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2)  What are the different customer segments in the market for Modeler?

There are 5 market segments identified for Modeler

1. Large, Multinational corporations
2. Corporate R&D and University laboratories
3. Consultant and Professional companies
4. Small business
5. Students

4) In which of the scenarios, that is, single version compared to the multi-version, is the
cash flow higher? Where does the improvement in cash-flow come from?

Assumption : If user get same amount of gain from two versions , the user prefer version
with higher value

Scenario 1:
 It is observed at price $600 in industrial version alone, $50 in student version alone is
most optimal in each of the versions.
 Let’s say company released these 2 versions at each of the optimal prices i.e., at 600
in Industrial version and 50 in student version ( Industrial, Student version are Top 2
in profitability). Since the gain for consultant companies has zero gain in industrial
version at 600 they shift to student version at 50 due to a gain of (200-50 =150)
because of this shift the overall profit of two version drops significantly ($11.3 m) in
fact lower than what CSC can get in Industrial version if released as single version ($

Scenario 2:
 Let’s say company released these 2 versions i.e., at 450 in Industrial version ( to retain
consultant companies ) and 50 in student version . Since the gain for consultant
companies is same $ in industrial version and Student version, the consultant
companies prefer industrial version. But, the ask price in industrial version is reduced
significantly the total profit of two versions drops significantly ($8.7 m) in fact lower
than what CSC can get in Industrial version if released as single version ($ 14.3)

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