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You cannot DREAM yourself

Into a CHARACTER; you must

HAMMER and FORGE yourself
Into one.
No man has a RIGHT to
as he PLEASES, until do
PLEASES to do what Is
he I


Our Board of Education receives Teachers' Meeting A Few Opportunities for Community introduce him, as well as advise him
a monthly report from the principal "Teachers' meetings have been Service at the Y. M. C. A. Building. of change, that take place in your
of the scbools. This written report scheduled as follows: A regular In last week's issue of "Our Town" neighborhood-citizens arriving and
contains a detailed account of what monthly meeting, for the discussion we promised to print some ways the citizens departing. This little effort
has been accomplished during the of general pedagogical and psycholog· citizens of Narberth may help to trans on your part wl1l enable him to keep
.month, and suggestions for the im- Ical questions; a weekly meeting, form the Y. M. C. A. into a real com· straight his records. Try to think or
provement of the schools. It is ar- thirty minutes in length, for discus- munlty center. it! Incidentally, you might keep
ranged under the foHowlng se'etlons: sion and disposal of definite minor To accomplish this most desirable handy in your pocket a few member-
General, Statistical and Financial;
Suggestions to Building Committee,
matters of school detal!; a bl-month-
Iy meeting of grade teachers for
THE FIRESIDE end, we must first realize that we have ship applications, presenting O:le
got to do the thing for ourselves. In when you think It proper to do so.
Suggestions to Educational Commit- grade problems and a similar on~ By Ladv NiU'berth the past, paid workers have been tr~'- From Mr. R. G. Savill, Athletic And
tee and Hecommendatio\ls to the for high school teachers. '1'0 al1 of Miss Mary Gara, of 404 S. Narberth Ing their best to do things for us, and Gamea Manager.
Board. these meetings the teachers heartily avenue, had as her guests last weele they did too much for us. In thinking Mr. Savi1l needs the assistance ot
These reports should be of interest agree. General assembly for all Miss Lue Hebelton, of Chestnut Hill; for us all the time, theY left too little a few trained men wi1llng to help
to aH citizens, but as four have all grades is scheduled for Monday, Miss Edna Haupt, 6f Cynwyd, and for us as a whole to do. We got direct the physical work among the
ready been submitted, only a few ex· Wednesday and Friday. In these ~Iiss Esther Bisler, of Overbrook. rust~ and said "Let George do it!" boys and young men. He says that any
tracts can here be given. No school meetings al1 grades are united In de- Mrs. Geo. M. Henry, of 107 Chest-· Now, we've got to overcome thi~ I man who looks into the new game
can do efficient work unless there Is votional exercises and in a period nut avenue, entertained a week·end long established habit and begin anew room wi1l want to use the new equip·
co-operation of scbool and home. It devoted to a wide diversity of inter- house party during tile week of Jan. -we've got to learn to walk all over ment, so most cordially invites you
uary 5, having as h)r guests the again. to mal,e a personal inspection.
is therefore essential that the par- ests.
_ents keep in touch with the school, A Later Report Misses Helen Dever~1.ux, Sara Hop· But we've made a good start. We've
not only through the cbild, but From a later report we read: "The pcr, Helen Redles, I~athryn Lemmo, Legun by the establishment of a vol un· FORMER NARBERTH Y. M. C. A.
through official statements of school general assembly seems to be a Corine Lemmo, also :Dr. Harold Ed· tee I' board of managers.
drawing card. Very few tardiness cas- wards. Mr. H. Sweeney, MI'. and Mrs. Each member of this board has been ARDMORE AS WELL.
authorities. The present adminstra-
tion urges school Yislting and invites es in the morning are reported. Pu. Wm. 'Watson, Mrs. E. L. Swift anll interviewed and in the following asks As a sequel to the dissolution or
personal interview. To those who pils want to get to the school for as- Mr. L. Eastwood Seabold. There was some one in the town to volunteer relations with the Narberth brancb,
have not visited the school nor con- sembly. 'Ve believe the spirit that dancing and all sOrts of good times. something--read 'em all; for your op· the Ardmore Young Men's Christian
sulted with the administration the has dominated these assembly meet. 1\liss Ruth S. Jones entertained the portunity to serve YOUI' community Association, according to announce-
[oHowlng paragraphs may be of inter- I
ings has been the dominant factor in "Delta Sigma" sorority of which she may be there definitely ment of the directors made last week.
€st. the changed attitude of the student is a member, on Friday afternoon, And, a1 you read, remember the htUe has decided to cut down its staff of
body. In these meetings and at all .Tanuarv 8. The bllsiness meeting was; band of Italians up In Bristol, Pa. secre'.o.ries.
From the first report we \lote: · d t d I he'd B. M. Rus1el1, who has been general
"Good, wholesome school spirit is Iog ica I t Imes, ~ve en eavor 0 eve o p ' at her , home on Narberth ave- \\'bo, with their own hands and funds,
nue after which the girls were es· bullt a $30,000 opera house and COIll' secretary of the Lower Merion Y. M.
gradually developing. Cases of disci- t IIe pup il s i n pu bli c spea kl ng. 1\1. any" . " did
'1 t k' t d d cOl·ted to the "Little "'hite Housa" mumty center bmldmg an equ ppe C. A., directing the work at both
pline are daily becoming fewer. The pllpl s are a IDg par now an ur- , and de orated It that the community branches, and Philip H. Emerson, his
in'" the term we expect to broaden tea room where. by the cozy fireside. c .,
greatest trouble that has arisen has this field of work. The literary society tallies had been dalntllY arranged h) might have the tbmgs It w~nted. office assistant, wiJI leave the work
been the carelessness of pupils in is serving as an agency of develop. serve the party w.ith delicious reo From E. E. Seaver, C~alrman. on the Main Line, probably after
littering the school yard, pavements ment in the high school' the reciting fresltments. Souvemrs were presented Mr. Seaver requests Individual sup- March 1. Mr. Russel1 has been in
and properties adjoining them with of poems, given monthi y and mem- to the girls by the ladles of the tea port. He sends a pers'onal invitation charge there about three years.
paper and remains of lunches; tres- ory gems weekly, are developing the room and all expref\sed themselves to each o~e of the community to c~me Mr. Fielding. the physical dlreceor.
passing and stealing fruit and defac- puplls in the grades. as greatly pleased with the unique to the bUIlding on Saturday ~V~~lDgB will remain and a new secretary will
ing public and private buildings with (Continued on Fourth Page) lleparture. to meet him personal1y, to crlblCISC-- be chosen by the Ardmore directors.
mud and chalk. The first week many ,V!iss Helen Pickering Jones recent· both ways-the plan of management it beln~ their intention of conducting
verbal and several written complaints Iy returned home after visiting rei- or the details of itls working. If some- the plant with two men instead Of
were entered by citizens. These have MONTHLY MEETING OF COUNCILS atives in Baltimore and Washington, thing is going wrong to your way or three as heretofore.
entirely ceased. 'Ve believe the pu- D. C. tbinklng, come in and tell him. Du
-p1l5' see""tlicli"wllrl11R1-'l'tUW"htive '?J -TreaGureo'a Report- -nea:l-OeHnquent Narbcrth' HighS-chool was largely not talk thruugh another-come dlrecl. CiVIC ASSOCI·ATION APPOINTS
new idea of "Young Amerlca,"-Jun- Taxes to Be' Collected. represented at the special Billy Sun- If something has pleased your fanci TWO NEW COMMITTEES.
ior citizenship. No so·called "punish- The monthly meeting of Councils day meeting for schools and colleges or you have an idea YOIl would like to The Executive Committee of the
ment" was Inflicted in bringing was held Monday night. Among other on Friday evening last. They dis tin· see worked out, come in and tell him Civic AS'loclation has appointed Mrs.
abo1lt. t.his changed attitude. The Nar- business transacted was a ·considera· guished themselves hy yells and gay of these also. It Is Mr. Seaver's job C. R. BJackal1 as chairman of a com·
berth boys and girls have responded tion of the report of tlhe Borough pennants. to give you what you want-through mittee to co-operate with the new
splendidly to an appeal to their high- Treasurer for the year 1914. In ac- Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Metzgar enter- his associates-if It can be workel! social manager of t'he Y. M. C. A., with
er emotions and ideals. cordance with resolution of Coun~s, tained theIr card clUb Saturday even- (practically) and financed as well. the idea of helping the Y. M. C. A.
