Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Assessment in Critically Ill Paediatric Patients

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Acta Cardiol 2014; 69(2): 167-173 doi: 10.2143/AC.69.2.

3017298 167

Non-invasive cardiac output assessment in critically ill

paediatric patients


Dept. of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand.

Objective Recently, non-invasive methods for cardiac output (CO) assessment have been developed including the ultrasonic cardiac output
monitor (USCOM). This technique uses the same concept as Doppler echocardiography but differs in two aspects including continuous wave (CW) Doppler
and estimated outflow tract diameter (OTD) used in USCOM compared to pulsed wave Doppler and directed measurement of OTD used in echocardiog-
raphy. We sought to assess the agreement between CO assessment by USCOM and echocardiography in critically ill paediatric patients.
Methods Paired measurements of CO in critically ill paediatric patients were simultaneously and independently obtained by USCOM and echocar-
diography. Agreement between OTD, velocity time integral (VTI), CO, and cardiac index (CI) were assessed by percentage error and Bland-Altman analysis.
Results Thirty-four children (aged 7.86 ± 5.78 years, 44.1% male) had a mean OTD (1.47 ± 0.38, 1.41 ± 0.40), VTI (19.13 ± 6.06, 23.53 ± 7.31 cm),
CO (3.88 ± 2.19, 4.41 ± 2.83 l/min) and CI (4.23 ± 1.19, 4.77 ± 1.43 l/min/m2) by echocardiography and USCOM, respectively. Bias ± precision and percentage
of error of OTD, VTI, CO, and CI were -0.07 ± 0.20 cm, 27.80%; -4.40 ± 3.84 cm, 31.99%; –0.53 ± 1.23 l/min, 54.66%; and 0.54 ± 1.03 l/min/m2, 42.32%,
respectively. The bias ± precision and percentage error were more important in patients with septic shock (n = 16).
Conclusion USCOM was an unreliable tool for absolute value measurement of CO and CI due to the errors of VTI by CW Doppler.
Keywords Cardiac output – Doppler echocardiography – diagnostic technique – critically ill – paediatrics.

INTRODUCTION Although the invasive method using a pulmonary artery

catheter (PAC) with thermodilution remains the gold
Cardiac output monitoring in critically ill paediatric standard of cardiac output measurement3, it is not rou-
patients is essential for the assessment of cardiac func- tinely used in paediatric populations. Several studies in
tion. The primary goal is to maintain adequate tissue adult patients showed controversies in safety3. Recently,
perfusion. Currently, there are several methods for the non-invasive methods of cardiac output assessment have
measurement of cardiac output including invasive, min- been developed including Doppler echocardiography4,5
imally invasive, and non-invasive technologies1.To and ultrasonic cardiac output monitor (USCOM, Uscom
decide which cardiac output measurements should be Ltd., Sydney, Australia)6,7. However, echocardiography
used depends on many factors including knowledge of has been widely used for cardiac output assessment.
technical principles, ability of a convenient routine han- It requires a skillful and experienced operator8. USCOM
dling, safety issue for the patients, and validated data2. utilizes transaortic or transpulmonic continuous wave
Doppler ultrasound flow tracing to calculate cardiac
output. This device is designed for rapid, non-invasive
cardiac output assessment. Ideally, the technology for
cardiac output assessment should be non-invasive, accu-
Address for correspondence: rate, rapid, and compatible in adult and paediatric
Dr. Anant Khositseth , patients1. Since USCOM uses the similar technique con-
270 Rama VI Road, Ratchathewi,
Bangkok 10400, Thailand.
cept as Doppler echocardiography, we decided to com-
E-mail address: pare the agreement between cardiac output assessment
Received 18 December 2013; accepted for publication 15 January 2014. by Doppler echocardiography and USCOM in critically
ill paediatric patients.
168 T. Wongsirimetheekul et al.

