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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division OfficeI Pangasinan

Diagnostic Test
I.Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheets.
1.We can grow fruits trees by planting their______.
a.seeds b.leaves c.fruits d. roots
2.The best type of soil for growing fruit trees is_______.
a.rocky soil b.clay soil c.sandy soil d.loamy soil
3.Thepico mango gets its name from the name of a/an______.
a.plant b.bird c.animal d. place
4.The most popular type of mango that we export is the______.
a. carabao mango b.pico mango c. Indian mangod.all of these
5.The_____variety of bananas is the smallest type.
a.latundan b.seniorita c.;acatan d.Cavendish
6.Fruit trees must be planted about_____apart from each other.
a.8 to 10 feet b.8 to 10 inches c.8 t of 10 kilometers d.8 to 10 centimeters
7.The ____method of planting trees is ideal for sloping areas.
a.square b.triangle c.diagonal d.contour
8.Which factor is very important in planning an orchard?
a.elevation b.temperatur c.drainage d.cost of the land
9.Why is lay-out very important in orchard farming?
a.for beauty b.for easy maintenance of cropsc.for easy harvesting of fruits
10.How can you tell the mature mangoes from the less mature ones? means of fruit color means of their leaves means of their spots d.all signs
are correct
11.The insoluble part of the paint which gives its color is the ___.
a.pigment b.binder c.liquid vehicle d.all of these
12.Paints are tradionally based on oil,such as_____.
a.palm oil b.vegetable oil c.seed oil
13.In cleaning brushes used for enamel paints,dip the brush into___
a.lacquer thinner b.water c.oil d.non of the above
14In turning pipes,you may use a______
a.Philips screw b.plies c. wrench d.nail
15.The device used to clear clogged water pipi is called___.
a.plunger b. pvcpipe c.clearing rod d. screw
16.The corrugated box is an example of ____.
a.printing paperb.wrapping paper c.blotting paper d. all of the above
17.Metal,such as copper is a good_____ of electricity.
a.insulator b.conductor c.separator d.aluminum
18.A____ is somebody who is people-oriented.\
a.businessman b.good entrepreneur cleark d. agriculturist
19.It is almost similar to advertising.
a.instructional teaching b.promotional strategies c.promotional d. non of the above
20.The process of heating the product at a specified temperature for a specific length of time.
a.sealing b. canning c.curing d.cellaring
21.The_______involves the process of chilling foods to,at least,10 F.
a. dry salting b.fermenting c smoking d.freezing
22.It is the art of prolonging the life of the food items that are available. preservation b.freezing of food c.fermenting food d.all of the above
23.The most important skills in managing financial resources through logical allocations of funds for
expenses and savings.
a.budgeting b.basic needs c.allowance d.expenses
24.Those things that we would loke to have but these are extra things that can wait.
a.expenses b.wants c.demands d.savings
25.Those are things really necessary for one to live or to survive.
a. wants b.needs c.expense d.savings
25.It is defined as a supply of something that can be used or drawn from.
a.resources b.finances c.budget d.all of the above
26.It is the smallest unit of the society____. b. family c.friend d.non of the above
27.The domesticated animals that are raised in the farm to produce food,fiber,and labor.
a.farming b.livestock c.budgeting d.all of the above
28.What method of farming is used in slope surfaces?
a.triangular method b.rectangular method c.contour method d.square method
29.Which of the following is not a good characteristics of a good entrepreneur
a.creative b.sloppy c.productive d.energetic
30.It is the practice of buying and selling opportunities.
a.buyer b.entrepreneur c.seller d. all of the above
31.____is basically paint without pigment.
a.gloss emulsion b.varnish c.powder coating d.thinner
32.Solvent-based paints are best used for____surfaces
a.automotive b.wooden c.bamboo d.metal
33.the wise use of means to accomplish or achieve one’s purpose. b.resources d.all of the above
34.These are the social obligations,needs wherein a person is obligated to have or perform in order
to be a part of a group.
a.wants b.needs needs d.budget
35.They are skilled workers who practice a trade or handicraft.
a.artisans b.workers c.people d.non of the above
36.The short for web log;an online journal in which the pages are usually shown in reverse
chronological order.
37.A collective website where any user can change any page or create a new web browser. c.web
38.The method of propagating a new plant from an existing one
a.air layering seeding c.orchard growing d.all of the above
39.A switch that automatically interrupts or ‘trips off’ the current of an overloaded electric circuit.
a.fuse b.circuit breaker c.insulator d.conductor
40.A device that connects a third line at right angle to two others
a.tee b.coupling c.glue d.all of the above
41.These kinds of papers are used for making tissue rolls,paper napkin.
a.writing paper b.De-mulchingc.blotting papers d.Treating
42.Raw papers undergoes a searies of drying and pressing to remove moisture this process is called
a.treating b.pulping c.logging d.drawing papers
43.These include special papers that are usedfor industrial purposes.
a.handmade papers b.drawing papers c.writing papers d.wrapping papers
44.The barks of the logs are removed;then the debarked logs are sent to the massive chipping unit
where they are broken down into very small pieces.
a.writing papers b.stripping and chipping c.pulping d.treating
45.This industry provides us with beef and carabeef.They also provide our daily needs for milk and
other dairy products,like cheese and butter.
a.poultry industry b.cattle raising c.plant raising d.all of the above

II.Write the name of tools on the blanks.

46.___________TRETTIW is the top tool networking,news,updates and for use as backchannel in
conferences and real-time chats.
47.___________YOUUTEB is a video site used as learning resources and site where the sharing of videos is
48.____________BPDXOOR is a tool for sharing large public or private files both for business and education.
48.____________EPYKS is a means for conducting one-on-one interaction or group conversations.
49. ____________GLEOOG Search is an e-learning tool for searching information.
50.____________INLINKED is a networking service for connecting with others in order to find jobs.

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