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The 81bove sketch shows the final lay-out of the park lots as adopted by the Park Development Committee.

VIOLIN RBClTAL This plan Is for the guidance or sUbserl'bers In choosing 'lots at the time 'the drawings are held, Which will be
Tuesday, March 9, at 8 P. III. in the Y. M. C. A. bUilding, as was announced In our last week's issue. The
Narberth, the champions of the
Main Line Basket Ball League lost
rules governing the drllJWlngs lWere also then published in 'full. The plan here shown does not contain details its first game of the season by one
The program of the Violin Recital as to the development of the park proper, Ibut this will be given in a later issue. point to the West Philadelphia. High
by Mr. !Henry Such w11l Ibe fOund in There are a tew lots lett to Ibe sUbscrllbed for, and any person wishing to become Iderrtifted with this move. School Alumni team, on February 19.
this issue of OUR TOWN. The selec· ment before it -Is too late, and at the same time secure an attractive home site or a good Investment, may do The home team was without the ser-
tions'. including numbers of lP'eat so -bY communicating at onCe to the secretary of !the Civic Association. The names of all sUbscrilbers will be vices of Lardle Davis, the crack Low-
beauty apd interest, appeal not only pUblished when the drawings are h~ld. Persons who enter now .prior to tbe drawings will have the same rights er Merion center, and Captain Durbin
to mUsl.clans, but to the general pub. and ,privileges as those Who entered earlier. did not play In the first halt; score
lic. It is not otten that an artist or 22-21.
so high repute has favored Narberth you own a home anywhere in this space, free from the encroachment of The game was fast and 'exciting
with a visit, and t'he opportunity to
hear bl·m should not be neglected.
THE PARK IDEA community, but adjoining a vacant a rapid development whicb may be all the time, the score being close,
first one team leading and then tbe
lot. You wonder what kind of house expected to follow the electrification
Additional incentives to attend the the owner Is going to build and of the main line, but also to remove other. Walter Humphreys, the .blonda
recital are the facts that our Civic What It 18, and What It 18 Not. whether he will keep the grounds In a condition which has been the source forward of the home team, was tlJ,e' .
Association w11l share In the proceeds, It is Interesting to note the dUrer- as good condition as you keep yours. of an unwarranted but popular belief, star performer for Narberth, .aild , .
and tiha.t the prices of tickets are very ent views and Impressions Which You know that whatever he does is especially among non-residents, that Captain Swartz excelled .for West
low-IiO cents for general admission, maily of our citizens have acquired going to have a direct Influence for Philadelphia. Narberth was partleu,'
75 cents for reserved seats. They may
Narberth Is built on low land, and
concerning the park development better or worse, as the case may be, place In its stead something which larly weak in the shooting offouI"'
be obtained at the Y. M. C. A., at tile plan of the Civic Association which on your OWn property. goals, O~!T mne being scored. olit. of
door, or from M·rs. Blackall or Mr. will favorably impress the many
is to be carried through to completion Now, broaden your horizon a litUe. thousands of people who daily pass a possible eighteen. Hence, Lardle'
Loos. this Spring. We believed that we had was particularly missed, as he excels
The TOWN Is your home, and every through our town, and thus tend to
published enough details in tbe past Improvement started In it concerns attract the class of homeseekers who at this part of the game. Lln&oup:
Adagio-E Major .......•..•• Bach Narberth W. P. H. S. Alumni
Praeludium-E Major (Manuscript) to give all our readers, which means you. It Is now just as Important to make the best citizens. This Is the
SUbstantially all residents of the you that some vacant lot In another E. Davis .... forward .•••.. Shields
Bach·Such beginning of a series of Improvements
"Year 'Round Home Town," accurate part of town is properly Improved, as which It Is hoped will result In mak· W. Humphrey.. forward .. , .J. Brown
Concerto-uAUegro Pathetique" Ernst A. Kirk center.. Swartz. Capt.
Adagio •........•.....•...... Spohr Information concerning this project. it was that the one next door was Ing Narberth an Ideal home town In
But from the nature of questions kept In firsklass condition. In short, every respect. Durbin, Capt... guard .... P. Brown
Rondo-"La Clocbette" •.•• Paganinl (Jefferies)
Alblumblatt •..... Wagner·Wllhemj asked from time to time, It is appar- what you do towards Improving your The answer to the questions above
ent either that some of our readers own property adds Talue to It and V. Fleck ....... guard ........ Ivory
Cortege ....••••....•......• Debussy propounded Is that this project Is not Field goals-E. Davis, 1; Humph-
Caprice Vlennols (By request) overlooked certain Information gl~n to your neighbor's. What your neigh- going to affect the tax rate nor the
In past issues, Or that we failed to bor does toward Improving his prop- rey, 3; Fleck, 1; Durbin, 1; Shields,
EreII181' amount of funds available tor street 1; J. Brown, 1; Swartz, 2. Foul goals
Tambourin Chlnols ......•. Kreisler be as explicit as we should have been. erty adds value to it and to yours. Improvements, etc., unless, Indeed, It
As our editorial pride retuses to per- And what every other person In town -E. Davis, 7; Durbin. 2; Shields, 3;
Chanson Louis XIII. and Pavane serves to Increase those funds. In Swartz, 11. Referee-Dr. Hoffman,
Louis Couperln mit us to believe that anyone could does to Improve his or her property plain words, this Is one of the few
possiblY fall to read each Issue from adds value to the whole. Hahnemann. Scorer and timekeeper
La Chasse •... Jean-Baptiste Cartier occasions when you will get something -Earl F. Smith. Time of balves-20
(Kreisler arrangaments) cover to cover, we conclude tbat the With these principles In mind, and for nothing. It tbls sounds too much
trouble has been with us or those remembering also that the ratlroad minutes.
Romance and Finale-CIA La Zin. like a midsummer night's dream, just
gara" •.....•.....•... Wlenlawskl In charge of the park and not with approach to a town Is 111l:e the tront sit sUll for a few months and re-
the reader. drive leading to a country estate, an WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB TO
From 2nd Concerto serve your opinion. The fact Is, that HOLD! FIRST MEE11ING.
