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Therapeutic uses

 Birch leaves are known to be rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, tannins and


 Active constituents in the leaf extract include polymeric proanthocyanidins and

other phenolic compounds that are known for its anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant properties.

 Current preparations using birch leaf extracts are used to treat inflammation and
in alleviating pain in rheumatism patients

 Studies suggested that a widespread species associated with birch, Betula

pendula, exert a diuretic effect due to their anti-inflammatory capacity.

 Birch leaf extract has also shown promising treatment for corneal inflammation,
and due to its antibacterial property, it is shown to be effective against
uropathogenic Escherichia coli

 As a result, it is used as a diuretic and as an adjuvant in patients having minor

urinary tract infections.

 Apart from this, Birch leaf is also known for its soothing and purifying effects
on the skin.

 Hence, this herb is also used in the treatment of many different skin disorders as

 On the other hand, the bark of the tree contains a terpene, betulinic acid, that
acts as a valuable anticancer agent

 The sap contains important minerals and sugars like fructose, glucose,
magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, thiamine, and phosphorous in it.

 Moreover, according to some experts, birch water helps to treat liver disease,
flu, headaches, dandruff, skin irritations, bronchitis, arthritis, and cellulite.
 Other uses include treating arthritis, achy joints (rheumatism), loss of hair, and
skin rashes. Birch is also used in “Spring cures” for “purifying the blood.”

How does it work?

Birch leaves contain chemicals which increase water loss through the urine.

Insufficient Evidence for

 Skin growths from sun damage (actinic keratosis). Early research suggests that
applying a birch bark ointment for 2 months to the affected areas can help
clear actinic keratoses.
 Arthritis.
 Hair loss.
 Rashes.
 Conditions of the urinary tract.
 Achy joints (rheumatism).
 Other conditions.

More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of birch for these uses.


Birch leaves can be consumed in the form of a tea to help boost the body’s immune
system. The leaves contain antiviral and antibacterial properties that help protect
the body against infection and also speed up recovery from any infection that you
may have.

Birch leaf tea also contains several natural antioxidants in the form of flavonoids
and vitamin C which can further improve general health and help to reverse the
damage done to the body by free radicals.


The leaves and the bark can be used to help make an anti-inflammatory tea to help
treat various forms of inflammation. The bark, in particular, is high in betulinic
acid which has potent anti-inflammatory activity.
Because of this, birch tea can be used to help treat common joint conditions like
arthritis and rheumatism. It can also be used to help alleviate internal inflammation
affecting the digestive and respiratory systems.


Drinking a few cups of birch tea made with the leaves and the bark can help to
stimulate your digestive system and improved overall digestion. Because of its
anti-inflammatory nature, it is highly effective in relieving digestive upset.

The tea can be used to relieve common digestive complaints like a cramp,
abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.

The leaves also possess mild laxative properties meaning that they can be
consumed to help relieve constipation and support more regular bowel movement.
It has also been used throughout the centuries as a general digestive tonic.

Experts often recommend that you soak the birch leaves thoroughly in a good
quality apple cider vinegar for a few weeks. This process might help release the
micronutrients and the minerals meaning that you get more medicinal value from
the leaves and also much of the value from the vinegar.


Birch leaves and the bark of the tree contain astringent properties making them an
effective treatment for various skin conditions.

Birch bark also contains excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties

making it a good natural treatment for various inflammatory skin
conditions. Conditions that birch may help treat include eczema and dermatitis.

To treat your skin with the leaves, you should soak your birch leaves in a jug of
water for at least a few hours and then strain the solution. Use the leaf water to
wash your skin paying particular attention to the affected areas.
Bathing in water infused with birch leaves is another effective way of treating the
skin, prevent dandruff and to help strengthen your hair roots.

Birch leaves can also be added to a compress to treat the skin of irritation or to
relieve joint pain while you may also be interested in making your own oil. We
will take a look at a birch leaf oil recipe later in the article.


Birch leaves can be used to make a tea or juiced to help treat inflammation or
infection in the urinary tract. Birch leaf tea may also help treat edema and flush the
kidneys. Birch leaves have diuretic properties meaning that a tea made from them
can help promote both the volume and the frequency of a person’s urination. This,
in turn, helps to flush the system of uric acid, toxins and excess fluids throughout
the body.

It can also help maintain good liver and kidney health and may even help eliminate
unsightly cellulite.


Like many herbal teas, birch leaf tea may help promote a good night of sleep if you
drink a cup or two before bedtime. The effects are probably mild and unlikely to
help you overcome more serious sleep issues, but if you are simply feeling a little
on edge, it is worth giving it a go.


As well as helping improve kidney health, the detoxifying abilities of birch leaves
can help cleanse the blood. Regularly drinking birch tea may help eliminate toxins
and impurities from the blood supply.

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