METHODS between the paired sets of measurements. One to three

sets of paired measurements were obtained from each
This study was a prospective observational study at patient. The USCOM measurements were performed
a tertiary-based university hospital. Paediatric patients by a single operator (TW) with no prior echocardio-
admitted in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) graphic or ultrasonographic experience after her train-
from 1 May 2012 to 28 February 2013 were enrolled. ing with supervised measurement of USCOM. This
The study was approved by the institute’s ethic commit- operator was blinded to the measurements obtained
tee. The purpose of the study was explained to the from echocardiography. The USCOM device reported
patients’ parents. Informed consent was obtained. cardiac output by using average velocity time integral
Paediatric patients with a tracheostomy tube, con- measured by continuous wave Doppler and estimated
genital heart diseases, and unable to tolerate the supine left ventricular outflow tract diameter. The USCOM
position were excluded from the study. calculates the cross-sectional area using the outflow tract
diameter based on a validated nomogram derived from
height and weight9. Blood velocities were measured from
Study protocol
the suprasternal notch for the aortic valve. The velocity-
All enrolled patients underwent echocardiography time integral is automatically traced and integrated. The
and USCOM, simultaneously and independently. USCOM automatically calculated and reported as stroke
volume, heart rate, cardiac output and cardiac index.
Any complication occurring during the USCOM meas-
Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)
urement was recorded. The cardiac output measurement
Using Philips iE33, the left ventricular outflow tract was terminated if it interfered with the haemodynamics
was measured by 2-dimensional echocardiography from and/or current treatments of the patient. Cardiac index
parasternal long-axis view during diastole for the inner was calculated by cardiac output divided by body surface
diameter at the level of the aortic valve annulus, defined area which was estimated from the Boyd-West nomo-
as outflow diameter4,8. From the apical five-chamber gram according to weight and height9. Demographic
view, a pulsed-wave Doppler echocardiography was data of the patients were recorded including current
aligned to parallel the flow to measure velocity and medical conditions, underlying diseases, sex, age, body
velocity time integral4,8. All echocardiograms were per- weight and height. The vital signs including pulse oxygen
formed by a single operator (AK) following the standard saturation were also recorded throughout the time of
recommendation8. Cardiac output was calculated with cardiac output measurement.
the following formula8:
Cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate Statistical analysis
Stroke volume = cross-sectional area × velocity time integral
Cross-sectional area = π (radius)2 = π (outflow tract Descriptive analyses for continuous data were
diameter/2)2 described as mean ± SD. A paired t-test was used to detect
= [π (outflow tract diameter)2]/4 any significant difference between the mean of both meas-
= 0.786 X (outflow tract diameter)2
Cardiac output = 0.786 × (outflow tract diameter)2 × velocity time
urements. Bland-Altman analysis, Pearson’s correlation
integral × heart rate coefficient and percentage error were used to analyse the
agreement between each parameter of both measure-
Finally, the cardiac index is equal to the cardiac out- ments. A plot of the difference in each pair of two meth-
put divided by the body surface area. ods of measurements for each patient against the mean
of these two methods of measurements was constructed
by Bland-Altman plots10-12. From this plot, the mean dif-
Ultrasonic cardiac output monitor (USCOM)
ference between both measurement techniques is the bias,
The USCOM transducer using 2.2 MHz continuous which is an estimation of how closely these two methods
wave Doppler was placed on the patient’s suprasternal agree10-12. The SD of the mean difference indicates an
notch area and the optimal transaortic flow profile was estimation of precision10-12. The limits of agreement are
obtained just after the corresponding echocardiogram. indicated by the interval of 1.96 SD of the measurement.
Initially, an attempt was made to perform both measure- The percentage error was calculated as follows13:
ments at the same time but the Doppler signal of Percentage error = (1.96 × SD)/mean value of measurement × 100
USCOM was interfered by the Doppler from echocar-
diography. USCOM was determined after completion When compared with Doppler echocardiography a
of the measurement of the cardiac output from the echo- percentage error not exceeding 30% was defined as a
cardiography in order to minimize the time difference clinically useful USCOM13. All statistics were analysed
Non-invasive cardiac output measurement 169

by MedCalc version 12.4. A P < 0.05 was defined as

statistically significant.