Parents Complain. this report wiJI be published in a later ing. The ladles' prizes were won by And he says he believes Ite wll1 like to inaugurate and conduct a monthly
"At tlte opening of the term com;. issue of "Our Town." Mrs. Frederick A. Brown and Mrs. his job. if the people will cO operate. community night. Mrs. BJackall is
plaint was entered because of what. A motion to the effect that the Edward C. Stokes. and the gentle- From Mr. Metzger, Manager of al10wed to select· her own committee.
parents considered "unfair grading." Borough Solicitor and the Tax Col- men's prizes by Guyon W. Gr~y and Finance. E. A. Sterling has been appointed
These matters took time and pa- lector be instructed to enforce pay- Edward C. Stokes. Mr. Metzger's most urgent need 1; chairman of a committee to plan,
tience, but by personal interview with ment of al1 delinquent taxes, wa~ duly Dr. and Mrs. J. Berg Esenwein, late for clerical assistance, to the end that Inaugurate and conduct a campaign
parents every case, as far as we are passed. of Woodside avenue. and now tem· right records may be made and ac- against. the .fly and mosquito nuisance,
aware, was settled to the satisfaction The Police and Healfu Committee porarily living at 5945 Addison street, curate data compiled to act as a basis with powers to select his own commit-
of both parties. The trouble generally has also been Instructed to tal,e up Philadelphia, have decided to loca~e for the upbuildlng of the financial tee. Mr. Sterling has made a cl03e
lay, not in improper grading, but in with our local merchants the questioll permanently in Springfield, Mass. This status of the institution. Telephone study of preventive methods, and
a lack of understanding the condi· of preventing our streets from being decisiOn is reached largely becau1e of Mr. Metzger thatt you will sharpen when he a1ks for the co-operation or
tions by the parents. If parents would littered with circulars which blow Mr. Esenwein:s bU~iness and pro~es- your pencil and come down to worl, our citizens to assist in a syRtematIc
in all cases go directly to the princi- about. if thrown on porches. This is slonal connectIOn WIth the Home Cor- some ev~nlng soon with your coat oil' fight to rid Narber~h of these two
pal al1 misunderstandings could be a wise move and will dl) much toward respondence School of Springfield. I and both sleeves roJled up. He'lI ap- dangerous pests, let everyone volun-
adjusted. Very pleasant and belpful keeping our streets clean. We feel Mr. and MrS. Elwood Smedley, Elm· preclate It! teer to the end that we al1 may live
interviews were the result of parents sure the commitltee wl11 bave the wO~d avenue, are receiving congratu· From H. C. Gara Educational Work more comfortably and In less dal1E~N
calling on the principal. We hope the hearty co·operation of all 0111' mer- latIOns on the birth of a daughter, M ' during the coming spring and summer.
board will continue to urge the policy chants, who have always shown a wbom they have named Hazel. anager.. .
feeling of civic pride and a dlsposi· Fay C. Bartlett. formerly physical Mr. Gara has a lot to do, since Ill;
of referring the parents to the prin- directOr at the local Y. M. C. A.. is department covers the reading room. THAT WE MAY KNOW OUR BOR·
cipal in all matters under his super- tion to help any good cause.
A petition to vacate Berkley, Home- now an assistant in the physical (1(>- boys' game room, library and religions OUGH BETTER,
Co.operation Asked wood and Woodbine avenues Within par«.ment of tbe BO'lton Young Men's work. He can lise many volunteers Board of Health.
the park limits, and also a request to Christian Union. who may care to help on anyone of
theSe branches. Definitely, though, he President-Chas. E. Kreamer.
"The hearty co-operation of every Councils to co·operate in the laying
member of the board and their fre- gives a few t.hings wbich most any· Secretary-A. P. Redifer.
of sewers. were presented by the LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS IN Health Officer-W, S. McClelJan.
quent appearance at the school are one in the borough can easily do-
chairman of the Park Committee. but NARBERTH, PA. give good boolrs (even thollgh used), Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies.
greatly appreciated by the principal owing to tbe length of discussion on Phoenix Paint & Varnish Co.. :vIr. current ma.gazlnes (after you are T. B. Dn Marias, Carden Warner and
and the teachers. This same spirit various que1t1ons these matters were Percy Jones, Mr. J. H. Landis.
of co-operation is manifested by the through with them), a new or old (if Chas. V. Noel.
not acted upon. In fair condition and complete) Fire Company
pupils, teachers and janitor. As a An adjourned meeting will be helll. A SMALLFIRE.
result, school life is pleasant "on the
hill." We regret we cannot bave witb
to-morrow night. I checker set and a set of ches'S men.
On Tuesday afternoon about 2.30 a Tbese are an needed at once.
President, Chas. E. Kreamer; seC-
retary, Charles V. Noel; financial
fire occurred in the home of C. E. From W. A. Cole, House Manager. secretary, E. C. Stokes; treasurer,
us the first grade and their efficient
PARK COM MITTEE TO MEET TO-I Caldwell, Narberth and Woodside ave- Mr. Cole says the needs of the Carden Warne)"; chief engineer,
teacher. A visit to their room in the NIGHT. nues. 0111' gOOd fire company by its house manager are so many-all the Chas. V. Noel: first assistant engin-
Y. M. C. A. would be a bright spot
--- quick response extinguished the flame1 lIttlP. things that count, however-that eer, Edw. Wlpf; second assistant en-
in the day for anyone. The little PrOposed Park Drives Now Being I before much damage was done. The he prefers to wait to give a detailed gineer, A. P. Redifer; third assistant
children are al1 keenly Interested in Staked Out. I' fire was caused by a grounded electric list, except that some one who has engineer, John G. Walton; fourth as·
their school life and the work Is de-
lIghtful to observe. A meeting of the Parlt Committee Wire, making a hole In a gas fixture a desire to help make the lobby cosy slstant engineer, A. W. Needham.
will be held this evening at 8.15, at lin the kitchen from which the gas and homelike can make a good start
Question of Waste the Y. M. C. A., for the purpose of I escaped. Striking a match to light by donating a few appropriate POSTPONED.
"The question of waste has been
one of the greatest, next to school
considering flnal plans of development. the gas range caused an explosion. cU1hlons and a pair of candelabras for . Owing to very stormy weather on
The preliminary plan is being staked The damage amounted to about twelve the fire-place man~eJ. Tuesday evening, the Woman's Aux-
organization, that has confronted us. out on the ground, the line of stakes donal'S. From W. S. Horner, Social Manager. Iliary meeting at the Y. M. C. A. 13
'1'00 many books are carelessly dis-
figured and soiled; stationery and
marking what will be the center line
of the drives. This Is for the purpotle
I Mr. Horner invItes suggestions for postponed to Tuesday evening the
An army of more than one thousanci novel entertainments, Ideas for com· 19th, at 8 o'clock, for the same pur·
other supplies bave been wasted to of enabling the committee to deter-I hoys and girls, marching proudly be- munlty nights, etc., and would ap- pose as stated In the cirCUlar letter
a marked degree. We are trying to mine how the lines of the plan wlJl hind three brass band~, stirred the preciate an opportunity of counselin~ sent out. READ THE LETTER.
rectify these evils with two things In follow the contour of the ground. echoes of Fifllh avenue, New York. wIth anyone who has a plan that
mind: satisfaction to pupils and The work of staking out tbe plan Is Friday morning, December 4. 'I'hey might interest any particular group. The Interstate Commerce Commis.
teachers, but strict economy. We try beIng done under the personal super- were prize-winnIng young farmers From F. W. Stites, Membership Man. sion has made a Christmas present
to impress upon pupl!s that it is even vision of Mr. Pope's assistanb engl. from Ohio sent East! as guests of the ager. to the railroads In granting the five
moralJy wrong to allow waste; the neer, Mr. W. A. Enegess, who has been ~tate to see the sights. Mr. Stites has a big job, and he per cent. inCN!Me In frelgh'J rates
pupils and faculty are but stewards in town since last Friday collecting real!zes It. He would particularly all asked for by the Eastern rallroadllo,
of the people's money expended for clata for the drawIng of final plans and B~fore asking children questions In nrp.clate your I'ffort if you would bring which will produce an estimated $56,-
school supplies. specifications. public be sure or their answers. your neighbor to the Y. M. C. A. and 000.000 Increase In revenues.
The State Legislature met and or-
Any a,tempt to report the very in.. And Elsewhere in Our Town
Owned and Published every Thurs- ganlzed on Tuesday of last week. By A. E. Wohlert. terestlng and clarifying address at the
