Detailed Lesson Plan in 21 Century Literature From The Philippines and The World

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Date JANUARY 22, 2017 Quarter II
A. Content The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various
Standards genres across national literature and cultures.
B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st
Standards century literature of the world through:
1. a critical paper that analyzes literary texts in relation to the context of the
reader and the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using
any of the critical approaches; and
2. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
C. Learning At the end of the sixty-minute period, the students are expected to:
Competencies/ 1. appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of literature of the world;
Objectives and
2. situate the texts in the context of the region, nation, and the world; and
3. explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how
they enhance the text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding.
D. Specific Learning At the end of the 1-hour period, the students can:
Outcomes a. know the historical background of the literary piece “Silk;
b. share ideas on the similarities and the differences of Filipino traits in
terms of love with that of the Japanese; and
c. make and present an infomercial, role play, and a poem.
E. LC Code EN12Lit-IIc-33; EN12Lit-IIc-29; and EN12Lit-IIf-28
F. Valuing Recognition of authors’ contribution to self and society
I. CONTENT The learner will be able to know the basic textual and contextual approach in
the study and appreciation of literature.
A. Resources 21st Century Literature From The Philippines and the World Manual TG & LM

Uychoco, M. (2016). 21st century literature from the Philippines and the world.
Rex Publishing Store. Manila. p 136-139

The Definitions Of Hand Gestures Around The World. Retrieved on October 8, 2017

B. Materials Manila Paper. Felt tip pen, Cartolina,

TIME ALLOTMENT 3 hours (1 week, 3 days)
III. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Good morning, class. Good morning, Ma’am.
May I call on the assigned group to lead the (Group representative leads
prayer and check the attendance progress right the prayer)
Attendance after?
Checking (Group checks the
Word of the
Day (Group presents the word for
the day)
Reading of
the House Before we proceed to our lesson, let us all read

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Rules the rules to follow and bear in mind as we go
along our discussion for today.

Reading of
House Rules Rules
1. I will listen to the teacher during the
2. I will listen to my classmates who are
doing presentations or simply reciting.
3. I will not use cell phones and gadgets
during class hours.
4. I will participate in any group activities
and tasks.
5. I will use English as a medium when
speaking and answering.
6. I will respect the opinions of others.

A. Motivation
Today, we will have a new lesson. But before that, Yes, ma’am.
let us first have an activity called “Magic Cabbage
and the Mystery”. What you are going to do is
pass the cabbage while the music is playing. When
the music stops, the one holding the cabbage will
peel off the paper leaf and answer the question
written in the leaf. Am I clear, class?

Do you believe in love at first sight? No. Maybe you are attracted
with a person at first sight but
it does not mean you already
love that person.

Is it possible to fall in love with someone even if Yes, because I believe that
you don’t share common language or culture? love means no boundaries.

Do you believe in the saying, “love conquers all?” When you love the person, you
Why or why not? do whatever it takes to make
him/her happy. You would
learn to sacrifice and adjust.
Therefore, I agree with the

Do you think romantic relationships between It could be if both parties will

people from different countries can be successful? adjust and accept their

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B. Activity We will have another activity. This activity is to
be done with 5group composition. I will give
each team a task envelope which contains strips of
sentences. You are then going to arrange the
sentences to form a logical paragraph. Please
proceed to your station and get your task card from
me. You are only given 3 minutes to do the task.
Any questions?

Time is up. Please post your output and let us check

if you were able to arrange the sentences logically.
There was a time when Japan was closed off from the world. This
lasted for 200 years, from the early 17th century to the year 1854.

This policy was called sakoku (isolation).

They did this because they mistrusted the foreign traders they came
in contact with and were suspicious of Christian missionaries as well.

This suspicion was based on the actions of the Christian missionaries

figuring out ways to colonize other countries, with the help of
Christianized natives, such as what happened here in the Philippines
Very good.
(Skwirk OnlineAll of the
Education teams did the task correctly.

Commodore Matthew Perry forced Japan to open their shores to

foreign trade and diplomacy.

In 1854, he had succeeded in making the Shogun sign the Treaty of

Peace and Amity at the Convention of Kanagawa.
The story you are about to read takes place inJapan
when they had just opened the country to
According to AyokoTheMieprotagonist hadone ofa thedangerous
(2014), “Silk became nation’s
most important exports after the Tokugawa shogunate dropped its
mission to smuggle
policy of isolationism in 1854. silkworm eggs from Japan
since that time it was a crime to bring silkworm
eggs outside the country.
Demand for Japanese silk exports were crimped by political
instability in China.”
This time, let us read an excerpt of the novel
entitled Silk written by Alessandro Baricco and
discover how two people from different countries
find their way to the world of love.