Thirty-four patients admitted to the PICU aged

7.86 ± 5.78 years, 15 males (44.1%) were enrolled. Sixteen
patients (47%) were diagnosed as septic shock. The mean
body weight, body surface area, and BMI were
27.15 ± 18.23 kg, 0.93 ± 0.47 m2, and 17.26 ± 3.33 kg/m2.
There were no complications observed and all measure-
ments were finished without interruption.
Overall, the outflow tract diameter estimated from
USCOM was not significant ly different from that meas-
ured from 2-dimensional echocardiography whereas the
velocity time integral measured by continuous wave Dop-
pler from USCOM was significantly greater than that
measured by pulsed wave Doppler from echocardiogra-
phy (table 1). Using both parameters to calculate cardiac
output and cardiac index, cardiac output and cardiac
index from USCOM were significantly greater than those
from echocardiography (table 1). However, the correlation B
coefficients of the outflow tract diameter, velocity time
Fig. 1 Bland-Altman plots for cardiac output and cardiac index
integral, cardiac output and cardiac index from these two
in all patients (n = 34): plot between the difference of cardiac
methods had good correlations (table 1). Using a Bland- output calculated by echocardiography (COECHO) and by ultrasonic
Altman plot, the difference between outflow tract diam- cardiac output monitor (COUSCOM) versus the average difference
eter, velocity time integral, cardiac output and cardiac between these two methods with 95% limits of agreement (1A).
Plot between the difference of cardiac index calculated by
index from both methods had a bias (mean) and precision
echocardiography (CIECHO) and by ultrasonic cardiac output
(SD) as shown in table 1 and figure 1. Importantly, the monitor (CIUSCOM) versus the average difference between these two
percentage errors of cardiac output and cardiac index methods with 95% limits of agreement (1B).

Table 1 Outflow tract diameter, velocity time integral, cardiac output and cardiac index compared with echocardiography and
the ultrasonic cardiac output monitor in all patients (n = 34)

Parameters Echocardiography USCOM* P value Agreement between echocardiography and USCOM*

Correlation Bias ± precision Percentage error†
coefficient (r) (%)
OTD‡ 1.47 ± 0.38 1.41 ± 0.40 0.06 0.87 –0.07 ± 0.20 27.80
(cm) (0.76-0.94)
P < 0.0001
VTI§ 19.13 ± 6.06 23.53 ± 7.31 < 0.0001 0.85 –4.40 ± 3.84 31.99
(cm) (0.72-0.92)
P < 0.0001
CO¶ 3.88 ± 2.19 4.41 ± 2.83 0.02 0.91 –0.53 ± 1.23 54.66
(l/min) (0.83-0.96)
P < 0.0001
CI** 4.23 ± 1.19 4.77 ± 1.43 0.005 0.70 –0.54 ± 1.03 42.32
(l/min/m2) (0.48-0.84)
P < 0.0001

Values are mean ± standard deviation.

*USCOM, ultrasonic cardiac output monitor; †percentage error, 100 × 1.96 × SD/mean; ‡OTD, outflow tract diameter; §VTI, velocity time integral; ¶CO, cardiac output;
**CI, cardiac index.
170 T. Wongsirimetheekul et al.

measured by USCOM were high, when compared to those The percentage errors of cardiac output and cardiac
measured by echocardiography (table 1). index measured by USCOM when compared to those
Subgroup analysis into patients with non-septic measured by echocardiography were higher in patients
shock (n = 18) and patients with septic shock (n = 16) with septic shock than in patients with non-septic shock
were analysed (table 2 and table 3). The correlation (table 2 and table 3).
coefficients of cardiac output and cardiac index from
these two methods in patients with non-septic shock
had better correlations than those with septic shock. DISCUSSION
Bias ± precision of cardiac output and cardiac index
tended to be less in patients with non-septic shock Pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) with thermo-
(figure 2) than in patients with septic shock (figure 3). dilution is still the gold standard of cardiac output

Table 2 Outflow tract diameter, velocity time integral, cardiac output and cardiac index compared between those from echocardiography
and those from ultrasonic cardiac output monitor in subgroup of patients with non-septic shock (n = 18)

Parameters Echocardio- USCOM* P value Agreement between echocardiography and USCOM*

Correlation Bias ± precision Percentage error†
coefficient (r) (%)
OTD‡ 1.44 ± 0.38 1.38 ± 0.38 0.06 0.95 0.06 ± 0.12 33.41
(cm) (0.88-0.98)
P < 0.0001
VTI§ 19.09 ± 6.17 23.50 ± 6.21 < 0.0001 0.82 –4.41 ± 3.70 30.86
(cm) (0.58-0.93)
P < 0.0001
CO¶ 4.00 ± 2.47 4.50 ±2.86 0.02 0.97 –0.50 ± 0.79 34.41
(l/min) (0.91-0.99)
P < 0.0001
CI** 4.30 ± 1.18 4.81 ± 1.37 0.02 0.80 –0.52 ± 0.84 33.82
(l/min/m2) (0.53-0.92)
P < 0.0001

Values are mean ± standard deviation.