day by the Narberth Civic Associa- Our legislative district was honored I
I:l is the general opinion among home of Mrs. Augustus Loos by Mrs. Certain recent "occurences In our
by the election of our representative amateur gardener.s ,that spring Is the Scott Nearing upon "Why 1 want to midst" and the vast wealth of Ideas,
tion. suggestions, solutions, etc., etc., wblch
Hon. Charles A. Ambler, of Abington, one good and ploper time .to prune Vote," will necessarll)' be inadequate
to the Speakership of tbe House. trees. whUe as a matter of fact, mid· as it Is impos,lble to reproduce tht.. we all offered whenever and wherever
There were five candidates for this summer and winter are to be pre' personality of the spealter and her we met a fellow townsman, reminds
Editor. of the experience of that fellow In one
important position. Everyone fami!. ferred. The summer p~nlng, be' clear, forceful, and most entertaining
W. ARTHUR COLE, iar with the facts recognized that the cause the trees are then 111 full leat. manner of driving her points home. of James Whitcomb Riley's verses,
Business Manager. success or failure of the incoming and one can tell ju"t exactly hoW The people of Narberth will have an who
H. C. GARA, Legis:ature to respond to the wishes much wood to remove, ~aklng d\le early opportunity of hearing this " ... ... knowed a feller onc't that bad.
Advertising Manager. of the people hinged largely on th~ I allowance for next year s growth;'1 singUlarly direct and practical sur· The yaller-janders mighty bad,-
selection of a Speaker. The liquor also,. do the wounds heal over more fragist present per point of view at au And each and ev'ry friend he'd meet
Send all letters and news items to . t t f th t t ' b k f I readIly; In fact, small wounds are I evening meeting. Would stop and give him some receet,
P. O. Box 956, Narberth, Pa. D.:> not the III eres s 0 e s a e "er~ ac 0 entirelY healed before winter, and
candidacy of Han. RIchard J. I t ' th I t' dec
I 's likely
..In addItIOn to a clear·cut present,l- For curin' of em. ... ... ... ... ... "
send them 1'J the printer. o . of DeI t 'I~ tw n ter tIS If et onIIy H Ime e ay I de y t'IOn 0 f tl1e more usuaI t s'tor
Send all advertising copy to P. ' . n a Id \\'m, aware. ' Coun y, Who 0 s aI', a a. owev 1', no ca I f f ' it . t' . tl argumell
I I Come Watson, I think we have 'this
Box 820. Make all remittances to a bItter opponent of local 0lltlon. is Iikel to start from a I
cut properly su rage, s JUs Ice, Ie. 1e p ~r(j- case well In hand!
In view of the fact that he had ma d e t 0Y remove a b ranc h . tected women with . more
. leIsure tIme
P. O. Box 34. openly and emphatically declared In . and ·better trallled mtel1lgence can
Our Town is on sale at the depot favor of county option, Governor Pretty good world after all, Isn't it,
Winter Pruning. give by their vote to the 8,OOO,00u when you stop and realize that you've
news-stand, and at the store of H. E. Brumbaugh felt constrained to ex- Winter pruning Is the best time on women In industry In securing laws
Davis. got a few friends, at least, that you
press a preference for Mr. Ambler. the whole for the reason that no other affording bettiElr legal and industrial
Mr. Ambler was first elected from duties in the garden or on the lawn protection; the actua.l things done In
Entered as second-class matter, Oc· this district in 19()2 and has repre. are then demanding the horticultur· the suffrage states In raising the age
can turn to when you need help, be
it a five spot or a couple of lines of
tober 15, 1914, at the Post Office at sented it In every succeeding legi&- 1st's attention, and the fact that the of consent, In social legislation con- poetry.
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the lature save that of 1911. He has al. leaves are not on to show how clo';e trolling night work, hours of work, There's Jim Riley, for Instance. or
Act of March 3, 1879. course We don't know Mr. Riley per·
ways lined up with the local option one can prune Is counterbalanced by effective sanitary inspection and in sonally but everybody calls him "Jim
forces in that body and his election the fact that no loss Is suffered lJy general those community Improve· out Indiana way, so a little familiarly
________________ bitter pill for the booze bunch. I to the Speakership last week was a the tree In winter pruning as nO ments coming under what Is well
leaves are forcibly removed-the called civic housekeeping; Mrs. Near- here In our own town, now and then,
won't do a bit of harm.
EMERGENCY PHONE CALI.S Th tl k f 1 I tI· foliage and the roots being of equaling brought out with unusual vivid· Get to thinking of Jim on Sunday.
Fire 350. d.e °lu 00 on
or o~a op G IS ex- value to the trees in promoting further ne~s soclew's need of women's votes.
cee mg y encouragmg. overnor . . Remember Sunday don't you? One ot
Police 1250. Brumbaugh has been most em hatic growth. We hve 111 a largely man·made age of those almost-balmy days that come
. . . . . . p Norway Maples. great and wonderful development in
111 l11SlStl11g that such legIslation must, Among the shade trees needing at. material things. Man's work is with along in mid-winter and make you for·
be. enacted. On that Platf?r~Jl he re- tention almost every yEar are the Nor· these materillJI things. This accounts get all about the furnace-and set yOll
EDITORIAL NOTES cel~ed 11}0re than half a mllhon v~tes way Maples; while they need no for the great discrepancy in the num· to wondering if i~ isn't pretty near
time for the teams to be going away
while Ius opponent, ]I,!r. McCorm1ck, pruning to produce a well balanced bel' of laws on the Statute Boolts for
stood for t~e same prmclple. A very head, they need considerable thinning the protection of propertw and fOr the South. Just the kind of a day that
IT IS NOT WAR. lar~e majorJty of the members of the out of the branche, in order to permit protection of life. Woman measure8
brings out the advance guard of ama
--- a legislature have openly and emphat- grass to grow under them. It is II things in terms of human life. As teur gardners. You know the kind
The Independent comments in ically declared that they p;opose to well.lmown fac~ that under a Norway man and woman are not superior or They look upon winter as a sort 0
terse manner on the raid made by ~tand baclt of the G~vernor m his leg· Maple with a trunk el~t inches or inferior one to the other, but com·
the German squadron on Scarboro IslaUve program. l nless they shal} more. no grass wll1 grow. This, per- plementary to each other, ·so woman's
I necessary nuisance, to be tolerated
but by no means encouraged, and
ough, an English seashore resort, In hecome frightened at the demands haps, Is not because the shade Is so mother viewpoint i,s needed In help· I routed at the first opportunity, even
If It's only for a day or two. Well, they
the following editorial: of the brewer:: and saloon keepers, dense. but because the foliage is so, Ing to make the legisla~ion which COII-
were out last Sunday; clipping and
Once more the German navy has when the t~st comes, the enactment of thick and so clo>ely overlapped that I troIs the lives and happiness of so
performed a feat that grips the imago county optIon seems to be a reason· no shower is likely to escape from its many, many human beings more I digging here and there and pottering
around generally.
ination. ahle certainty. foliage and branches-thereby doing I ethical and humanitarian. So when I got back home Sunday
To all a~p~arances it is safely The Anti-Saloon League Is giving the tree almost as much good as it I Mrs. Nearing placed even greater after trailing around over the Reserva
?ottled up 1~ Its hO?le \\'a.ters. Around the new Governor its most enthusias- they had fallen under' ground for t\j~ emphasis upon the great develop- tion I reached up Into the bOOlt case
1tS refuge hes the I~on rmg of dread· tic and hearty support in his fight time heing, at least. But that shower mental value of the suffrage to thl' and pUlled out a little red volume anll
noughts, battle crU1~ers, scouts, ~e-I to redeem his pledge before the peo- was of no value to the grass growing individual woman. In answering the I turned to what Jim says about "when
stroyers and submarmes of the MIS· pIe. To further the interests of the under the tree. Neither do the heavy question: Why women need what
tress of the ~eas. Ever~ path to the I movement, a monster convention wll1 dews of the nights show on grlli's that they will get when they have the vote,
open ocean IS sown WIth mines of he held in Harrisburg, February 1.
is found around such a tree. The she said: "Woman's work in tbe past
the green glts backs In the trees.'
Wasn't even the first sign of "green
In the trees," of course, but--
British planting. Eve~y W~y out is pa· The county local option bill has ai- only remedy aside from makJng the ha.~ been done in one sense in Isola- What's a feller going to do when