As an lllustration of The lack of In- that Is necessary for you to do further 81bout half of the ground pur·
At the plano, Mrs. Henry Sucb. The first meeting of the Women's
Lester plano used. formation among oUr people BS to th'e is to recall the general condition and chased wl11 be nicely fixed up and
real purpose of this Improvement and appearance of the vacant land lying Community Club of the Y. M. C. A.
laid out with drives, walks, trees, will be on the afternoon of Tuesday.
the way in which It Is being handled, along the stream and extending from shrubs, plants and with even a lake
one citizen wanted to know how we Windsor to Price avenue, remember March 2, In the Community Room of
UNCLAIMED LETTERS IN THE and a forum with natural stage set· the Y. M. C. A. Building.
could afford to Improve parks when the high railroad bank from Which tings for outdoor plays, pageants, etc.,
NARBERTH P. O. we couldn't afford to pave all our thousands of people dally obtain a A cordial Invitation Is extended to
and when this Is completed It wlll be all women of Narberth and their
Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. C. E. HemphU1; streets. Another thought the tax rate view of the whole tract, think of the handed over to the people of Nar-
Mrs. Wm. Brown, Clabra Mfg. Co., was too high already. A third suggest- Importance to the town of having friends to be present bet~en the
berth with but one condition-that It hours of three and five o'clock to
Mrs. F. Greene, J. H. Landis, Mrs. ed that we ought to build a school this property developed In such a way
George ROberts. Mrs. Ii"
Salomon.. house first. And yet a fourth thought
a park In a suburban town was a
as to make the most ot its natural
advantages-and you bavtl the origin
be taken care of. The funds to pay for
It wlll have come, not from public
learn more of the new plans and to
become better acquainted With one
Edward 8. Haws; P. M. funds, but from the sale of lots abut·
fool Idea anyhow. In view of sucb and basis ot the park Idea. another. Refreshments wlll be servo
ting on the park. ed.
mistaken Impressions; a brief state- To be more speclfl.c the object In The houses around the park wlll
Wash an egg-beater without getting ment of the real object and purposes At the general ('ommunlty night
promoting this Idea was not only to be subject to bUilding restrictions so there ~re over three huncfred pres-
the cogS In water. 'Wetting the cogs of this development seems In order. acquire a piece of land which would as to keep them In harmony with
Impairs the utensil's ulerulDess. Before beginning. let us suppose ent. Let's see what the women can
always afford an open breathing (Continued on Second Page) dol-A. H. Cole, Chairman.
HAVE YOU PLANNED YOUR GAR-/ THE PARK IDEA. "If yuu want to be anything in life
The P61"81ble of the sower has always
(Continued from First Page.)
or In your community. save your
money, and begin to do It right away.
You can't start too early or young.
Owned and Published every Thurs· made an especial appeal to humanity. the other improvements. Some of the Saving puts a man together, makes
day by the Narberth Civic Auocia· for we are by nature tUlers of the principal advantages to be derived him. lIt and able and ready to do
tlon. earth-garden makers. We know that,
from this improvement are: things. Before he knows It he is get.
some seed. no matter how carefully First, the placing of the "Year tlng on, making money and 'becoming
MRS. C. R.BLACKAL4 sown, will fall upon rocks or barren
'Round Home Town" ahead of other a solid citizen. Nine out of every 'ten
Editor. ground, rains wUl wash It a.way, sun
suburbs for energy and progressive- succesS£ul men have grown up that
dry up t'he tender leaves, or untimely
ness along the line of civic improve- way."
Bllslness Manager. frosts and innumerable pe8lts rob the
ment. The mortgage loans held by the
sower of bis harvest. But we also Second, the inauguration of a real local association are of a gilt-edged
H. C. GARA, know that some, at least, of those w.~e
estate development policy which, character, and the funds of the stock-
Advertising Manager.
seeds will reach fertllo ground to
when its advantages have been demo
beautl~ our panUcular spot on the
onstrated, w1l1. It Is hoped. stronglY
holders are In all cases Invested With
care and discrimination. The pollcy
Subscription Manager. earth or yield us fresh, luscious veg e·
Influence future developments in our of the management is to be as helpful By Lady Narberth
tables. rewarding us immeasurably for
community. as possible to those who desire to buy The house of Mr. George B. Mecke
all our hopes and efforts. No amountThird, the acquisition of a fully im· or build homes. APpll\cations for loans on the corner of Maple and Chestnut
Send all letters and news items to of fal1ure .really discourages us orproved park without cost to the bor-
P. O. Box 956, Narberth, Pa. Do not m·a.kes us lose faith in the ultimate are most welcome and wl11 receIve avenues has been leased by Harbert
ough. prompt and careful consideration. & Claghorn, agents, to :Mr. J. E. Mor-
send them tll> the printer. outcome. Fourth, the elimination of the source
Send all advertising copy to P. O. The officers of the association are: gan, of Ardmore.
The flrst sign of spring is a signal
of much unfavorable criticism from J. Howard Wilson, president: William
Box 820. Make all remittances to for seed catalogue and garden books those who are not aware that the
P. O. Box 84.
D. Smed'ley, vice-president; William
to appear. plunging us into h9lPPY an-
ground which they think Is so low B. Gi>d·frey. treasurer; Thomas C On 'rhursuay evening. Dr. O. J. Sny-
Our Town is on sale at the depot tlcipatlon. As we turn the pages we Is In fact 257 feet above sea level at
news.stand, and at the store ot H. E. become surrounded with as fascinating Trotter, Jr., secretary; Fletcher W. der, presldcnt of the state Board or
It lowest part. Stites, sollcitor. Osteopathic Examiners, and vlce-presl-
Davis. a company as ever confused the mimi Fifth, a general increase of real dent olthe Narbertb Clvtc A.ssocJa-
The following gentlemen are direc-
of Parntfal, and our thoughts dwell
estate values due to the improvement tors: Charles S. Caldwell, Kennedy tlon. will lecture before the teachers
Entered as second-class matter, OC· upon the beautiful or juicy veget81bles
and the Increased demands for homes Dul'f. John S. Eberbach, H. C. I!'rltsch,and patrons of the Cbester schools
tober 15. 1914, at the Post Office at that some day our untiring. efforts wlll.
In a community Wblch shows such a William B. Kraft, C. Howard McCar· upon the subject "Child Life and Child
