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77zis question paper co11tai11s 7 printed pages.

Your Roll No ...................... .


LL.B. I IV Term B
Paper LB-402
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks: JOO

(Write your Roll No. 011 tlze top immediately

011 receipt of this question paper.)
(W "fm-W ~ f?iffit efl 3;<fl; ~ 711Z f.tmttn
Note : Answers may be written either in English or in
Hindi; but the same medium should be. used
throughout the paper.
~ : w "fm-lT;f 'fir Ttf{ ~ ![{ ~ frf;fft ~ lfT!fl if
~; itfcn.1 tnft ~'fir rmzri:r ~(fl "iRr • ,
Attempt any five questions in all.
All questions carry equal marks.

~ tifw Jm7 ~ Ttf{ ~rl&i1;1

tnft Jml ~ 3fcn WIR ~I

1. (a) Discuss the theory of Separation of Powers in
context of Indian Constitution. Refer to judicial

(b) What is the object and scope of Commission of

Enquiry under the Commission of Enquiry Act,
I 952. What are the powers of Central Government
to appoint Commission of Enquiry ? 20

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CfiT fc!ffi ~I~ fcif.Wil'll q:;) m ~I

(<1) ~ 3WWT ~ 19 52 ~ 3Rf1fu ~ 3WWT CfiT

~ 3fu: qfl<Xl im ;p;[j %? ~ 3WWT ~ q;f.t t
~ ~ m<flR <f;T ;p;[j ~ i?

2. What are limits beyond which a legislature cannot

delegate the law making power? Discuss with reference·
to decided cases. Explain whether modification and
repeal of law are valid delegation of law making power:

-a;~ W ~ i ~ 1m ~ fcr~Hi:is<.1 fcrfli-f.'mfuft

~ CfiT ~i'lll'll"l"\ 1@ <R m? fcif.t~a ~ t ~ ~
~ ~ 1~ ~ fcn ;p;[j fcrft1 CfiT ~om f.m:r;r
fcrft1 -Ri:ifuft ~ ~ ~ ~ {'l\ I'll "l'l i 7

3458 2
3. Discuss with reference lo decided cases whether rules
of natural justice have been violated in following cases :

(a) Non-supply of enquiry report.

(b) Refusal to defend through legal practitioner where

charges levelled may result in dismissal. 20

ftj f.l FNa ~ it i.:R'1f ii fciffi ~ fcfi 'f<lT ~~

it f.ri:rm C!i1 f.l i::t ~ f© a ~ ii ~ fcfi'lT 1Tl'.IT %:
( 31) ~ -fuiti <fi'nr~11{ ;i fcfi'lT ~ 1

(or) ~ 3mTtiT it qfl:u114f<t<i"q <JH511ff1'ft it ~ %

~ fuftf'li OlfCftl 141 mi l!fui:a:n ~ ~ ofi't lRmt
'!iBT I

(a) A ·transport authority while granting the licence

did not take into consideration an imp01tant
evidence because of which 'X' could not get
licence to run transport services. Which is the
appropriate writ that can be issued to 'X' and
why? Give the grounds on which such writ can be

(b) Malafide exercise of power is an abuse of power.

Discuss with reference to decided cases. 20

3458 3 [P.T.O.
(31) ~ qfl:cit~ ~ :'\ "11~i1"4.1 ~ qajt ~ ~
litf<1'i'.'f m~ 1R fcrcrr\ ~ fo!im ~ <flRUf x 'h'l
qf(C\t~ ~ ~ ~ fui:; "11~f1ll ~ m WfiT in I~
~ ~ fu: t ~ x 'h'l ~ <lit ~ W.fKft t 3lR
<!lit? T-1 3lTmU"" ~ ~ -w.r 1R ~ m: ~ m
W.fKI\% I
(<!) t i 'li"I ~""llCl'{.:fili >rTii-r t i 'li"I ~q<i1'1 mi %I
ftjf.l~a ~<lit lltl'"lcil'B~~I

5. (a) What are the exemptions under the Right to

Information Act, 2005 ?