trolled by the enemy ~ shIps. There It ready been prepared and will be in- soil rich Immediately surrounding the tlon and not with her peers. Her news is dull and--
lies, hemmed in, lIupotent, over· tr.oduced In both branches of the leg. tree, by an application of fertilizer, the relation to. ~er chllqren and her ser- Oh, you know what I mean: news
matched. . islature at an early date. Boil having been llhoroughly exhausted vant Is autocratic. That she is a that you can talk about; not the kind
SUd.den as a lightning flash 111 a The election of Mr. Ambler to the by the small roots of the tree, is t.o benevolent autocrat does not change that everybody knOWS and doesn't
10werl11g storm half a dozen cruls. S pea k ers hi p guarantees a fall' . L aw remove at least 25 per cent. of the the psychological . effec~ upon herself. want to read about. Something bright
11'S of the Black Eagle shoot out of th ean d 0 l' der C.omm Itt ee. It means t ha minor t branches
' and perhaps 10 per Men say we are .petty, jealous, .gossipy,
nlst that hovers over the North I th e Ioca I op t'Ion bill WI'n be forced cent . of the heavier branches . If this and that we can not co-operate. Men
and cheerful. That's It,.
Well, such being the case, I says
Sea and bombard the coast of the t th fl f th H h is done the sunlight and rain will go exposed to the same conditions would taking my cue from our early gard
boasted Invulnerable Isle. . Where are on 0 e 001' 0t e ouse and d t at through' the top of the tree and allow respond in the ,same wav. Coming Into
every man mus go on recor for or ' • ners, why not reach ahead a few
the dreadnoughts now, where the I t't d tl f almost as perfect a lawn under your contact with bigger things develops months, when the green wlIl be in
cruiser patrOls, where the swift aga.ns I , ani i clont.sequenhr h or or Norway Maple as anywhere else. the power to grow bigger w meet the f,rees? So that little red volume
agams t th e eg II a Ion w IC was
heeled destroyers? B.ack to their har· I d b th G t h The Norway Maple Is generally them. This power to co operate, thIS of Jim's pome's" being in hand 1
. prom se y e overnor 0 t e peo-
borage scamper the raIders, un· 1 f tl St t -H M Ch I planted as a street tree. and on ac- group spirit does develop In college begins copying:
scathed from their deed of daring. p e 0 Ie a e. I arry . a fant. count of its tendency to produce low· and club life, where women meet on
"When the whole tall-fethers of Win
The odds are so great, the dangers
so thronging, the probabilities of flft n e
success so slim, that it Is magnificent.
:f U cl S
y coun l' es.
I penmaker for about hanging branches-branches that are a basis of common Interests, and will
s forced even lower by the foliage whe'. develop more generally In the exercise
it appears, and sUll lower by a shower of the larger responsibilities whIch
It all pUlled out and gone!
Magnificent-but it Is not war. -It becomes a nuisance to citizen,; sUffrage brings." And tJle sap it thaws and begins to
It is not enemy ships that they who have to pass under it rain or iln further dlscus<,lng woman's worl(, climb,
have attacked. not fortresses that
they have bombarded, not soldiers
F. H. WALZER shine. Therefore, you should see to and her relation to it, M,rs. Nearing
I~ .that no branches are closer to the bridged the gap which exists for
And the swet It starts out on
A feller's forred, a-gittln' down
that they have Idlled. Three quiet, Painting in all its Branches sidewalk then 9 or 10 feet, at least. many sincere men and women be- At the old spring on his knees-
peaceful towns have f~lt the rain of directlY overhead. If these low hang- tween school suffrage, actllve in twen- I klndo' like jest a·loaferin' round'
shells; almost five score non-combat, --- .ing branches were removed. grass ty·two states, and general suffrage. When the greens glts back In the
ants, men, women, children perhaps, Estimates Cheerfully Given. would grow more readily under the Granting freely that woman's work is trees-
have met death from the hurtling Telephone-Narberth 3U-D. trees: but the mere removal of these primarily with home and child, and Jest a-potterln' round' as I-durn-
missiles. branches would .not be "ufficlent. and that her place is where her work Is, please-
This is not warfare, It is murder. the thinning out of the top is neces· Mrs. Nea,ring made clear how from When the green, you know, gillS baclt
----- ~ I sary. It might be well here ~o mpn- al\'e of six the child goes out from in the trees!
tion that the pruning is not difficult, the mother care and that if she I,~ to All of which may simply prove that
Western Visitor (accosting citizen):
"Can yoU tell me a good place to stop
"Meet me at the and almost anyone can do It-pro- give the child the protection it needs
"ided they use a little judgment In s'he must follow first into the school.,.
some folks' Idea of Winter is a season
of lookin' ahead and wishln' for
CItizen: "Certainly! Just before
Cabin" 1 I I
thinning out the branches evenly. It Here was brought out the great value
is also necessary when removing the of vocationa'l training for the type of
spring. And maybe It ain't a bad ideal'
at that, as Jim would say.
the 'at.' Good day, slr.-Boston Tran· -to consider the purchase of branches to remember ,that they must child for whom the study of languages
he cut off as nearly flush wIth the does not offer the best development Anyway, It's better to quote some-
~rl~ I . Home Building Plot, or having tree trunk or main branch as POs,,;lhle.\ and the hopelessness of convincing the thing worth while, even If It< Is a lit·
THE HOMELIEST MAN. any kind of Building Alteration If a stub Is left like a large thuml> average masculine school board that tle early, than to try and fake news
or stub of an amputated 11mb, the money Is wLo;ely expended In giving when things Is a-w·f·u-I dull and there
"Were you nervous on your wedding or Repairs made. tree will attempt to cover this projec- girls two years training In Domestic
day. my dear?" ain't no real news nohow.
tion wl'!h new growths of cellular tis· Science, Dressmaking, Millinery, etc.
"Yes, and I never shall forget the
fri!!ht I got that dayl"
"I don't think I ever met your hus·
w. D. Smedley sue-never, or 'hardly ever. being suc- Then. since t/he preparation of foorl·
cessful If the prpjectlon Is more than stuffs and clothing has largely left the
ihree or four inches long. Many pro· home, woman must of ne.ces,lty folloW
Chief Wingebone Junior.
band." jections are six inches long anel here. She must by her direct voice
-====='=~====:""_==========~----.-.-.-.-. -.--.-'-- longer. and ,~uch cuts will always be in the matter see to It that the mao The Little White Tea Hous~
sure to start decay, as the dead wooel terlals upon which the health of her
cannot be covered with new tissue. family depends are produced undpr AND SHOP
Combination Coupon-Check Your Wishes If you find sucb projections on your sanitary condi~lons. Woman spenels
.Join the Loea. Organization You Wish-and Get Our Town. Too! trees. it Is better to have them reo the greater portion of the family In- Haverford Ave. and Ayon Road.
-:B~0-X---:3~4=,'=N:-a":r=b=e:"'rt":h=.::"'::=:"':=~""::~~' moved flush with the trunk. even .. come. This gives her an Immense Narberth, Pa.
Enter my name on your books In accordance with the checking be· the tree has hall two or three years leverage In demanding and recE-Ivlng Learn whAt can b. done lor you. Tburs-
low. paying dues to association designated and keeping 50 cents as a for it!;! attempt t9 cover the wound. satisfactory prodUcts In both foodstUff,; day night suppers are being
served. Try our homo mode pies. home
,;ubscrlptlon to Our Town for one year. ConclUded Next Week. and textlle,-a leverage which supple' bok.d beon•• co~es, jellies, candies, etc.
mented by Imowledge and organlza- Norions. cui Dowers and plants. Send in
$1.50 Voting Membership In Civic Asaoclation and One Year's
Subscription to Our Town .. Americans live In tion and coupled with a vote for the your requirements. We are here 10 serve.
More than 800 Irglslator who Is to represent her In
Barcelona. Spaln t TELEPHONE, NARBERTH,12-52·D
Full Membership In Y. M. C. A. and One Year's SUbscrlp- - - making the kind of laws affording her
$5.50 t10n to Our Town. ! home the greatest protection becomes 1----------------
---- a real power for better conditions alld OUR $1.00 BOX
$3.1i0I One Year's Dues l\S Member of Fire COmpany and Onel
Year's Subscrlpl10n to Onr Town. I George B. Suplee more equitable prices. The vote, with
which she in doing her own great
Is the Greatest Value You Can Find in
Name .. .............................................................. task follows the needs of her home
Steam & Hot Water Heating and chtJd outside of the merely Order From
Address ... .................. ~., . Plumbing l1hysl('al limits of that home, will bring THE PRIMROSE FLOWER SHOP
Ardmore, Pa.
Bell Telephone.
f (Continued on Third Page) Phone: Ardmore 438 A. Open EvenlnlB>