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the have brought into reality. progressive and fraternal spirit. ter, Charles S. Powell, A. Perry Health."
Act of March 3, 1879. Does any book hold a more irresis-
Sixth, the opening to immediate Redifer, Carden Warner.
tlble charm than a seedsman's cata·
development of an extremely attrac,
The Girls' Athletic Ba.-sket Ball team
'I'HURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1915 log? Even though we can buy only tlve territory which wfll result In an
ALL POST OFFICES TO BE EM. of Narberth, connected with the Y.
a flve cent pa?kage of mignonette to
Increase of borough revenues.
sow in the wmdow box, or a small Many other advantages might be PLOYMENT AGENCIES. M. C. A. of Nallberth, played a very
pacIDage of morning glory to cover the
suggested, but we wish to leave some- B1"lefly. the plan of the Commls- thrilling anu close last Wednes-
Fire 350. thing to the Imagination of our read· !lIonel' of lAbor is to have the post day night against the Narberth High
back fence. still we look wl,th eager-
Police 1250. ness to that time when they wll1 ers. offices of the country act as clearIng School team. The score was 17-16
sprout. grow and blQom. houses for the jobless man and thc favor of the N. H. S., the .Aithletlc Club
Mi(;hell's Seed House. 518 Market THE NARBERTH BAND. manless job. Uncle Sam is to bear keeping one point in advance until the
street. Augustus J. Loos, chairman Civic the expense and the stewards of the very last second of the game. "'hen
Philadelphia, orrers free the
EDITORIAL NOTES Association Music Committee, and mail centers will do the work. It wl1l
services of their garden department to
the N. H. S. scored a. field goal. Tak-
ing Into consideration that this was
Earl Brooks, who Instituted the move· thus be possible for all persons ont
anyone who wants to make use of In-
the first matclh game for the Athletic
ment for a band In Narberth, are hard of employment to advertise the fact
Liberal space has been given In Uur formation it can give. They w1l1 gla.l1- in the most extensive manner with· Clu1b, they slhould be heartily con·
Town for the discussion of Woman's Iy help you plan your garden, and sug· at work scouring the community for gratulated. They have an extra-
Suffrage, pro and con. Other impor- gest the best seeds, plants, bulbs, possible talent. If you plaY anything out any cost wha.tever to themselves. ordinarily strong team and are ex-
In this way I.t is hoped that the many
tant matters must also have consldera· shrubs and trees for your particular and would be interested in joining in
unemployed In the great centers or pected to make a fine showing. The
tion. So. for a time at least, it wll1 locality. Write to them to-day for a this movement to make Narberth a population may secure positions in N. H. S. team has brilUant players
COpy of their twenty-fifth annlversal'Y
leader In band music as well as In the smaller towns and rural districts and does good passing and team work.
be discontinued.
1H0wever we are glad to have our seed bOOk which Is free. It descrlbes many .other progressive movements, where there is orten a dearth of worle· The line-up was as follows:
citizens express themselves freely, and and lllu8'trates the best and newestsend your name to either of these men and sen-ants.
N. H. s.-center, Hilda ~medley;
discuss matters of local Interest, I>ut vegetalbles, ftowers and plants, andmen. Mr. Brooks finds many men just This philanthropic plan Is not in- forward, Edith Humphreys; forward,
must insist that all articles In the offers timely Suggestions tQ those who outside our borough lines who are tended for those who cnn afford to Helen DUff: guard, Augusta Witherow;
future contain not more than five hun· are making gardens for the first tlm~.
very anxious to get right training advertise for positions In the news-
guard, Corle Yowell.
dred words, or haLf a column. The free cultural leafiets on Individual
through competent leadership. Men pa.pers and await results. Employers
su,bjects tell when and how to plant
who live In our midst should have of la'bor. eSlPeclally farmers, are ex- G. A. Club-Cen~er, Marjorie
and the proper method ~ cultivation.
Ilke enthusiasm. Put yourself on rec· pected to take advantage of this JeffrIes; guard, Kathenne McDowell;
Let us hope that our borough method for securing men to manage I guard, Ruth Prescott; forward, Helen
officials wfll soon give serious con· their farms as well as farm llllborers Graves; forward. Carrie Irwin.
slderatlon to the deplorable condition FLOWER SHOW PLANS.
THANKS FROM tHE MAN~GERS and families to oooupy their tenement
at Wynnewood avenue. Narberth can- Enthusiastic responSe is being malle
OF Y. M. C. A. COMMUNITY hou!es.
not afford to neglect so prominent 0. by Narberth flower lovers to the pro· The Kappa Sigma P.hl Sorority ot
NIGHT. Manufacturem desiring extra men, Nar!berth tOOk advantage of the holi-
highway, especially when we are so posed June flower show. It is Intended Everyone who assisted in making servant girls wishing a change of day on the 22d. and gave a unique and
much in the pu'b11c eye. Let us keep to have the classes of exhibits the first Community Night at the Y. place, widows with small children, Interesting affair at the LIUle White
our reputation for progressiveness. sufficiently numerous to enable the
M. C. A. so great a success is heart· mechanics and laborers may aU use Tea House on Avon Road, Narberth,
possessors of modest flower gardens
\ly thanked by the managers of the this mlrtihod at Uncle Sam's e~ense, which was decorated, of course, ap·
Four great enterprises Nar'berth Is a full oppol'tunity to compete for the
event. The community at large is but large indulrtrial employers will propriate to Washington's Birthday
planning. THE PARK, THE PUBLiC prizes. Thus the exhfbitor of a vase thanked for Its splendid response by not be permitted to use thIs means with suitable refreshments and
of three roses, peonies, or other
way of attendance. With over 300 of securing men to take the place or souvenirs. The memlbers and their
'nHIE STATION GAltDEN. Let us all flowers wll1 find that the excellence persons manifesting their apprecia· men who may be on strike, as they friends present were: Misses Allee
of the blooms s'hown by him or her
tlon of the new policy at the Y. M. are required in their application to Green, Est!her A. Haws. Linda. Jacoby,
PUSlH. has earned the coveted reward. The
C. A., the managers feel bountifullY state whether "S'tJrl.kes exist or are Florence JacobY, Mary S. MCCarter,
co-operation of every one Interested In
