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Freshman CS Quarter 1 -- “My Choice” Website Design Project

TO TURN THIS ASSIGNMENT IN -- YOU MUST -- Paste your Web Address in the form: ​


You have choice of your site topic. Choose something school appropriate that you already know a lot about and are
interested in and will find it fun to work on. Again: fun + interesting + something you know a bit about.

General Guidelines (20 points):

● All website content information (text, imagery, etc.) should be related to the topic and placed on relevant
sub-pages in a sensible, user-friendly way.
● Menus/sub-pages should be coherent and organized to be user friendly with 2 example pages nested under each
relevant Sub-Topic in the menu. (See SITE MAP graphic on the second page for structure example).
● The design elements, including color palette, contrast, arrangement, etc., should support the overall website style.
● Language, grammar, and complete sentences worthy of a Ninth Grade school project (not ELA ‘perfect,’ but 9th
grade-appropriate effort).
Minimum required web elements (30 points)​: See the zxchart below.
NOTE: content elements can be moved from page to page but all must be included somewhere in site.

Page of Site MINIMUM Required Website Elements

Page 1: Home Page: Title 2 Images Text box with 2-3 sentences
General Topic Summary summary of website overview

Page 2: ​Sub-Topic 1​ - Subtopic Title 1 Blog with text and image 2nd Blog with text and image
Blog Page related to subtopic related to subtopic

-Page 3: ​Example 1 A Hyper-Linked Text Text Box with Complete Image - still, gallery or
Sentences on page topic slideshow

-Page 4:​ Example 1 B Scribd PDF Text Box with Complete Image - still, gallery or
Sentences on page topic slideshow

Page 5: ​Sub-Topic 2 - Subtopic Title 1 Blog with text and image 2nd Blog with text and image
Blog Page related to subtopic related to subtopic

-Page 6:​ Example 2 A YouTube Video Text Box with Complete Image - still, gallery or
Sentences on page topic slideshow

-Page 7:​ Example 2 B Image Slide Show Text Box with Complete Image - still, gallery or
Sentences on page topic slideshow

Page 8: ​Sub-Topic 3​ - Subtopic Title 1 Blog with text and image 2nd Blog with text and image
Blog Page related to subtopic related to subtopic

-Page 9:​ Example 3 A Map Text Box with Complete Image - still, gallery or
Sentences on page topic slideshow

-Page 10: ​Example 3 B Image Gallery Text Box with Complete Image - still, gallery or
Sentences on page topic slideshow

Page 11: ​Feedback Survey user Info with Survey is related to site topic Survey is set Up to email
variety of question types student designer
General VISUAL Example of SITE MAP Structure -- including blog posts on sub-topic pages, as well as nested
example pages.

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