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4 GaATE_ | Aes B (4) Gras Tvbinge ) Schuadt | (8) Actual gas tunbin “ ; Rats (A) dnfulse, Yurbirre & ass (8) Reatstion Turbine a (® Ree- Comp « ——— (4) Botlar 9 124 couporurt op (A) Cenk comb (10) Biner y vo-pour cycle mau int “Gg ‘4 Seeeeeweweern naan nnn mt gine Amechania) dertee tobith votwerts ore form of energy 7 dudo anottor wreful for pu = > The. courbustion % eipawsion takes place at seme. Aeration @ fue) te the working fle fe ve “the Courbustion & tmpauiion fakes plo at clipped Anca. @ products of courbeution are ctrandereHtiety heat 0 fhe anetler working Pluie vebicd Ls utilued fev prodisiog oeue useped sedpuct Adwutige of gas Aubin over IC Brpine ~ > oly Nechanisher Canes dahees (WOE [tart Jess High Seeds Can. be aleveloped ole to aodangy engines Basy balancing: Dis aclvandnge > : f : 5 High. -beot seittout materials tre required Joo gas Aabjoee a Abe blodes are subjerted sto dighe tered» contfuccously alee work, 4s bot ueglipi ble. jn. teunpanrier to the Nadice cork, 06 dette are hardlng the same stitecp he i working fluid: be gaseous place UTherefore., Net toosk ecolpect rediar| cee We (17) vt [rra)= Sybtr SOP a 19 peed aeduetion. geass re. Aoquited at the. value of oh» oS r ‘dugal ostes tre Leh, ont aie ao eR OC aes ( 60 ) ® 4c Bug 2 | (> ° nm = = —s SISNET T0007, Ve ; ° COLLELEELELELELPPEELECLE Eee ee eee eee (A) Chen eycle gue turbiie a | tyeleya fer chasge 14 Gutreduced 4-2 +Acentrople comp 95 Const franc beat addin Bat > deenbroble expansion: (2p Chased tite: gat stbiie ~The same, working Puid Js rcerewladed again & agarn, 2 c voutons of med eycle gas ¢ turbine OV & bec pened toorkiny fluids Jake, tay ave having bade 2 the ured: > dd can operatic even atthalows atin: bresure- = oa tycle qeu Aunbine Owe gore 2irient Alon open eyele 9 ay Huokire, Su the, some, man™ Brain date dinits ae ‘Side. variety af fusle can de use ar dhe. products 6} condurtions dosnal euctey* one Jeq,2 (-(aerw) v re @ a. me ication. a \ > & ie / Js veg i es ds tote scotty De olb o Whet Qe Bs = MB Q&-Ge _ 4- Ae = A an Qs ( Miva PVE MRT AE OPT §, Ss Mddddddddddddidddddnddddddedeneeee:) anges and Qitumed sho be wel) smudated 2. Coust: wets Teng: tee froceuts are, aiumed dv te internally reveratle Cpr ly BY ave aniumect 40 The. enpretsion. G2 3 ao applicable when dette Com prressiee P expansion, ae dsendiopic @ Cp, Cy) ¥ > Const = ee @ Riv Sgenz0 7 dc sg + fa LCpM CVT vb pene Tl Ore ae yz 20 a” by ARES PEt 2A ED PED +l cach feet prose ale ost work ol Plies arre-i8 Hwit of 2700K As Ampored due He Tes eee touclition f -turtine blade.» ath. the Speen Joe fransine aston 2 e\ PHA iancec cea a ne poven cetfut » met ook ont pe veduees and mast flr dame Por scvcbik, aneece, te, te of the flan jo tepeseana > bh? Bley poae2t-3' 44 9 (Ape = Paps —|(4pe 7 4pla | Ne >a Po wix (Wet) (Weta 7 Cheri) Ss Dracug J * a 9 RRR EEERRCC CCPH Y red SRE SS te 5 eae Be ererecscsas 5 hinat sp ETa~ Tae Ent Oo Ty = Tin 2 T2Te > 12.713 ae. 6 OG et Use. O4n DO) we qe * Wigs > Op [To > 14 ~ LB +a] + 2 dws =o> -1+0h «5 3 TB). 414 a aot Use in 4” © 2 Wingt = Op (Tat -253 J rat = or [ Vervn)] Ja se es . oes (B) Fea a oe (Doe = (Avge 5 tails Seo( th) ss es a Hs: Wel BEREEEEE 4 Dae A serdsopis ebfiolency °f Competes Seema Mj > The nao of: (Aol wor, to acta our [t joleall esoak (1je)n <> Tee. cratio of ache took to “Heal wack iF e a : Iseutropie + Rew -acliabad e . (ate SSAC RRRAR RRR RREELEY <<< Q) dna gat Aushine bet conduction -prodints braving the. va Cy 2 DF 538) C= 0-99 Kige » Aberdare dhe durive al 9 free Dio bor, BASODK £ then enbt the Hunbine, at prewue of 2 024-5 (Tee) = 947), - Piud out Hoe actual votak eucpail of “Hunt , aT > (%)42 Ta 4, > > wo g-T4 S00 ’ as) At Ye ee Am 2 Ng. [ Pa\oT4= 454-348 AA een I 4 > 9-942 lSge Te aTy!> 496-2878 a L syo-ash3* Wie = Cpl ty) = 689-64 Keg (Q) Av idea} Fratton tyele having a net bork ouclpect of dsoks/kg ] aud work vedio dn 0-41 4{ (Bia Mott 614 85 Yo > Tete find oect the actual ork output - Weeds art gael ks dw? 27 Wes 06 We Wr wr DMWer0 6WT 2. (CBidz-s > Wy -orsors© 2 Wy LEO = 358i) ke o:4 M Wet sKsIKA (Djs). = Be, Dla = 204-44 = 085x025 a (islee we 2 Wy! = Gla 98 = o-esx 345 Wt ) “.