There are one hundred and one flowers, in either a great or small repaid for their efforts. Watch for conteIlllPlated." Ruth E. Prescott, Etlhel Ii:. Ridge, Edna
the date of the next community This plan is the salvation of the Selfridge, Achsah Wentz, Maude Em-
teachers of agriculture in the normal way. \a earnestly soUcUed.
night! down and out man willing to work, but ma Ida Wlpf; MesdllJIlles Raymonu S.
schools of the United States. accorll· IMr. Stites. who Is actively inter-
Ing to figures compiled by the United ested in promoting the show, reports unable to obtain It in the crowded Jones, H. P. Moore, Hon. Memlber C.
States Bureau ot Eduoation. Eighteen that the sentiment expressed by A SUCCESSFUL LOCAL INSTITU· cities. G. Aooms, of Barre, Mass.; Messrs.
of them teach agriculture alone; seven- numerous flower enthusiasts thrOugh- TION. MaI'I'led couples will have op,por· Raymond S. Greene, Harry N. Payne,
ty-two teach agriculture in comblna· out t'he borough leaves no room for The Narberth BUilding & Loan Asso- tunlties to secure comfortable homes Frederick Warner, O. C. Cutler, Ray-
tlon with one or more sciences; nine doubt that a gratifyIng sucoess Is ciation is about completing its eighth instead 0If seeking out an existence mond C. Jones, Royden Hunt, H. P.
teach two other subjects; and one assured. Already offers of prizes are year of business, and the annual state· amid the clamor for city jobs. It Moore, S. Chandler Woolley, Stephen
three other subjects. One normal- coming in, and will doUbtless be fol· ment prepared by the secretary shows should alao be of great benefit to the Simmons. Robert Selfrld,ge, Rdbert
school teacher handles agricUlture in lowed by others. The Henry F. a condition reflecting much credit upon farmer if he can in this Wll.Y aecure Sample, James Merriman. Russell C.
combination with the those in charge of its management. the help necessary to till all of his Os'borne.
followIng: Michell Company. the popular Phlla·
The assets Of the association are no
"Pedagogy, didactics. history of educlIr delphia seedsmen, have offered a large prBsent idle acres, and thus add to the
In excess of $200,000; about 340G. products of the soil for which there
tion, oivics, child study, and school fllilver medal for the best vase of mixcd
shares have been ise.ued and t!he net Is an ever Increa'Slng demand. Mrs. Scott Nearing 'Will tell the
management." cut roses (not over 25 blooms) and people of Narberth "·W·by Women Are
profl.ts to date are more than $33;000.
have also offered a first and second
The association meets at Elm H Asking ·for the Vote." Tuesday even-
A b1ll providing for vocational oon· prize for the best vase of peony on the first Thursday of each month, Standing of Main Line League. ing, March 2, 8 o'clock at the Y. M. C.
tlnuatlon schools has been introduced flowers (not over 25 blooms), the I\rst
and the monthly receipts are In ex- W. L. P.C. A. EverY'body welcome.
in the Washington legislature. It pro- prize to consist of 100 glauiolas, gold
cess of UOOO. During the year JUS' Narberth. . 8 0 1.000
Tides for compulsory continuation meda'l mixture, and the second prize closing more than $52,000 was paid Overbrook . . . . 5 4 .556
schooling for six hours weekly, three of 100 pearl tube roses. Announce- A movlng·plcture film entitled
Into the association, representing the Ardmore . . . . 4 4 .600
"Toothache" Is one or the agencies
years for boys and two years tor girls, ment of other prizes wll1 be made frOm
sl\.vlngs of a large body of our people. St. Paul 0 9 .000
after the age of fifteen. The plan Is time to time, and It Is expected that as well as others from surrounding The members of the minstrel troup employed by the National Mouth
1I0mewhat similar to the Cooley pro- the topic of flowers wll1 become so Hygiene Association to demonstrate
neighborhoods. It is a fact worthy or met in the Y. M. C. A. Building on tl\e importance of Instruction in the
posal in Illinois, but differs in em· popular during the spring months thatcomment that at the close of the busl· Thursday evening, February 18, and
powering the local school board to ap- the natural question to be asked or care of the teeth. Dr. W. G. Ebersole,
ness year the arrearages on shares formed the Narberth Y. l\f. C. A. Glee of Cleveland, Ohio, who is secretary
point the board to have charge of voca,. one's neighbor while waiting for the
due the association wero almo'3t Club, and elected the following of· of the organization, says: "I belleve
tlonal training. In this and other 8.14 train wll1 be, "Mary, Mary, quite ficers to serve for the ensuing year:
respects it resembles the Wisconsin contrary. how does your garden negllglble. that If each child be taught to keep
It goes without saying that such President, Frederick L. Rose; vice thoroughly clean and healthy the gate-
law enacted In 1911. groW?" an association is a most valuable asset president, W. Arthur Cole; secretary way to his system, the mouth, we
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'"'!! I to the community. Systematic saving and treasurer, Earl F. Smith; musical shall have a healthier. more selt-
• C Is a valuable aid to the formation or director, B\I1 W. Dennis. respecting, and all-round better claei
ombbtation Coupon-Check Your Wishes character. Economy and thrift mean Plans are already under way for the of cltlzens for the next generation." It
"olD tbe Local Ora_I••UOB You Wleb-_d Get Our TOWD. Too success-extravagance spens failure. show to be given for the benefit of the Is believed that "Toothache" wlll help
Narberth base ball team, in the latter develop public interest In oral hygiene.
Secretary. Civic Association, Box 34, Narberth. The late Marie Hanna used to say: part of Apr\l. This show w\l1 have
Enter my name on your books in accordance with the checking be· some of the girls of the town in, and
low, paying dues to association designated and keeping 50 cents as a JAMES G. SCANLIN frO'm prescnt indications, will be the
subscription to Our Town for one year. hest one the Glee Club has ever
'1~50 Voting Membership In Civic Auoclatlon and One Year's Contracting Painter given. The Glee Club Is open to all
young men with musical talent, and a
Subscription to Our Town ..
Narberth, Pa. fairly good voice.
Full Membership in Y. M. C. A. and One Year's Subscrlp· - - Estimates Telephone The next meeting of the Club will
. '6 .5 0 tlon to Our Town. be held in the Y. M. C. A. Building
Telephone-Narberth 368• on March 5, which wlU also be the
. '3.60 One Year's Dues BS Member of Fire COmpany and One first practice for the show. All the
Year's Subscription to Our Town.

