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In : international arbltratlon

conducted in the
· · R.ULE 138, Sec. 21; RULE 71,
Sec. 3, Par. Phlllpplnes, 'a party
may be presented by'any person
.(e)); . .. ' . of his choice. Provided,
that such representatlve,
d .. 9.i~qualification·. and" .
·cqmplaints for .unless admitted to
the practice of law in the· ...
·disbarme.nt (RULES. OF. COURT,
RULE -, Phlllppines, shall not .be
authorized to appear as
·. 139); . · . . , · oounsel in any·
F>hilippil}e court, or any· other
~dmini~tr.ati~ceom. plaint -,. .
against .: ~rring , judicial body
Whether Of not ·such appearance-ls
.l~wyer. or g·oy~rnrnent: offlclal
(AGPAL,O, · relation -to the
arbitration in wh'ich he appears
suP.ra· at 56); · · · . ·· · No. 92/fJ5,

·sec. 22)·. · · · ·:. r.. Qeclarato·ry

relief (Id:)'! and . . . . . .. · . .
· g. .Orlrnlnal .. complaint for. _gstafa
aqainst ?! · .. Thls rule. shalt also ·
apply . ih . domestic arbitration
· · · person who ·fal~ely
represented-nlmselt to. (R.A. No.
9285~ Sec. 33).· · · · ..

·. .· ·.b~· · an: ·a~tc;,r~ey. to· ,,~e

dam-age of a party . . . · · .... 1
. .(RE·VISl;;D 'PENAL .CODI=, Arl.
~1.5). · '. 2., Practice of· Law by-:a
icorporatio·n · . , ..

. 2.,-~ho.are not
la"Yy~rs:··(1,g:E) : , : . . ' A
.corporatlon 'cannot .practlce

·1aw .·dirscfly : or ..
. a· .. PeJition for ·JnJu.n.t:tion (A-
GPAL9, supra at .. indirectly by
e_~p~oying a law,yer to practice for-
it or ·
. · .· . · . ·56);, ·: · _ .. ·. . · · . . · . .
. . . . - to appear for others for its
···benefit (RU.iES.,. 'QF < . b

. -b .. Qontempl,of Court (Id.~)·;

-Flnd COURT, Rule 138,rS,ec.
·1J ... · .: ··. . . " .. .
~ . ... .. . . .. . . . . . . . .

· · c. Criminal. Corrplaint '.for

·gs_fafa · for
~ :· · ... · , . . · · . ,. ·.. . ·
. . . . tepr~senting hi~s-~lf to be an

att©t!'lfafr!o.). "ff J: ~~ore!

~f:•'. it may.. hi_re an attorn~y to·
attend ·t~ ,arid .
. .,.. . . .· .. -:_- . · . ·:· · · · · .. :·
_ . . . . .,j~ .. J)~}-.. \J~ . .
_Jc_~,~y,,ct i\~~~n lega,I
·business-or ~ffairs (AG·PALq;
. Pr_o~e~~.1n.. gWsh !3._re .
J,..a)Nr~rs · ·r.e,,.{fr QryJ~~j!
a.t_.~6)~· -~ . . .· · . . · . · · . . ·
_From ·A.ppe~~lf'.19.= (~l:S~) ....
· ... ·. -~/'· · .,~:' ."'~ - .... "-: ..... -i< ... • ..

~· . . -~~~~ «~ ~ · . · · , .
· th~_ r.ules of Gourt,,1f:i!

i~Yer.4;are ~oh191t ~· · ;!\\. J~ of

tl\e p_r1~~Et~e,,a~~ .of the
:c~nfid~nt1pl ·and ~rust
fr:om.;_:,$p~e~ri~g fo.r
·t~~l.~~iej't .Pf:1f\~~~~--~-~.,t.;

$v0,., __ !~l~!lion ~,t~-'~

\\~t~orn~y. _and _ c~ie~t ... Su~h-·
~_pp_ear . 1~ _ person o~ly .-
1~~jept rrf1p~~~: .. ,;;~!..... !~
II ... ./)~' -~ ... ~re.Jati<:>:n :
-~~ql}.9l~,:,·~1se ·.-~her~ .. th, .
-~~toro~y ~s
- · of· . ~u·~ .Wh(?·· ··:~re .. 9!

