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“The Brothers”
By Bjornstjerne Bjornson

Prepared by:

Year and Section:

4th year / 4EDENG7A

Date Submitted:
October 13, 2020

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Setting The first setting is on an unknown town after an unidentified important war.
Anders’ house which is also unmentioned.
 During winter season.
The church where Baard used to pray.

Characters  BAARD
o Round and Dynamic Character
Bard is a schoolmaster and a retired corporal soldier. At first, he is
viewed as a loving brother. But when the auction started, he became
competitive in wanting to get the gold watch left by his father. As the story
goes by, he then became an apologetic and remorseful man—wanting to
make up with his brother. At the end of the story, he then developed to be a
godly man, respected by all, a loving playmate and father to Ander’s children.
o Round and Static Character
Ander is retired corporal soldier. He was married to a crofter’s family
and lived a poor life. At first he is also viewed as a loving brother but when
the auction started, he is seen as a prideful man who never wanted his
brother to get ahead of him. As the story goes by, he is seen as prideful and
rancorous or bitter. But during the court trial, we see him as a forgiving
person which is also became evident until the end of the story.

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 Baard and Anders are brothers who both came home from war
after their father died.
 They decided that the properties that their father left him will be
auctioned so that they can fairly share the proceeds.
 Anders and Baard gets into a conflict after none of them wanted to
surrender in bidding for the gold watch which their father left.
 Baard got the watch but it caused Anders to hold a grudge on him.

 Anders got married and lived a poor life.

 Baard was sorry for what happened between him and his brother
so he prayed in a specific church where he got to see Anders
whose house is nearby.
 One night, Baard planned to reconcile with his brother by giving
the gold watch through hanging it on a peg on Ander's hayloft.
 The next morning, Baard found out that the hayloft burned down
which overwhelmed him because he knows that it is his fault.
 Anders believed that it is indeed his brother fault because some
people saw him distressed the day the hayloft burned down. So
they met at the hearing.
 On the hearing, Anders was asked if he suspected his brother,
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though he was angry, he didn't want his brother to be put in a bad
light so he said no.
 Anders became alcoholic after that incident. Baard also changed a
 One late evening, Anders wife came to see Baard. When Baard
reached the Anders' house, he saw him weak of illness, emaciated.
 Right then, the two brothers began to talk to each other again and
realized that no one became happy after the day they fought. They
reconciled and promise each other that they would be together
 Anders died and Baard took his wife and children with him--making
sure that they are well-taken care of.
Varieties of Plot Pattern The author first used a flash-forward plot pattern when he stated the event
where Anders’ hayloft burned down. By this moment, the reason for that
particular event was not yet unfolded. He then stated it when he used
flashback, wherein he revealed that before the hayloft burned, Baard went to
Anders’ place to reconcile by putting the gold watch on his brother’s peg and
was unaware that he ignited the coal through the torch which is not
completely put out of fire causing the hayloft to burn down.
Conflict or Problem in the Man vs. Man
It is man vs. man when Baard and Andres fought over the gold watch
which was left by their father.
Man vs. Himself
Man vs. himself because they both let their pride goes in the way of
forgiving each other. They only did what’s needed to be done
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when it is already too late.
Theme or topic Importance of Family
This short story tells us that no material thing can replace the love of the
It also tells us the importance of reconciliation and forgiveness—that it
should be done as soon as possible because holding grudges will do us
no good.

Lesson learned It not healthy to hold grudges towards people. We must always be willing to
forgive and also be willing to ask for forgiveness when people do us wrong.
Holding grudges will ruin relationships. It is better to lose an argument than
to lose a friend or a family member. Always choose forgiveness. Always
choose peace.

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