Silk [Excerpt]
C. Abstraction by Alessandro Baricco

by Alessandro Baricco

A rice-paper panel slid open, and HerveJoncour entered. Hara Kei was sitting cross-legged,
on the floor, in the farthest corner of the room. He had on a dark tunic, and wore no jewels.
The only visible sign of his power was a woman lying beside him, unmoving, her hear
resting on his lap, eyes closed, arms hidden under a loose red robe that spread around her,
like a flame, on the ash-colored mat. Slowly he ran one hand through her hair. He seemed to
be caressing the coat of a precious, sleeping animal.

HerveJoncour crossed the room, waited for a sign from his host, and sat down opposite him.
A servant arrived, imperceptibly, and placed before them two cups of tea. Then he vanished.

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Hara Kei began to speak, in his own language, in a singsong voice that melted into a sort of
irritating artificial falsetto. HerveJoncour listened. He kept his eyes fixed on those of Hara
Kei and only for an instant, almost without realizing it, lowered them to the face of the

It was the face of a girl.

He raised them again.
Hara Kei paused, picked up one of the cups of tea, brought it to his lips, let some
moments pass and said,
“Try to tell me who you are.”
He said it in French, drawing out the vowels, in a hoarse voice but true.

To the most invincible man in Japan, the master of all the world might take away from
that island, HerveJoncour tried to explain who he was. He did it in his own language,
speaking slowly, without knowing precisely if Hara Kei was able to understand.
Instinctively, he rejected prudence, reporting simply, without inventions and without
omissions, everything that was true. He set forth small details and crucial events in the same
tone, and with barely visible gestures, imitating the hypnotic pace, melancholy and neutral,
of a catalog of objects rescued from a fire. Hara Kei listened, and not a shadow of an
expression discomposed the features of his face. He kept his eyes fixed on HerveJoncour’s
lips, as if they were the last lines of a farewell letter. The room was so silent and still that
what happened unexpectedly seemed a huge event and yet was nothing.

Suddenly, without moving at all that girlopened her eyes.

HerveJoncour did not pause but instinctively lowered his gaze to her, and what he saw,
without pausing, was that those eyes did not have and Oriental shape, and that they were
fixed, with a disconcerting intensity, on him: as if from the start, from under naturally as he
could, trying to continue his story with no perceptible difference in his voice. He stopped
only when his eyes fell on the cup of tea, placed on the floor, in front of him. He took it in
one hand, brought it to his lips, and drank slowly. He began to speak again as he set it down
in front of him.

France, the ocean voyages, the scent of the mulberry trees in Lavilledieu, the stream trains,
Helene’s voice. HerveJoncour continued to tell the story, as he had never in his life done.
The girl continued to stare at him, with a violence that wrenched from every word the
obligation to be memorable. The room seemed to have slipped into an irreversible stillness
when suddenly, and in utter silence, she stuck one hand outside her robe and slid it along the
mat in front of her. HerveJoncour saw that pale spot reach the end of his field of vision, saw
it touch Hara Kei’s cup of tea and then, absurdly, continue to slide until, without hesitation, it
grasped the other cup, which was inexorably the cup he had drunk from, raised it lightly, and
carried it away. Not for an instant had Hara Kei stopped staring expressionlessly at
HerveJoncour’s lips.

The girl lifter her head slightly.

For the first time she took her eyes off HerveJoncour and rested them on the cup.
Slowly, she rotated it until she had her lips at the exact point where he had drunk.
Half-closing her eyes, she took a sip of tea.
She removed the cup from her lips.
She slid it back to where she had picked it up.
Her hand vanished under her robe.
She rested her head again on Hara Kei’s lap.
Eyes open, fixed on those of HerveJoncour.

HerveJoncour spoke again at the length. He stopped only when Hara Kei took his eyes off
him and nodded his head slightly.
In French, drawing out the vowels, in a hoarse voice but true, Hara Kei said,
“If you are willing, I would like to see you return.”
For the first time he smiled.
“The eggs you have with you are fish eggs. Worth little more than nothing.