[0" -- .. -I ~
regular monthly meeting at the home
The Ushers' Association wl1\ hold Its FROM AL.L. ANGL.ES.
Narberth is still the leaders of Main II
101 Mr. H. S. Hopper, Monday even Line league. They have not been d e . . Narberth Juniors defeated the
NARBERTH METHODIST EPIS- 'ing, January 18. Mr. Ernelt L. TUH' feated. (Continued from Second Page) : strong upper Darby team by tbe score
COPAL. CHURCH. I tin, Esq., Recorder of Deeds, will Some .Junior team. They have Wall' to woman four specific benefills-lt of 22-9. The game, Which was played
speak on "Ev~ry D~y Servlc:." . eigh; out of ten game,> this year. I
wlY malte her more broad and pUbllc- in conjunction with the Main Llno
The Woman s MIssion CIrcle WIll We see where "Bill" Durbin was I mmded, teaching her to think In' league game, was witnessed by one
ReV. Chris. G. Koppel, Pastor. meet! at the home of Mrs. E. E. Marsh the star in the Haverford-Pedagogy I terms of a wider life, relating her hundred and fifty people, a record·
9.45-Sunday School Assembly. Bible at 2.30 P. M., Tuesday, January 1U. game. Bill is also a "regular" star fori home to the city, and the city to the breaking crowd. Never yet, since the
The subject for study will be, "The the Narberth l:Ieam. nation; it will make her more honest, opening of the Y. M. C. A. did such
study classes for men and women. Child in the Midst." TI1Ursday night Narberth will play doing away with the necessity for that a large crowd aSsemble in the little
11.00-Worship and sermon. The prayer and praiSe service on a team from West Phlladelphia. They I indirect influence, the u"!e of her per- gym; and never yet was there a
G,45-Epworth League. Conduct'ld
Wednesday evening at 8 wlll consider consist of former stars of the Phlla-! sonal charm on the masculine voter, I better played game, the town boys
especially for young people. the topic, "Personal Work." the same delphia high schools. Brown, the W. so inefficient and distasteful to any: never being in the shadow of defeat.
7,45-Worship and ''lermon. Singing,
of merit by chorus choir.
as th.e lermon S~nd~y m~rning. I
P. H. S. captain will be noticed \n thoroughly self·respectlng woman; it The leading scorer of the game was
ThIS church WIll Join 111 the great the line-up. wiLl make her more intelligent, as, Colwyn Humphries, the Haverford
Three new scholars and one new temperance rally at the Fire Hall. "Muttl' Jefferies is gradually getting I for example Helen Sumner found that school star, caging seven field goals
teacher were added to the Sunday Thursday evening, the 21st. into his old time form. ! one book store in Denver sold more from all angles of the fioor. Next
School last Sunday. The lecture room "Vern" Fleck, the Cape May base books on civics and poliMcal ques- was "Miff" Winne, whose best efforts
has been rearranged and supplied wltll ball star of the pa"!t season, is play- tions in eight months after the grant was one field goal and four fouls. The
added equipment in ordEr to meet the ing a very snappy game at guard for of ,"!uffrage than In the previous twell· visitor"! star was Mlllne with two field
demands of the rapidly growing school. MERION MEETING HOUSE. Narberth. ty years: and finally. as Mrs. Nearing goals and two fouls. The line·up:
For the past six weeks 55 per cent. of Meeting NO'l'IOE-Narberth won the Main rather cleverly put it, woman will be- Narberth-F. Winne, C. Humphries,
the average attendance consists of Montgomery Avenue and Line base ball championship, they: come more of an individual and less forwards; D. Odell, center: O. Hum-
men, young men and boys. House L.ane.
Merion Meeting House is opened for wan the undisputed championship of of an attachment. I phries, J. Jeffrie"!, guards.
The beautiful new pipe organ being the Main Line in foot ball, and they , Upper Darby-Mlllne, Shock, for-
built bY the Felgemaker Organ Co., or worship every first-day at 10.30 A, are now leading in the fight for the Mrs. Chandler Shaw. wards; Nunan, center: More, Horne,
Detroit, will be installed about the M. Visitor,"! are cordially welcome. basket baIl supremacy. Some record guards.
middle of March. When completed On first-month, 17th, Daniel Moore
and placed the instrument with aJl and a committee will attend the meet·
for such a little town. Who ever
said, "good goods come in small
VERL PUGH Field goals-Narbert,l: C. Hum-
phries, 7; F. Winne, 1; D. Odell, 1.
its modern attachment'> will cost ing. packages," is no dummy. Upper Darby: l\Ullne, 2, and Shock, 1.
about $20,000. An electric blower and
motor will furnish motive power.
It Is a great encouragement to the Electrical Contractor Foul goals-Narberth: Winne, 4;
PL.ANS FOR FORMING FEDERA. Narbe-rth players the way the rooters Upper Darby: Millne, 2, and Horne, 1.
TION OF SUBURBAN CIVIC are turning out by the hundrpds. 225 lana Avenue, Narberth, Pa. Substitutions-Narberth: Redifer for
ASSOCIATIONS. Notice to the rooters, keep up the good Telephone-Narberth 381-D. O. 'Humphries. Referee-Durbin,
THE PRESBVTERIAN CHURCH. work. Haverford School. Timekeeper-
A meeting was held at the Manu· Business Manager "Slats" Shelly, Dickie, C. H. S.
Rev. John Van Ness, Pastor.
Sunday, January 17th:
I facturers' Club last Friday for the
purpose of discussing the formation deserves cr~dit
with his large advertising posters,
for the large crowd.
Wm F J F-elder
••I •
10 A. M.-Bible School. All depart· of a permanent committee ~o be made Last Saturday night Narberth turned
ments: 192 were in attendance last up of representatives of the varian;,
Sunday. civic aS'lociations along the Main Line
11 A. M.-Public worship with ser· lI.nd in Lower Merion Township. The
out In new uniforms. Some clas-s.
The refereeing of Dr. Hoffman i~,
be~'ond a doubt, the fairest and the
DRUGGIST The Real Estate Man at
114 Woodside Ave.,
\\'111 he pleased to assist you in get·
man by the pastor. object Is to create a body which can highest caliber ever ,"!een on the Nar- - ting a home.
7 P. M.-Meeting of the Junior quickly and effectively handle any berth fioor. No partliality shown what- Telephone-Narberth 685 A.
Congregation led by Marion Haws and question which may arise, and which soever. CongratUlations, Doc. J. A. MILLER
Hilda Smedley. Is of general interest to the various We would like to hear of some more (Successor t'O E. J. HOOD)
8 P. M.-Public worship with ser- communities. thus enabling all ~o co· reports from Na,rberth High School
man by the pastor. I
opera'~ .for the common goad. of the
The teaching force in the Sabbath cOmmUDl~y without the delay mcident
team. A little "pep" high school.
Now, don't forget, everybody ant
The Merion Title and Trust Co.
of Ardmore, Pa.
School has been increased by the ad· to orgamzing for specific purposes. I
Thursday night. We need the rooters 104 Forrest Avenue. The oldest, largest and best deposi-
ditJon of Miss Melchior, who ha'> The preliminary meeting was called for such a big game. Jobbing a Specialty. Narberth, Pa, tory in this vicinity.
charge of a class of girls. by Mr. J. V. E. Titus, former president Signed, L.e Bonbon Enfante. Capital, $150,000. Surplus, $125,000
At a very precious communion ser- of The Neighborhood Club, of Undivided Profits, $40,000.
vice on last Sunday morning eleven and Cynwyd. and was attended by Mr.
persons were welcomed into the mem- H. O. Peebles, president of The Neigh·
bership of the church. borhood Club: Mr. Edward W. Box,
The "Mary Marthas," our Wide., pre"!ident of the Merion Civic Assoeia On Friday evening, January 8, which
awake Girls' Club, will hold their tion; Mr. Geo. M..Henr y , president 01 was college night at the Sunday tab-
monthly meeting next Friday night at 1 the Narberth CIVIC Asso.elation; Dr.
the hOI11e of Miss Si~ney Bolich, lOll \ Ross HaIl ~klllern, pre~ldent of the
ernacle, a party of about forty teach·
ers and pupils representing the Nar·
lona avenue. Ardmore CIvic AssociajilOll, and Mr. berth High School went to hear Special Nursery Milk in PaperCal'ton ••ome Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs
Henry S. Williams, president of the "Bmy" Sunday and were fortunate in Filled at penhurst Farm and Game.
Main Line Association. getting seats. Fancy Fruit and Vegetables.
AL.L. SAINTS' CHURCH, While plans are not yet completed, By commmlicating with the Central Bell Phone-Narberth 669 D.

