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Beirut explosion: Angry down" - Eyewitnesses describe Port General Manager Hassan

residents demand answers the power of the explosion Koraytem told OTV they had
after blast been aware that the material
Chadia Elmeouchi Noun, a was dangerous when a court
 1 hour ago Beirut resident currently in first ordered it stored in the
hospital, said: "I've known all warehouse, "but not to this
the time that we are led by degree".

incompetent people,
incompetent government [...] Media captionRami Ruhayem
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But I tell you something - what has been to Gemmayze, the

they have done now is closest residential area to the
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absolutely criminal." port

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 On Wednesday, the House arrest would apply for
 Share this with Email government announced that a all port officials "who have
 number of Beirut port officials handled the affairs of storing
were placed under house arrest [the] ammonium nitrate,
pending an investigation into guarding it and handling its
 Share the explosion. paperwork" since June 2014,
according to Information
Related Topics The country's Supreme Minister Manal Abdel Samad.
Defence Council insisted that
 Beirut port explosion those found responsible would The ammonium nitrate arrived
face the "maximum on a Moldovan-flagged ship,
Media captionPeople in Beirut punishment". the Rhosus, which entered
help clear the streets after Beirut port after suffering
deadly explosion Meanwhile, Amnesty technical problems during its
International and Human voyage from Georgia to
People in Beirut have Rights Watch have called for Mozambique, according to
expressed anger at the an independent investigation, which deals
government over what they say into the blast. In a statement, with shipping-related legal
was negligence that led to HRW said it had "serious cases.
Tuesday's huge explosion. concerns about the ability of
the Lebanese judiciary to The Rhosus was inspected,
President Michel Aoun said the conduct a credible and banned from leaving and was
blast was caused by 2,750 transparent investigation on its shortly afterwards abandoned
tonnes of ammonium nitrate own". by its owners, sparking several
stored unsafely in a warehouse. legal claims. Its cargo was
What triggered the stored in a port warehouse for
explosion? safety reasons, the report said.
Many have accused the
authorities of corruption,
neglect and mismanagement. The ammonium nitrate - which More on the explosion in
is used as a fertiliser in Beirut
The blast killed at least 135 agriculture and as an explosive
people and injured more than - had reportedly been in a  IN PICTURES: Chaos
4,000 others. A two-week state warehouse in Beirut port for and destruction
of emergency has begun. six years after it was unloaded  AMMONIUM
from a ship impounded in NITRATE: What is
2013. it? How dangerous is
"Beirut is crying, Beirut is
screaming, people are it?
hysterical and people are The head of Beirut port and the  Q&A: What we know
tired," filmmaker Jude Chehab head of the customs authority  THE CONTEXT:
told the BBC, calling for the both told local media that they Why Lebanon is in
people responsible to face had written to the judiciary crisis
justice. several times asking that the
chemical be exported or sold What is the latest on rescue
on to ensure port safety. efforts?
Media caption"Now I'm
shaking, all the way from up to
Security forces have sealed off Image copyright Reuters come. The future of the port
a wide area around the blast itself is in doubt due to the
site, and rescuers have been  Common industrial destruction caused.
looking for bodies and chemical used mainly
survivors under rubble while as fertiliser in President Aoun announced that
boats searched the waters off agriculture the government would release
the coast. Dozens of people are  Also one of the main 100 billion lira (£50.5m;
still missing. components in $66m) of emergency funds but
explosives used in the impact of the blast on the
Public Health Minister Hamad mining economy is expected to be
Hassan said Lebanon's health  Not explosive on its long-lasting.
sector was short of beds and own, ignites only
lacked the equipment under the right The explosion happened close
necessary to treat the injured circumstances to the scene of a huge car
and care for patients in critical  When it explodes, it bombing which killed former
condition. can release toxic Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in
gases including 2005. A verdict in the trial of
As many as 300,000 people nitrogen oxides and four men accused of
have been left homeless by the ammonia gas orchestrating the attack was
blast, Beirut's governor  Strict rules on how to due on Friday at a special court
Marwan Aboud said. store it safely: site has in the Netherlands, but this has
to be fire-proofed, and been postponed until 18
Image copyright Reuters Image not have any drains, August out of respect for the
caption The explosion pipes or other victims of Tuesday's blast
destroyed the surrounding area channels in which
ammonium nitrate
He told the BBC: "Beirut needs could build up
food, Beirut needs clothes,
houses, materials to rebuild What's the background?
houses. Beirut needs a place
for the refugees, for its The explosion comes at a
people." sensitive time for Lebanon.
With Covid-19 infections on
A number of countries have the rise, hospitals were already
offered humanitarian struggling to cope. Now, they
assistance. Three French planes are faced with treating
are due to arrive carrying 55 thousands of injured people.
rescuers, medical equipment
and a mobile clinic equipped to Image copyright EPA Image
treat 500 people. caption The blast shattered
windows miles away
On Thursday President
Emmanuel Macron will The country is also going
become the first world leader through the worst economic
to visit the country, a former crisis since the 1975-1990 civil
colony of France, since the war, and tensions were already
tragedy. high with street demonstrations
against the government. People
The EU, Russia, Tunisia, have to deal with daily power
Turkey, Iran and Qatar are all cuts, a lack of safe drinking
sending relief supplies. The water and limited public
UK is also ready to send healthcare.
medical experts and
humanitarian aid, Foreign Lebanon imports most of its
Secretary Dominic Raab said. food and large quantities of
grain stored in the port have
Ammonium nitrate been destroyed causing fears of
widespread food insecurity to
suspected to have begun 
Coronaviru with failures in the hotel
Why did the virus
re-emerge in
quarantine of travellers
s: Why is arriving from overseas.