.............................................................. EDWARD HAWS

members of the club and those desir·
Name Ing to be will kindly make It a point I I CATALOG FREE"
to be present. The young ladies are
Addrells ••. Plaster and Cement Work also requested to be present at this I 618 MARKET STREE1
Estimates Furnished Jobbing rebearsal. PHILADELPHIA
your own sorrows and sadness ot I FROM ALL!ANGLES
heart; that reCItal ot unpl~a.sant in-
cidents Which l1epress; the renex in- I - . HfLLO, 'fRISCO
Liuence w1ll be very satisractory.-
MERION MEETING HOUSE. Narberth Main Line champions de-
Home and School. feated tor the first time thIs season;
Montllomrey Avenue and Meeting Nt:.W BuoK:; OF INTEREST TO by the score of 22 to 21. The game,:
House Lane. which was witnessed by a small
Merion Meeting House is opened for SU6URBANITES.
'l'he Practical Book of Outdoor Rose crowd, was, by far, the most exciting !l'he Dream of Forty Years :Realized
worsbip every l!'irst-day at lO.aO A. on the local 1100r thl~ year; first, one
M. Visitors are cordially welcome. Growmg. By George C. Thomas. J.
d. Lippmcott. Philadelphia, 1l:l14. 157 team being on the iead, only to be
On second month, 21st, the Quar· headed by the othe~
terly Meeting Visiting Committee Will pp. tHus.
attend Merion meeting. Rural Credits; Land and Co-Oper· The Haverford School second team
ative. By Myron 'I'. Herrick and R. was defeated Iby the strong Swarth-
THE EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH. IngallS. D. Appleton & Co., New York more Prep. 2nd team. In the Haver-
and Lonuon, III 14. 519 PP. ford School line-up were Jack Jetreries
Rev. Emerson L. Swift, Pastor. }t·untl.llIllentals of Plant Breeding. By and Col,wyn Humphreys. Jack was
An mustrated lecture on "The South John M. 'Coulter, Ph. D., Head of the the only Haverford lad to register a
at England and Normandie," will be Uepartment of Botany, University of field goal the first halt,
given by Rev. George E. Nichol, as· Chicago. D. Appleton & Co., New Bill DUr'!>in, the best all-arOUnd ath-
llOCi81te pastor of the First Baptist fork and Chicago. 1914. 347 pp. 109 lete along the Main Line, Is up to his
Ohuooh, Philadelphia, under the lllustrations. old tricks again. In the game with
allS'Pices of the Berean BLbie ClaSs Commercial Gardening: A practical Germantown Academy last weel, he
Tuesday evening, March 2. A silver (lnd scientific treatise for market gar· made three field goals, while his oppo·
olfering will be received. A general deners; market growers; fruit, flow- nent made one. This is a very extra-
invitation is extended to the people er a.nd vegetable growers; nursery· ordinary accomplishment as Bill is a
of the community. men.' Edited by John Weathers,. The guard. In the game with Swarthmore
Bilble School SundaY morning at Macmillan Company, New York, 1914. Prep. Bill again accomplished the un·
9.45. Adults not nOW attending a Bible 4 vols., ills. $15. expected, when he shut out Hardesty,
SChool are invited to unite in the 'l'he Amateur Garden. By George an interscholastic forward; with no
opening exercises of the two Blble W. Cable. Charles Scribner's Sons, field goals the lIrst half and only oue
classes next Sunday morning. Morn· New York, 1914. 119 pp. Illus. the second half. In the early part ot
ing worshtp at 11. Subject of the The Peony Manual. C. S. Harrison, this game Durbin sustalncd a sprainc(l
sannon, a waiting Saviour. York, Neb., 1914. Paper, 25 cents; ankle. It Is very evident that his
The evening service will be held at $12 per 100. opponent would not have secured the
7 and 8 o'clock at the Pres'byterlan The Standard Cyclopedia of Hortl. one tally If Bill had not met with this
Church. The spes.ker will be Gover- culture. By L. H. Bailey. Macmillan accident.
nor George H. Hodges, of Kansas. Co., New York, 1914. 600 pp. 769 Girls in Exciting Game.
This wiIl be a temperance raIly. cuts. Vol,. II., from C to E. Price !':'l.rberth High ,School Girls uefeated
per volume, $6. the Community team by the score 17
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Important Timber Trees of the Unit· to 16. Helen Dutr, the High School
ed States. By S. B. Elliott. Hough. forward, was the real star of the
Rev. Chris. G. Koppel, Pastor. ton, MlIllln & Co., Boston. 1912. 382 gamc, accumulated all the pointll
9.45-Sunday School ,ASsembly. pp. Ill. $2,.00. scored by the team. Carrie Irwin, for·
Bllble study classes for men and The Farm Woodlot. By E. G. ward of the Community team, playel1
women. Cheyney and J. P. Wentling. Macmll· an excellent game with lIve lIe1d goals
