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Oscar Perez

LEPS 580

26 June 2020

Assignment 7.1: Creating a Workplace Conflict Resolution Plan

The vision for this department and organization is to become more democratic to be efficient,

properly serve its officers, and best serve its community members. The department will reach this vision

through the implementation of a conflict resolution plan because of its ability to reduce costs and

improve morale. An effective conflict resolution plan improves morale by resolving organizational and

personal issues through conflict resolution processes (313). These processes/plans mitigate and

decrease intimacies lost, relationships destroyed and decreased productivity caused by gossip, rumors,

absenteeism, and turnover occurring because of unresolved personal and organizational issues allowing

organizations and its employee’s the opportunity to learn and evolve by making employees feel

involved, connected, and part of a team (308). The cost reduction from an effective plan saves an

organization money from decreasing expenses accrued from prolonged unresolved issues which cause

an increase in attorney fees, settlements, and managerial expenses, stress sick leave, conflict-induced

absences, and litigation fees (310).

Along with a well-formulated resolution plan the three conflict resolution techniques of utilizing

integrated interest-based systems, conducting conflict audits, and supportive cultural shift will be the

most effective in creating a democratic work environment that improves conflict resolution and overall


An integrated interest-based system is effective because of its ability to solve singular individual

issues/problems but chronic organizational issues. This integrated interest-based technique constantly

streams and monitors the flow of conflicts to address them at all levels (312). This technique and

approach encourages early evaluation, monitoring, informal problem solving, mediation, and de-
escalation throughout the entirety of a conflict which ensures a diverse and collaborative negotiation to

address and resolve any issue at hand(313).

The technique of conducting conflict audits is an effective tool for conflict resolution as it allows

an organization to discover and assess the true cost of conflict. This technique utilizes outside and/or

internal consultation to collect objective data such as the true cost and time involved resolving conflicts

(318). This objective consulted/collaborative gathering allows for a more thorough understanding of the

true cost and allows for subjective questioning which takes into consideration intangible items such as

morale, motivation, customer retention, and reputation (318). This tool and technique allows the

deciphering of an issue and its true root to create an efficient resolution plan.

The implementation, creation, and push for the technique of a supportive cultural shift will be

effective in diminishing a conflict culture and create a collaborative cross-functional culture. The

effectiveness of the technique is that it identifies and attempts to mitigate rules, processes, and

sanctions implemented from a conflict culture that discourages honest communication, avoids

mediation, and minimizes authentic dialogue (321). The reduction of these added layers of dysfunction

decreases cost and improves overall effectiveness when dealing with issues. A shift in culture which is

influenced cross-functionally increases honest and empathetic collaboration from all within an

organization to reach and obtain long-lasting resolutions to micro and macro conflicts/issues.

Word Count: 480


Cloke, Kenneth, and Joy Goldsmith. Resolving Conflicts at Work: Ten Strategies for Everyone on the Job.
John Wiley, 2011.

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