(b) Can the following information be supplied under

the Right to Information Act. Substantiate your

(i) Notes, rottings and draft judgements.

(ii) Disclosure of assets by individual judges to

the Chief Justice of India. 20

(~'!) ~"" ~ ~. 2005 ~ ~ 'f<!T-'f<!T


3458 4
(<!) <ml ~ -if; ~ -if; ~ -if; 3Fflfu
RRR-if@a ~ <ft ~ -.rci,cft %? ~ ~ oliT W!
(i) ~, ~om~ "1"1A(fl

(ii) 'l1ru! -if; 1f9'! "'1111 iffe <ii\ 3IB1T -31<.'fil ~~

1nU qf{filOqMl:fl Cf>! SICfiilCfi{Ul I

6. 'The line of distinction between quasi judicial power

and administrative power is getting obliterated'. Discuss
with reference to decided cases.

'X', a senior officer of 'Y', gave adverse remarks in the

confidential report of 'Y' because of which 'Y' could
not be promoted. 'X', was the member of Departmental
Promotion Committee in which 'Y' appeared for
interview. Y wants to challenge the decision of the
Committee on account of bias. Advise 'Y'. Explain
through judicial decisions about the application of
principle of Bias. 20

'041\"ilcticti0l ~ o~ SlwflRCfi ~-if;~~

m-i fimft ~~ i 1' Pclf.lf?-qa ~ ofiT fl6111a1 it ~

Y ~ qfty ~ X :t Y ofiT I 0q'1°111 ft11'ti -ij Slfd"Rfl fltqUi
fonin ~ q\{u114'i<!\i>4 Y oil q<l"1fd ~ ~~I X ~

3458 5 [P.T.O.
m~ ~ trf?lfu '!iT ~ m fu:rit y m~ ~
~'l.l(j "§:311 m I y i:rm iii OfiT{OT trf?lfu iii fciRN<l qi]
311~ 'fi8T ~%I Y qi]~~ I tfa.-T1ffil iii~
cfi\ 31:J;~l.ll"<lci I iii ajt ii~ fcif.l~iil.ll iii lffU!li it O!fT&l1

7. {a) The rule provided for granting exemption of

purchase tax for new and expanded factories in
State of Uttaranchal. The objective was to generate
employment and to prevent inter state migration of
labour. The government made a policy to grant
exemptions to new factories in cooperative sector.
'X' who was not granted exemption challenged the
decision on the ground that government by making
policy has shut its ears to individual applications.
Decide with reference to decided cases.

(b) Discuss the Constitutional Validity of Article 323

A(2) and Article 323B(d). 20

(31) 3'a>:iil<'I ~ii~ crm fcH~11fl;a ?ii'"fcfl;lfi ~ S!l<r-<R it

w ~'flf.t iii~~ ii~ "fcn<n rm m ~ 1

m fol; ~ '!iT ~ ~ crm ~ffirlil '!iT <H"fld"'4'1'l

m ~ ~ 1m<fiR ~ «(;'h1fl;a1 liti ii~ ~i"fm<l1 'li't
W ~ ~ cfi\ -;ftfu ~I X qi] W ~;it! cfit ~

3458 6
~I °3-ef.l W 31Ttm: i:i-.: fclf.!N4 i'\ 311~ fcfi4T
foll "lWfiR ;i :ffi'r <Rl'R ~ 11 Rhi!i ~ ofi't 3ffi u'f>"R
<R q;i; ~1 fclf.t~a ~ ofi't fH514dl u fclf.!~4

(or) ~ 323A(2) ~ ~ 323B(d) "1it ~mf.lcn


8. Write short notes on any two : 20

(i) Wednesbury and Proportionality Principle

(ii) Curative Petition

(iii) Legislative control through laying requirement

(iv) Post decisional hearing

(i) ~:S1f1°H'.1 ~ :>!ljYIRi'hdl moi;:H1

(ii) 1!™ 41~'hl

(iii) w"IH (laying) ofi't ~8;11~ 11lun:rufc<mm~
(iv) fc<R~~

3458 7

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