11.00-Public worship. Sermon by lun Co., New York, 1914. 343 pp. Ill. to her credit. 'Dhe game was exciting
the pastor. ' $1.50. from the beginning to the final whls·
6.45 and 7.45-Union services In the Some of the Best Farm and Garden tle, only decided In the last few
PresbyteriJan Church. The address Papers. minutes of play. The referee found
will ,be given by Governor Hodges, of General Farm Papers: .Country It necessary to call many fouls. An-
Kansas. Members and friends of the Gentleman, weekly, Philadelphia, Pa., other feature of the game was tile
churches are cord~allY invited. :ji1.50; New England Homestead, week dancing. Enough said. That's some·
Fourth Quarterly Conference. Iy, Springfield, Mass., $1; .Practical thing you don't see at the fellows'
DiBitrict Superintendent Dr. GrUnth Farmer, weckly, philadelphia, Pa., $1; games. I wonder why? Vernie Fleck
will preside over the Fourth Quarterly ·Rural New Yorker, weekly, Ne\l and 'Mag Kreable would make a gOod
Conference of the church, ThUrsd~Y fork, N. Y., $1; "Wallace's Farmer, pair. Maybe!!!
evening at 7.45. Reports for the year s weekly, Des Moines, Iowa, $1.
work will be preseIlited by all the de· Jack Jefferies and Harry Brown, the
Dairy Papers: ·Hoard's Dairyman, Narberth Walking ClUb, claim theY
partments ot the Church. weekly, Fort- Atkinson, Wis., $1; are the cbamplon walkers of the town.
Kimball's Dairy Farmer, seml·month· ;They ""alked to Valley Forge in three
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ly, Waterloo, Iowa, $1. hours, so 'they say.
Papers on Farm ,Animals: .Breed· , Last Saturday the girls' teams of
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. er's Gazette, weekly, Chicago, II!., $1;
Narberth had their 'picture taken bY
Sunday, Fe'bruary 28: Guernsey Breeders' Journal, monthlY, a Philadelphia reporter. They will
10 A. M.-Sabbath School. All de· Peterboro, N. H., $2; Holstein-Friesian
proba:bly appear in the Philadelphia
partments., Register, semi-monthly, Brattleboro,
11 A. M.-Publ1c worship with ser- newspapers next Sunday.
Vt., $1; Jersey Bulletin and Dairy
mon by the pastor on "The PoIlUUOD World, weekly, Indianapolis, Ind., $1. The Narberth Y. M" C. A. won from
of a Tainted Life," Poultry Papers: American Poultry the W. P. Y. M. C. A. in bowling last
7 P. M.-Unlon YOUng People'S Journal, monthly, Chicago, Ill., 50c.; week. Nar:JJerth Is hard to beat wUh
meeting with leader furnished bY the American Poultry World, monthly, "Big Bill" lIumphrews and Jim Scan-
Bapt!irt Chureb. I:lufl'alo, N. Y., 60c.; .Farm Poultry, lin in term.
8 P. iM.-Union meeting with tem- monthly, Boston, Mass., 50c.; Poultry Clarence Humphreys is making a
perance address by Ex-Governor Item, monthly, 'Sellersville, Pa., 50c.; record at basket ball playing for Com·
Hodg~, of Kansas. Poultry Success, monthly, Springfield, pany B of Philadelphia. He w1ll prop-
On ThursdaY and Friday of this Ohio, 60c.; Reliable Poultry Journal, ably play for Narberth In the next
eek the Ladies' Aid Society wl1l hoi' monthly, Quincy, lIt, hOc. game.
: Rummage Sa.le at 242 Wood'bine ave- Fruit Magazines: Better Fruit, EddIe Ensinger was seen taking
nue. i monthly, Hood River, Oregon, $1; rapid strides towards wynnewood avc,
A great mass meetln'g for men s Fruit Grower, monthly, rSt. Joseph, nue the other night. This is no doullt
being arranged for Monday evening, Mo., $1. a part of his sPring training?'!'! Asl(
MaNih 8, under the auspices of the Market Garden and Greenhouse him.
Men's ClUb. An evangeltstlc address Maga.zlnes: .Amerlcan Florist, week- NOTICE:-8aturday evening the
will be delivered by Samuel W, Fos- ly, Chicago, Ill., $1; ·Florists' Ex- Main Line champions will play the
ter. change, weekly, New York, N. Y., $1; strong West Park team of Phlladel·
Florists' Review, weekly, Chicago, Ill., phla. As an added attraction the
ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. $1; • Horticulture, weekly, Boston, second team will also play. Every·
Mass., $1; .Market Growers' Journal, body come out and bring your friends.
Rev. Andrew T. Burke, Rector. semi-monthly, LoUisville, Ky., $1.
Sunday services Miscellaneous Illustrated Farm and Le Bonbon Enfant.
8 A. M.-The Holy Communion. Garden Magazines: American Homes
9.45 A. M.-The Sunday school. and Gardens, monthly, New York, N.
11 A. M.-Mornlng prayer and Ser- Y., $3; ·Country Life In America, FOR SALE
mon. monthly, Garden City, N. Y., $4; ·The Terms to suit-a snap for someone.
4 P. M.-Evening prayer. Craftsman, monthly, New York, N. Y., Must sell my
$3; ·The Ga.rden Magazine, monthly,