Rev. Andrew T. Burke, Rector.

the central committee will probabl,.
be composed of two or three represen-
Y. M, C. A. over the telephone, Mr.
Melchior, who arranged the trip, was 100 Narberth Avenue IIA Store for Particnlar People"
tatives from each separate organiza- able to secure a reservation of fifty
Sunday services tion. Another meeting will be held at NARBERTH, PA.
seats for us. We went in on the 5.59 NARBERTH, PA.
8 A. M.-The Holy Communion. an early date, au which time it -is and met Mr. Melchior at the Y. M. C. Telephone.
9.45 A. M.-The Sunday school. hoped a plan will be adopt.ed for A. where we joined three or four 1----------------
11 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Ser- presentation to each R:'lsociation for other schools. After being arranged,
mon, approval. we marched in a body to the taber- Do Your Marketing at
4 P. M.-Evening prayer. The idea Is a good one, and ought


to produce results.
We soon found that having re-
served seats and getting Ito 'them
CoDer's Markel
through the crowd were two very
Sundays; Early Mass, May to Sep'
tember, inclusive, 6.30 A. M., early Chas. M. Stuard different propositions. "Tith the help
of Mr. Melchior, a policeman, and
Mass, October to Aprll, inclusive, 7.00 two llshers, we finalIy got seated.
A. M.; late Mass, 9.30 A. M. Where can be obtained the best
After every inch of space bad the market affords - inCluding

