Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map (CIDAM) : Semester: 1

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Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map (CIDAM)

Grade: 11 Semester: 1ST Date period: July 8 to August 9, 2019

Subject: Earth and Life Science No. of Hours: 19 hours

Course Description: This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of Earth Science and Biology. It presents the history of the Earth through geologic time. It
discusses the Earth’s structure, composition, and processes. Issues, concerns, and problems pertaining to natural hazards are also included. It also deals with the basic principles and processes in
the study of biology. It covers life processes and interactions at the cellular, organism, population, and ecosystem levels.
Culminating Performance Standard: At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to recognize the different Earth materials and processes.

Semester : 1st
Content/ Content Performance Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skills to Assess Highest Enabling
Topic/Title Standard Standard (K- Knowledge; U-Understanding: D-Doing) (HTSA) Strategy to be used in Resources
Developing HTSA
KUD KUD Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching Curriculum
Classification Classification
MINIMUM Minimum Beyond RBT LEVEL General Strategy Guide CODE
Minimum Strategy
II. Earth Materials and The learners The learner shall The learners; The learners;
Processes demonstrate be able to:
a. Minerals and understanding of:
b. Exogenic 1. the three main recognize the Identify K Give examples of U Remembering Identificatio Summative Oral Individual task Oral S11/12ES
processes categories of different Earth common rock common n assessment recitation recitation -Ia-9
c. Endogenic rocks; materials and forming categories of
processes 2. the origin and processes. minerals rocks found in the
d. Deformation of environment surroundings
the Crust of formation of Individual task Discussion S11/12ES
e. History of the common Classify rocks K Compare and U Analyzing -Ia-10
Earth minerals and into igneous, contrast the Concept
rocks; sedimentary, formation of Map
3. geologic and igneous,
processes that metamorphic sedimentary, and
occur on the metamorphic
surface of the according to their
Earth such as physical and
weathering, chemical
erosion, mass properties
wasting, and
sedimentation; Identify the Describe how U Understanding Brainstorming Oral S11/12ES
4. geologic types of rocks undergo Identificatio recitation -Ib-11-12
processes that weathering weathering n
occur within
the Earth;
5. the folding and Illustrate on U Make a report on D Applying Reporting Group Task Discussion S11/12ES
faulting of how rocks and how rocks and -Ib-13
rocks, and; soil move soil move Quiz
6. plate tectonics downslope downslope due to
7. how the planet the direct action of
Earth evolved gravity
in the last 4.6 Oral Think Pair Oral S11/12ES
billion years Identify the K Describe where U Analyzing recitation Share Recitation -Ib-14
(including the factors where the Earth’s
age of the the Earth’s internal heat Essay
Earth, major internal heat came from
geologic time comes from
subdivisions, S11/12ES
and marker Identify Describe how U Analyzing Individual Discussion -Ic-15
fossils). plutonism and K magma is formed Task

Identify the Describe what U Understanding Individual Discussion S11/12ES

types of stress K happens after the Task -Ic-16-17
that influence magma is formed Identificatio
rock behavior n

K Differentiate how D Applying Oral Brainstorming Oral S11/12ES

rocks behave recitation recitation -Ic-19
under different
types of stress Graphic
(compressional, Organizer
shearing, and
confining) using
graphic organizer

Recognize the K Explain and cite U Analyzing Oral S11/12ES

theory of plate an evidence that recitation -Id-20
tectonics support
continental drift

identify the K explain how the U Understanding

different plate movement of S11/12ES
boundaries plates leads to the -Id-21
formation of folds Essay
and faults
recognize the K explain how the U S11/12ES
theory of seafloor spreads Analyzing -Id-22

identify the K describe the U S11/12ES

structure and structure and Analyzing -Id-23
evolution of evolution of ocean
ocean basins basins using a Concept
concept map. Map

identify the K describe how U S11/12ES

rock layers of rocks Understanding -Id-24
stratification (stratified rocks)
are formed

describe the K compute the D

different sample problem Computation S11/12ES
methods involving relative -Id-25
(relative and dating to
absolute determine the age
dating) to of stratified rocks
determine the
age of
stratified rocks
Performance Task
“A Helping Hand to the Community”
After a sudden heavy rainfall, the city nearest your municipality experienced a flash flood which swept across numerous houses and establishments. Knowing that the city has its own effective
drainage system, the people are now baffled. It is now the responsibility of the government and media to inform the public as to how this happened to the city. You can either be a TV host, a
journalist, or an environmentalist.

a. TV Host – You will have to make a video presentation on how to reduce the effects of climate change. (A 3 – 5 minutes video on how to reduce the effects of climate change.)
b. Journalist – You will write an essay which explains the effects of climate change and how to reduce it as well. (Hand-written 500-word essay about the effects of climate change and how to
reduce it.)
c. Environmentalist – You will conduct a half-day seminar among your fellow students. The subject will be about climate change and preventive measures of its effects. (If there are more than
10 students who will choose this option, they can opt to collaborate with each other to conduct the seminar but must present their work individually.)

The public expects you to have a content-related, accurate, organized, and relevant output.

Content Shows a full understanding of the topic. Shows a good understanding of Shows a good understanding Does not seem to understand
the topic. of parts of the topic. the topic very well.
The information given is thorough and The information given contains The information given is The information given is
Accuracy additional relevant information was also correct information. correct but lacks some incorrect.
given. important
Organization Data given is carefully arranged in a logical Data given is well-arranged. Data is arranged but lacks Data given is missarranged.
manner. proper flow.
The output is highly imaginative and The output is imaginative and The output is weak in The output fails to garner
Creativity garnered a high degree of interest. garnered a moderate degree of convincing and garnered a interest.
interest. low degree of interest.

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