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juego simbólico, ‘juegan a ser’

It’s unclear exactly why the costumed kids worked harder, but one possible explanation was that
the kids identified with the character’s traits and tried to imitate those special skills and powers,
resulting in more perseverance in handling the assignment. In other words, if kids wear a
costume long enough, they might start believing they can do anything they set their minds to.
Not a bad result for the extra time it takes to keep that cape clean.

Do your kids love to dress up in costumes all the time? Share your thoughts on the study in
the comments.

pretend play actually benefits kids

a lot of developmental benefits from playing dress-up.

Some of those benefits include imagination, empathy, and emotional development.

fun and safe way to find out what it's like to be someone or something else. Imaginary playtime allows
children of all ages, especially younger ones, to learn about life. It gives them the chance to learn about
other ways of functioning and thinking than they would normally behave and think."

really great for their emotional and social development. Better yet — the benefits are long lasting.

one of the best things kids can do to learn some of life's greatest skills like empathy, negotiating, and

"Trying on other mindsets and character traits lets the pretender experience feelings that they might
not experience otherwise,"

"Inhibitions disappear when you're being someone else. That leads to new behaviors and insights which
can be helpful for the rest of the pretender's life."
A recent study revealed that kids who dress up in costumes work harder and concentrate more on

telling your child to pretend to be a hardworking character could increase her ability to persevere.
“The Batman Effect”

Society for Research in Child Development

One of my favourite play toys from my childhood was The Tickle Trunk. It was an old trunk full of old
costumes, clothes and accessories that we could play dress-up with.

Their research found that pretend play helps children with skills such as flexible thinking by teaching
them to "adjust to the unexpected and thinking about things in multiple ways." Pretend play also helps
children with their working memory so they can "hold information in mind and work with it," as well as
impulse control by helping them ignore distractions and controlling urges.

enjoyed dressing up in costumes and engaging in dramatic roleplaying.

1. Brain Building: memory.

2. Vocabulary Building: a chance to expand their vocabularies with words and phrases
that they might have heard in stories, but wouldn’t ordinarily use.

3. Problem-Solving: when deciding on what costumes elements and props each

character needs to act out a scenario.

4. Empathy: it helps her see the world through another’s eyes

5. Emotional Development: allowing children to act out their fears through dress-up,
which helps them make sense of the world, and overcome their feelings of

6. Motor Skills: whether they are jumping like a superhero, running like a baseball
player, or twirling like a ballerina. putting on dress-up clothes.
7. Imitation: children explore the lives of other people by imitating their actions,
feelings and words.

8. Socialization: cooperation and taking turns. Children learn how to negotiate as they
agree on stories and rules. They develop interest in others and learn how to give-

9. Imagination: imaginative play in early childhood is the key to creative thinking

during the adult years.

Saludos a todos!

Quién no recuerda haberse disfrazado de pequeño y vemos repetir la misma historia con
nuestros hijos. Por eso, nuestro #temainteresante de hoy ahonda en todos los beneficios que
esto significa para el desarrollo de los niños.

Los especialistas han hablado por años de cómo el juego simbólico representa un hito
importante en el crecimiento de los pequeños, ya que les ayuda a aprender habilidades que
de otra forma sería más difícil.

Algunos de los beneficios que podemos enumerar son el desarrollo de empatía, la

creatividad, imaginación, memoria, concentración, perseverancia y negociación. Asimismo,
mejora su motricidad, aprenden palabras nuevas y les incita a trabajar en la solución de

De igual forma, no hay duda de que es una excelente excusa para probar dotes histriónicos
y divertirse por horas imaginando nuevos mundos y representando sus historias favoritas,
representa un universo de posibilidades que les invita a explorar situaciones que en la vida
real tal vez no podrían.

A tus hijos les encanta disfrazarse todo el tiempo? Comparte tu experiencia en los

Redtri, Society for Research in Child Development, Romper, Bella Luna Toys Blog.

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