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Business Opportunities

M A L A Y S I A ’ S

Automotive I n d u s t r y
Your Gateway to the
ASEAN Automotive Market
entrally located in the ASEAN region with a has boosted the development of engineering,
population of more than 500 million auxiliary and supporting industries and contributed
people, Malaysia offers vast opportunities to skills development and the upgrading of
for global automotive and component technological and engineering capabilities. These
manufacturers to set up manufacturing and factors have further enhanced the attractiveness
distribution operations in the country. Pragmatic of Malaysia as a base for global automotive
government policies, political and economic manufacturers.
stability, sound economic fundamentals, well-
developed infrastructural facilities and an With a ratio of 200 cars for every one thousand
educated and skilled labour force have attracted people, Malaysia ranks among countries with high
major international automotive and component car ownership ratio in the region. Toyota, Honda,
manufacturers to invest in Malaysia. Nissan, Mercedes Benz, Volvo, BMW and Peugeot
are some of the global automotive companies
The rapid growth of the economy and the high which have set up operations in Malaysia to take
purchasing power of its population have made advantage of the buoyant consumer demand.
Malaysia the largest passenger car market in International component manufacturers, such as
ASEAN. At the same time, the establishment of TRW, Delphi, Continental, Nippon Wiper Blade,
national car projects, PROTON and PERODUA, Denso and Bosch have also made Malaysia their
has transformed Malaysia from a mere motor car base to launch their products in the region.
assembler into a car manufacturer. The industry

Reaching New Heights

Currently, there are 28 manufacturing and
assembly plants producing passenger and
commercial vehicles, composite body sports
cars as well as motorcycles and scooters.
These plants have a total installed capacity of
approximately 963,300 passenger and
commercial vehicles and about 1 million
motorcycles per year, with production catering
primarily for the domestic market.

The automobile market has rebounded

impressively from the effects of the Asian
financial crisis of the 1990s. Total vehicle sales reached an all-time
high of 552,316 units in 2005, surpassing the previous highs of
487,605 units in 2004 and 404,837 units in 1997. Total vehicle sales
in 2009 were 536,905 units.

Technologically, Malaysia has made significant progress, with Proton

unveiling its first locally-designed model in 2000 and developing its
own engine in 2002. The new PROTON plant in Tanjung Malim is
highly automated, employing robotic technology, and is designed for
high volume production and efficiency, using lean manufacturing

1 Automotive Industry
Malaysia - Production and Sales of
Passenger and Commercial Vehicles

2007 447,536

2008 530,810

2009 497,562

National Automotive Policy

The National Automotive Policy (NAP) was • enhancing Bumiputera participation in the
introduced on 22 March 2006 to facilitate the domestic automotive industry;
required transformation and optimal integration of • improving safety standards for consumers and
the local automotive industry into regional and promoting environment- friendly opportunities;
global industry networks within the increasingly and
liberalised and competitive global environment. • enhancing the implementation of current NAP’s
policy instruments.
Review of National The new policies and measures under the NAP
Automotive Policy Review are expected to provide significant
contribution to the overall growth of the industry
and the country. Emphasis will be given in
In October 2009, the Government reviewed the
attracting investments in high value-added
National Automotive Policy (NAP) with the
manufacturing activities using latest and high
objectives of:-
technology. The opening up of Manufacturing
License (ML) for manufacturing and assembling
• ensuring orderly development as well as long
activities in the selected segments particularly for
term competitiveness and capability of the
luxury cars and hybrid/electric vehicles will
domestic automotive industry as a result of
encourage new investments and expansion of
market liberalization;
existing investments in the country.
• creating a conducive environment to attract new
investment and expand existing opportunities;
The emphasis on safety and environment aspects
• enhancing the competitiveness of the national
under the NAP Review will ensure the continued
car manufacturer through strategic partnership;
development of the domestic automotive industry.
• fostering the development of the latest, more
The phasing-out of imported used automotive
sophisticated technology in the domestic
products and introduction of mandatory standards
automotive industry;
for parts and components and standards for fuel
• developing high value- added manufacturing
and quality will spur the development of the
activities in niche areas;
automotive industry in the long run.

Automotive Industry 2
Regional Opportunities Trade liberalisation within ASEAN has opened
up a vast regional market, providing export
under the ASEAN Free opportunities for automotive and component
manufacturing companies. Carmakers will also
Trade Area be able to source cost-competitive
components from ASEAN countries and benefit
In line with Malaysia’s commitment under AFTA
from potential economies of scale.
and to encourage competitiveness in the
automotive industry, import duties on CKD and
The elimination/reduction of tariffs on motor
CBU vehicles from ASEAN countries have
vehicles by the Malaysian government, levelled
been reduced to 0% and 5% respectively. For
the playing field for all automotive industry
vehicles from non-ASEAN countries, the import
participants. This is clearly an important step
duties on CKD vehicles have been reduced to
undertaken by the government towards trade
0-10% while import duties on CBU vehicles

