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Rev A Page 1 of 17
Code ID no.: Name: Sajith Nair
Installation Instructions
TDI Offline Approved:
Revision Name Approved Description


1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Installation Instructions.................................................................................................................... 3
Setup Overview for Service Engineer/On-Site operator...............................................................................3
Setup Overview for Service Engineer /MDS Experts..................................................................................3
2.1 Install 3500 Configuration software 3.95 or higher..........................................................................4
2.2 Upgrade the /22 TDI firmware for the rack to version 1.6 or higher & upgrade the TDI DSP information
2.3 Connect to the rack, configure TDI Collection Group parameters and download it to rack....................4
Item................................................................................................................................................... 5
Description........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Verifying transient events are logged as per the above set parameters................................................7
2.5 Save the high resolution data to a zip file by Save Offline Diagnostic File..........................................7
2.6 Install at the minimum System1 components like Configuration, Display and Database Tool (version
6.5 or higher)......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Install Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter Tool (ODI) version 1.0 or higher........................................9
2.8 Create a Sytem1 Enterprise using System1 Configuration; load the rack file for the interested rack
(available in the zip file) and save the Enterprise........................................................................................9

3. Key Pre-requisites & Known Issues.................................................................................................11

4. Advanced Configuration................................................................................................................. 13
4.1 Changing Synchronous Waveform Settings..................................................................................14
4.2 Delta Time Collection Control parameter (CCP)...........................................................................16
4.3 Thaw Time............................................................................................................................... 17

Uncontrolled When Printed or Transmitted Electronically
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1. Introduction
What is TDI Offline?

The 3500 Offline Diagnostics with TDI software has two components: the Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter
application and the 3500 Rack Configuration application.  The 3500 Rack Configuration application configures
the Transient Data Interface (TDI) 22 Rack Interface Module (RIM) to save data that is collected under specified
conditions. This data includes alarm data, transient data, event data, and waveform data and is stored in the TDI.
The data can then be uploaded to a file. The Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter uses this file to produce a System
1 archive database. System 1 Display software is then used to display the data.

What are the some of the typical use cases of this product?
Offline Diagnostic File data collection serves multiple purposes: diagnosis after a machine trip, remote diagnosis,
commissioning documentation; condition monitoring. The following are some examples:

1. A unit has tripped and the engineer must determine if the unit should be restarted. After extracting an
offline diagnostic file from the 3500 TDI, the file is given to the local machinery diagnostics expert. The
machinery diagnostics expert uses System 1 Diagnostic Display to determine if it is safe to restart the
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2. A remote diagnostics expert is called about a machine trip and asked if the machine can be safely
restarted.  The offline diagnostic file is transported to a remote location for diagnosis.

3. When commissioning a new unit, the offline diagnostic file is used as supporting evidence of a successful
startup.  After all of the transducers are installed and loop checked, the unit is taken through a
startup/shutdown cycle. an offline diagnostic file is extracted from the 3500 TDI.  The on-site service
engineer uses System 1 Diagnostic Display to examine the startup/shutdown data.  The service engineer
uses the data to support his/her claim of a successful unit commissioning.

4. Centralized diagnostic center.  Offline diagnostic files are used to collate start-up and alarm data from
units.  Offline diagnostic files are collected periodically and sent to a centralized location to be stored.
The data is analyzed in System 1 Diagnostic Display to facilitate condition monitoring of the unit in

What will it take to get the entire Offline TDI product up and working?
1. Install 3500 Configuration Software version 3.95 or higher

2. Install Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter Tool version 1.0 or higher.

3. Ensure the racks on which you wish to use Offline TDI capabilities has a /22 TDI module with firmware
version of 1.59 or higher.

4. Ensure the machine on which you wish to run the Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter Tool has atleast
System 1 components like Configuration, Display and Database Tools with version 6.5 or higher.

This document will act as a guide through the setup process.

