Deep Neural Networks

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Deep Neural Networks

Ep 3 - 3 reasons to go deep
 Neural networks - recognizes complex patterns. When the patterns
get really complex NN gets to outperform its competitors and GPUs
can train them faster than ever before.
 For complex patterns shallow nets might fail. So, need to use deep
nets. DN breaks series of complex patterns down to series of
simpler patterns.
 Down side: Deep Nets (DN) takes much longer to train. High
performance GPUs can finish training a complex net under a
week where fast CPU use to takes weeks and months.
 Before we talk about various deep learning models, we are going
to discuss which types of deep nets are suitable for different
machine learning tasks.
Ep 4 - Your choice of deep net
 If you are interested in unsupervised learning i.e., interested in
extracting patterns from set of unlabeled data then best bet is to
either use RBM (Restricted Boltzmann Machine) or an Autoencoder.

 Labeled data for supervised learning and u want to build a classifier,

several different options depending upon application.

Ep 5 - An Old Problem
 Description of the video available in under the video
 Process to train neural net is called Back Propagation

 Why gradient values between 0 and 1
Ep 6 - Restricted Boltzmann Machine
 What made the researchers overcome vanishing gradient descent
Ep 7 - Deep Belief Nets
 An RBM can extract features and reconstruct input. But how it will
help with vanishing gradient

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