Sundays: Early Mass, May to Sep·

Garden City, N. Y., $1.50; House and
Garden, monthly, New York, N. Y.,
$::l; Suburban Life, monthlY, New
Modern l1-Room Home
tember, inclusive, 6.30 A. M., early as I am leaving this section in a few
York, N. Y., $3. weeks. HoUSe is about 34x34 ft.,
Mass, October to April, inclusive, 7.00 Bee' Journals: ·American Bee Jour-
A. M.; late Mass, 9.30 A. M. built in the centre ot three lots, lo-
nal, monthly, Hamilton, Ill., $1; ·Bee- cated on Grove Place, near Rockland
Masses on holydays: 6.30 and 8.30 keepers' Review. monthly, North Star,
A. M.; Masses on weekdays, 8.00 A. Avenue. Apply to any Real Estate
Mich., $1; .Canadlan Horticulturist Brol(er or to
M. and Beekeeper, monthly, Peterboro,
Lenten and other evening devo- Ont., $1; .Gleanlngs in Bee Culture, N. P. WEMMER, Box 'l'll, Narberth, Pe.
tions, 8 o'clock. seml·monthly, Medina, Ohio, $1; J. A. MILLER
Western Honey Bee, monthly, Los An·
geles, Cal., $1.
Tbe tittle White Tea Honse (Successor t'O E. J. HOOD)
Some things must be done at once. • An asterisk Is affixed to indicate
SpeaJt the kind word you have In AND SHOP SLATE AND TIN ROOFER
that the magazine pUblishes an Index
mind; write that letter to the home- for each volume usually every six or May be rented for the evening .with 104 Forrest Avenue.
sick boyar girl away at school; smile without refreshments or servIce. Jobbing a. Specialty. Narberth, Pa.
twelve months. By permission, Mas- l'hone, Narberth 1252 D.
at the little children who come troop. sachusetts Agricultural College, Ex-
ing up the street; thank your friend ----_ _------

---~mw. A. CAMPBELL
tension Service. July. 1914.
for the courtesy and consideration he

HAYESW~ ~~~~~Q
has always shown you; tell the bright,
cheerful story that will bring a smUe.
CHARLES A. Fish, Oysters and Clams
Put off until to-morrow that harsh.
disagreeable speech, that unpleasant
story you heard of your neighbor; that
ugly, sarcastic expression that throws
a cloud over the spirits of all whom
you meet; that letter which teIls of
Chairs ReGIU.d and Repaired
306 W~'.?~~~~E AVE.
~..,... kJTb~'11o G"'~mGJ~@
Pbo~e, Nerberth
All Orders Promptly Delivered.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
OWN-FEBRU.ARY 25" 1915
BOW IS YOUR MILK SAFEGUARDED 1. Neighborhood :centers, In tbelr most
useful aspect and in their broad sense,
do not mean simply recreation parks
with athletic accessories. They in- A Jrreot onll InereaHlng fennent may he seeD In human society the world
clude such governmental agencies as around. Our Amerlean Industrial dis turblUlces, Ilo11tlcl1l upheavels and so-
elnl dlsconl..nt are onl)' loeal Hymillom~ n~ 11 unlvenlBl spirit.
post·omces, city buildings, school,
houses, churches, halls, theatres and_ "'hat has the Cbureh to say In the les. the most clear-voiced heralel
this time or crisIs? of the new day.
Indeed, any natural gathering-places Simply that th", leaven of the If men understood the Church
for people of all conditions in their Kingdom Is working. Tho progress better, and moro sympathetically,
or the Gospel always C1'oates a "dl- they would be qUicker to align them-
neighborhood. Architecture can do vine discontent." While all abOUt selvos with thIs diVino agency for
much towards making a "neighbOrhood Us thero Is much blind groping, neV- satisfying the world's unrost.
center" emclent. That accounts for ertheless, the world Is steadily mov- . Saint Augustine said: "0 Lord,
Ing toward the Light of Love, of Thou hast made us for Th1Belf; anel
the 'Present wldeepread Interest !n Brotherhood, of justlco, of peace. our hoarts will neyer be at rest until
civic planning. OccasionallY a town Anybody who goes far enough In they rest In Thee,"
the study Of the world's unrest will Detter yet, the Carpenter Himself
or city maintains a lethargic attitude find himself at the feet of the Great cried: "Come unto Me, all yo that
toward Its physical development, but Teacher, who Is at the head of the .labor and. aro heavy laden, and I
Chureh. will give you rest."
this Is generally due to the Inherent We urge men to go to Church.
selfishness which especially marks any The remedy for all the Ills of our not primarily because We desire to
time Is In ChrIst's program. see the churches filled, but beeause
community where civic pride Is not • Renewed men nnd women wilt we Y'Oarn to! help men share In the
assertive. There are In America, as create neW conditions. A fresh Lifo whIch Is proclaimed through tho
"ense of God's fatherhood will put Church.
there are elsewhere In the world, per·
T· • the realization of man's brotherhood A sincere conviction that the

A n 1. nvtfaft 0 n
A visit to a modern sanitary Dairy is auite as sons to /Whom living Is merely a con· on nn enduring basis. shortest route te the solution of all
interesting ~s it is instructive. A tri.p through ventlon, a thing to be endured for the A redeemed world eannot be maae the thronl;'lng problems of our time
our plant Will show you how far sCience and by political action-though redeemed run. through the Church Is what
invention have enabled us to safeguard our milk and cream. You are cordially in- sake of plenty of food In the stomach, men should Insure all needed polltl- prompts us to Invito and entreat the
money In the bank and raiment of csl actIon-but only by the trans- )",opla to go to Church.
vited to make such a trip. Telephone Belmont 4205 or West 143 and we shall be formation of the character of the In- In the Church we find Christ, and
glad to make an appointment, or call at any time at 4709 Lancaster Avenue, where agreeable quality and generous quan- dlvldual which Christ etrects. He stili Is mankind's Master Teaeh-
guides are always available. tity for the person. Such ·peoPle usual- WIth all her stumbllngs and er, as well I1S the world'. only. Re-
shortcomIngs, the Chureh Is none deemer.
EDWARD W. WOOLMAN, 4709 Lancaster Avenue. ly live in well-built houses constructed
to suit their personal needs, but (COPYRIGHTED>
especially to gratify their peculiar per-
sonal tastes, wltbout the slightest In ease of Illness, death or other trouble, any minister will be aIad to help.
GODFREY Contented Consumers Commend thought of the relationship of their
The Real Estate Man at NOTE-Issued snd supervised by the pastors 01 the Roman~Calhollc, Baptist, Methodist snd
Cook'. Coal own premises to that of their neigh· Presbyterian Churches 01 Narberlh, Pa. Printed by courtesy of "Our Town."
114 Woodside Ave" bor. To such It Is a matter of In-·