2. Installation Instructions
Setup Overview for Service Engineer/On-Site operator
 Install 3500 Configuration software 3.95 or higher.
 Upgrade the /22 TDI firmware for the rack to version 1.59 or higher .
 Upgrade the TDI DSP Info to the latest after firmware upgrade .
 Connect to the rack, configure TDI Collection Group parameters and download it to rack
 Verifying transient events are logged as per the above set parameters
 Save the high-resolution data to a zip file by Save Offline Diagnostic File

Setup Overview for Service Engineer /MDS Experts

 Install at the minimum System1 components like Configuration, Display and Database Tool (version 6.5
or higher)
 Install Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter Tool (ODI) version 1.0 or higher
 Create a Sytem1 Enterprise using System1 Configuration; load the rack file for the interested rack
(available in the zip file) and save the Enterprise
 Load ODI tool, select the configuration database for the Enterprise created above, select the zip file we
got above and create the System1 archive file
 Once System1 archive is created, click on the hyperlink on the ODI tool to load the archive in System1
Display and ready for analysis.
 Perform diagnostic analysis

2.1 Install 3500 Configuration software 3.95 or higher

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Download the latest version of 3500 Configuration software from

entity_id=14545242101&sid=101&SF=1 Follow the installation instructions to complete the install.

2.2 Upgrade the /22 TDI firmware for the rack to version 1.6 or higher &
upgrade the TDI DSP information
1. Download the /22 Tdi firmware files from
entity_id=14545242101&sid=101&SF=1 and copy it to a local folder on machine.
2. Launch 3500 Configuration and proceed to update the firmware, select the firmware files from the above
local folder when prompted for the files for firmware upgrade (refer to the 3500 firmware upgrade
manual for reference on this topic)
3. Once the firmware upgrade for /22 Tdi module is performed, on next connect you would be prompted for
upgrading the TDI DSP information, select the DSP information files from the above local folder when
prompted for the files for TDI DSP Information update.

2.3 Connect to the rack, configure TDI Collection Group parameters and
download it to rack
1. Connect to the specific rack from 3500 Configuration Software. Control of Configuration Token is
required in order to Configure Offline Diagnostics data.
2. Click on Configure TDI Management Data... from the 3500 Rack Configuration Utilities menu.
3. Configure the Collection Properties for each speed sensor in the 3500 rack.

Collection Properties - Speed Input Dialog

This dialog is the first of a series of dialogs that you access from the Utilities > Configure TDI
Management Data menu. Use this dialog to configure the management settings for your Speed Inputs.
You can configure two windows of data collection: the Startup/Shutdown window and the Overspeed
window. You can also configure the rate of data collection.
There is a Speed Input dialog displayed for each Keyphasor you have configured in your system.
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Item Description
Dialog Header Indicates the Speed Input name as seen in the 3500 Rack Configuration,
and indicates the rack, slot, and channel for this input.
Label Indicate source of information.
Property List Lists all the configured properties for this Speed Input. These fields
cannot be edited.
Value List Lists the values for the configured properties. If the TDI has never been
configured with management data, the fields are populated with default
values from the database.
Max Running Speed Defines the upper boundary of the Overspeed window during which data
is saved.  Valid values are: 10 - 100,000 rpm.
Startup/Shutdown Defines the upper boundary of the Startup/Shutdown window during
Upper which data is saved. Valid values are: (Startup/Shutdown Lower + 1) -
(OverSpeed -1) rpm.
Startup/Shutdown Defines the lower boundary of the Startup/Shutdown window during
Lower which data is saved. Valid values are: 10 - (Startup/Shutdown Upper - 1)
Overspeed Defines the lower boundary of the Overspeed window during which data
is saved. Valid values are: 10 - Max Running Speed.
Increasing RPM Defines the data collection rate in the Startup/Shutdown or Overspeed
Change window as the rpm is increasing.  Valid values are:: 0.1 - 1000.
Decreasing RPM Defines the data collection rate in the Startup/Shutdown or Overspeed
Change window as rpm is decreasing.  Valid values are: 0.1 - 1000.
Load Configuration Loads the management data from a previously saved management
File Button configuration XML file. A Windows Open File dialog allows you to
choose the path and file to load. If the data is invalid an error message is
Save Configuration Saves the management data to a XML file. A Windows Save As dialog
File Button allows you to choose the name and directory for the file.
<< Prev Button Returns you to the previous dialog if one exists, else the button is
>> Next Button Takes you to the next dialog. If other Speed Inputs exist, configuration
information for these inputs is displayed.
 Note: If an error is found in the configuration, an error message is
displayed and you will not be able to move to the next dialog.
Cancel Button Cancels all you’re unsaved changes and closes the dialog.
Help Button Displays this help.
4. Assign the points to the speed sensor.