(Wrartecye 4 He ad ddddddnandnaddnnnlde ba ctod ETM = B18-75-964-44 (aaa ee ac yee 45598 Bea = S > Wes | 3: Steuer Soe | 3 ay Wr Se 2TH l4 i 1 ty paces ALT p> Tec sh fi eae) gir a = a) re 1 (4% 4 ed 23 Ty a) i, a Re” eruiiiee a ea oll (4) 4 | S en eRe 5 Ty 230 (® @) Binr eddies He. inp: af pe thet a Tat iaas $2 Abcod ia ete ae ae Abn? Me if as 5 T9704 (4-74) ae Beatle 3s 3 a hows 3 ("bY 7 D1 =e. 8 6K ys = 38(s) oF ene ‘ey a rn, (Q) Find athe cequived (A/E) Iu a gat Anblne Thai= 89.$C doing Cups DeTgh O24 eva &K i Ti DCm20d% ot Py 1 bar sraing Comp ratio= 4 Q fl CMVon > 42 mfeg aed de 1.9 dais of PCY Je tong chawby « < ae im ask a % 20 qacek esas er care > he bo) 4 [- ‘ Sook [ 4 LS TT 2 492-25K~ eas) Pe % Ute os sun. (499-053) Gels afHss TEEN : Cra Coy FO fie Oe For B+ @s)autuay > Heat he erga, mat not diver ty gob 2 (matt) Cy Te Macrgt! 4. my x@Vr 20 7: = oa on ageoy? eneeeeenee > Divide by OE (4 +2)u1 #NdG eS X2%IdO2 +42000% 0°90 > s 2 F603 hes ¢ Metlods © improving the porfoomanu of gos tuating Cose E> R lowe Jn gas Hurbine > St ta @ proves a ae j ane Dy Aw Of Compresseo| ain before ie AZ EIR Doty 01 ieee 3 Middddaddadnea ee o4s oi \Ow7 = he ahq 2 level [D tut - Woy whip = Cate @ Qo = tut \Dlac a aa 49 @ 1 ‘Sst Or = tease / @ie Ae @ Tm > Meaeemp nya ea (2 iat: Menesecp En (lap = Apr ta ; roa ee 4, S nT: ~_SIiIiI_I Hectiveners of Regenerats D f Degeea pa Kegreetlon. “The adie of acta! temp. aise dae the the. won: foulble temp. cise 4 dhe regener Cre Phe. valiie, of 2ifectivenen of: cregen enol’ fan Fo- 807) es e = Acta! tempts Mog tem abe Note > Fu the tate of deal vegeuontive tyela ste volun " ofbeectivnes 1’ 10D 7 E=Ane p> a= Te-h > 47% ear a) = a “P= Ta 1 ddleal regoeralic eycle " Te Expeaion for He biog ideo! megane yele = ye Wnt Bhat Ore, = 2 Se cs “Qo Bs Qe Ro > i- fake ue sige Ay asian “Tee > ae a eee Sag bal “Tass Teal 3 tote ede ( EY) e-Bay “Tidesboeg a “Ta i ni) = gee CUAMA Aa dddeidddiididddidddedia.), 4. The. ‘proves of Juerensing Are wet rook outa 4 aa dashing, sore @ enpaucion of the working plld place. : dn rmone thar. ore stage F ie 8 LS SS is > > ® > a » > bd * i = 7 A y : peswe Ce aa Sef o > > — |. eee eee. (op 2s -1-S 6 h) @ Woe 4-4 a. eee, ~~ ¢ ene. Y@ Wea *y-? ‘ tb) (Deis ete )Ofrr= 4s a “) OD Way = Wr-We 2) Te = for - « WY er hom be § © eg > Corb lhe bg) § @ W, otont aD @ wet Note The supe og wegencredonn sueaeases AD Get isiah, he, une of ebeating, as Heatine SED @ act uct’ feusp. averrentes— O( Te 274') SD ® a? Toerelore reheating Ja generally, Leuplea! Sap | tel a ye re arg eae . potter Yh spafectrebaat $C aes tk niet oth Polya Titeg 217 -We Wre Way thre > Were (4y- a) Conde) . 3 > CplT -T4) +p (T5+Te) = Cp Taf 4 Te \ acy ts [4-7 Popten els ® (oetgh) ( Bere = S Canada adae ania / Ro( Bye f y © [ ~ So veal eee Te Ps Ri cae rire [UB] Totes [2-(4, 7 wees ( UR CRE te r ee kn) | > der cera -% {2 + ea ov) J?) \ 2 t ° es See oP)” as ot to ey Pa CPP 4 aa sie 4 fi Wien 29 ip Sen ie aa es r= Cp Taf a> (Ay QW = ee ote a ae eee as cots a (eae ste Bye oo (DM Ws, = As- 46 = a Ts)= ls (ee y= ore fig or erete (tal thea en J [wr 2 Geils, {4 \ BSSSAAA AAAS See eae o A Cosel > 4iterreoting u'r 90% dur 2 ee oa Sete iye i oaperestie 42d woorte Output decreasing Ale Coupretee work Meg ea Gui A-o-3-4-S-@4) @ We= ty hy ] ® she > Cha) +Ohg he) ( @® Wr = As-he OY ey oe CD Wr = We - We ® brelh= We hed (ee he ay ® ah> hs-hg ( h * Keo > Sawing din bork to) kes ) fodereosling we Pr) PyvemRT 2V2 fab dv co P, : V7 St . Ve A AAMC adele idetiieldetaetc Midiheleiacd | ch @ ®t Thay craton Anerceages with the use. OK ~ putlet demp- olen eases bing. HA genert ) Wey @ wut GD Wot 6 Muy Os CHG Nete—> The ctope sf ° (uctercooling J é ie Cou Hed a Hii eo Wa b= Wr Web ae Wee (hq - rs) Nati T+ p(T > or ( Te) atin (de = eet (46)- Pl ane eet (Sj-4] Se aie 1 ar; q @ Wey 2 Wes es @ Prev Ph PL errr it 4 sSsssesisme)/ OE ©) A regaunative rebel cyole das cr Jute tonppreue, having jdenasting tho tu Ait eoring Sirah stage. of Comprezor % cooled wp pretgure Sy ivdentooler. ond subsequently torfrrened 2c Compretted dr daring setord eovspretion past Hecorgh. 