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/VARIABLES= ManMot1 ManMot2 ManMot3 ManMot4 ocb1 ocb2

ocb3 ocb4 aut1 aut2 aut3 Justice1 Justice2 Justice3 JobSat1
JobSat2 Quit1 Quit2 Quit3 Man1 Man2 Man3 Eng1 Eng2 Eng3 Eng4
pos1 pos2 pos3

Initial Extraction
My Manager motivates me 1.00 .85
My Manager knows how to get the most out of me 1.00 .73
My manager encourages me to do my best 1.00 .87
My manager is great 1.00 .86
I work harder than my job requires 1.00 .60
I put a huge amount of effort in my job 1.00 .77
I help out my team mates 1.00 .76
I go the extra mile 1.00 .37
I have the freedom to choose how I work 1.00 .82
I can decide how to work during the day 1.00 .82
I am given enough leeway to get the job done 1.00 .81
Procedures are fair here 1.00 .85
Procedures are applied fairly 1.00 .88
Procedures are the same for all 1.00 .75
I am satisfed in my job 1.00 .47
My job is good 1.00 .52
I am thinking of leaving 1.00 .90
I'm ready to look for other work 1.00 .88
I have looked for employment elsewhere in the last week 1.00 .89
Management help workers out when they experience diffculties 1.00 .86
Management supports employees who are faced with discrimination 1.00 .89
Management acts decisively 1.00 .89
I share the values of this organisation 1.00 .72
I am proud of this organisation 1.00 .81
This organisation is a big part of who I am 1.00 .80
I would recommend this organisation as a place to work 1.00 .84
This organisation cares about my well being 1.00 .53
This organisation is interested in my contribution 1.00 .79
This organisation is there for me when I need help 1.00 .82

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %

1 8.32 28.7% 28.7% 8.32 28.7% 28.7% 2.69 9.3% 9.3%
2 3.50 12.1% 40.8% 3.50 12.1% 40.8% 3.33 11.5% 20.8%
3 2.56 8.8% 49.6% 2.56 8.8% 49.6% 2.36 8.1% 28.9%
4 2.01 6.9% 56.5% 2.01 6.9% 56.5% 3.49 12.0% 40.9%
5 1.89 6.5% 63.0% 1.89 6.5% 63.0% 2.96 10.2% 51.2%
6 1.48 5.1% 68.1% 1.48 5.1% 68.1% 2.81 9.7% 60.8%
7 1.36 4.7% 72.8% 1.36 4.7% 72.8% 2.12 7.3% 68.2%
8 1.23 4.3% 77.1% 1.23 4.3% 77.1% 2.58 8.9% 77.1%
9 1.00 3.4% 80.5%
10 .76 2.6% 83.1%
11 .58 2.0% 85.1%
12 .54 1.9% 87.0%
13 .42 1.5% 88.5%
14 .37 1.3% 89.7%
15 .34 1.2% 90.9%
16 .30 1.0% 91.9%
17 .28 1.0% 92.9%
18 .24 .8% 93.7%
19 .24 .8% 94.6%
20 .21 .7% 95.3%
21 .20 .7% 96.0%
22 .20 .7% 96.7%
23 .19 .7% 97.3%
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %

24 .18 .6% 97.9%
25 .14 .5% 98.4%
26 .13 .4% 98.9%
27 .12 .4% 99.3%
28 .11 .4% 99.6%
29 .10 .4% 100.0%