were reduced to 30%. To maintain government

While Malaysia has no commitment to reducing
revenue, excise duties are imposed on all
import duty for vehicles imported from non-
vehicles, both locally manufactured/assembled
ASEAN countries, in order to be equitable, the
and imported. The import and excise duties
Government has also reviewed the import duty
imposed are as follows:
structure on vehicles that are imported from
Non-ASEAN countries.
Imports from ASEAN countries
Import Duties Excise Duties A Growing Components
CKD vehicles 0% 60 - 125% Sector
CBU vehicles 5% 60 - 125%
The development of Malaysia’s automotive
CKD motorcycles 0% 20 - 50%
industry has made the country a production
CBU motorcycles 5% 20 - 50% centre for major automotive component
manufacturers. Today, there are more than 690
Imports from non-ASEAN countries automotive component manufacturers,
producing a wide range of components, such
Import Duties Excise Duties
as body panels, brake parts, engine parts,
CKD vehicles 0 - 10% 60 - 125% transmission and steering parts, rubber parts
CBU vehicles 30% 60 - 125% and electrical and electronic parts. In 2009,
the sub-sector generated sales of RM 5.77
CKD motorcycles 0 - 10% 20 - 50%
billion, while imports amounted to RM 4.42
CBU motorcycles 30% 20 - 50% billion and exports RM 1.98 billion.

3 Automotive Industry
Sales, Imports
And Exports
Of Malaysia Motor Vehicle
Components and Parts (RM billion)
Among the major component manufacturers are
foreign multinationals, such as Delphi Automotive
Systems, TRW, ZF, Continental, Bosch and Nippon
Wiper Blade while local companies include APM
Automotive, Sapura, Delloyd and Ingress.

In addition to supplying to the local original

equipment market, an increasing number of
component manufacturers are exporting their
products, especially to ASEAN countries. China
and Thailand are also among the major export

The global trend in automotive manufacturing –

the modular system – is also fast gaining
prominence in Malaysia. Proton has taken the lead
in implementing this modular system with the

manufacture of the
Proton Waja model.
Some of the module
manufacturers include
Hicom Teck See
Manufacturing, APM
Industries Holdings,
Delphi Packard
Electric, Denso, Autoliv
Hirotako Safety and
Sapura Automotive.

2007 4.5

2008 4.6

2009 4.42

Automotive Industry 4
Benefiting from capabilities to machine minute
precision gears and shafts for
tempering for a diverse range of
products. Heat treatment
Strong engine and transmission parts. services for high carbon steel
and alloy steel materials, such as
Engineering Metal Stamping critical parts for bearing and
Supporting automotive components, are the
Metal stamping, another latest addition to the range of
Industries important supporting industry for services provided.
the automotive industry, is a
The engineering supporting
industries have developed in
well-established industry in A Conducive
Malaysia, with over 300 companies
tandem with the development of in operation. A number of these Investment
the manufacturing sector. The
rapid development of the mould
companies undertake secondary Environment
processes, such as electroplating
and die, metal casting, or spray painting and surface Against a backdrop of steady
machining, metal stamping, finishing treatment of stamped economic growth, highly
surface treatment, finishing and parts and components. developed infrastructure and
heat treatment industries in
pro-business government
Malaysia augurs well for the
development of the automotive
Metal Surface policies, Malaysia provides a
conducive environment for
industry. Treatment/ manufacturing activities.

Mould & Dies Finishing

Malaysia is one of the fastest
The metal surface growing economies in the region
There are about 20 mould and
treatment/finishing industry, with with gross domestic product
die companies which cater to the
over 40 companies in operation, growing at an average of over
automotive industry. These
provides a variety of plating five percent in the 1980s and
companies can manufacture
services, such as batch and over seven percent in the 1990s.
specific types of moulds, dies
continuous electroplating, GDP growth in 2009 was - 1.7%
and tooling to meet the needs of
precision electroplating,
the industry.
electroless plating, functional The world-class Kuala Lumpur
electroplating, cathodic International Airport, well-
Metal Casting electrodeposit, dacrotised equipped seaports and an
treatment, phosphating, extensive road and rail network
The metal casting industry, passivation, anodizing and form the backbone of an efficient
comprising sand casting, die- chromating. transport system which are vital
casting and investment casting, to the development of the
has developed into a major
supply source supporting the
Heat Treatment economy.

automotive industry. Currently, Malaysia’s workforce is multi-

In the heat treatment service
about 18 die-casting companies cultural, multi-lingual (English
industry, there are over 20
supply the automotive industry speaking), well-educated and
companies in operation, offering
with die-cast parts and among the most dynamic and
a range of services, covering
components, such as front and competitive in the region.
continuous mesh-belt heat
rear wheel hub, front and rear
treatment, vacuum hardening,
brake panel and alternator
carburizing, carbonitriding,
housing and engine parts such
nitriding, annealing and
as crank case, crank case cover
and cylinder head cover.
The Malaysian Economy - Key Statistics (2009)
Population 28.3 million
There are over 50 companies Total labour force 12.1 million
undertaking specialized precision
machining and over 100 small GDP Growth rate -1.7%
machining workshops. Some of Per capita income US $6,872.9
these companies possess state-
Car ownership ratio 1:5
of-the-art machining centres with