t¥;1c;ry~r& .. (LOaj\miit~]j~ )::~

~mwlR>,'~t- .a~h'I." ,·.§wing,
at be,st;: a s·e~9n.d.~ry ·.
~b ... (~~J~; \ ._.. ..., ;. ..
~~~~~~d~~ 1.~y~rty to:·
the· c;l_i$n~¢1~ ·of his
2; Un~ert.. he ·''The. !J'.1~ige.

f.'iS'\i\e'o -:i' ~~ht5t~i. ~

.•r;·~. ·

et·-:: and-·.. : . · . · . '..' .
'..-. ..
. . A.~t: -o~ 1. 997''.:: tl'J'e .. gen
el-. ·fu·l'e ~s.- tfia~~~er~~11t :
£.,.i'!,j;rr ,] ~ , · J.. · . ~:
U. . ... . · · . : . · . . ·.
·_ are · prohib!~~c;t t? ·,~pp~:
,r, f<?~.,. ~.Y. Jiiji~{;i.,El.
?~h'~ot :·:p.?riot!'l).: __ t~e ·
.P~i)qlti.~)'.1$._ ·
-. . ~?,u_ns~J(; T:·~e :.?xce~t1on.
·1s.\w]:l~n· ~·-~· p[i'
r:n~tber~h~P: 1r.1 ·the .~ar,. s:~ch
a~ the
. appe~.r.1r:ig .1.n ·h_1~/.her.!
~ap_ac1~~ a me~.t:>.e.~l'!

~~N~r~i: ~~-Jq.s ..
~~fs1._~n·,ot.19~o_d. mora_l
:~hara.c~er_ .an~ :-:~ther ·
_ . ~Ol:1:?~,1 ··(!f elder~_ p~.
d~~- to -h~~1tler op ~~1Q_fa~ ...~
:~1fica~1ors~ th,~. ·!aJ<1nf}: ~~-
-~~- ;~.~J.~
· ·9r,.for·th~ pμ_r,p9se of

·d~f~rig1ng_ ~ p~se~~11ng. "l\

;i ,A(t1t\ ""9~fS!1.1J~,-
$LISpen$1on, .Q~.r~m0val·;
(A(;3}?):\L.O, ·-
·. . . nis/hef -ca·se :(Administrc!tive-.
Circular -::tgtrJ.~t.i · s. 1,,_ t.
ll.l. ~-·:(jupra .at 47)~ , .. · · · · · .
. , . ·. 2QQ3~· .. SeG. .. ··.1(),
ptiisu{:lnt to. R-A~· 8371,
$ecti6'R~;:~~':;·~.::::::-::::.;~~·"' . . '
.. :,. .. .: .... ~· . . . _. . . . . · ._. . : .
.', 4:4_.··(oJ)tari'd : '. . . ·.· . : : ·.
·. _· · ·, · _.. '.3~ Practiee,of
Law"~y':PU?li'c;:..Offi'cia.l.s · · , .
3• ... l.Jnder,t.l)e.~ule·o~f
ro~e:dure-for~ mall ~l~ims
.Ge.ner~~---·Rul,~_; ··r-h.~:.
~ppoir,tm~tjt or ·eJettio.n. Qf. a11
: ..
· . ..C_a~~s·~ ·no. _a_ttdrne·y
.~iiau· appe~r in. b.ehalf 9f ..
~r altorney .t(?:;·. ~ .
goyirnm:ent. · offic~_'.
.. repre~e!. ')~. .;. a~. party . · .at·~ .

~tlie. .- . h~~t. ing, th. e· .

disquaJi. fies... t.j im. . fr9. m .. eng.
.'~ girig,'.in-.tti.e pra.
:ctic.. e. · ... '
. · : att~rn,.ey i~ :th~ :p1:~int!~: or
d~fer.ida~t. (A~M.- No. · . _. _· 9f

I.a.~. '( 8~rros·' v. . · Ra~a; ..

A~·¥·· - /Y.9· ." 2~;_ -!L!lr. ?~,
.. · .: ... :
· : · : .08-.B-7-SC) ·$ec. 1'7). ·, · ·. ,
· · · . 197:5). . · .. ·.. ·, · . .'· . · 0

. . . . . . . .. .• ~- • • . . • . • :~ . •• • • • • -. '• . . . . . . . .. .. . . . ..

. . ' . ,· . . - . .

· Nofe.: ·.If t.he c~urt

dete.r~ih~s.'..that. ~· pa~Y.

ca~not. . Excep.ts.o.n;·
$~~.e-·.publfc,:effici.als ·~re
'n6t: absolutely' .
m 6.r:.~ef~~$e:~n~ n\~.~d~ . .
·c:1,s-c{ua~ifi~d i~_-
_pr~cti~e ·l:aW '(Mdriega v.
Sisqn,.:' A.9.. . ..
. . assistance, tne·· .court'
·may;··i n. its 'dis'cretiorf. :~llow Nb.
'2.266~ October 27,· 1983):. .- ·. .
~p,ott1~·r· in-~iyi~μ.al. wh9: _is ·
no~ ·~A · atto~ri'ey ·1~
-:#3ssist . . · · · · .. , . , . : .. .
that p~·rtY: .. uporf·t·he l~Uer's,
¢orise_h~ (Id.). .· . -· Public ... ,.
Officials , Who • ".are ..
ABSOLUTELY· .. · .· · '. · · · : ·
· .. · ·.: · · · ~ ... ·
tp_·f>racti·c~ LaW;: in the
.PhilippJ~e~:. ~ote: lh
:mediat'ion ·. proce~ding$,· a
party·· r:n;y · (J2C~Q~s.~.=,~c).
· . . · ' · · · . ·, · ·. . . ·
design~te ··a:·1a~yer ·or
·any·t>ther P!3~s.6rt ,to
pr()vid~ _ 1 ... Judg~s
and_:pth~r·omoia1s or
employees·ot the
~ssi-~t~nce :in .the me~i_a_tipn, .A
laW)ler· of··this righ' · · sμp.erior
couft .. (RULES·OF GOURT;
RULE 138,
sh~II 'be· made·. irt: wrJtirig ~by··

the· :party waivih'g 'it~ A ·. $ec ..

35); .. . , · ·. · . . : :'
waiver. ·of participation or legal
representation may · 2.
Members:of t.he Judi¢ial aar
Council. (CONS-T.,
be re~c.ind~d at any
time._(R.A.'··.ivo. 9285,_.Sec; 14). ~
Art. JX-A, :s~(?,~- 2); ·

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