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NAME: Mojica, Noah Kent

DATE: October 7, 2020


How do you imagine yourself beyond your 60 birthday?


You may wonder, what is considered a normal part of the aging process?

List down what to expect as you get older.

Being old is a part of human’s life, just accept the fact that everyone of us will be old
and will meet our end eventually, being old is hard there are a lot of things you’ll encounter
that will difficult to do because of your age. Despite of all of this be grateful, be grateful
that you manage to reach the old age, because many of other people will not be able to
experience it and die in early age.

What I see myself in 60 years from is a tall old man, with beard and white hair, as I
become older, I appreciate everything that changes in my body. I won’t recolor my hair,
I’ll just let it be. I may not be able to stand and do some things quickly as I do for today,
maybe I’m already wearing glasses because even though I’ll be old I’ll still going to play
my computer and cellphone games and watch anime series. As I become older, I might
forget some things in my life that are not that really important, I may not be able to play
the sports that I’m playing as of now because my bones are already old. Maybe at that age
I already have my grandchildren, I might spoil my grandchildren because as an old person,
having a grandchild around may boost my mental condition in a good way and will make
me feel happy. Maybe at this age I already lose my fashion sense because the new
generation will call me already out dated. Around this age maybe I already stopped
working because I can’t handle the hard works required to do my job, only my children
will support me. I might not be able to eat some of my favorite foods because it will be bad
for my health as an old person, luckily, I’m not into smoking, that’s why I can see myself a
little bit of healthy at this age. At the end I can see myself happy living together with my
family and my wife.

Being an old person is both hard and easy, if you manage to accept the fact that it is
a part of your life, you’ll be able to handle things easily and if not, things will be harder
and difficult for you to realize what is happening.

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