Collection Properties - Point to Speed Sensor Assignment Dialog

When a TDI stores data for the Offline Diagnostic file, the data from all points associated with the speed
sensor that triggers the collection are saved. This dialog allows you to assign any unassigned points to a speed
sensor. The following statements apply:
1) The data grid lists only points without a speed sensor assignment.
2) The Speed Input Assignment combo box allows the point assignment to any available speed input.
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Item Description
Unassigned Point Lists the points that have not been assigned to a speed sensor.
Speed Input Displays the assigned Speed Inputs. Select the Speed Input from the drop-down
Assignment box.
Load Loads the management configuration data from a previously saved
Configuration configuration XML file. A Windows Open File dialog allows you to choose the
File button path and file to load. If the data is invalid an error message is displayed..
Save Saves the management configuration data to a XML file. A Windows Save As
Configuration dialog allows you to choose the name and directory for the file.
File button
<< Prev button Returns to the previous step's dialog.
Download/Next Downloads the current management configuration data to the TDI and saves the
button values in the database. If you are not connected to a TDI, the button displays
Download on the last page and is disabled.
Cancel button Discards all changes and closes the dialog.
Help button Displays this help.

Point to Speed Sensor Assignment dialog is the last step in the Configuration of TDI Collection Group
parameters wizard. We can go ahead and download the information to the rack. If the rack has a
Configuration Password, then you shall be prompted for the same. Once the configuration is downloaded, we
can verify that download was unsuccessfully by bringing up the System events dialog from the Utilities menu.

5. Download the configuration to the 22 TDI RIM.

Verify for the presence of 3 events
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- Management Configured
- Management Sys Halted
- Management Sys Online

Once the collection group parameters are downloaded to the rack, we can go ahead and disconnect from the
rack, whenever the rack goes into transient/alarm condition high-resolution data would get collected in the
transient buffers and we should be able to download them.

2.4 Verifying transient events are logged as per the above set parameters
Once the TDI Collection group enabler parameters are downloaded to the rack, whenever we enter/exit the
transient region as specified in the above step, we should be able to see the following events in the System Event
Clctn Group Enter Transient
Clctn Group Exit Transient

Also the event specific column will give details as to which Collection Group entered/left transient region.

2.5 Save the high resolution data to a zip file by Save Offline Diagnostic File
Once we have transient/alarm condition we can proceed to collect the high-resolution data from the
3500 Tdi buffers to a zip file by selecting Save Offline Diagnostic File... from the Utilities menu.
Note: You must be connected to the TDI 22 RIM through an Ethernet connection to upload the Offline Diagnostic
File data.  The upload feature is not available through the serial port. You must have the Configuration Token in
order to save the Offline Diagnostic file.

A Windows Save In Dialog box opens which allows you to select the directory where you want to save the
compressed Offline Diagnostic File. The file is saved with a .zip extension.
An Offline Diagnostic Summary dialog is displayed that lists the contents of the Offline Diagnostic File.

2.6 Install at the minimum System1 components like Configuration, Display and
Database Tool (version 6.5 or higher)
If System1 6.5 or higher is not already installed on the machine which is going to be used for the analysis, then
the minimal System 1components required by the Offline Diagnostic File interpreter tool can be installed by
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selecting the custom option in the Sytem1 Installs and then selecting the components as shown in the image

Setup Type
Custom Configuration

Features Selected
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System Management Console

System Management Console Client
Database Tools
Enterprise Data Services
Enterprise Data Server
API Server
Display Clients and Servers
Configuration Utilities
Standard Tools

2.7 Install Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter Tool (ODI) version 1.0 or higher.
Download the latest version of Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter software from Follow the
installation instructions to complete the install.

2.8 Create a Sytem1 Enterprise using System1 Configuration; load the rack file
for the interested rack (available in the zip file) and save the Enterprise