20 4 chanive effeadienen, Bf g07/o * Gubeequedly Couburtion produses: at HS judet Of funbinne Having onpaveloee pote A thar ud sew 9 0 1300K before. beivg ex wded upto 4 baz Prbout fre. Auabine passed Aang rregeiseractot.* Cousicles, comprestion 8 expansion cto be dseictapic: Cobuubate overall epbicleney « Pas e > Pyrdbar, Ty =300k mt S ae ‘ Sp Be Pade Tar 250k = P4 = Shay = Pe we es % E amp E2806 rm , #70! We ‘Tse 100k > A ‘aP Pez Aber EP Tas 1S00K OK Sur Pgosbat 290K ie Sur 52 Spo (4) "> 448K ‘2 Sr ae = G-9 cr aS 290 (2) = S53 SK 4#18ae r Game eke So BFE mr a> Saas 2 fn PES apr A / ort e / » save > (8) a Tg 7 |066-44K Sa: | - ; aw ayes Typ 2877 85k 4 “a7 (4) ou: e 2 08 = BET p Tg nttosak Saw: Gels oa een (Genet WHITH Sawe Cae (Te~Ta) € CTa~Ted cr: z en (igo 899 = nase e {rs60= 440-54) * (180 ~4966-4) s = ‘ sal ay, idddddddddddddddia Rombine tycle D ateorn Vapour -% Reason ov vsti wrbites, 24 a working fliel —> AL As chemi sable 3 Uncober R ecompuse — Avoiloble jw Dnge apassity > Handeys sibitonee # = Shevifle steam _ coud option ( S- e > The amourd i es toned to = me eae oo iin kwhr # leat “a dot Ancpee it ie re 1 KL) power cuffed a ASE = (Bp > “Ee 2 5 fee] ex = Creeennae 7 Crh red oe | SE a paoduee 1 Ka fatuer outpet fe saccccccieceeee os a { Whit = a Wy - dash iii ke W et ual os Bc) aes net Goudee? (Aten a2 > deentroper eeperdon > 4cothermal deat efector 5 dceudye ple, CompressiPe 44 Acofherma) teat addiven ¥ Prowbouks of cannot cycle. > The sate of the Look fluid atthe. ety Aachiaated vopeus. andl af the ent Of lo tual q mintune. Of Mayle) & vopoir etolutedy, 1Uveases ore enter ov, the. Ausblie ladles: diol tondentor de dijpiadlt coumspretson haudlivg 4 nvture Of eogt ol He chanus for ™ —> Design Reouro] Of por At da difhieatt 40 design 4 Lid # vopeur- aoe Thee? 0k outpet of the tamcet cycle dy havi ere pale thon Ye vet wook eubpet Of the. uate eyeles (@) Cannot uyle operates dio 4 kouate. “lemp: 331.060 weuure Of somfa and she, civk, Heep: OF G5. 88°0 ond speesiune of Gk fa. Then det ing eeaae a ork aatio a ssa, Or) Dayle na La ¥S)FER « es aie ae - > RS ws =e aS, = aS ar Tar mr mp Tr mp = ™ Ta im, im, a, Tm 1 oD a ‘ De Bar 24 > YA Ay () > 9 1,409, ( 335-5h3) = P64 964 964 #%5( 8-395) 0-49) 7 INQ 50-264 Aly Ayn hy ay (4a ty) 21s berorbre | len-ae = Hor T/ be = 434-99 40-364 25cs-42 -127:98) Gilg > httslhartt) > len o FIG Aras) > We> 4a", 5 wre Hn oe a W,z 1409-56 - jo2d = Seg se ki/ka bays 27 fe RW 2424-4- 1940 = = 4089-9 thy DAin=0+618 fey + Rankine Cycle ~ +r (4-2-9 Asenctropic: expansion ge8 » Const: prrenure heat rejeeton 3-4 7 Pump bork Fog Cont f Const pretuure Heait addition 4-2 > Turbine 7 Wr=ta-t, 28 » dew + Qer= ty- A a ogi ies Mate = Milt Be Uy Pe Pe je a > ety Pei af 4eSetn Boilee > & = ba- bg F hestey Gly BL, Reasen tox dower pel ent Of Kowkiine cxycle nore Court ye > The, nat work oudput % fankine cycle ds Tene aioe fhe net broek of Comuit cycle but tt cbeetot moar Het 4 ieee Bs dian tanvet ber wean of heat ad tion dow Cannel 4s wore shan Hat of Varese, Wit ceceseceeessassssses } anddadeae (a ee = | Cin) ences | i 7 | sath Se - i ee : a So mcg a a : 7 po ioe M> wt x Tr oR p> 3 NAS i a xa Fe ln = NS The efficieney of the tytle Lan 46 Junooved ae aioe Woaies “ 0 teat addition. By Snoneasing Zhe mene. emp of to a aa deraeasing Hoe. wean teen -af. heat reecton. Cae E> Deonesse In condeuee prenure — Rey DA 2B 2des Rage An Bh ee ao wy I @ Tra @iwp= Svpar a ® Tan jd @ Tver = - ed? @7) eel \® Boies: frcetion ty) = 2 @ Qgrwmtsy Mie’, JR a |vabeur Mi quid a Jerosto~ Beat r 2 (in. > Ameneasein beter present Pay? bo Bo a Sa Poet east soy! ® ae @ aaa ® wet Ca) Mrrwed = r= WT @ ~T OF Dpto Ard ftorection ead . eat Jo alvapeur Miauid aa Terosion of ere eMbidddddddddiddia.), aaeaae aca 8 iy \ ox - Supendatg } Ure. temp. at coral process of dverreaing the. tp Jy ia Abed teunated vopou above get eee sno a'-2-3 tae ane + O wr? Damalt i stout: @ were a my? @Nows = lor Me D Pryren frortion (4) = Te ® O51 rays en @ agt 20 te = Vapour —> WUguid 4 notion of lakes ms jue axel, voter 4a Hee veorking fluid a sat: ve a aie. Gk at 2M fa Are cordentey frenure Me 40K F Purp bronks Js negligible , Alon find aut the ee 3 wileg Fle 9 ‘5 Pe Jal? uplalt op La jee 5% aiuea | 212°92 |p-00497 