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My experience of working in a group was a combination of joy, anger and disappointment.

being the person with a logistician personality prefers working alone rather than in a group. But it
always gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction at the end for getting the job done through our
common effort.
When we were in grade 10, we as a class had decided to go for a picnic. Being the class
representatives, I should have been the one to organize everything. However, I decided not to get
involved in planning and helped with other things like going shopping and collecting money from friends.
Roshan and Prakash volunteered to plan all the picnics. Everybody in our class helped in deciding the
menus for the picnic and choosing the destination. Dipak and Alina got permission from Principal.
Jharana, Durga and Sarita arranged utensils to cook food.
Having a logistician personality, I am a dutiful person. No matter what, I like to do my work
faithfully and expect the same from others. When we went for a picnic, all the students helped the
teachers in making breakfast. Me being a dutiful person along with a couple of my friends had helped
the teacher in making the entire lunch for everybody. Dipak took the responsibility of music. Later our
friends helped in washing dishes, serving food to everyone. Couple of people were dancing while others
were eating. We take turns in eating food so that there will be no difficulty in serving food. At the end of
the day, we all had fun and I had a great day.
One of the very bad qualities that I have( and wish to improve) is self blaming. I clearly
remember that I’d forgotten to load a couple of things that were important(actually very important) in
our picnics on the bus. Those things were in my home so that it’d be easier to load them. We realized
that only when we got to the location and we were very very far from our home. I was so guilty that I
cried. I was constantly blaming myself for not being responsible. I was thinking if I had done things any
different I wouldn’t have forgotten them. But in the end we solved the problem. We request one of my
classmates, Suman who was yet to arrive to bring those things. Everybody consoled me that it wasn’t
completely my fault. They should have checked the item, too. Everybody’s support was very helpful in
overcoming the guilt.
When we worked together and planned our picnic, it was a fun and worthwhile experience. All
of us were different; we had different personalities; we had our own strengths and weaknesses to
overcome. But our weakness couldn’t cause a problem because we had each other to complement our
weakness. When someone was too carefree, there was always another person to tell them to be
responsible. When someone was worried about the plan, there was always another person to console
them that everything is going to be fine. Working in a group is always a new and knowledgeable
experience for me. Despite my preference of working alone, I always feel proud and glad after working
in a group.

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