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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur


Divisibility Rules for 2, 5 and 10

Divisibility Rules for 3, 6 and 9

Developed by:

Writer: Joan Sharon A. Aguirre, T III

Reviewers: Amalia G. Asuncion, MT II

Francisco B. Lacuesta, MT II
Veronica Vilog, PIV
Alegria F. Molina, PSDS
Nestor G. Villalfor, EPS - Math
Illustrator: Joan Sharon A. Aguirre, T III

Administrators: Jorge M. Reinante, SDS

Nestor C. Heraña, ASDS
Maria Salome R. Abero, CID Chief
Nestor G. Villaflor, EPS - Math


This Self Learning Kit (SLK) is prepared for you by the Schools Division of Ilocos Sur
to ensure that learning continues despite of the CoViD-19 pandemic. This is aligned with the
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) in Mathematics of the Department of

You are expected to read, understand and think critically in solving and answering the
problems found on each lesson. Individual learning is highly encouraged however online
coaching by teachers can be done to help you and your parents or guardian in finishing this kit

The different lessons are logically-explained and presented with illustrative examples
followed with daily tasks that you are expected to answer honestly on a separate sheet to be
submitted to your teacher on a specified day of the week.


1. Uses divisibility rules for 2, 5 and 10 to find the common factors of numbers.
2. Uses divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9 to find the common factors. (M5NS-1b-58.2)


Grade Level: Five ( Quarter 1: Week 1 )

Subject Matter:
Divisibility Rules for 2, 5 and 10
Divisibility Rules for 3, 6 and 9

 Curriculum Guide in Mathematics 5
 21st Century Mathletes 5, pages 31-32

I. Presentation of the Lesson

In this self learning kit, you should be able to learn the following:

 Divisibility Rules for 2, 5 and 10

 Divisibility Rules for 3, 6 and 9

II. Short Discussion

A. Divisibility rules for 2, 5 and 10
*Explain: The divisibility rules for 2,5 and 10 are grouped together because they all
require checking the ones digit of the whole number.

*Study the given table below:

Numbers Divisible by
2 5 10
10 8 30 25 40 60
18 72 90 315 80 70
34 14 100 45 50 140
238 36 35 75 100 250
28 506 85 660 110 500

A.1. Divisibility Rule for 2

A number is divisible by 2 if it ends in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 or even numbers.

Example 1: Is 238 divisible by 2?

Yes, because the number ends in 8 and is an even number.
238 = Therefore, 238 is divisible by 2

Example 2: 860 is divisible by 2 since the number ends in 0


A.2. Divisibility Rule for 5

A number is divisible by 5 if it ends in 0 0r 5.
Example 3: Is 660 divisible by 5?
Yes, because the number ends in 0.
660 = Therefore, 660 is divisible by 5

Example 4: 315 is divisible by 5 because ends in 5.


A.3. Divisibility Rule for 10

A number is divisible by 10 if it ends in 0.

Example 5. Is 530 divisible by 10?

Yes, because 530 ends in 0.

Example 6: The number 81 940 is divided by 10 because the number ends in 0.

81 940

B. Divisibility rules for 3, 6 AND 9

Explain: The divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9 are grouped together because they
require computing the sum of the digits.

*Study the table below:

Numbers Divisible by
3 6 9
3 615 7 254 108
96 1 812 2 925
342 114 126 222 50 733

B.1. Divisibility Rule for 3

A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of all the digits is divisible by 3.
Example 7: Is 342 divisible by 3?
3 + 4 + 2 = 9 ( Add all the digits )
9 ÷ 3 = 3 ( Divide the sum by 3 )

Therefore, 342 is divisible by 3 because the sum of all the digits which is 9 is
divisible by 3. That is, 342 divided by 3 is 114.

Example 8: The number 561 is divisible by 3 because 5 + 6 + 1 = 12, and 12 is

divisible by 3. To check, 561 divided by 3 is 187.

B.2. Divisibility Rule for 6

A number is divisible by both 2 and 3, then it is divisible by 6.
A number is divisible by 6 if it is an even number and is divisible by 3.

Example 9: Is 126 divisible by 6?

126 can be divided by 2 because the number ends in 6.
1 + 2 + 6 = 9 ( Add all the digits )
9 ÷ 3 = 3 ( Divide the sum by 3 )

Since 126 is divisible by both 2 and 3, then it is also divisible by 6.

Example 10: Is 176 divisible by 6? 176 ends in 6, indicating that it is

divisible by 2. However, 176 is not divisible by 3 since 1 + 7 + 6
= 14, and 14 is not divisible by 3. Therefore 176 is not divisible
by 6.

B.3. Divisibility Rule for 9

A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of all the digits is divisible or a

mulitiple of 9.

Example 11: Is 135 divisible by 9?