Melbourne About three weeks ago,

The outbreak has spread a
little, with small clusters
the nation's second-largest
seeing more city embarked on a new
identified in Sydney in
neighbouring New South
six-week lockdown.
cases? Wales, and a handful of
infections recorded in
But halfway through, Queensland.
By Frances Mao BBC hundreds of cases are still
News, Sydney emerging each day in the In Victoria, the biggest
state of Victoria. problems have emerged
 31 July 2020 Thursday and Friday saw in certain settings: aged
the worst rises yet - 723 care homes, meat
 and 627 respectively. factories, schools and
public housing estates.
 Share this with The numbers are higher
than those health officials
had modelled for this
Victoria's daily

 Share this with deep into the lockdown. case increase
 So why isn't it working Lockdown began 9 July
 Share this with more effectively? The full
Twitter picture isn't clear - but Source: Victorian
 here's what we know so Government
 Share this with Email far.
 Often the people infected
What does have been those who can't
 Share work from home.
Image copyright EPA situation look The outbreak also appears
Image caption Melbourne to be being driven by
residents must wear a like? people who might be in
mask and can only leave insecure work or working
their homes for essential The second wave is multiple jobs, as well as
reasons centred in Victoria, with from family groups and
most of the cases reported care facilities, virologists
For the first few months in the state capital, say.
of the pandemic, Melbourne. More than
9,000 cases were
Australia appeared to
confirmed in the state in
Are people
have successfully
clamped down on Covid- July - about half of breaking the
Australia's total since the
pandemic began.
But since June, an Victoria's government has
outbreak in Melbourne warned that many people
has exploded. It is
are doing the wrong thing The latest record numbers There are also questions
- such as going to work mostly represent people about the rate of the
while sick. who caught the virus government's response.
about a week ago, when Australia has deployed
"Together with lockdown was well under thousands more medical
community transmission, way. This takes into staff to identified hotspots
that is what makes cases account the timeline - is it helping? Is the
grow and grow," said between feeling tracing of infected
Premier Daniel Andrews. symptoms, going for people's contacts
testing and receiving happening quickly
Last week, he revealed results. enough, as the state
more than half of newly government insists it is?
infected people had not But overall it's hard to
self-isolated while quantify the impact, So what
waiting 48 hours for their experts say, when other
test result. Nine out of 10 assumed drivers of happens now?
also failed to immediately transmission aren't being
get tested after feeling measured publicly. Following an emergency
symptoms. meeting, authorities will
Experts say it's clear that now review all their
Image copyright Getty transmission from lockdown case data to get
Images Image caption asymptomatic people is "clarity on what's
Authorities say they are happening, but the extent happening with this virus
finding people who are of it is unknown. right now".
breaking the rules
Image copyright EPA "That careful, considered
Online there have also Image caption The work will happen today
been instances of people government has not and tomorrow and then
flouting lockdown rules, revealed the full details of we will have more to
claiming it breaches their case trends say," Mr Andrews said on
human rights. They have Friday. "My exclusive
drawn sharp rebukes from The continued high focus is on beating this
authorities. numbers also suggest the thing - this wicked, silent
virus was embedded in enemy."
Mr Andrews also the community earlier
acknowledged that in than first thought. But due Most experts say that an
many cases, people were to a lack of public extension of Melbourne's
breaking rules because information no lockdown is likely. Based
they felt they couldn't conclusions can be drawn on what the review finds,
afford to take medical yet, says Prof John it's widely speculated that
leave. He has since re- Mathews, from the tougher restrictions could
emphasised there is a University of Melbourne. be brought in.
pandemic leave payment
for those who need it. "There needs to be more Melbourne only made it
transparency. We really mandatory to wear masks
But is there don't know what data is a week ago - meaning any
being collected, and how positive effect from them
enough data? well it supports the is likely yet to be seen in
current policies," he said. the infection numbers.
A decline in cases over
more than a week will be
needed to indicate the
situation is improving,
experts say.

Although case numbers

remain high, Prof Bruce
Thompson from
Swinburne University
said it was encouraging
that the reproduction rate
had stabilised. Now, on
average, an infected
person is transmitting the
virus to only one other

"For the past few days, it

has been less than one,
which provides
significant hope," he said.

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