pope | A084 4 \94> BY RRR RRR SEI \ Avera \4¢-a3 |p00208 poe 192-8 + — Pyoamra Ta q Poo tora | a de \ 4 a | 942 8)= 24,4, (S$, Me) ee, « | e A %= 0-452 ae ah a hye Wyt% e- 4, ) \ ay oye geo9-r9( 258468 19? La | 2 2004: 96S FIFA Wr hy-4, = 0299 $41 -—2009 365 7991-510) t, a = te- (chug ( Te-% oe sh4 he Aug Te 4) } ee sae valasled [ Bax 94-035 — Conigtf =) pe a [ “S ¢4sepeee ee oh = > _2-4993 = 06992 C42. | fai Hest) | De era: 5 QlStt2K a> Joe-at— 41e(24ee-92- 2/292) igus (OS heaeaie N, 5? by-hg, 2 2393- $4 1994 2-S 2-60:0n08 Ko}, ss ‘nat A546 5 20-4%r 2600-08 addled. Nbdtteddadde LLL th o we the quality of the he re duce thre enosior am of cpeleabivg at dhe, cuit of dunblve, 2 blades: vet roork antput thie areduace tre dobioh. rerulhs the deerease din He 5 Used Ao Juerease the Plo. Stearn. coracuaption sina of the plas \ 2 oft we Wea) ese hop 7 eur” Aree "» iN isnot 2 Wp rage | \ 4 ?2 ) |sce= 3600 DILIIIIOSO Ws Qo% art Taunt + UN gel sora s a Rn 1-234 S--4 sae 5 : = = | eA avep hota dy ee Shear Js athe worklyg flute ar the | enosion % ~ Cyele aving ei R rewated — \ heated dheom enters dhe first stage of turbine Jn cqode at BMPs & 480°C boring k= ey S296 keg ¥ “B= 6-658 ES ]Rgk Than, itenpouded 40.0 shark of O°AMPa honing 94 = 1.9922 tShge 5 8g2 6708 kip ge 694° 22k5Ira sg 2066-SH3)kg ; 44 Js weleated to 440°C superhoated state. hefore. ex abeaed stage. tusbine towing 423353 sestky; 829. woline i+ expands Ao a spedlene om Pq Ap o]93- BETES Bt = 0S 926 ~ i f= Thea 7 2403 TI 842 82989 "Tinie seg al fee Ahot sat spot pie vol O4 at. L/g de 1%008 S nas mS) kg The tyole gene output Aho det Et Ca) a ernass flow rete of Hane. Co) ate of WT frou cous na. (tot Hean, ax Ht posses 2 covdenter. ju Mbj-omly. diddidddda 2 gh 2 (Rh ‘yas Wp= Vpn Par /h) ABs >? \g.o6Kfa as i Peni yaa) angi aek ye E i Det ‘ fe’ yb te 067 drys Phy {2) J viq-¥F , p08e> Mas neo? ore : 1928S Ayo3 348 fic eee Osel 1 Byes 7 Ne th +4 (4g-3t2) 366506715922 +% (6 Joa — 19922) % 038 3 A, 2 ay AQ, (44-44, ) © 694+22 +0:989 (2066-3 — 639-22) = Dost Ks /kg d= 54 > 32> 8f4 + 240 994 - 809) “sy gpg F591 = 0:56 +24 (9:2984—0¢496 ) 2D %q> 0'928 hg beg toa htg 2192 8840-929 Kame = Dao4 ray, Ago Ae + Of, 2 STeh bs a roeas stor ( a>: oonhfie?) Phyo ep og “a MMMM Medd ddd ddl hdddtd cr siae / A SII IIII IOs o OO. eae (yg) tte: ba) clrgohe) ies (446) + C4s- be) : 196 Pe oy cantons ote = eae (p19 = 193-682 pee) ® pom (Wr-Wp) ——fasae — a DAC B38 =e & |yoxvlo> [ thvetay tbs Ba) — Cheng) aa 4 $19 kglsee @) ace (tg-4t9%™. > Q.2 204- SMW looo Loe O- Regemennhon > Ay or acteod cregenurcation. aycle, Phe Lhppienss exchanging Are leat inte Meo Abe. enp.awci P cau, Ine dhe, Lunbine ond peoel watt. exten alae ‘ mnatine cycle Je not ee ie ‘at apeod a jii ya Ae 4 “i hanes for the. erosion of | i dhare are more ie ae (ast stage) out tt . steam 1s extracted ae hee een ehh J wed femep. Of feed veces Aefore exttorg Jncto 3 Tepe a (D) Sen feed woot, beater OF WH daa ani onrfy attain aatracted he. : RRS 31 * fe “Tana Ase = OD An suprdwccted region a @*@© in cat Vid: psig ukg © = FH [<< te o apg Ys t(r-yber he 1 b Md ddbhiddadtditttiiccacie..) > Wr We + Wr, Te > ) 4 (ae) * (2 Ce 432 — > Wpe> Wp, +e ae woltes bg) +20 49-4) — OQe= ty-ha HH). © = L feed. mare fut (ents he high. tetnp. 6teaur— lie bat je tay Me Ligh. tein Heats tn EL he ; ere seating flutd cam ae4 ei al aoe Se LT >(hhot (tg) hs = (2g dhe ty bg HAN b Tuant) 7 THR, oye y eh rb Weed g VEEL Pihects of vegencsation ~ — cycle “ffieleny Juorease, ( teat wate derrease) —> fos, the same power wutput » beam flow vate “Therefore. JF weguires Jonge size. botler: > Por the same. wou flow vate He #urbive. 120 —> Cendenur size reducer of omote pow rate. woduces > At froides a tovvonivcl testbed tf removing te alr bron. Hho. tenders feed water, bdore caterag phe, boiler,» (@) Vi weguenadtive Tasting Cyple having steam. exteotng at omobar 6500 8 leaving at 0:05-b2% -Courides. the By water heater to te oper ype Hoon Cal Vpagy eben othe feed water. heater operating at & bas ok dep auee. dddidddacak ads999 poo bar 14473646 se aNkg we Gcéo | ea G6SeZETHK Boar Rielee Z cose a ia Bp ooo 162 Aygo 2422 8¢q= 46200 {9 spc ott {ee ( Op Dorant2c it Spg> 9°5189 a kgk Vp > 000100 suillg ( (MMMM ddd etait See Re ee ee eee e eee re bob: xtoe6 | yf M 2 hg ecanite 172? | 2099 Eajieg o%g70°? 