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Activity 1: Essay

Write one paragraph essay about the best contribution of a Louisian student/youth in our
society today. Provide concrete situations and realistic scenarios. Please be guided with the
rubrics which can be found on your course guide.

To be identified as a Louisian is both an an honor and responsibility for it is a great

opportunity to serve and help. I think the best contribution of a Louisian in our society are their
compassion for the people on need ad their sense of belongingness. The eagerness in their heart
to help other people is ceaseless and uncontrollable, I could say this because I have witnessed it.
A lot of Louisians are privileged and this is most of the reason why they are helping, they want
to share the blessings they even in a small act of kindness, also their willingness to help not
because they are required to, but because they really want to is truly amazing. A Louisian is also
not afraid to speak for the truth and oppressed, using their voice and platforms to help and to
fight for the rights of everyone and certainly not afraid to criticize if there is possibly wrong. I
could say that I am proud to be one of the Louisians because I learned a lot of things especially
to spread good deeds without expecting something in return.

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