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2. Overview research theorypractice EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION

3. A. What is a theory?  A supported principle, educated guess, mental plan rather than actual
practice. -MW Dictionary  Is NOT a common sense, wild speculation or a conceptions of the
ideals.  Is a set of interrelated concepts, assumptions and generalizations that systematically
describes and explains behavior in educational organization. - Griffiths 1959

4. 3 important things that defines theory:  Theory logically consists of concepts, assumptions
and generalization.  The major function of theory is to describe, explain, and predict behavior.
 Theory is heuristic for it stimulates and guides the further development of knowledge.

5. In general Theory is concerned with the systematic description and explanation of a
particular phenomenon.

6. B. Functions & components of theory to educational administration.

7. Functions of theory 1. To provide general explanation for phenomena - it is the ultimate

function of a theory where it explains the structure and dynamics of organizational life.

8. 2.To guide empirical research -by providing conceptual underpinnings for the development of
hypothesis in which are developed to check the proposed theoretical explanations with objective

9. 3.To provide for cumulative research - which provides for the development of knowledge by
building upon earlier research and by refining, reformulating, and elaborating the theory.

10. 4.To guide action in the sense of providing the basis of making decisions about practical
everyday questions - concepts and theories enable the practitioner to make sense out of the
complexities of reality and thus provide for strategic and rational action.

11. Components of theory

12. (is a term that has been given an abstract generalized meaning..)  In administration, for
instance, such as leadership, informal organization, and satisfaction are given generalized
meanings which nevertheless are used to describe behavior in the real world.  In other words,


13. Researchers, theorists and practitioners can agree on the meaning of such terms. , being
abstract and general are ensured of their being independent of any unique temporal or spatial
14. is a statement that is accepted as true without proof and without necessarily being self-
evident. This is because an assumption may be definitional in character; that is, it is a definition
of a given word.

15. is a statement or proposition that indicates the mutual relationship of two or more concepts.
A generalization links concepts in a meaningful fashion. Generalizations are of four kinds, (1)
assumptions, (2) hypotheses, (3) principles and (4) Laws.

16. Educational administration is the field of study and practice concerned with the management
of educational institutions. Positions in this field include principal, assistant principal, dean,
program director and curriculum coordinator. For anyone involved in educational administration,
provide an explanation of how things work, guide research and inform practice.

17. have drawn for the application of organization theory by the school principal.

18. 1. The school Principal should recognize that the traditional or hierarchical scalar view of the
school is an inaccurate oversimplification. 2. It is clear that other classical organizational
concepts- unity of command, span of control, and the line-staff relationship have limited utility
when applied to the school.

19. 3. In the exercise of power within the school, the principal should examine the extent to
which he makes appeals either to or . 4. From the axiomatic theory of formal organizations, the
perspective principal is able to realize that the administration of the school involves complex
organizational factors that require a series of ordered “trade-offs”.

20. 5. From the studies of organizational change the principal must realize that it is not enough to
be a proponent of change.

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