c. P. COOK
difference whether or not the City L- ~

will be pleased to assist you In get-

ting a home. Fathers meet weekly in council In the
loft of an old barn, and equally a mat-
Telephone-Narberth 685 A.
ter of Indifference If a "livery barn" .r.==============~1{ H. C. FRITSCH
marks the site of the town's one,
Geo.Hansens' SODS COAL, WOOD AND though remarkable, historic episode.
Perhaps a river flows through the
place. If ·so, It will be a matter of
GOLD SEAL TEA Properties For Rent and Sale
Fire Insurance
MILK comparative indifference to the In-
ha'bltant who Is lacking In civic pride
whether or not the river-banks are
littered with rUbbis'h, so long as his
Bell Phone 352 W.
Wall Building, Narberth, Par
AND NARBERTH, PA. own ,part of the bank Is kept clean of Howard F. Cotter
CREAM Prompt Deliveries Assured
It. However, In happy contrast to
these discouraging mortals (fortun-
ately the generation to follow them
wIU undoubtedly consider the world
1....1 QUALITY
Narberth • Pa• as more than a hole to be stuck in),
there are those others who see at Y. M. c. A. aUIL..DING
every turn how localities Cl\n be bet- Tbe Full-Welgbt Package
Niesen's Bakery
Stop Paying Rentl
tered through their quota of encour- 400 Stamps with 6 lb. pq. '2.86
agement and assistance. Such appre- 80 Stamp. with lIb. pkg. aGe NARBERTH ARCADE
ciate that only true happiness Is to BUILDING
40 Stamps with 1-2 lb. pkg. 3Ge
be derived through efforts that take Bread, Cake, Rolls, Pies,
Into consideration the happiness or 30 Stamp. with 1·4 lb. pkg. 16c
Candy. lee Cream
OWN THE HOUSE YOU LIVE IN others, as surely the man, woman or
child does who aids· In making more
A blend of high grade Teas
with an exquisite flavor and del·
attractive, convenient and beautiful Icate fragrance. Similar qual·
Don't Pay for a' Landlord's Home, But Pay
(therefore more livable from a higher
moral viewpoint any locality.-Amer.
Ity ordinarily costs from 80c to
$1 the pound outside of Our
for a Home for Yourself
lean Homes and Gardens. Sllores. Try a package and see
how perfectly it will satisfy your
Electrical Contractor
taste. 225 lona Avenue, Narberth, Par

~The Narberth Buildina and Loan Association

Wm. F.J.Fiedler Do not mlas the many Specials
at Our Stores this week.
Telephone-Narberth 381·D.

wiD help you. A new series of shares begins on
March 4th.
DRUGGIST Robinson & Crawford
Instructor in Pian~l Organ and
Theory of Music
[f' you have paI1t1y enough money, the Association will lend you the lIal· IL!:==TH=1l0=U=BH=OU=TT=H=E=CIT='=AN=D=SU=BU=R=BS==!J IStudio, 6 Arcade Building
ance. The amount you are paying In rent will pay the Interest and pay HARRY B. WALL Telephone - Narberth 604
off tJhe loan. Plumbing, Gas Fitting t
No slm,pler or easier plan to purchase a home has ever been devised. -------- -------------_._------
Present your Illpplica'Uon NOW-to any of the officers or directors and Heating
the Association.
See List itl News-Item In This Issueoj"Our'Iown."
THE truth of Ihis famous slogan is proved. by thousands of
John A Mowrer Joseph C. Mowrer pleased and permanent cuslomers. The Burpee Idea of

The ru BUY. TO BUILD, TO RENT Carpenters,

Contractors and
Quality First- "to give ralhef than to get all that is possible"-
combined wilh efficient service, has built the world's greatest
mail order seed business. We deliver seeds free by parcel

Regent Theatre W m. MEET ME AT THE CABIN

D. Smedley
Telephone Connection, Narberth and
post, nnd have not advanced prices because of the war.
Write loday for Burpee'. Annual, the "Leading
American Seed Catalog" for 1915. It is mailed free.
. . . . All 01'8_ In Pblladelpbla-COm-
pM'e them wlth tbal In the Regent w. ATLEE BURPEE & CO.,
CALDWELL &. CO. Howard E. Davis
Burpee Buildings Philadelphia.

"Girl of the Golden West."

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Real Estate Whitman's Candy
Robt, WarWick In
"Alias Jimmie Valentine." F. H. WALZER Frank Crist s. P. FRANKENFIELD SONS
MARCH 1 AND 2, Painting in all its Branches MEATS & PROVISIONS Undertakers
"Three Weeks." Hillh Grade Butter 33 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, Telephone-Narberth 644 A.
Estimates CheerfUlly Given.
Marie Doro In Telephone-Narberth 31l-D.
"Moral• ."
For Good Servrce and Moderate BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE Geo.&W. J. Markle George B. Suplee
Chas. M. Stuard Plumbing, Heating, Prices in


Steam & Hot Water Heating
FUNERAL Roofmg, Spouting
and Range Work
llome Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs Special Nursery Milk In Paper Carton Bell Telephone.
and Game.
Faney Fruit ~nd Vegetables.
Filled at penhurst Farm
The Merion Title and Trust Co.

"A Storefor Particnlar People" Dell Phone-Narberth 669 D. of Ardmore, Par

The oldest, largest and best deposl·
ARDMORE, PA. N. E. smedley NARBERTI,~, PAr

100 Narberth Avenue
tory in this vicinity.
Capital, $150,000, Surplus, $125,000
Undivided Profits, $40,000.
Automobile Service NARBERTH, PA,

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