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BR01 BR02 BR03 BR04 BR05 to

Balanced Joy Success in Business for a Safe Journey for Dynamic Power Promote Easy Birth

BR06 Perseverance, BR07 BR08 to Provide BR09 to BR10 for

Everlastingness Farsightedness Energy for Success Gain Inspiration the Gift of Joy

BR11 to Encourage BR12 to Boost BR14 for Success BR15 to Promote BR16 to Promote
Good Luck Self-confidence in Legal Action Love  Man for Woman Love Woman for Man

BR17 BR18 for Realization BR19 Binding Power, BR20 for Personal BR21 Quick Results,
for Mind  Power of Ambition Personal Magnetism Protective Power Rapid Action

BR22 to Provide BR23 Ready Power BR24 for Fertility BR25 to Enable BR26 Personal wealth
Divine Energy for instant deployment and Growth Sexual Love & financial security

BR27 Success in BR28 BR29 BR30 Discovery of BR31To Promote

Speaking & Writing to Secure Justice Academic Brilliance Hidden Knowledge Creativity

BR32 Help Giving BR33 Return Ill-Will BR34 Personal BR35 for Peace, BR36 for Success
Up Bad Habits to the Originator Good Health Tranquillity & Unity in Risk-taking

BR37 for a Lasting BR38 to promote BR39 to promote BR40 to promote BR41 to encourage
Partnership   Endurance Discipline Emotional Strength Eternal Love

BR42 to promote BR43 to enhance BR44 for a happy BR45 to promote BR46 to promote
Determination  Athletic Performance family & marriage assertiveness medical healing

BR47 protection BR48 to encourage  BR49 Protection of 

against evil magic a financial windfall Home & Property

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