1. Extract the contents of the .zip file that was created by the Save Offline Diagnostic File menu in the 3500
System Configuration software to a local folder (This file contains a rack file, TDIRackConfiguration.rak,
that needs to be import into the System 1 Configuration software in the below steps.  The .zip file also
contains other data that will be imported into the archive that would get created. )
2. Open the System 1 Configuration software.
3. Create a new Enterprise.
4. Invoke the properties for Data Acquisition node, set the Daq to Active, specify the Historical Database
Name and then press OK multiple times to return to the main screen
5. Add a Full/Half slot 3500 rack, Import the TDIRackConfiguration.rak rack file from the above step, click
on the skip step for the auto configuration dialog
6. Save the Enterprise and close System1 Configuration
7. Start the Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter Tool, select the configuration database for the Enterprise
created above (it should have the same name as the Enterprise and suffixed with _Config), for the offline
diagnostic file, select the zip file that we created from the 3500 Configuration Software, Save Offline
Diagnostic File menu.
8. The archive file name should be automatically populated in the tool, click on Create Archive button to
create the Archive file.
9. Status of the archive operation could be seen in the Information area.
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Once System1 archive is created, click on the hyperlink on the ODI tool to load the archive in System1 Display
and ready for analysis

3. Key Pre-requisites & Known Issues

3500 Configuration Software v3.95
1. If installing 3.95 over previous version of 3500 Configuration Software, then user would be prompted to
uninstall previous version and then proceed with install of new version. This is due to a bug with

2. Requires Windows Installer 3.1 and Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 or higher, the same
shall be installed as part of the 3500 Configuration software installation if not already installed on the
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3. The TDI Offline capability is only available for 3500/22M modules that have a firmware version 1.6 or

4. User must have the Configuration Token in order to Configure Offline Diagnostics data, save the Offline
Diagnostic file or exit Transient Mode.

5. Configuration must be connected to the TDI 22 RIM through an Ethernet connection to upload the
Offline Diagnostic File data. The upload feature is not available through the serial port.

6. Once the high resolution data captured during transient/alarm condition is saved using the Save Offline
file menu, it will no longer be available in 3500 hardware. Even if user presses Cancel during Save
Offline process, the data would not restored.

7. All the collection group parameters are read from the local xml configuration file and not from the
connected rack file

8. All changes made in the collection group parameters are saved to the default file on download, so next
time you bring up this dialog the last saved values would be shown for the different parameters.

9. Unlike historical static and waveform high resolution data which get flushed from the TDi buffers when
they are saved to a file, all alarm and system events are always retained in 3500 System.

10. As a default we export atleast 200 or all events in the rack whichever is minimum to the zip file on Save
Offline file. User could as well configure the number of events exported by creating a registry DWORD
value with the name EventCount under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bently Nevada LLC\3500 Rack
Configuration Software\Offline Diagnostic File to set the number of events to be exported to the zip file

11. If user makes any slot changes (addition/deletion of monitor) to the 3500 rack, keyphasor assignment
changes, activity changes for any channels, then along with regular download to rack, he would also need
to revisit Configure Offline Diagnostic Data menu and redownload the collection group parameters to
reflect the above changes for transient/alarm data collection.

Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter (ODI) 1.0

1. The Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter requires .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 runtime or higher.

2. The Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter is compatible with System 1 Version 6.5 or higher

3. The minimal System 1 components required for Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter are Configuration,
Display, and Database Explorer software

4. The Offline Diagnostic File Interpreter must run under a user account with administrator privileges.

5. On Windows 7/Vista/Server 2008 you must execute the setup program using the "run as administrator"
right-click option.

6. Historical Database Sizes in display shows current size of System, Transient and Instrument Event Data
as "0 Kb" and it shows NA for all of the point/variable in variable statics pane.
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7. Sometimes the "Offline Diagnostics" plot session is not loaded and activated in System 1 Display.
Loading requires right clicking the plot session node and selecting "Close and Refresh from Database".
The plot session also needs to be manually activated through the menu.

8. Management configuration data configured in 3500 Rack Configuration is not imported into System1. A
workaround is to manually configure the collection group data in System 1 the same as it was configured
in 3500 Rack Configuration.

9. Archives created by ODI tool might show data even for variables that are marked as Inactive, when Plot
Invalid data is checked in System1 Display plot settings.

10. On invoking plots on channels (like 64M channels), which are assigned to the CG through Point to Speed
Sensor Assignment dialogue in 3500 the rpm, values would be shown as NA.