Scree Plot


0 5 10 15 20 25

Component Number

Component Matrix


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
My Manager motivates me .59 .48 .16 .38 -.28 .14 -.07 .05
My Manager knows how to get the most out of me .56 .37 .21 .34 -.32 .13 .02 -.07
My manager encourages me to do my best .58 .45 .16 .36 -.37 .13 -.06 .07
My manager is great .59 .47 .14 .37 -.32 .16 .04 .04
I work harder than my job requires .26 -.18 .53 -.36 -.28 -.02 -.03 -.07
I put a huge amount of effort in my job .15 -.14 .52 -.52 -.40 -.15 -.03 .06
I help out my team mates .19 -.13 .53 -.49 -.40 -.15 -.05 .09
I go the extra mile .23 -.15 .38 -.27 -.07 .25 -.09 -.02
I have the freedom to choose how I work .48 .10 .48 .09 .56 -.06 .15 -.06
I can decide how to work during the day .55 .05 .46 .07 .52 -.08 .10 -.09
I am given enough leeway to get the job done .51 .01 .52 .06 .51 -.10 .09 -.08
Procedures are fair here .62 .25 -.25 -.28 .17 .07 -.42 .23
Procedures are applied fairly .61 .28 -.26 -.30 .18 .08 -.43 .23
Procedures are the same for all .56 .29 -.26 -.29 .19 -.01 -.37 .16
I am satisfed in my job .56 .00 .18 .16 .16 -.18 -.16 .10
My job is good .61 .00 .21 .16 .13 -.18 -.15 .09
I am thinking of leaving -.58 .50 .19 -.19 .16 .38 .17 .23
I'm ready to look for other work -.60 .42 .17 -.20 .11 .41 .20 .25
I have looked for employment elsewhere in the last week -.60 .50 .18 -.18 .17 .32 .17 .22
Management help workers out when they experience diffculties .65 .23 -.27 -.33 .00 .13 .18 -.39
Management supports employees who are faced with discrimination .64 .27 -.27 -.32 .00 .14 .19 -.42

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Management acts decisively .67 .29 -.24 -.27 -.01 .14 .21 -.40
I share the values of this organisation .49 -.60 -.03 .02 -.02 .31 .07 .10
I am proud of this organisation .48 -.61 -.02 .12 .06 .41 .09 .08
This organisation is a big part of who I am .53 -.58 -.09 .05 .04 .39 .04 .13
I would recommend this organisation as a place to work .53 -.65 -.05 .04 -.02 .31 .08 .14
This organisation cares about my well being .55 .03 -.26 -.06 -.08 -.16 .18 .31
This organisation is interested in my contribution .53 .10 -.17 -.10 .00 -.29 .51 .33
This organisation is there for me when I need help .53 .04 -.26 -.10 -.09 -.31 .48 .36

Rotated Component Matrix


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
My Manager motivates me .17 .00 .01 .88 .16 .06 .08 .11
My Manager knows how to get the most out of me .03 .04 .08 .81 .15 .09 .05 .18
My manager encourages me to do my best .15 .02 .06 .90 .08 .07 .11 .10
My manager is great .09 .03 .01 .89 .12 .02 .14 .16
I work harder than my job requires -.04 .12 .74 .07 .15 .08 -.04 .07
I put a huge amount of effort in my job .00 -.02 .87 -.01 .00 .04 .08 -.01
I help out my team mates .02 -.01 .87 .03 .02 .05 .09 -.03
I go the extra mile .09 .27 .47 .06 .15 -.09 -.16 .08
I have the freedom to choose how I work .05 .07 .04 .12 .88 -.03 .06 .10
I can decide how to work during the day .09 .10 .08 .12 .87 .07 .05 .13
I am given enough leeway to get the job done .05 .10 .13 .10 .87 .06 .04 .08
Procedures are fair here .86 .10 .02 .15 .11 .08 .12 .20
Procedures are applied fairly .88 .08 .01 .16 .10 .05 .12 .22
Procedures are the same for all .80 .00 .00 .11 .12 .09 .14 .24
I am satisfed in my job .28 .11 .06 .26 .45 .31 .13 -.06
My job is good .26 .13 .09 .31 .45 .32 .14 -.04
I am thinking of leaving -.05 -.28 -.04 -.05 -.05 -.89 -.12 -.10
I'm ready to look for other work -.09 -.21 -.02 -.08 -.11 -.89 -.11 -.11
I have looked for employment elsewhere in the last week -.07 -.33 -.05 -.08 -.05 -.86 -.11 -.11
Management help workers out when they experience diffculties .25 .10 .05 .16 .10 .11 .17 .84
Management supports employees who are faced with discrimination .24 .07 .03 .18 .09 .10 .16 .87
Management acts decisively .22 .08 .03 .24 .12 .10 .19 .85
I share the values of this organisation .04 .80 .12 .01 .08 .22 .09 .06
I am proud of this organisation .00 .87 .01 .04 .13 .16 .03 .05
This organisation is a big part of who I am .12 .85 .03 .03 .08 .18 .08 .08
I would recommend this organisation as a place to work .05 .86 .10 .01 .07 .24 .14 .04
This organisation cares about my well being .28 .17 .00 .17 .02 .17 .59 .13
This organisation is interested in my contribution .09 .07 .02 .12 .17 .06 .83 .19
This organisation is there for me when I need help .10 .10 .02 .11 .05 .13 .86 .16