1 + 3 + 5 = 9 ( Add the digits )
9 ÷ 9 = 1 ( Divide the sum by 9 )

Therefore, 135 is divisible by 9. ( 135 ÷ 9 = 15 )

Example 12: The number 356 is not divisible by 9 because 3 + 5 + 6 = 14, and
14 is not divisible by 9 or 14 is not a multiple of 9.

III. Activities

Directions: Write YES in the blank before the number if the number is divisible and
NO if it is not.

_____ 1. Can 486 be divided by 2?

_____ 2. Can 728 be divided by 5?
_____ 3. Can 784 be divided by 2?
_____ 4. Can 200 be divided by 5?
_____ 5. Can 267 be divided by 2?
_____ 6. Can 310 divided by 10?
_____ 7. Can 312 be divided by 5?
_____ 8. Can 311 be divided by 10?
_____ 9. Can 460 be divided by 5?
_____10. Can 10 be divided by 10?
_____11. Can 260 be divided by 2 and 5?
_____12. Can 1255 be divided by 2, 5 and 10?
_____13. What is the smallest positive whole number that is divisible by 2, 5 and 10?


Directions: Put a check under the correct column applying the rules for divisibility.

2 5 10
6 345
8 000
4 970
2 560
1 255


Directions: Put a check mark ( / ) in the space provided before the number if the given
number is divisible and X if not.

_____ 1. Is 163 divisible by 3?

_____ 2. Is 516 divisible by 3?
_____ 3. Is 702 divisible by 3?
_____ 4. Is 918 divisible by 3?
_____ 5. Is 534 divisible by 6?
_____ 6. Is 456 divisible by 6?
_____ 7. Is 514 divisible by 6?
_____ 8. Is 684 divisible by 9?
_____ 9. Is 768 divisible by 9?
_____10. Is 789 divisible by 9?
_____11. Is 1254 divisible by 3 and 6?
_____12. Is 3249 divisible by 3, 6 and 9?
_____13. What is the smallest positive whole number that is divisible by 3, 6 and 9?


Directions: Put a check under the correct column applying the rules for divisibility.

3 6 9
8 640
4 176

IV. Generalization


 Divisibility rule for 2

*Numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 are divisible by 2.
* Divisibility rule for 5
*Numbers ending in 0 and 5 are divisible by 5
* Divisibility rule for 10
*Numbers ending in 0 are divisible by 10
* Divisibility rule for 3
*The sum of the digits of the number is divisible by 3
* Divisibility rule for 6
*The number is divisible by both 2 and 3
* Divisibility rule for 9
*The sum of the digits of the number is divisible by 9


A. Directions: Using the divisibility rules, encircle the numbers whose factors are
the given number before them. An example is done for you.

Example: __2__ = 15 20 25 28 31
1. 2 = 88 470 90 294

2. 5 = 5 000 7 528 6 010 845

3. 10 = 370 950 840 530

4. 3 = 84 346 57 264

5. 9 = 299 627 657 846

B. Using the divisibility rule, put a check on the blank if the second number is a
factor of the first number.

1. 328 2 ______
2. 2980 10 ______
3. 5655 5 ______
4. 459 3 ______
5. 261 6 ______



Direction: Write YES in the blank before the number if the number is divisible and
NO if it is not.
YES 1. Can 486 be divided by 2? YES 6. Can 310 divided by 10?
NO 2. Can 728 be divided by 5? NO 7. Can 312 be divided by 5?
YES 3. Can 784 be divided by 2? NO 8. Can 311 be divided by 10?
YES 4. Can 200 be divided by 5? YES 9. Can 460 be divided by 5?
NO 5. Can 267 be divided by 2? YES10. Can 10 be divided by 10?
11. Yes
12. No
13. 10


Direction: Put a check under the correct column applying the rules for divisibility.

2 5 10
6 345 
8 000   
4 970   
2 560   
1 255 


Direction: Put a check mark ( ) in the space provided before the number if the given
number is divisible and X if not.

X 1. Is 163 divisible by 3?  6. Is 456 divisible by 6?

 2. Is 516 divisible by 3? X 7. Is 514 divisible by 6?
X 3. Is 702 divisible by 3?  8. Is 684 divisible by 9?
 4. Is 918 divisible by 3? X 9. Is 768 divisible by 9?
 5. Is 534 divisible by 6? X 10. Is 789 divisible by 9?
___ X __12


Direction: Put a check under the correct column applying the rules for divisibility.

3 6 9
315  
120  
8 640   
4 176  


A. Direction: Using the divisibility rules, encircle the numbers whose factors are
the given number before them. An example is done for you.

Example: __2__ = 15 20 25 28 31

1. 2 = 88 470 90 294

2. 5 = 5000 7528 6010 845

3. 10 = 370 950 840 530

4. 3 = 84 346 57 264

5. 9 = 299 627 657 846

B. Using the divisibility rule, put a check on the blank if the second number is a
factor of the first number and X if not.

1. 328 2 ______
2. 2980 10 ______
3. 5655 5 ______
4. 459 3 ______
5. 261 6 ___X___

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