6 dys 133 poreg | yy = et tel eB) “f Ups (feta ) \ 224-24 +0 00NS 8 20:0S)*L00 } Co00-axor ( = 13968 KNB | 0 { wy a(BGre3 - 2269-44) (a Dee etO 2029 | = 148s 90 eaRq Wp> (1-0222-4)(188:68 = 13 139 89+ D ooloos l Biedyo ko We (ne tedt eg) Ce *) op? (Ay las-ta) tthy-ts) 3 yta teas te dy yoo r2dt yx 2469144 (as 158-68 = 724-4. Com My CHLOA > Comfrttor 44 used Ao tnenease qe preiuce of gases £ vapout Clastiftcation of com a CA) Om the tasks of Principle of Cenectinn — (2) Positive Digplouemerd Compremor > Pr due-tovell Ate, peesrure. of the gas ks Juevreate olecrreasiing the. i ina Confinad tyliuder. bey wi cca : Ds obtained 4 displacing foe, woomting flute a Lower Lee Volume Erauple 9 Reeiprocating Compresiorr- (2) Rodery / Dyrawie Compressor > = “the Thigh, RE: ts Thaperted 0 fie 0 shy Hel means of 9 wostatig eewetit Hotes 8 thd Ligh KE Ls Lenverted Se ener de The aligguen 7 Vols S | Pre L Cy | eg | down | “ere | dow | High. | CD) Gute bass of pressure mee (1) Faw EE (2) Blower — 41-23 (3) Compresor ? ors K Kesiprocatig commprestes Sanat tae) Stohr. ver, ditgle brermneale to Ancoles okey, ast ee eat te bi (Sh eae ddd dbdtedadetaidaiais.)) Diroolvantege > S Vol delivercel dt very dows: (von, prom Bee ee) dae: > Aylaanltet 3 3 > High vibration An celgrocating : Cee iad arty sian, > Runawirg at apne leastfotes > TE ation fered Cen ote ae file atodion ete: (dddd ddd (o-a).- we by ol during suction > pl Yp-Vs) = Ptv-od= Pav -O Gets 2 1- WD enair enti Covnprretsion, = Pes —feVe PW BVO tote i) - mace 2 (-3)1~ buen ot the air during dischange = PlWp-Vs)=hlo-) = - BY ® Wer = O20+® spy BNA ee ae) = AM By t BY -b% a(Ay,- DL 1 As the value op vehoucks asctpuct Js -y _ fgets iades tonsidenation. a 120th “a 3 bp) a) all> all> 1. ND aD Sap We SP a sr Note > Af ryole operates at A apie. Fics Wh, BLN f watt meen) Coed. > Win to the tonfretson. with. deer Cpomanie vals = The use” veh tiff tho ane Te Q) ly clearances ore porovided —> Atu foouded for the. sthenneal treporwlor. > To aveid Ake stoilee bro pipten. & eilicelen head: > provide proper arrangement Jor the. rolice tolerance “Clearame Ratio > The. vatio of clearmnee vol: to the swept vol Beverablg ide vole varies doom Sh to ah ‘ g Wine We-We > boa-4 = 71 ( fave fay) Bie Pah m-L = ian (a) Paa/ fate -1) -® (ma Pa V4 fie Page Pal Prweers 2-4 Pa Ve fay ve Me (Pe Wiehe. Wa.4 7 (#3) 4 Va (ee) =(29) tre ((B) 2) Wle13 a) i Cer a) fh 8)" Win mt Waa -We-4 f (2) fava [[ ) “a}- (325 ) fava 95 ger ee: P= {8 fas pa) (RF I Malad dad SS Eh ey 2 Pre btn XL watt x 6 > > Af fhe actual vot ay sudo toprsset ts sone, fliore te MNS, efecto cleans Work Aapeit mn - > Moss entering # leowig 4 for the. tour fe te bane. OE e nee 4-779 2 Nyon #N Velumetirle ere A. “The, catio o Cieal vot at the cutey acon: that of Lrepretica) swept vet aa Q) Paove thot thefol of aehtenp Js L4o-e (es ac 3 Lval-)e Sm Cockel een Dy > Me Vas feet = Mg Va AV3-¥5 ? a eee 2 (Vag) (2-4) Vy-V3 (“as Va ita VaV. VV: Aan 4 Ve cpl © poe Bee RV 2th > A.7.'> 194 o ei ay > Me > [f) (#) mys rene (ty 24 = po" ya] Oar + yr s[(( aya ])t @er =) Wy o4- Af (ye) @® Aonhen = 4m, aes Al pfs 7 Nola EXpredon radio for 10 Cot > me e[ gS]? PLA: © sua] (Rea) Midd ddddddeeiseicia > i ap el tS Fucerents. Ju prepuce coho Jn a tingle stage, weuprrater, “t 7. Therefore bya 9 ema fining Beaten ; iy . Us it re Hite Cl Z ; da (dl id Was We,+Weo tse Pom, bul () 2) eh (Ry) 2) “Biemets here ee ar D PavgomR%s @ Poa Pu 6 me i GD Pentel $a wer ef Co's] el ed > Wer mete f( My'r( Ya i “a NSSSSSRRARAAAR ERAS SE EEES SHO OLOL 7% 2 ; 7 Bigs spin 2h ee ate ee f i , et = mee, = CoE i he Leo, ¥ atk | lee vMAS ie Note > Overall -premune rat7o a overall -faewune “radio = ( for: Rate din. each lage) ey = Neo ote) vo. of stage f { Beamaperalt> Oo: | | te hie re | fs sera? | Pic. [is i eve Yeti» Bi ii er tee Nae hs we a e 7a ps e > fbi > (Pi te. ‘ ei t <7 : ) = maha (3 a eM (4 e2]? Ay toy War na Sab “ AX od We? a5 Vg pave [( J “aes oR 2 [east Wd dd edlibldhdtetsatctieaianiit » Peres Al debi >The delivers vel> bd do 41 bas free derpisrr O14 ae ain de the da.dlng cope “oy 1 of ditions: “The. oe vel is ¢ > 4d 4s use! do omeanine. 