*USCOM, ultrasonic cardiac output monitor; †percentage error, 100 × 1.96 × SD/mean; ‡OTD, outflow tract diameter; §VTI, velocity time integral; ¶CO, cardiac
output; **CI, cardiac index.

Table 3 Outflow tract diameter, velocity time integral, cardiac output and cardiac index compared between those from echocardiography
and those from ultrasonic cardiac output monitor in subgroup of patients with septic shock (n = 16)

Parameters Echocardiography USCOM* P value Agreement between echocardiography and USCOM*

Correlation Bias ± precision Percentage error†
coefficient (r) (%)
OTD‡ 1.51 ± 0.39 1.43 ± 0.44 0.06 0.80 0.08 ± 0.27 37.00
(cm) (0.50-0.93)
P < 0.0002
VTI§ 19.18 ± 6.14 23.56 ± 8.59 < 0.0001 0.90 –4.38 ± 4.11 34.19
(cm) (0.72-0.96)
P < 0.0001
CO¶ 3.75 ± 1.90 4.31 ± 2.88 0.02 0.85 –0.56 ± 1.62 73.67
(l/min) (0.61-0.95)
P < 0.0001
CI** 4.16 ± 1.23 4.73 ± 1.53 0.02 0.61 –0.56 ± 1.24 51.38
(l/min/m2) (0.17-0.85)
P < 0.01

Values are mean ± standard deviation.

*USCOM, ultrasonic cardiac output monitor; †percentage error, 100 × 1.96 × SD/mean; ‡OTD, outflow tract diameter; §VTI, velocity time integral; ¶CO, cardiac
output; **CI, cardiac index.
Non-invasive cardiac output measurement 171

Fig. 2 Bland-Altman plots for cardiac output and cardiac index in

patients without septic shock (n = 18): Plot between the difference
of cardiac output calculated by echocardiography (COECHO) and by
ultrasonic cardiac output monitor (COUSCOM) versus the average
difference between these two methods with 95% limits of
agreement (2A). Plot between the difference of cardiac index B
calculated by echocardiography (CIECHO) and by ultrasonic cardiac
output monitor (CIUSCOM) versus the average difference between Fig. 3 Bland-Altman plots for cardiac output and cardiac index in
these two methods with 95% limits of agreement (2B). patients with septic shock (n = 16): Plot between the difference of
cardiac output calculated by echocardiography (COECHO) and by
ultrasonic cardiac output monitor (COUSCOM) versus the average
difference between these two methods with 95% limits of
agreement (3A). Plot between the difference of cardiac index calcu-
measurement1,14,15. The limitations are its invasive nature, lated by echocardiography (CIECHO) and by ultrasonic cardiac output
it is time-consuming, and has more complications, espe- monitor (CIUSCOM) versus the average difference between these two
methods with 95% limits of agreement (3B).
cially in a paediatric population with shock. The size of
the PAC is large when compared to the calibre of the
central vein. USCOM is the newer method of measure-
ment. Recently, Chong et al.6 reported a meta-analysis of
the accuracy and precision of the USCOM and found precision of the USCOM were its extreme operator
that it had a mean bias and precision of –0.39 l/min and dependency and parameters such as low cardiac output
1.27 l/min and a percentage error against thermodilution and older age. Importantly, there was only one study in
cardiac output of 42.7%. However, they concluded that a paediatric population in that meta-analysis. Knirsch et
the USCOM may be useful in cardiac output monitoring al.17 reported cardiac output measurement in children
and that further studies are needed to investigate the compared between the USCOM and thermodilution
ability of the USCOM. Huang et al.16 commented on that cardiac output measurement. They concluded that using
paper that from their results, rather than accepting the the USCOM did not reliably represent absolute cardiac
reliability of the USCOM, it should be concluded that output values as compared to PAC thermodilution17.
the USCOM was unreliable to be used clinically. They The ability of Doppler echocardiography to provide
stated that the main reasons of errors regarding the non-invasive cardiac output measurement with minimal
172 T. Wongsirimetheekul et al.

