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INSTRUCTION: Watch an 18- minute TEDx Talk by Hannu Rajaniemi titled THE BIG HISTORY OF
MODERN SCIENCE. Afterward, write a 200 to 250 – words essay on the topic, “Why is it important to
study the history of Science and Technology?”. Come up with a five to seven-word title of our essay.

Use this space to encode your essay.

The Hidden Important History of Science and Technology

“ There’s a name for the time in our lives, where everything we know turns out to be wrong,
where everything is too complex, everything is too overwhelming and we don’t know what to do, it’s
called growing up and that’s when our adventure really begin.” – Hannu Rajaniemi Whenever

We hear the word science, we usually think of it is hard, too broad or too complex, for me
science is really hard to understand, it is like understanding the whole world but neither we think that
everything around us is science. As Mr. Rajaniemi have said we can say that science is like growing up
because the moment that science had started, everything that the people think before became wrong,
became complex, and sometimes we don’t know what to do when there’s no science. Technology have
been part of our lives since the beginning, and because of science, our technology has been improved.
Studying the history of science and technology is really important because it will make us understand
how they have helped the humankind improve their lifestyle. Without knowing the history, we may lead
to some unethical research findings like what happened during the WWII where they did some research
that were immoral and inhumane, in short to avoid those things in not happening again. Additionally,
studying the history of Science and Technology shows moments of Discovery that may seem anti-
climactic and it allows individuals to learn how things were before the current understanding. Learning
history of Science and Technology allows students to know about other discoveries that were made that
have helped to develop the new discoveries that exist today. It is important to study the history of
Science and Technology because most of the technology uses Applied Sciences that are connected with
technical history. The technical history is also connected to the history of science and therefore they can
be studied together. Science and technology are connected with resources and technology uses and
Resources. The history of science and technology goes along with studying the Invention of various
techniques and tools that have been used by man from time immemorial. Technology started with the
simple tools to complex methods such as genetic engineering and information technology that emerged
in the late 1980s.

Science and technology’s history are important to tackle first before solving any real-life
problems. By embracing the complexity of science and technology, we would be able to make
discoveries and contribute to the advancement of human civilization in this world we live in. To
conclude it all, knowing and studying the history of science and technology will help us improve what we
have today and give way to another researches that will contribute for the safety and betterment of our
society and all the well-being.

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