40 coy AIYf + Comprensont vo0rtieh udu, iff sto PvemaT Dina PRT po > Peve7 cs lv ¥s? ia RT. PvsmeT > me Pv RT Mass ery = May denving ere " 3 fe i) 5 > BWR Res h%y 2 bp ly > 13 03° Assume ® Ly =le=ls = D Py dy = BLP > fe Dry Ds Assumes) y= Uy = Mve 2 S - Me ayy 24 + c-C (#) {®) Pee vee mo ap stages weguired Jn G OE a... ais enters ata frrenune of J bar 9 teup-op 29 © # do il at do bax: Mant discharge feu: ts Ainvited 0 tse os fhe deden of prytoopre. comnfrenion ts 42S dale probe Roptivuns ucterceobicg « = Py > Shar {Te We =T4 = $330) didi hk > t fT, Part fos (8 ye? a WW aor <4 io N= Ee fe a 2 (2 a ( > 122.3 / Bb \ a i bya Pap We =& >» em <0. — Dee ea ok Q) A cing. stage 260: Coup clanig 4 teal ty Doorn 9 } ‘a te at aepeed of Syo op % Vo= 5% Veo In = 43° Trdake FMEPa stent —o0'e B Givol poten Je S50 KP 9: Sf PAteain tard are 404-32 S kPa ocssens g terd. 1s 520-788 a Pind (2) Wy er eal fein) Ga) camege ee ae gy treme / Bye Sar Ve Ve ea to Abs ei * CP BY) OA el dddddddaeddd ds dttes sss Z $ 4 = osronrse 2a: I2 Ie G5 Vq = 0°19 = Jol 326% Vp = eels F 4 288 DVp > S81 minh REE esas gooey, a Wine 2 Py Nerf (8983) os 3 02 BFR 4, (#2 ee 1 ra =) -1 @) A tuso stage cou pactior debiers S kegl mie of dir ot 16 hey woith, Jnlet conditions ave thar, 300K Ptdew Js 1:5. Assume perfect -ficteroolh pet: CF) Power required us) Geet obpidecer GH) HT me each eg PVE RT Uo) WT Au Jvdencedler - a > Nery = MET ee SEQ Jute e 9°! ; S Win eS es > 0-091 Ree Pe * SUR RAR ARRAS ASE Vo Pier 24 bar Fiy = ea ge (1 ’ e ie = 2 be * . eT fe ue ss Sasésiesca) s ey yt i Po2gskm (8) . fi Gv) ae Ty ere * Ar 2 a ie: a 4qt2bW > re, Box E95 (a1f03- w) 4 Cae ae Te") ies ¢ a, Ps, Weert eens ae d 2 Sxoseanseo etl 3e)>- 19-6@# LO Ne 2 49:86 4a88 2 gt 8% *. (iri) UT A cathe tle @ hy eh th 4 8 ay, £0 a) 2» @2 byl) FH wae 2 Wept(=Ta) th) = as 29-44 ~ (Maat )o 9 agate 2D : 2 224k) ein a b sbescceeeseee actial tendon, plore yo0n hewe. chy fhe burton, volue § Ustharge valine, alt gual ror duped to the. tom preuor Auaisrennes’ fe — Q) A 3 stage cowl Nea corp § delivers 1 won hes ae a4 4 pretture of Sorbas ¢ deep. of “4 St (288k). The Aer 8 premvre in yf 44 thar 9 3d0( 303k) R pre delivered pretince 4s Boras § tle clearane vation for hee Jew prouine ) Jedewediale tr eyuat 2 digh. prewune Ul: aoe Sis S% &@b ed, » Absuudres mee dudercontiieg las ‘stevke Louw we i ra sic, oe a ae De 3 > Vp Swanley Pp d-04 bar Zi “po 286K Rs thaw (ta osenks Tg = Bobae 1 903k ete Ts overall -prr- vaste? ( fr-aaho fu each stage)! > fee Be = (fb ey a feo 930g 1 ge 300084 “Sokal 2 > —C, PL\h = 9.909, Avy = er 2( BY oes "WV, 2 Ltt & (Bey a 7 (aaah pata ee 9 ; 7 ey Dy Wee Es dy Wy 2 feP, Cvs > Axd42x0:9924 > 4908 XX OES = > ce ha ee ) pyso sss) 1Q-S&x Dy as Sea oe Peye_ 8% i ba 2! z adhe) ae > |ojxé > 4AnMay ey 4010229 = > Bes wi] yet + HEE 2 es Denppr2so Mien avs, Bie. e ees a iD, ee hae Pind Pp, £ Da trom abore Ja defined ax the watio of ie ee A otherma) efhicien Wels : i? pas aud genenally My value “iathene! work do the actual vories prove EO Jo to 90% eteéedaadases sad » , fd Md dddddeded, l, 7, }@ ty aseuime ek ee cor eppieseel Ht ‘ A te geared J Cont. orqlay vel cd tee ve lor te aeacle ee a (rutin (Uae Vest) er wie te feo, targevia es 2 2 a foal \Coveporet (Plan rele Np ae Cie ——__— CLE ee bec) ) Va ts fhe. aeletive vel Type the. to => tet us atm, DU df Are aotee @ Abe volt aughe ak del 9d > Nozle augle B > Abs yels avgle ar outlet @D Diffuser. Aetargle (ie J ct Iylot ht blade argle ot srl 3 a Wee, 7 at outlet G= , aaa AAAI AHY Snes Nok ie aL wa) o- as Pal ad Jad pad Rodoi speed ot dudat Juy= ayer |. Rotor Apeed at pected Ups Pn OS Aig: Motertiun at cebu 2 Vy ry ; at seebpn @) Vi, 9 Note Note: Jb ae 7 Lddonk 2 Vag Yo - Voss) ‘ f b8pak = Vy ¥r- Vie Yo Jub) ne aes 4) Relative velolty GEA TOE Uschi fliie) alee ram meabatee vores Velocity driaugle. Kn G % EPS EGSEG ie Va? = Ve, + (ur Yn) 2 = > Vp = Vy uy) + Vig 24 Vis Ve? Suz rt Vis? + Vig) ~2 Ua irs, . Vale wy Vy = DY ps gael eta eh 2 WWpVieg, 7 Yo TNE Vin 2 Vb yh Vee -O pig Ma Mr PEPPER CCPL CLD ihe cece) bday ee ee wr By Sovisgtee Viner 12 & ) A 2 3 32 "ae D eS