Casey Jones

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Name: Casey Jones

Alias: Hockey Mask Vigilante

Alignment: Aberrant (Evil)
Power Category: Physical Training
Level: 15 Experience:
Sex: Male Age: 39 Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Height: 6'1" Weight: 195 lbs.
Occupation: Vigilante; Apartment building handyman/maintenance

Hit Points: 73 S.D.C.: 187 P.P.E.: 29

I.Q.: 8 M.E.: 12 M.A.: 12 P.S.: 27
P.P.: 22 P.E.: 33 P.B.: 16 Speed: 44

+12 to Melee Damage +4 to Strike, Parry, & Dodge
+9 to save vs. Magic & Poison +36% to save vs. Coma/Death
Carry 5,400 lbs. & Lift 8,100 lbs. Run 880 yds./mins. (73’/ATT; 30 MPH)
Jump 54’ high & 73’ across +2 to Initiative

Natural Armor Rating: 14
Superhuman Strength
Power Punch & Kick
 costs 2 ATT and does double damage to regular foes or normal damage to invulnerable,
supernatural, and/or magical beings.
Force of Will
 can continue to function/fight until at -40 H.P. or after 24 hours have passed: has only 1 ATT, no
combat bonuses, and Speed is halved. Collapses into a coma after 24 hours have passed or reaches
-40 H.P.

Language – English: 98% Literacy – English: 98%
Mathematics – Basic: 98% Pilot – Automobile: 90%

Physical Training/High School Drop-Out

Hand-To-Hand: Aggressive & Deadly Combat Athletics
Body Building & Weight Lifting Climbing: 98%
Free Running/Parkour Running
Dieting Pick Locks: 98%
Prowl: 98% Find Contraband & Illegal Weapons: 86%
Streetwise: 80% W.S. Hockey Stick
W.M. Hockey Stick Sports – Hockey

Secondary Skills
Carpentry: 98% Basic Electronics: 98%
Basic Mechanics: 98% Automotive Mechanics: 98%
W.P. Blunt Weapons W.P. Revolver
W.P. Semi-Atuomatic & Automatic Rifle General Repair & Maintenance: 98%
Jury-Rig: 98% Lore – Pop Culture: 98%
Law: 98% Swimming: 98%
Pilot – Truck: 80% Pilot – Motorcycle: 98%
Bicycling: 72% Computer Operation: 75%
Recognize Weapon Quality: 60% Horror Desensitization
Resistance Training Tracking: 30%
Tailing: 35%

W.P. Paired Weapons – Blunt Weapons Sense of Balance: 98%
Walk Tightrope: 90% Can fall 45' safely
Suffers only 1/2 penalties of failed Horror Factor checks

Hand-To-Hand: Aggressive & Deadly Combat
# of ATT: 9
Initiative: +7 Strike: +9 Parry: +10 Dodge: +6
Automatic Dodge: +10 Damage: +22 Disarm: +10 Automatic Body Flip: +6
Body Flip/Throw: +7 Pull Punch: +8 Roll w/Punch/Fall/Impact: +6
Special Attacks/Notes: Automatic KO on natural 20
 Hockey Stick Master: +4 ATT
 +5 to Initiative
 +7 to Strike & Parry
 +1 to Throw
 +5 to Damage
 Can fight while prone without penalties, and can use one-handed
 Multiple Parry
 Critical Strike on natural 18+
 Knockout/Stun on natural 17+
 Death Blow on natural 18+
 Restrained Punch: 2d4
 Full-strength Punch: 3d6
 Power Punch: 6d6 (2 ATT)
 Entangle
 Judo-style Body Flip/Throw: 2d4x2, lose Initiative & 1 ATT
 Body Block/Tackle: 2d4
 Karate-style Punch: 3d6
 Karate-style Kick: 3d6
 Neck Hold
 Body Hold
 Arm Hold
 Leg Hold
 Wrist Lock
 Ankle Lock
 Snap Kick: 2d4
 Roundhouse Kick: 6d6
 Back Flip
 Axe Kick: 3d6
 Backward Sweep
 Crescent Kick: 3d6
 Tripping/Leg Hook
 Wheel Kick: 3d6

Combat Bonuses
+ 4 to Strike/Parry w/Blunt Weapons; +9 to Aim w/Revolvers; +8 Aim w/Semi-Automatic/Automatic
Rifles; +6 Burst w/Semi-Automatic/Automatic Rifles
Sports Clubs (8)
 Hockey Stick, Wooden Baseball Bat (2), Aluminum Baseball Bat, Golf Clubs (3), Cricket Paddle
 Weight: 3 lbs. | Strike: +4 | Parry: +4 | Damage: 2d4 (1d6 for Hockey Stick)
 Hockey Pucks (15): 1d8 damage (100' range)

Cash: $250 Checking: $5,000
Golfing Bag

Harmful Drugs/Toxins: 15 Magic - Spells: 12 Magic - Circles: 13
Magic - Rituals: 16 Magic - Wards: 13 Poison - Lethal: 14
Poison - Non-Lethal: 16 Insanity: 12 Psionics: 15

Saving Throw Bonuses:

+56% to save vs. Coma/Death; +12 to save vs. Poisons/Toxins; +9 to save vs. Magic; +2 to save vs. Horror
Factor; +2 to save vs. Disease; +3 to save vs. Insanity; +2 to save vs. Possession; +1 to save vs.
Disorientation; +1 to save vs. Mind Control; +1 to save vs. Pain

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