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As a graduate, I have gained basic knowledge in several different branches of agricultural engineering
such as irrigaon, drainage, environmental, and, most importantly to me, water resources. Also, I have
had some professional experience through internships which has enhanced my understanding of water
resources engineering. I am looking forward to entering the Hungarian University graduate program for
my graduate study in Agricultural Water Management Engineering. My country, Nigeria, is one of the
developing countries suffering from the problems related to good quality water supply and distribuon.
The consequences affiliated to this major problem in this part of the world, are severe and have become
a bane to the people and the country at large. With respect to my society, I have for a long me lived
where people tend to strive for available water and struggle to survive with water borne diseases
caused by inadequate supply of water and the use of contaminated water for drinking. I see people
suffering due to this inadequacy and also the low standard of living and income to purchase quality
water for themselves. This appeared challenging to me and a problem that needs to be solved
immediately. As Engineers are meant to solve such problems in our society, my interest to solve this
problem grew stronger every day. Furthermore, in the course of my undergraduate research, I selected
a topic that was related to this problem, which was to evaluate the physiochemical parameters of
different water sources including the surface and groundwater in my locality. I discovered the amount of
some significant elements present in the water samples had exceeded the limit given by the WHO
standard. This has caused illness too, especially children leading to the increased death rate in the
society. For this reason, the willingness and driving force to specialize in Water Resources Engineering
became my major priority, and my knowledge gained in the study of Water Resources Engineering and
Management in my undergraduate level will be an added advantage to me. I know and believe if given
this awesome opportunity, it will be a big plus to my personality and of great value to my society in the
long run. First of all, on my return, I will put informaon disseminaon into consideraon using plaorms such
as seminars to publicise what the people need to know about water; especially, its negave effects when
it is unclean for use. As powerful as informaon, such public awareness will go a long way to eradicate
ignorance from the people. My next step is to integrate my knowledge and skills acquired from
hydraulics, hydrology, water resources and environmental engineering to technically address the
increasingly serious problems related to good water supply and distribuon in our everyday acvies
including agriculture by seeking also the government’s support to achieve these set goals of mine, as
this immensely contributes to naonal development. To further evaluate the impact of the potenal
benefits of my work, the ‘Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) index’ can be used, using the society as
a case study

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