/VARIABLES= ManMot1 ManMot2 ManMot3 ManMot4 ocb1 ocb2
ocb3 ocb4 aut1 aut2 aut3 Justice1 Justice2 Justice3 JobSat1
JobSat2 Quit1 Quit2 Quit3 Man1 Man2 Man3 Eng1 Eng2 Eng3 Eng4
pos1 pos2 pos3

Initial Extraction
My Manager motivates me 1.00 .85
My Manager knows how to get the most out of me 1.00 .73
My manager encourages me to do my best 1.00 .87
My manager is great 1.00 .86
I work harder than my job requires 1.00 .60
I put a huge amount of effort in my job 1.00 .77
I help out my team mates 1.00 .76
I go the extra mile 1.00 .37
I have the freedom to choose how I work 1.00 .82
I can decide how to work during the day 1.00 .82
Initial Extraction
I am given enough leeway to get the job done 1.00 .81
Procedures are fair here 1.00 .85
Procedures are applied fairly 1.00 .88
Procedures are the same for all 1.00 .75
I am satisfed in my job 1.00 .47
My job is good 1.00 .52
I am thinking of leaving 1.00 .90
I'm ready to look for other work 1.00 .88
I have looked for employment elsewhere in the last week 1.00 .89
Management help workers out when they experience diffculties 1.00 .86
Management supports employees who are faced with discrimination 1.00 .89
Management acts decisively 1.00 .89
I share the values of this organisation 1.00 .72
I am proud of this organisation 1.00 .81
This organisation is a big part of who I am 1.00 .80
I would recommend this organisation as a place to work 1.00 .84
This organisation cares about my well being 1.00 .53
This organisation is interested in my contribution 1.00 .79
This organisation is there for me when I need help 1.00 .82

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %

1 8.32 28.7% 28.7% 8.32 28.7% 28.7% 2.69 9.3% 9.3%
2 3.50 12.1% 40.8% 3.50 12.1% 40.8% 3.33 11.5% 20.8%
3 2.56 8.8% 49.6% 2.56 8.8% 49.6% 2.36 8.1% 28.9%
4 2.01 6.9% 56.5% 2.01 6.9% 56.5% 3.49 12.0% 40.9%
5 1.89 6.5% 63.0% 1.89 6.5% 63.0% 2.96 10.2% 51.2%
6 1.48 5.1% 68.1% 1.48 5.1% 68.1% 2.81 9.7% 60.8%
7 1.36 4.7% 72.8% 1.36 4.7% 72.8% 2.12 7.3% 68.2%
8 1.23 4.3% 77.1% 1.23 4.3% 77.1% 2.58 8.9% 77.1%
9 1.00 3.4% 80.5%
10 .76 2.6% 83.1%
11 .58 2.0% 85.1%
12 .54 1.9% 87.0%
13 .42 1.5% 88.5%
14 .37 1.3% 89.7%
15 .34 1.2% 90.9%
16 .30 1.0% 91.9%
17 .28 1.0% 92.9%
18 .24 .8% 93.7%
19 .24 .8% 94.6%
20 .21 .7% 95.3%
21 .20 .7% 96.0%
22 .20 .7% 96.7%
23 .19 .7% 97.3%
24 .18 .6% 97.9%
25 .14 .5% 98.4%
26 .13 .4% 98.9%
27 .12 .4% 99.3%
28 .11 .4% 99.6%
29 .10 .4% 100.0%
Scree Plot