discomfort or risk along with its portability, immediate tract diameter at the aortic annulus measurement pref-
availability, and repeatability has been reported by many erably using left ventricular outflow tract to calculate
studies5,18,19. Transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) cross-sectional area4. Although the recording of flow
with pulsed wave Doppler for cardiac output determina- velocity used continuous wave Doppler as the technique
tion has been compared with PAC thermodilution in in the USCOM, the velocity time integral is related to
various patient populations and demonstrated that this the cross-sectional area of the aortic valve opening rather
technique had acceptable accuracy compared when per- than the valve annulus8. Moreover, a non-imaging con-
formed correctly1,20,21. tinuous wave transducer used in the USCOM will detect
Nguyen HB et al.22 measured the cardiac index by the the highest velocity along the path of the ultrasound
USCOM and Doppler transthoracic echocardiography beam8. Although all compared parameters had good
in adult (n = 99) and paediatric (n = 44) patients in the correlations, this statistical method was not useful for
emergency room and found that the values obtained by assessing agreement between two methods of measure-
the USCOM appeared to be higher than Doppler echo- ment. Instead, the Bland-Altman10,11 and percentage
cardiography and could not be a reliable method when error13 should be used to assess the correlation. Impor-
compared to Doppler. Our study confirmed that cardiac tantly, the percentage error was extremely high especially
output from the USCOM tended to be overestimated in in patients with septic shock when compared to the
comparison with cardiac output from Doppler echocar- percentage error in patients with non-septic shock. The
diography, especially in paediatric septic shock patients. USCOM tended to overestimate cardiac output and
Two variables calculated for cardiac output from the cardiac index in case of a relatively hyperdynamic heart
USCOM were outflow tract diameter and velocity time due to the highest velocity profile derived from con-
integral. Outflow tract diameter from the USCOM was tinuous wave Doppler.
estimated according to the validated nomogram derived
from height and weight9 which was not significantly
different from the outflow tract diameter measured CONCLUSIONS
directly by 2-dimensional echocardiography and had a
bias and precision of -0.07 ± 0.20 cm and a percentage The USCOM could not be used as a reliable tool for
error less than 30%. However, the velocity time integral the absolute value measurement of cardiac output and
derived from the USCOM was significantly greater than cardiac index in a paediatric population, especially in
that derived from echocardiography with a bias and patients with septic shock, when compared to Doppler
precision of -4.40 ± 3.84 cm and a percentage error more echocardiography. The main source of error was derived
than 30%. This could be explained by methods of obtain- time velocity integral from continuous wave Doppler. The
ing the velocity time integral from the USCOM using USCOM might be useful for monitoring the responses
continuous wave Doppler whereas Doppler echocardi- after treatment in septic shock regarding improvement
ography uses pulsed wave Doppler. Chew et al.21 have or deterioration of cardiac output or cardiac index. How-
reviewed the accuracy and repeatability of Doppler ever, further investigations should be performed to eval-
echocardiography to measure cardiac output in paedi- uate whether the USCOM could be used as a tool to
atric populations. That review included 11 articles with monitor paediatric patients with septic shock.
285 children and compared Doppler cardiac output
measurements to cardiac output from Fick, thermodilu-
tion, or dye dilution methods. They demonstrated the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
precision of Doppler cardiac output in the order of 30%,
bias generally less than 10%, and repeatability varying The authors would like to acknowledge all participat-
from 1-22% 21. The American Society of Echocardiog- ing children and their families for participation in this
raphy8 recommended using pulsed wave Doppler tracing study; all PICU nurses, paediatric residents and attend-
average velocity of the blood cells passing through the ing staffs for their medical care to the patients.
aortic valve orifice to derive a velocity time integral since
pulsed wave recorded velocities within the sample
volume properly matched the anatomical site of outflow CONFLICT OF INTEREST: none declared.
Non-invasive cardiac output measurement 173


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