Masses on holydays: 6.30 and 8.30
A. M.; Masses on weekdays, 8.00 A. FUNERAL been taken, the doors were shut,
many delegations not getting In at
all and some only partly. Then Chor-
Fancy Poultry. Oysters
Lenten and other evening devo-
tions, 8 o'clock. DIRECTOR ister Rodeheaver calIed the rolI. It
sounded good to hear old Narberth
and Fish
Try us once and be convinced.
High mentioned in there and we made
ARDMORE, PA. as much noise as any of them, ex-
EVANGEL. BAPTIST CHURCH. cept 'Perhaps Penn. ' ----------
Automobile Service Mr. Sunday's address. "Forces
That Win," was \vonderfulIy interest-
Who's Your Roofer? JAMES G. SCANLIN
Rev. Emerson L.. Swift, Pastor. He ought to be • tboc;oughly com·
A slight change has been made in
the hour of the Bible School session.
ing and Inspiring, giving something
worth corning for and something ought Contracting Painter
petent and ........nslblc"pcNOn. - He
to have a great cleaJ of expe-
rience. He ouxbt to be equal to all
Next Sunday and hereafter it wlll be- worth taking away.-Roy T. Griffith. 0' _. emcrgcncles.
Narberth, Pa.
gin at 9.45 A. M. Extra time is re-
quired to accomplish the higher grade
HARRY B. WALL In the evolution of a small town ex-
Estimates Telephone
of work that is being pursued, Classes Plumbing, Gas Fitting pansion is of little importance In com-
for men and women.
There are many evidences of the
and Heating parison to elimination and cultivation.
Frank Crist
rising tide of spiritual interest. We NARBERTH. PA. MEATS & PROVISIONS
are feeling the results of the great
revival now in progress in the city.
We invite you to worship with us next ohn A. Mowrer Joseph C. Mowrer
Telephone-Narberth 644 A.
Sunday morning at 11. Good music
by n large young people's choir. Sub- MOWRER BROS.
ject of the "!ermon, "Personal Work." Carpenters, Contractors and
Undertakers Howard E. Davis
The Young People's service fast Sun- Builders 33 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. A FULL LINE OF
day evening was made very instructive felephone O:>nnection, Narberth and
by the leader, Miss Cora B. Thomson.
The meeting next Sunday evening at
Merion. Whitman's Candy
7 wl1I have as leader, Mrs. J. It. 1----------------
Houston. The subject is, "Making
Packing, Shipping, Hauling For Good Servrce and Moderate
Prices in
Bold Beginnings," 1 Tim. 1: 18, 19: 4-12.
The evening worship at 7.45 will be FURNITURE AND PIANOS
helpful to all who attend. Subject,
"The Defeat of Sin." Narberth
The women's and men's classe'l wiII
be entertained this evening at the
home Of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clarlt, Phone Narberth 672
Ardmore. AND
Mrs. J. R. Houston has gathered the
junIors In a Mission Band. It will hot<'!
its first meeting at her home, Elm
Terrace, Friday afternoon. It's name
Notion Store Narberth, Pe.
and organization wlII appear later. 230-212 WOODBINE AVE.
================:::;:== ============:======== MAIN LINE B. B. LEAGUE.


Narberth continued its winning
streak by beating St. Paul's' team by
the score of 35-5. The home team set
,rv",r;,~;~ "~";<"
.. '. . Y~$~.
BAKERY I ~~ .• '
a fast pace all the Mme, shutting the
visitors out without a field goal. Their
.' '. ' .".F:'::' ·'''~:'i., Christma~ Suggestions r'.tlA~~ IlbJI'fmL,t_ .. five points being foul goals. Fleck
continued his good worl, by caging six
in Sweets !'THURSDAY, fRIDAY & SATURDAY field goals. The all around playIng
Our Fruit and pound Cake are made II JAN.14 JAN. 15 JAN. 16 of Lester Jeffries was witnessed by
the largest crowd of the season.
of the bast materials-flavored nicely, :
Narberth-L. Jeffries, Speakman, E.
We also have an assortment of I
small German Christmas Cakes. I IN Davis, acting captain; forwards;
Our MInce and Pumpkin Pies are I
delicious-we use our own make mince i
"CAMEO Kriebel, L. Jeffries, centre; W. Hum-
phries, Fleck, guards.
St. Paul's-W. Smith, F. S~evens,
m~L I " forwards: W. Parsons, centre: 1\1.
We also carry a large assortment
of fine I
KIRBY Parsons, F. Smith, guards.
Goals-Narberth: L. Jeffries. 5: E.
COMING: Marie Doro In "The Davi'>, 3; Kriebel, 2; Fleck, 6. Foul
Morals of Marcus." goals-W. Humphries. 3; W. Smith, 2;
T' • Christmas Candies F. Smith, 3. Time of halves-20

An 111V ttatt 0 J1
A visit to a modern sanitary Dairy is ouite as minutes, Referee-Dr. Hoffman, of
interesting as it is instruclive. A trip through
our plant will show you how far science and
invention have enabled us to safeguard our milk and cream. You are cordially in-
--------- The Hahnemann. Scorer and Timekeeper
-Earl F. Smith.
For Your Own ConYen~ence
vited to make such a trip. Telephone Belmont 4205 or West 143 and we shall be
glad to make an appointment, or call at any time at 4709 Lancaster Avenue, where
guides are always available.
EDWARD W. WOOLMAN, 4709 Lancaster Avenue.
BANK '\.VITH Regent Theatre Notes.
Next Thursday evening Narberth
plays West Philadelphia High School
stars, composed of Johnny Brown, Mc·
Cleeland, etc., (at Narberth.) Good
Bear All Organs in Phiiadelpbia-Com- game-all come out.
pare them with that in tbe Regent
Jeffries was all around the floor at

....:: .. ". ' Who's Your Roofer'?

( .
, z
He ought to be a tho ullhly com-
potent and ...pon'lbl.~~aon. ' Ho
Geo.HanseUs' Sons PROGRAMME all times.
Some of Flecl,'s goals were from the
ought to have a great de;;J of ~pee THURSDAY, JANUARY 14th- middle of the floor.

