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BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus AUGS/AGSR DIVISION FIRST SEMESTER 2020-21 Course Handout (Part II) Date: 16/08/2020 In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives further specific details regarding the course. Course No. :ME F211/MF F211 Course Name :Mechanics of Solids Instructor-in-charge :SharadShrivastava ‘Tutorial Instructor SharadShrivastava, , Girish Kant, Amit.R.Singh, Harsh Sharma, Diplesh Gautam 1. Course Description: Fundamental principles of mechanics, introduction of mechanics of deformable bodies, force and moment transmitted by slender members (2D truss, frame, beam), stress and strain, stressstrain- temperature relations, torsion of circular member, stress and deflection due to bending, buckling of columns, theories of failure. 2. Scope and Objective: ‘* Determination of strength, deformation and stability of structural and machine elements. ‘* Understand the material properties and Idealization of stress-strain curves. ‘© Understand different loading conditions and to analyse the results. © Understand combine load conditions on a body and to analyse the results © Understand the failure theories. At the end of the course the student will be in a position to design and analyze simple structural elements, which involve calculation of stress, strain and deformation. This is an essential feature in any design process. 3. Text Book: 1. Crandall, Dahl and Lardner, An Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, McGraw-Hill International edition, 1978. 4, Reference Books: 1. Mechanics of Materials, Gere and Timshenko. Latest Edition. innovate __achiove load P= NSave the World. Please Consider Your Environmental Responsibilt ‘Do Not Print Unless Necessary BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus 2. Mechanics of Materials; F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston and J. T. DeWolf, Third Edition, 2002, McGraw-Hill International Edition. 3. Introduction to Solid Mechanics by I. H. Shames, 2"! Edition, 1980, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd. New Delhi. 4. Engineering Mechanics of Solids by E. P. Popov, 2nd Edition, PHI, New Delhi. 5. Course Plan Module Number Lecture session/Tutorial Session. | Reference | Learning Outcome [Fundamental principles of [L.1, Introduction, principles of | TB Chapter | | Fundamental mechanics mechanics, concept of force & priniciples of moment, equilibrium conditions mechanics and to L 1.2. concept of two & three force [TB Chapter | an exposition of members, free body diagram, friction, the requirements trusses of equilibrium TL.I. Practice Problems TBRB Zintroduction to _mechanics | L2.1. Analysis of deformable bodies, | TB Chapter 2 [To attack of deformable bodies uniaxial loading & deformation problems of 12.2. Statical Determinate Truss [TB Chapter? | applied mechanics 2.3. Problems on trusses TB Chapter? | by applying three 2.4. hoop stresses in thin cylindrical [TB Chapter2 | steps. The shells analysis of truss 12.5. Caslighone’s Theorem TB Chapter? | for both statically 12.6.Problems TB Chapter 2 | indeterminate and T2, Problems on truss structure | TB/RB determinate conditions will be understood 3. Forces & moments | L3.1. Introduction of forces & TB Chapter 3 [In this the study of transmitted by slender | moments acting on a section of a forces and members member equilibrium L3.2,Shear force and BM diagram [TB Chapter3 | requirements will 3.3 Problems TB Chapters |be applied to 3.4 Distributed loads & resultant of [TB Chapter 3 | slender members. distributed loads, Differential The importance of equilibrium approach, Singularity shear force and functions bemding moment 13.5. Differential equilibrium TB Chapter 3 | variation along the approach, Singularity functions Iength of slender T3. Problems TBRB : Save oe. innovate achieve load P= NSave the World. Please Consider Your Environmental Responsibilit ‘Do Not Print Uniess Necessary BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus members will be understood 4, Stress & Strain TAT Introduction, stress, plane stress, equilibrium of an element in plane stress, TB Chapter 4 L4.2. Mohr circle representation of a plane stress, general state of stress TB Chapter 4 14.3 Problems TB Chapter 4 LA44 Analysis of deformations, strain components, relation between strain & displacement TB Chapter 4 AS. Strain component associated with arbitrary