who you sry was ‘barn blind? How tbea does be now sec?" Hs pareats answered, “We know tbat this is our son, and that be was bora bling; ut we do mot know how it that tow Te sees, mor do we know who ‘opened his eyes. Ask hic; be 6 of age ‘He will speak for himsclt.” * Fis parents ssid this bocause they were aliaid of the Yowss for the: Jews bad already. agrood that anyooe who confessed Jesus! to be the Messiah woul! be pet out of the syuagogue. > Therefore his pareats stid, “Hho i of age; osk hits” 24Sa for the second time they called the man who had been blind, and wcy said to him, “Give glory 10 God! We ‘know that this man is a sinacr.” He answered, “T do not know whcther he it 4 sinner. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I sca” They said to him, “What did be do to you? How did be open your eyes?” #7He ‘aaswered them, “I have told yo aiready, ‘and you would not listen. Why do you ‘want 10 beat it again? Do you aiso.want to become bis disciples?” * Then they rested him, saying, “You are his dsciple, but we are distiples of Moses. >We ‘know that God has spoken to Moses, but ‘8 for this man, we do aot know where tbe comes from.” *The man answered, “Here is an astonishing thing! You do ‘ot know where be comes from, and yet Ihe opened my eyes, 4 We know that God does not listen to simners, but be does {isten to oe who worships him and obeys bis wil *!Nover since the world bogan ‘as it been beard that anyode opeaed the ‘eyes of» person born blibd. 291 this man ‘were pot from God, be could do m0- thing” * They answered him, “You were born catiely in sins, and are you trying to teach us?” And they drove him out.

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