0 5 10 15 20 25

Component Number

Component Matrix


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
My Manager motivates me .59 .48 .16 .38 -.28 .14 -.07 .05
My Manager knows how to get the most out of me .56 .37 .21 .34 -.32 .13 .02 -.07
My manager encourages me to do my best .58 .45 .16 .36 -.37 .13 -.06 .07
My manager is great .59 .47 .14 .37 -.32 .16 .04 .04
I work harder than my job requires .26 -.18 .53 -.36 -.28 -.02 -.03 -.07
I put a huge amount of effort in my job .15 -.14 .52 -.52 -.40 -.15 -.03 .06
I help out my team mates .19 -.13 .53 -.49 -.40 -.15 -.05 .09
I go the extra mile .23 -.15 .38 -.27 -.07 .25 -.09 -.02
I have the freedom to choose how I work .48 .10 .48 .09 .56 -.06 .15 -.06
I can decide how to work during the day .55 .05 .46 .07 .52 -.08 .10 -.09
I am given enough leeway to get the job done .51 .01 .52 .06 .51 -.10 .09 -.08
Procedures are fair here .62 .25 -.25 -.28 .17 .07 -.42 .23
Procedures are applied fairly .61 .28 -.26 -.30 .18 .08 -.43 .23
Procedures are the same for all .56 .29 -.26 -.29 .19 -.01 -.37 .16
I am satisfed in my job .56 .00 .18 .16 .16 -.18 -.16 .10
My job is good .61 .00 .21 .16 .13 -.18 -.15 .09
I am thinking of leaving -.58 .50 .19 -.19 .16 .38 .17 .23
I'm ready to look for other work -.60 .42 .17 -.20 .11 .41 .20 .25
I have looked for employment elsewhere in the last week -.60 .50 .18 -.18 .17 .32 .17 .22
Management help workers out when they experience diffculties .65 .23 -.27 -.33 .00 .13 .18 -.39
Management supports employees who are faced with discrimination .64 .27 -.27 -.32 .00 .14 .19 -.42
Management acts decisively .67 .29 -.24 -.27 -.01 .14 .21 -.40
I share the values of this organisation .49 -.60 -.03 .02 -.02 .31 .07 .10
I am proud of this organisation .48 -.61 -.02 .12 .06 .41 .09 .08
This organisation is a big part of who I am .53 -.58 -.09 .05 .04 .39 .04 .13
I would recommend this organisation as a place to work .53 -.65 -.05 .04 -.02 .31 .08 .14
This organisation cares about my well being .55 .03 -.26 -.06 -.08 -.16 .18 .31
This organisation is interested in my contribution .53 .10 -.17 -.10 .00 -.29 .51 .33
This organisation is there for me when I need help .53 .04 -.26 -.10 -.09 -.31 .48 .36
Rotated Component Matrix


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
My Manager motivates me .17 .00 .01 .88 .16 .06 .08 .11
My Manager knows how to get the most out of me .03 .04 .08 .81 .15 .09 .05 .18
My manager encourages me to do my best .15 .02 .06 .90 .08 .07 .11 .10
My manager is great .09 .03 .01 .89 .12 .02 .14 .16
I work harder than my job requires -.04 .12 .74 .07 .15 .08 -.04 .07
I put a huge amount of effort in my job .00 -.02 .87 -.01 .00 .04 .08 -.01
I help out my team mates .02 -.01 .87 .03 .02 .05 .09 -.03
I go the extra mile .09 .27 .47 .06 .15 -.09 -.16 .08
I have the freedom to choose how I work .05 .07 .04 .12 .88 -.03 .06 .10
I can decide how to work during the day .09 .10 .08 .12 .87 .07 .05 .13
I am given enough leeway to get the job done .05 .10 .13 .10 .87 .06 .04 .08
Procedures are fair here .86 .10 .02 .15 .11 .08 .12 .20
Procedures are applied fairly .88 .08 .01 .16 .10 .05 .12 .22
Procedures are the same for all .80 .00 .00 .11 .12 .09 .14 .24
I am satisfed in my job .28 .11 .06 .26 .45 .31 .13 -.06
My job is good .26 .13 .09 .31 .45 .32 .14 -.04
I am thinking of leaving -.05 -.28 -.04 -.05 -.05 -.89 -.12 -.10
I'm ready to look for other work -.09 -.21 -.02 -.08 -.11 -.89 -.11 -.11
I have looked for employment elsewhere in the last week -.07 -.33 -.05 -.08 -.05 -.86 -.11 -.11
Management help workers out when they experience diffculties .25 .10 .05 .16 .10 .11 .17 .84
Management supports employees who are faced with discrimination .24 .07 .03 .18 .09 .10 .16 .87
Management acts decisively .22 .08 .03 .24 .12 .10 .19 .85
I share the values of this organisation .04 .80 .12 .01 .08 .22 .09 .06
I am proud of this organisation .00 .87 .01 .04 .13 .16 .03 .05
This organisation is a big part of who I am .12 .85 .03 .03 .08 .18 .08 .08
I would recommend this organisation as a place to work .05 .86 .10 .01 .07 .24 .14 .04
This organisation cares about my well being .28 .17 .00 .17 .02 .17 .59 .13
This organisation is interested in my contribution .09 .07 .02 .12 .17 .06 .83 .19
This organisation is there for me when I need help .10 .10 .02 .11 .05 .13 .86 .16

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