set of axis, Mohr circle representation of plane strain, general TB Chapter 4 The investigation of three basic principles will be applied to the localized behavior of the materials at a point within a deformable body. Concept of stress and strain and its variation at a point in different planes state of strain will be L4.6.Problems TB Chapter 4 | understood. T4 Problems TBRB 5, Stress-Strain-Temperature | L5.1. Introduction, tensile test, TB Chapter 5 | The relation relations idealization of stress strain curve, between stress and L5,2. elastic stress strain relation, | TB Chapter 5 ] strain will be ‘Thermal strain, studied. Also their L5.3. complete equations of TB Chapter 5 | relation with elasticity, strain energy in a elastic temperature will body be analysed. L5.4. Theory of failure TB Chapter 5 | Different material LS.5 Problems TB Chapter 5 | Properties. and TS Problems TBRB yielding criterian for ductile materials will be understood. 6 Torsion T6.1. Introduction, geometry of [TB Chapter 6 [In this chapter deformation of a twisted circular shat, stress strain relations, , 16.2 equilibrium requirements, stresses & deformations in twisted elastic circular shaft TB Chapter 6 L6.3. torsion of elastic hollow circular shaft, TB Chapter 6 L6.4, combined stresses, strain energy due to torsion, yielding in torsion TB Chapter 6 L6,5.Problems TB Chapter 6 student will apply the fundamental principles to consider the problem of twisting. The stress developed due to torsion will be analysed and corresponding innovate achieve oo ‘Do Not Print Uniess Necessary P= NSave the World. Please Consider Your Environmental Responsibilt BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus T6. Problems TBRB deformation will also be understood. T Stresses due to bending T7-Lintroduction, deformation in pure bending, stress-strain relations, equilibrium requirements, TB Chapter 7 L7.2 stresses & deformations in pure bending. TB Chapter? 7.3. Stresses due to shear force and bending moment, TB Chapter? 17.4. combined stresses, strain energy due to bending, yielding in bending TB Chapter? L7.5.Problems TB Chapter 7 ‘T7.Problems TBRB Here the slender member subjected to transverse loading would be analysed. The stresses and deformation would be analysed 8. Deflections due to bending 8. Introduction, moment-curvature- relations, integration of _moment- curvature relations, Numerical problems TB Chapter 8 L8.2. superposition, Load-deflection TB Chapter 8 8.3 differential equation, Energy Methods, Problems TB Chapter 8 TS Problems TBRB The deflection of slender members which transmit bending moments would be analysed, which would be helpful while designing hith speed machinery — with close tolerances, leaf springs etc. ‘9, buckling of columns L9.1 Introduction, elastic stabili examples of instability, TB Chapter 9 L9.2 elastic stability of flexible columns TB Chapter 9 L9.3Problems TB Chapter 9 In this chapter student will analyse the body when it is deviated from equilibrium conditions.The analysis of columns would be done to predict the stability of structure. oe Please Consider Your Environmental Responsibilit ‘Do Not Print Uniess Necessary Save tne Wert BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus 6. Evaluation Scheme: EC] Evaluation | Duration ] Weightage | Date, Time &Venue Nature of No.| Component ‘Component T Test! 30min_| 15% GO) ‘Sepl0-Sep20, 2020 ‘OB 2 Test? 30min [15% (30) | Oct9-Oct 20, 2020 ‘OB 3 Test 30min_| 15% GO) Nov10-Nov20, 2020 ‘OB | Assignments/quiz [50min | 20% (40)_| To be announced in class OB es 3_[_ Compre. Exam. [120min | 35%(70) TF Dec 2020 7. Tutorial : Will be announced in the lecture class. There will be no makeup in any circumstances for evaluative tutorials/assignments/quizes. All the test/quizzes/Assignments will be time bound and online portal would be opened only for the mentioned duration of test/quiz/Assignment. 8. Online Consultation Hour: Will be announced by instructors individually during the tutorial class. 9. Make up Policy: Make-up will be granted only to genuine cases. 10. Notices: Notice, if any, concerning the course will be displayed on the Nalanda. All the lecture slides oe and other study materials would be uploaded on nalanda. Instructor-in-charge ME F211/ MF F211 Save Paper. >, Save Trees. P= NSave the World. Please Consider Your Environmental Responsibilit ‘Do Not Print Uniess Necessary

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