HerveJoncour lowered his gaze. There was his cup of tea, in front of him. He picked it up
and began to revolve it, and to observe it, as if he were searching for something painted line
of the rim. When he found what he was looking for, he placed his lips there and drank. The
he put the cup down in front of him and said,

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“I know.”
Hara Kei laughed in amusement.
“Is that why you paid in false gold?”
“I paid for what I bought.”
Hara Kei became serious gain.
“When you leave here, you will have what you want.”
“When I leave this island, alive, you will receive the gold that is due you. You have my

HerveJoncour did not expect an answer. He rose, took a few steps backward, and bowed.
The last thing he saw, before he left, was her eyes, staring into his, perfectly mute.

Processing Question through Paired Activity

Find a partner and answer the following questions

in a 1-whole sheet of paper. You are only given
10-minute to answer.

1. What do you think is the relationship They are lovers.

between Hara Kei and the woman?

2. What does the girl feel towards The girl liked HerveJoncour. It
HerveJoncour? Why do you think so? was prevalent when she could
not take her eyes off to the guy.

3. There seems to be a different conversation The two characters

going on between Herve and the girl, and communicated through their
yet no word is spoken. How are they able exchange of meaningful stares.
to communicate with each other?

4. If you were HerveJoncour, would you still For me, Sir, I would not. It is
drink the cup of tea from where the because I might be killed if it
woman had also drunk? Why? was a trap by Hara Kei.

5. Do you think what they were experiencing In my humble opinion, what

was love or lust? How can you tell? they experienced was only lust
since they have not known each
other yet.

6. Why doesn’t Hara Kei know what is going Hara Kei was focused on his
on? conversation with HerveJoncour.
7. Why did Herve pay a fake gold?
It was his revenge for being
deceived by Hara Kei in giving
fish worm eggs instead of
silkworm eggs.
The girl is Hara Kei’s wife.
Who can read their answer for item number 1?
Yes, Gendel.

Thank you. Though it was not explicitly revealed

in the story, the way he caress the woman tell us
that the girl is Hara Kei’s wife or concubine.

What about for item two? John.

The girl likes Herve. It was
evident when she stared at him
Correct. The girl seemed to memorize the features and drank on his cup of tea.
of the guy and even rotated the cup and had her
lips at the exact place where Herve’s lips was.
Same goes with HerveJoncour.

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Mane, please read your answer on item number 3.
The two communicated through
body language and gestures.
Good. Example, their act of drinking the tea and
glancing as well as staring is a way of
communicating without literally speaking.

On item number 4. Yes, Lily.

Hara Kei was focused on
listening with what Herve was
saying so he was not able to
know what was going on.

For the last number.

It was because Hara Kei gave
him fish eggs instead of
silkworm eggs.

Valuing The Definitions Of Hand Gestures Around The

World. Retrieved on October 8, 2017 from

What are the non-verbal ways to show one’s By giving flowers and protecting
love? the other at all times. It could
also be shown through cuddling,
touching, hugging and kissing in
an appropriate place.

Do you think that when it comes to love, words I think it is more important to
are more important than actions, or is it the other show love through actions
way around? because you would know if it is
genuine or not.

In the story, how did the two characters express They showed their love through
their feelings towards each other? actions and not by words.

Action speaks louder than words. This saying

only proves that in some ways body language and
non-verbal communication is very important in
telling what you feel. Words can lie but action
prevail what is true. In the story, though Herve
and the girl did not interact verbally, but they
were still able to communicate and understand
each other. That is how important body language
D. Application
This time, I will regroup the class into three. You
will be watching a video clip and do the task
afterwards. You are only given 5 minutes for the
preparation and 3 minutes for the presentation.

Group 1
1. Create or find a song that best suits strangers falling
in love or love at first sight that you have read and
present it by singing.

Group 2
1. Present a role play differentiating the culture of
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Filipinos and the Japanese in terms of courting.

Group 3
1. Think of two countries and differentiate their
traditions and beliefs through a four-stanza poem.

Here are the criteria for your presentation:

Your outputs and presentation should follow the

following standards:

Criteria Rating
Cooperation 10pts
Presentation 10pts
Creativity 10pts
Language Use 10 pts.
Appropriateness 10 pts.
Total 50 pts.

E. Assignment Directions:

Watch the anime film titled “A Silent Voice” and

write a 3-paragraph reflection. Your focus should
be on the significance on language in building
A. No. of learners
who earned 80 %
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who requires
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
teacher can help
me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other
practice teachers?

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Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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