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*PG520* PG – 520

IV Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination, July 2013

Electronic Science

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Instructions : 1) Answer all questions from Section A.

2) Answer any four full questions from Section B.


1. What is ASIP ? Explain any one ASIP. (5×4=20)

2. Briefly discuss any one application of PWM.

3. Briefly explain subtraction instructions of PIC microcontroller.

4. Write a note on stack register and stack memory of PIC16F877A.

5. Briefly explain function queue scheduling architecture. Mention its advantageous

over other architectures.


6. a) Define power, performance, unit cost and flexibility design metrics. 6

b) Distinguish between general purpose processor, single purpose processor
and ASIP. 9

7. a) With suitable example, explain optimization of FSMD and datapath. 8

b) Briefly explain Instruction Set simulator (ISS) and Emulator. 7

8. a) Explain :
i) Interrupt driven I/O data transfer
ii) Multilevel bus architecture. (5+3)
b) With relevant block diagram and SFR explain TIMER1 of PIC 16F877. 7

PG – 520 *PG520*

9. a) Explain the following pins of PIC16F877A 8

i) RB7/PGD
ii) RC6/Tx/CK
iii) RA1/AN1
iv) MCLR.
b) Explain the function of scheduler in RTOS. 5
c) Define critical section of the program. 2

10. a) Discuss various problems w.r.t. improper usage of semaphores. 5

b) Briefly explain :
i) Mailboxes
ii) Interrupt latency
iii) Advantageous of using more number of tasks in RTOS based embedded
system. (3+3+4)

11. Write a note on any three of the following : (5×3=15)

a) RT-level sequential components.
b) Synchronous and asynchronous events.
c) TRIS registers of PIC microcontroller.
d) Selection of software architecture.

*PG339* PG – 339

IV Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination, June 2016

ELC-401 : Embedded System Design
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Instructions : 1) Answer all questions from Section A.

2) Answer any four full questions from Section B.

SECTION – A (5×2=10)

1. Define any two design metrics.

2. What is optimization ?

3. Explain any one RT-level combinational components.

4. What is interrupt latency ?

5. Briefly explain Task states.


6. a) Discuss three different processor technologies with their merits and demerits. 10

b) With suitable diagrams explain templates for creating FSMD. 5

7. a) Explain timer, counters and watchdog timer. 9

b) Briefly explain strobe and handshake protocol. 6

8. a) Explain Interrupt driven I/O data transfer. 6

b) What is PWM ? Explain any two applications of PWM. 9

9. a) Briefly explain function queue scheduling architecture. Mention its advantages

over other architectures. 7

b) What do you mean by atomic and critical section of the program ? 3

c) Briefly describe the function of scheduler in RTOs. 5

PG – 339 *PG339*

10. a) What is Shared data problem ? Explain how Shared data problem can be
avoided using semaphores. 8

b) Briefly explain Concept phase, Design phase and Programming phase of

software life cycle. 7

11. Write a note on any three of the following : (5×3=15)

a) I2C protocol

b) Cache and flash memory

c) Debugging techniques

d) Message queue and mailbox.

*PG314* PG – 314

IV Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination, June 2017

ELC 401 : Embedded System Design

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Instructions : 1) Answer all questions from Section – A.

2) Answer any four full questions from Section – B.

SECTION – A (5×2=10)

1. What is embedded system ? Mention any one example.

2. Mention advantages and disadvantages of single purpose processor.

3. What is the need for cache memory ?

4. Mention the features of RTOS.

5. What is shared data problem ? Mention methods to avoid shared data problem.


6. Explain : (5+5+5)
a) Pipelining
b) Instruction Set Simulator and Emulator.
c) PWM.

7. a) What is arbitration ? Explain priority arbiter. 6

b) Briefly explain serial communication. 3
c) Explain l2C protocol. 6

8. a) Explain Round-Robin with use of interrupt architecture. Discuss its advantages

and disadvantages. 6
b) Explain various task states. 6
c) Briefly discuss semaphores problems. 3

PG – 314 *PG314*

9. a) Discuss various methods used in RTOS for inter task communication. 6

b) Explain rules for interrupt routines to work properly in RTOS environment. 5
c) Explain the need for tasks for encapsulation. 4

10. a) Explain Message Queues, Mailbox and Pipes. 9

b) Briefly explain various stages of software life cycle. 6

11. Write a note on any three of the following : (5×3=15)

a) Design metrics.
b) Types of ROM.
c) Interrupt latency.
d) Events.


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