11. The workaround for this would be that for all channels, which user has associated on the Point to Speed
Input assignment dialog on 3500 he could drag drop them to the corresponding CG in System1 when he is
creating the Enterprise, after loading the rack file and before creating the final archive file in ODI

12. The archive name populated on selecting an Enterprise and zip file in the ODI tool has the date suffixed
to ensure unique names. If you would like to change the default name of the archive then archive name
chosen should be different from the Enterprise name, else it would result in error during opening the
archive in Display

4. Advanced Configuration
When user clicks on Configure Offline Diagnostic Data in Utilities menu of 3500, high-resolution transient data
collection parameters shown are read from an xml file. If 3500 Configuration software is installed to C drive then
this is available at c:\3500\Rackcfg\Defaults\DefaultMgmtData.xml

If user would like to do custom advanced settings, he can do so by opening the file in any xml editor( screenshot
below shows example of Download XmlMarker)

Before editing any of the elements in this file ensure you have taken a backup of the file. All editing needs to be
done prior to clicking on the Configure Offline Diagnostic Data menu.
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User could change the Synchronous & Asynchronous Waveform setting, Unlike System1 where you could change
the setting at channel level, in 3500 Offline TDI you can do this at the collection group level, so all points
belonging to a collection group level will have the same Synchronous & Asynchronous Waveform settings

4.1 Changing Synchronous Waveform Settings

Let’s say we would like to change Sampling Rate for Synchronous Waveform from 128X to 256X for
Collection Group 1
Navigate to Wavform_Types_1 node
(TDI-> CollectionGroups_Config-> CollectionGroup_1 -> Point_Config -> Point_1 -> Waveform_Types_1)
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Change the Point_Waveform_Sample_Rate from 1280 to 2560, save the xml, launch the Configure
Offline Diagnostic Data menu in 3500 Utilities menu, navigate through the wizard pages and finally download the
configuration to rack.

Synchronous Waveform
Sampling Rate Point_Waveform_Sample_Rate Value
16X 160
32X 320
64X 640
128X 1280
256X 2560

All the above setting would need to be done at Point _1 level, since this setting are replicated to all points under
that collection group, when the configuration is downloaded to the TDI rack using the Configure Offline
Diagnostic Data menu in utilities

3500 Configuration Software might not validate some of the changes made directly in the xml, during download,
so please double check the changes made in the xml. For more information and specific constraints related to
the above parameters, refer to the 3500/22M Transient Data Interface Operation Manual, part number
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4.2 Delta Time Collection Control parameter (CCP)

By default, TDI Offline only supports Delta RPM (Increasing/Decreasing RPM) as the CCP, however
user could choose to have either Delta RPM or Delta Time or both as CCP by editing the xml file

Configuring only Delta Time Collection Control parameter (CCP)

Let’s say we would like to use Delta Time as the only Collection Control Parameter for Collection Group 1
Navigate to CCP_Type node and change the value to 8 to indicate Delta Time (default is 1, indicating Delta
(TDI-> CollectionGroups_Config-> CollectionGroup_1 -> CollectionControlParameters_Config ->
CollectionControlParameters_1 -> CCP_Type)

Configuring both Delta Time and Delta RPM Collection Control parameter (CCP)
Let’s say we would like to use both Delta Time & Delta RPM as the Collection Control Parameter for
Collection Group 1

Navigate to No_of_CCP node and change the value to 2

(TDI-> CollectionGroups_Config-> CollectionGroup_1 -> CollectionControlParameters_Config -> No_of_CCP)

Select the entire CollectionControlParameter_1 block by right clicking on that node in the left pane and
choosing Editor Select.
Once the block is selected, copy the entire block using right click copy option (in the right pane).
Paste this just below the copied block.
Rename the start and end of the pasted block to CollectionControlParameter_2
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Change the value of CCP_Type to 8 to indicate Delta Time (default is 1, indicating Delta RPM)
The final structure should be similar to the one shown below

4.3 Thaw Time

By default, TDI Offline set the value of Thaw Time to 0, and is in sync with System1 behavior, i.e. any
old data in the buffer would get overwritten immediately on new data arrival if there is no more space to
accommodate the new data.

Let’s say if user would like to set the thaw time for alarm to 2 days(2*24*60=2880 in minutes) for
Collection Group 1, i.e. old high resolution data does not get overwritten at the most for 2 days,
due to the arrival of new data, even if buffer is full.

Navigate to CG_Thaw_Alarm_Parameters and change the value to 2880 (default is 0)

(TDI-> CollectionGroups_Config-> CollectionGroup_1 -> CG_Thaw_Alarm_Parameters)
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Similarly this could be done for transient thaw time, simply change the value of

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