Title of The Project:: "Study On Money Market Instruments in India."

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Rishabh Bucha

Roll no-15

Title of the Project:

“Study on Money Market Instruments in India.”

Motilal Oswal Financial Services ltd

Objective of the Study:

 To understand different types of Money Market Instruments and
their Maturity and Minimum amount of Investment and the level
of risk involved in them.

 To study regarding the Role of Reserve bank of India in Indian

securities industry with respect to T-bills and commercial

 To study the defects of cash market.

 To study all about the overview of money market.


I. This project is combination of both primary as well as secondary

data process.

II. As company wanted to people invest their savings in mutual

funds, systematic investment plan, equity and health insurance.

III. Insurance has became primary concern over covid-19 situation

and had taught us many things like basic hygiene factors or
social distancing and we should not ignore health insurance any
further every family needs

IV. Most important to open free Demat account under Motilal oswal
financial services which were also having numerous benefits for
people who trade on regular bases

V. Motilal oswal has all dedicated advisory support for all trading
needs. Calls and trade assistance is at your fingertips

VI. Money which people invest is totally dependent on their existing

and new knowledge or research by him/her over the years

VII. Many times they consult financial advisors and experts to seek
their advice but they also have a clear comprehension of their
own. They give little room to outside tips and suggestions

Sampling Techniques:
 The sampling technique used in the research is Random
Sampling technique. In this case each Individual is chosen
entirely by chance and each member of the population has an
equal chance or probability of being selected.

 As People or masses were chosen on random bases which were

close friends, relatives, neighbours or through recommendations
from other people

 People who were chosen were not from the same state, same
region, same caste, or same behaviour.

Data Collection Instruments

• MOSL Market Outlook

• Morning India Outlook

• MO Investor Application

• MO Trader Application
Major Findings & Analysis

1. The study talks about the different types of instruments like

treasury bill, commercial paper, certificate of deposits, banker
acceptance, commercial Bill and many more but the best option
that found is T bills and commercial papers because this are two
instruments mostly used by commercial banks and government

2. To regulate the liquidity in the economy the Reserve Bank of

India plays a major role.

3. Due to safety of parking funds, High return on Investment, Tax

free, Liquidity and also due to less or no fees money market
instruments are best place to invest in.

4. In Money market instruments we lose some of the opportunity

cost as this are the government securities because the yield is
generally lower than any other market and thereby we lose some
of the opportunity for better return.

5. My major findings are money market instruments is of great

help to government and also business men where their
temporary surplus funds can be invested for short period.

 In the perspective on different imperfections in the

Indian currency advertise the accompanying
recommendation have been made for its proper

 The exercises of the indigenous banks ought to be brought

under the compelling control of the Reserve Bank of India.

 Banking encourage ought to be extended especially in

the unbanked and dismissed territories.

 Discounting and rediscounting offices ought to be extended in

such a major way thus, that the bill market is created in the

 For collecting the productivity of the currency showcase the

quantity of the clearing houses in the nation ought to be
expanded and their working.
 Variation in the Interest rates ought to be diminished.

 Adequate and less exorbitant settlement offices ought to be

given to the business people to expand the portability


 The Money Market represents considerable authority owing

debtors protections that develop not more than a year.
 Money Market protections are fluid and are considered. The
returns that are offered by Money market are low when they are
compared with other instruments

 The least demanding path for people to access the currency

market is through currency advertise common assets.

 T-Bills are momentary government protections that adult in one

year or less from the date of issue. T-bills are viewed as one of
the most secure venture - they don’t give an extraordinary

 An authentication of Deposit which is also known as Cash

Deposit is a period store with banks.

 CDs are sheltered among the instruments yet returns are not
those fantastic and the cash is tied up for the length of CDs.

 Commercial paper is an unbound momentary advances issued

by organization. Returns are higher than T-charges due to
the higher default chance


1. https://www.ibef.org/industry/financial-services-india.aspx.com
2. KPMG report on potential impact of covid-19 on Indian
economy which was published in April 2020
3. https://www.angelbroking.com/open-demat-account.com
4. https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/personal-
5. https://www.forbesindia.com/article/work-in-progress/motilal-
6. Book Marketing management E14 Philip Kotler and kevin lane
keller page no 476
7. Book Marketing management E14 Philip Kotler and kevin lane
8. https://www.economicsdiscussion.net/india/money-
9. https://www.economicsdiscussion.net/india/money-
10. https://www.paisabazaar.com/mutual-funds/money-market-
11. https://www.managementstudyguide.com/portfolio-

Number of Pages : 77
Similarity Report : 13%

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