Sores Mo Uo Vitis = eco taut g Vay! Vag Wy °2 2 = ee Stee Pen. IE OB RIDE dddddddees (3) VLWE (Audule effed) > Hp te ke. dhat vtedls Ao be tony Sunease Ae, ae Sw athe abippesee i Ud ud (Coutatpugll efdee Gf creporteats tha Ianeuse Jno prepune on dhe worl plaid enters a4 twallen actus 9 leaves at barges, Aadies ' (3) Vek VE (Reacton /Digpace elt) > A he Bla dua, #0 votithe ; Qua Pie WAM NM MMA AA teeta | aaa iW AC ) i ~ ewe fuga) cou prrewes > A tet us OLsUMne , By By = Adidth ot Tucpelles, at fled @ autled Da 8 >, > Rotor suet % outed 1 > emp: of vanes to tieknes of each vane Ka aks > blade area toefp. at Wet 9 sutet a 3 Ay= (nat) Bs = kjxb18, A, = (xd,-nt)By = XP Bo Did KREG og s Ay te + PEy 7 242 HEED EY Alune @APEFO (DO=O ayes, = 4 ree tN pe Wiad: bor ‘ony Apatite tp | bi: (0-1) hg? Ait Ue sod (1-2) 9 hg RAPE ER = thot Ra te i (2-8) dy tte 945 2@ he 4W gee th 2 ea sober ich by feo] tage _Nete> Staguaston stale 418 working as Teferente tobe Co SS i ation. Of. tthe fluid att pint 7204 q4s3 Wht Aah tte a faa eo df vething de Wwenteved da the yutian , Alen Heme edcti o) blocle vati act autled = ¥ as 5 Bastard tlede cunves placle rove better ephilen 2 Se 3 my ry polereos foward con conver dlade, foroduys ALighor iat aatio & nares Opsretid 2ange’ , Roackind blades ame, prebired cher Toe. cxaditersel i of waved body entate Bevling manent & ceebops High “Heer, peel ey danage We blade poryles Peegefooe _oadia] bled) orc “ih aah | (a) Backionrd Conte] (G98) = > (Futer's poork = Vy Uy — Yn) Ya ) >(AWoak Inpid = Vay, Hee) dante Aupah 2 oh Vi Ue wat) sh 2 Adndes te Idea) conditions, We Aprumed) that to Tint particle, will Pollous vty the Lede frrjile bet | conclitions when. 7 mo- Bf blodles are pit ane Abe. actin 4o ee R die We Trondle obpect poteh. ioe @ pad spondiler combler por. str Posts @ Hin clariatin Ls dalle of AUP: The. oppoct of VE Se feat Lt vot) cloracase the Nete port of, sp Lobich, vedeucet Phe: labial terupetect San Ce voor le olarne, tobe toe 16), 4 The watio € ob fecbr tee phen, the <5 Geely FIs va vor ov(p89- 0:99) W) finde Wook disput 2 Vet Vig CMa = 0) D twerk duped > Vay Up Ve oe HAMM A tat SISIII ON Saadae: cL / ¥ Power spit facta (Y)— Dus sete foilonal dates The avtia] power suput Ss abecogs gacstes a Hheorestinf poner Jefuck: ‘ } C yy actual pormer /aput Lp {pe line oe - _loo- Tes «(Tes ig Mdtte4 44S gSSSSIISIS OL adds dae (@) Det: Ae (%,), = dha ho = Ibe N2441Saepmm , Ton 7 20 e 1 for > 4 Peapes 9.5 b> 0- ts" 4 q, 294 se (ts), = Gms eee oa Hig 2 qe con > = 136-88 K 227 ey / Ree eae ott ! DNV, — Megep > ork PLD OS Ce <2ay) a D> Woru,? = 4%0' 92% (xetensase) > 1-0054 ae soe CT '-239x jo » 4,\> 490°63K vt, de = Ab : \ y (©) A cordarfuga] coir}. droving duepeller dia: 0° Sh at the bp Nzaovowpm y Tos=290K 7 oe Prt Rtowpr ss sextrople Adgunieg zero whirt at ulet (Vw)> 0D Det- presure atic B tomk duput / kg pee eres INE) y rer alta™) iol F o Pavol Ga = sea / BX9 Sx do00 ) > DOT a5 6 ret 29, lo? = ay sersleg D 24-997 crt { 4) = }+ 005 xos0/ fa a7 % beet 4 yi o a Apr 2365 t 2 lz 1 ' : ¢ aS toa > Crenanably the frewtirl angle de wer Hee RAAT S ITI IAAIIOILT Q) Aix at Sok exter, Ale coute-fugal coup aaa 4 Sop eve PF4t:05,O -09;,%.-08 r i ec » wo Del- paeture ratio 9 pinot demp.of ovtet of Cou-puisy DiS 843-59 oe PW 2 lo 105 X09K ( WXO-BKISUR) wr eo y= 5 Ob elias ah 69N215~320 aa foe tiad 4 cota, Por tle, tousprentors tohich ave. running at ¥ So thane 46 possibility of 4 vole of Mach No: >A. then Ahe. pdt, Wnt A” fine puide blade on bo Here 16 4 dutacduchon of b aF jolef, whieh. reduaes Abe fretiure with. the hu Construction. Ceet > pun Of work epusk de — ji ®) Coutts Jugal towh. aug at eee Aowng @ premuce aatio ef 4 4elt: ile The § vais at difet As Giver. pecit andal dik at J Her eye, ia Py “ pm vel pszenlst pak Auepetlem tif dis (Do) taf hey he Vin Ores ies 167 -SSu eo : Lv 2 % | |e | | ju eieeesieee eee “Dales Be eit mrt 7 7) & Cpl te Bethe ey IE a ot me We Cp (Lat yew) 4 Ve = 292-935 kS11G D 192-43 > Ww a sexs aior982 (out W¥ ) Al oon eek Hien APL! Xn) poems) § a Dy O'S aL Centalpuga) comp: = 90007, Py- A-bax, Ty-I0%o (29%) 4 (@) Af; ob00 mY mie » She 4) (UjJe> 92%, T7205 af es et op fh g pelo blag i cost sg