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Name: Napoleon

Alignment: Scrupulous (Good)

Power Category: Mutant Animal
Level: 9 Experience: 69,901 (95,001)
Race: Tree Frog (Mutant) Sex: Male Age: 30
Height: 3' Weight: 22 lbs. Eyes: Yellow Hair: None
Appearance: Humanoid, light-green, slender, tree frog; Thing fingers/toes; large eyes

Hit Points: 60 S.D.C.: 33 P.P.E.: 20

I.Q.: 12 M.E.: 15 M.A.: 15 P.S.: 18
P.P.: 28 P.E.: 18 P.B.: 12 Speed: 33

+7 to Strike, Parry, & Dodge +3 to Melee Damage
Pole Vault 28' high +6% to save vs. Coma/Death
+2 to save vs. Magic & Poison Carry 360 lbs. & Lift 720 lbs.
Run 660 yards/min. (62'/ATT; 23 MPH) +1 to Initiative

Mutant Frog Physiology
 Mutant Animal Features
 Hands: Full
 Biped: Full
 Speech: Full
 Looks: None
 Webbed Hands & Feet
 Swimming Speed: 44 (33'/ATT; 261'/round)
 -20% to Disguise skill
 -5% to skills requiring dexterity
 Advanced Vision: x2 Normal
 Nightvision: 1,000' range
 Master Swimming: equivalent to Swimming: Advanced skill, and can dive to 400 feet
 Leaping – Feline
 Can jump 24' up/across (27' with a runnign start)
 Can jump down 15' safely
 Reptile Brain – Prey: tense & stressful situations may cause him to flee, save vs. Insanity 12 to
remain in control.
 Righting Reflex
 +4 bonus to Roll with Falls or Impact
 Extra Physical Prowess
 Extraordinary Speed
 Diet – Insectivore

Adopted By Mentor
Hand-To-Hand: Martial Arts Acrobatics
Gymnastics Ambidexterity – Full
Wilderness Survival: 75% Escape Artist: 75%
Tailing: 75% Streetwise: 56%
Prowl: 80% W.P. Whip
W.P. Chained Weapons W.P. Knife
Secondary Skills
Language – English: 95% Literacy – English: 75%
Language – Spanish: 95% Literacy – Spanish: 75%
Climbing – Hobbyist: 98% Pilot – Automobile: 98%
Water Skiing & Surfing: 75% Skateboarding: 75%
Pilot – Motorboats & Hydrofoils: 75% Palming: 40%
Pilot –Motorcycles & Snowmobiles: 64% Computer Operation: 35%

Sense of Balance: 98% Walk Tightrope: 87%
Climb Rope: 98% Back Flip: 98%
Work Parallel Bars & Rings: 87% Pole Vault: 95%
W.P. Paired Weapons

Hand-To-Hand: Martial Arts
# of ATT: 8
Initiative: +3 Strike: +9 Parry: +10 Dodge: +10
Damage: +3 Disarm: +4 Pull Punch: +3 Maintain Balance: +7
Roll with Punch, Fall, or Impact: +5
 Critical Strike on natural 18+ (Melee)
 Kick: 2d4
 Karate-style Kick: 2d6
 select 4 Kicks
 Power Punch: 2d4 (2 ATT)
 Power Kick: 4d6 (2 ATT)
 Jump Kick
 Flying Jump Kick
 Leap Attack

Combat Bonuses:
+5 to Strike w/Whips; +4 to Entangle w/Chained Weapons; +4 to Parry w/Knives; +4 to Strike w/thrown
Knives; +3 to Damage w/Whips; +3 to Disarm w/Whips; +3 to Strike w/Chained Weapons & Knives; +2 to
Parry w/Chained Weapons; -2 to Strike w/thrown Chained Weapons

Bull Whip
 Weight: 3 lbs. | Strike: +14 | Entangle: +13 | Damage: 2d6+3

Cash: $1,000 Heroes Unlimited: $95,000

Disease: 14 Harmful Drugs: 15 Insanity: 12 Magic – Ritual: 16
Magic – Spell: 12 Poison – Lethal: 14 Poison – Non-Lethal: 16 Psionics: 15

Saving Throw Bonuses:

+6% to save vs. Coma/Death; +2 to save vs. Magic; +2 to save vs. Poison

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