• ~ .
.",nce, He ought to be equal to 011
• emergencies.

rarP1l~a' 0.
mllr i!Uttrtt1]nuar mruat aIo.
1323 Walnut St., Philadelphia
Max Figman in
"The Truth Wagon."
W. Durbin. L. Davi., and Nevin are
resting up for next week's game with
Th~''''' l1i!iJiii~iii:J~
ROOI"eRS" Earl Dickie will be eligible next

Contented Consumers Commend

JAN. 15th and JAN. 16th-
Clara Kimball Young in
I Narberth
Won. Lost.
5 o
Cook's Coal Narberth Pa. Properties For Rent and Sale "Deep Purple." I
Ardmore 3 2 ,600
Overbrook 1 4 .200

c. Po COOK Telephone-Narberth 368.

Fire Insurance
Bell Phone 352 W.
Wall Building. Narberth, Pa.
_____ .


I St. Paul's


4 .000


COAL, WOOD AND Plaster and Cement Work
Howard F • Cotter SUppIee's Hardware SIore (Continued from First Page)
Special Exercises
EA IS of 1538 MARHET STREET "Special exercises were held on

Estimates Furnished Arbor Day, Including a talk by the
QUALITY principal on 'The Chestnut Tree.
Its Value and Its Enemy-the Blight,'
NARBERTH, PA. V. M. C. A. BUILDING MENTION OUR TOWN The programs on Columbus, Riley and
Edison days were sources of interest

Prompt Deliveries Assured

Mention ECONOMY.
"John," saie: ,~. gentleman, annoyed
TO ADVERTISERS and education. In connection with
Edison day, announcement was made
- of the compietion of an electric bell .


OUR TOWN by his chauffeur's habit of, "Well, Tommy," said the visitor, "I system installed by Ran Griffith and
"you should remember that fortunes suppose you llke going to schoo!'!" Chas McCarter. This efficient and val-
nowadays are made from the by- "Oh, yes," answered Tommy. "1 uable asset Is the result of hours of
Suspended above the desk of a products of waste. When you whIstle I Ilke gain' all right, and I Ill,e comin,!lahor given to the school by the
Pittsburgh bank president is this TO ADVERTISFRS I
in future whistle Into the tires and home; but It's stayln' there between boys. The only cost to the board was
motto: "Do the Hard Things First.' save the expense of a pump!" times that mal,es me tired," for the material, about ten dollars.
On the same day It was known that
Ten years ago he was discount clerl, the principal had at his own expense
in the same bank. installed a set of telephones between
"How did you climb so fast'!" 1 the office and janitor's room in the
asked. basement,
The Ellicient Housewile
"I have always lived up to that Concluded Next Week.
text," he replied.
"Tell me about it," I CURING THE EXCUSE HABlT.
"There is not much to tell. I had
long been conscious that I wa'> not I How can a girl of twelve, who al·
getting on as fast as 1 should. I was I ways makes excuses for any mi5tal(l's
not keeping up with my work: It W90S She keeps the pantry well stocl,ed and always has a good supply of groceries on hand because: She wantd she has made, be helped to rid herscH
distasteful to me. When I opened my to avoid the embarrassment of suddenly finding her-self short of needfuls and having to make a hurried trip to of this habit?
desk In the mornIng and found it
covered with reminders of work to be
the store or perhaps borrow from a neighbor. She wants to make her housel,eeping allowance go as far as I Explain to her gently and carefully
how worthless an excuse I,>, and then
done during the day, I became discour possible and knows it is most economical to buy In quantities. She follows the course that bring,> the mast regularly refuse to receive' excuses for
aged. There were always plenty of duty undone or for misconduct. No
satisfaction and results in the grea.test saving. Our stores are headquarters for Efficient Housewives-and the ,excuse will mend a broken cup. Let
comparatively easy things to do, and
these I did first, putting off the dis i'.€ms below will be of interest to them: I her pay for it. No excuse will get
agreeable dutle., as long as possible the family to church on time If she
Can. Doz. Case
Result: I became intellectuallY lazY Can. Doz. Case I has l,ept the carriage waiting. I.. et
her stay at home. Let her reap a
I felt an Increasing incapacity for Gold Seal Sifted Peas,.......... 16c $1.85 $3.65 Choice Lima Beans.............. 10c $1.15 $2.25 II natural result of whatever she doeo;,
work. One morning I woke up. I took
stock of myself to find out the troUble Gold Seal E. J. Peas.... ......... 12Y2C $1.45 $2.85 Gold Seal Beans 10c $1.15 quite regardless of the excuse. It
Memoranda of several matters that must be borne In mind that Often
Choice Tender Peas............. 10c $1.15 $2.25 Choice Spinach 12c $1.40 $2.75
had long needed attention stared at there I., a reasonable explanation of
me from my calendar. Choice Red Beets............... 12~l:!c $1.45 $2.85 what has happened, to which mother
Gold Seal String Beans.......... 10c $1.15 $2.25 I ought to be willing to listen. Mother
"Suddenly the thought came to me:
'I have been doing only the easy Choice String Beans............. 7c SOc $1.55 Gold Seal Peaches ............... 18c $2.10 $4.10 ought to be sure that she holds herself
tbings, By postponing the disagree·
Gold Seal Tomatoes.............. 10c $1.15 $2.25 Choice California Peaches....... 15c $1.75 $3.40 I to the same good standard. In daugli·
able tasks, the mean, annoying little I·er's case. mother ought to enforce the
Sliced Peaches, large cans ....... 20c $2.30 $4.55 I law with firmness, fairness, and ten-
things. my mental muscles have been Choice Tomatoes, large cans . 8c 90c $1.75
allowrd to grow flabby. They must Sliced PeaChes, small cans....... 10c $1.20 I derness In equal measure.-Home
get some exercise.' I took off my
coat and proceeded to 'clean hou,>e,'
Choice TOmatoes, small cans . 6c 70c $1.35
Sliced Hawaiian Prneapple ....... 15c $1.75 $3.40 I Progress.

It wasn't as hard as I expected. Then Good Tomatoes, large cans..•.... 7c 80c $1.55 Fancy Cherries .... ............ 25c $2.75 I YOUTHFUL UNSELFISHNESS.
I tOOl, a card and wrote on it: 'Do the Gold Seal Lima Beans........... 15c $1.75 $3.45 Choice Pears .0 ••••••••••.•••••• 12c $1.40 $2.75 He was a good little boy, and very
Hard ThIngs Firs;,' and put it where thoughtful. It WIliS during a long spell
I could see It every mornIng. I've
been doing the hard things first ever I of dry weather, and he had heard of
the great I.'!carcity of water through-
sInce."-Sel. There are many attr«ctive SPECiALS at our .tore. ,hi. week. See our announce- out the country. He came to his
mother, and slipped his hand into
ment in The Evening Bulletin and The North American-and be .ure to YOUR hers.
fash'onable doctor lately Informed "Mamma," he said, "is It true that
'nds, In a l'8rge company. that R. & C. afore. I in some places the little boys and
"een passIng eight days In I girls have not enough water to
ROBINSON &CRAWFORD i::~~m:::::''::.:;,.~:~: ~~~ : : .:
f)ne of the party, "It "That Is what the papers say, my
'ced In one of the

-'. '~~:£i?\~: little boys and girls."

"me ' to give?"
:11 NOTE :-00 friday we O,leD Anotber Store-Baltlmore & Lewis Aves, East Lansdowne. II way,
"as long he
as saId,water
the In an earnest
is 80 very,
g~ ~
_ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ift~~M~IW~1~~t~gi~Q
beln' washed,"·-Youth's Companion.

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