F % cy Goi. pare Dg= 2D) ) 070% } a el f : BS Sepals nko. i) hen oes 7 tw) wit of dncblbe at le debts Les ey “Ww Dighues bede ovgle att Ma4eesegsegsdsse sed paessseatsee (4 pe? K é ph 181) Pawwer = ix (hy! by) = wy GUGeT BO MV ewRDD m= Ate Fx GoD = 1403 kg free Gox0-289 210% 233 ee = 207K +O Qs xI0 ? = se0nxo-9 x / Babee) 84 éo DD) > oO Fsh be DD_20'91bm DP, 2 2P, > pyewat| Poel 2 PY pase 42 Pie by) 8 Sa a > Te - Py BK Ve “aed > s& ae KE O-TSBXA KOGA ED pennant U2 Db zo) = wlgee = XD 458x900 poe ‘7 EaNe 430 “ko 5 RR O31 6X GOH CO cyl - dacal PARRA | ~~ Slodal plow > 4H cost of 4000 Of wong dtode. aigbuatel urna api pron tire meucted. 2% > den tase Of anial Vel Vi) 4 tb Ve Ww = PB o~ fe. os WARWARAAN III IIIIIIIIIIG A Sin Aho. case of the totaxpreuor ; Hhe blade 1 Audet do eutlet 1 ax the freuure. doureaus » Iw 3 Das tip dia » Ho Helehtog blade Dro Hubdia: > Dy> Mean dig. wv i Ne order Ab wardatn, Fore aria! ‘ fle hight} The blade bos ste be, deereote) B Tih Ty AlWe outlet bie) died DD. 3 1 ya Crogg-seotoual area at ih we tet vs We. > m +r Ie > Hr Ap ad = (eb) Vs one n(a-ae) ENNGPE By?) a i ei aes sust * (pet Pu) foark) Nete> ; ape rhe flild exctors # eaves Su the gene. dink” therefore uy=u, = APuN dhe volus of Uy= Ya a o> Fam design. Comticlenation 2 Mre sheuld be. eae orlad Hrait piv the Searing te Nes > Meal are mentioned WOd- poulal dbink's > A dhe angles aaa ae a na Fito loll dade ert 944 e7 sk senna The. retio exclbotby alee Qovess ee thd Arnot cole atnge: KR 5 : a ALAA Woks Vas Ynp 4) Work > (W,-veu —O dau fi> CBs uM Ac VF Du-Vio, > Vp tanks DP Vy =S We Vp ten Po, lL-oe > Mwy = Ue Vp tom Py Pa iS, VVVIIISISSS. Le @ in ©, we get > Wosk = [t ue VptanB) —Cu- Vp-tan Pad] > [un Vp tony -u+ Vp tenBs JU Work input > & Vp (tanB, - tom Ps) (7k9) tyage Pov ‘un’ stage = | Total work > mu Vp (anf, --tanf,) > fo Rye vot ee -@ 2 uv (tank; tenf,) = Ve Va, = VE > teBr —— 2 My ' Vig Corp, ay Va Ve Se By _@ Very 2 Vp see Py Mddtaneras4 sae sss we @ in @ ip eee ve see Pa = We see Pa as Ou Vp (ton fy ~ tan Pe) \ at ie Ve" ( sec? Py See? Bo) = Qd[ cc} sat Quvp (lau f, tanPe) = Vp? (Be tan’ Aten!) a)Ry= Me (teh +0084) Du Vp (tan Fy- tanh) & 2y a 2s i; HAE + down Qu Vp Py tant] st { c D> Rye Me | 4 tawP, ~tane, | av | SS 2 Wen f See aes Rpatbope . 2 oy lad | ae lan foun te : Yo the Pa tansy > tap SIteneteny > [R= al By aa Casts = Ces B ave Ve Vp Svan (Can Cs AEC, Ry= S07, Aulet angle (BI> 4S, ee” (B40 ¥ = Bt ¢ = 65 %o= BGthy Aulet temp. (G) > 840K, ee ase caer ee > Blade ve}.(W= 220 md/2- °F Thay det: doa uoreh cages ae Te -(6)" 257549 249k Sh= 51K) e — | 1 .- 2 5 30-862 5124-3! De? % Tau, GE SSS:8iK 20 Cae 7 cylal toork = ny Vp (anf ~tanf, ) ral talal shal shelf fee bball = Work = 4,)-45 = cp! > Cel work > 24SKI/rq 7 eee '°* Werk =u V_ (dan P)- taf) > 996xo°= nx D00"%p (Lam ts are 4429 4 Tks ‘ DA > VE (pangs ttarie i 2K90d A ee 2190 W]/sec WB w) 2 Ye [toufit th) ¥2 WY). s) XD nr] 12 i { 4 e006 8) A”tostage AFC ford nal > 53(%, yz Fr Te, dud temp (TEL SC > By= Sor, Work Jt equally divided bieo al) stages Mis ca Ry» Blade seed (4) = 240m) Vp sovdne Fema ¢ pet B29 Bo 7 work = Cpt. [Ab 74) > 19t-29K5 = poosezane(s Es) Fy, ae is D 4949-09 = 10% 210x170 ( tonf, ~tanf ) u) ¥ 104 + ¢ > danp)-tmh = 0-544 I iy Ss) UE (aoe Biter ae Inf) = SSeS wT 2 ATO = 9 don, +f, > 1-235 = > qhanp, = 298 = aieb= eat P= 1a'0e : att > Porcenic Reacten Turbine - | f= U_ > case Ma (ee cycle > 7 [hor % 4% Wt / Gade (Sheet) oe a jo bypee yas 4 70, 5 One eee = (2) ewes = > Cg~ tg) tents) ( 8 “Chs- ty) of thee ba) a (¥wpe ed Ye, 2 FS 4aeaie/s S y 2 Q)og S 1p see 2% e= 0 38 ae o\wor - Woe 7 WE” 44) NUREEE We Med > be bp = by-4, y rod = ed Qo> by tq = 2863 1S) Wh = hy -h, > 200-1800 = Jooobs}+ 9 (a) ‘ese= S400 - 26 5 Wuet Oy os co (a) vi ‘ 4 (48) Br 19 i 4, ABE 49201 ‘Yoo 20m (a) . . pore Sa eat, LO % 3260 4 ae ee a We. Ilse 40) nteB, Tye Sook 11321 Gok * eps 07> er agentes pe kab er HR) (aye? e he say"? she $433k & Tq = 992K ne Sate IITTIS ge 1 PATIL ATES IIIS , WII FARRAH et = = ospible. Hhrergl. Ae = Mag! was pur : " jug 40.4 ea sity mack. Wee -, Ab tna Plouonena de vobieb. ara strenw othe ed Je. Contour:

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