5 Automotive Industry
Total Motor Vehicle Sales
in the 4 Major ASEAN Countries






2007 2008 2009

Vast • Critical components (eg

engines, transmissions
• Research and
development, which will
Investment and chassis) enhance domestic
technical skills and
Opportunities • Auto electronic
components (eg. Engine
engineering capabilities.
management system and
Committed to the
vehicle intelligence
development of the
automotive industry, Malaysia
offers vast and attractive • Fuel efficient engines and
opportunities for investors. alternative fuel engines.
The Malaysian government
• Modular
encourages investment in
areas such as:-

Automotive Industry 6
Attractive • Incentives for Industrial
cent import duty and 50 per
cent excise duty on imported
Incentives • Incentives for Research
new hybrid cars with engine
capacity below 2,000 c.c.
and Development
To encourage continued Another incentive is the
investments in the automotive • Incentives for Training reduction of the road tax
industry, Malaysia offers • Incentives for Export structure for diesel-powered
attractive tax incentives to vehicles for private use,
automobile and component • Incentives for International making it similar with that of
manufacturers. Among the Procurement/Regional petrol-fuelled vehicles. These
major incentives provided are: Distribution Centres measures indicate the
• Special package of commitment by the
• Pioneer Status with
incentives (pre-package/ Government to adjust its
partial/full exemption from
customised) are granted policies in order to face the
the payment of income tax
for selected projects. challenges and take
for 5 or 10 years
advantage of oppurtunities in
• Investment Tax Allowance the global and regional
of 60% of qualifying With a strong domestic car markets.
capital expenditure market, coupled with a
incurred within five years conducive investment
from the date the first environment, Malaysia
capital expenditure was certainly has the right
incurred elements in place to forge
ahead in becoming the
• Pioneer Status with full fax region’s automotive hub.
exemption from payment
of income tax for 5 years The Malaysian Government’s
or Investment Tax budget for 2009 has
Allowance of 60% of introduced several incentives
qualifying capital for further development of the
expenditure incurred domestic automotive industry,
within five years deducted in line with the global trend
against 100% of statutory towards the use of fuel
income for the efficient and environmental
manufacture of automotive friendly vehicles. One of these
component modules is the exemption of 100 per

7 Automotive Industry
income for a period of ten hybrid and electric vehicles
years. Unabsorbed capital will be granted:
allowances as well as
- 100 per cent ITA or PS for
accumulated losses
a period of 10 years;
incurred during the
pioneer period can be - customised training
carried forward and and R&D grants in addition
deducted from the post to the existing grants;
pioneer income of the - 50 per cent exemption on
company; or excise duty for locally
ii. Investment Tax Allowance assembled/manufactured
of 100% on the qualifying vehicles or provision of
capital expenditure grant under the Industrial
incurred within five years Adjustment Fund (IAF);
New from the date the first - PS of 100 per cent for 10
Incentives qualifying capital
expenditure is incurred.
years or ITA of 100 per
cent for 5 years for
under This allowance can be manufacture of selected
offset against 100% of the
Revised statutory income for each
critical components
supporting hybrid and
NAP year of assessment. Any
unutilised allowances can
electric vehicles, such as:

be carried forward to • electric motors;

Incentives for the
Manufacture of Critical and subsequent years until • electric batteries;
High Value-added Parts and they are fully utilised.
• Battery Management
Components for the The qualifying parts and System;
Automotive Industry components for the
automotive industry are as • inverters;
• Companies undertaking the
manufacture of selected follows: • electric air conditioning;
critical and high value- - transmission systems; • air compressors;
added parts and
- brake systems; Applications received by 31
components for the
- airbag systems; and December 2014 are eligible
automotive industry are
for these incentives.
eligible for: - steering systems
• Tax Exemption on the Value
i.Pioneer Status with • Investments in the of Increased Exports of
income tax exemption of assembly or manufacture of Vehicles and
100% of the statutory

Automotive Industry 8
The NAP Review introduces
substantially higher tax Some Oriental Holdings Berhad
(15%). It assembles Honda
exemptions for exported
goods with a significant
Successful City, CR-V, Civic and Accord
and manufactures CVJ
portion of value added in Foreign (Constant Velocity Joint) in its
Malaysia. This reflects the
country’s goal to expand
Automotive plant in Pegoh, Melaka. The
plant has a production
the amount and quality of and capacity of 20,000 units of
exports. A tax exemption motor vehicles and 80,000
on statutory income for all Component car sets of CVJ components
sectors is offered based on
the percentage increase in
Companies per year. The CVJ are for both
the domestic and export
its value added. already in markets. The company also
The tax exemption on Malaysia undertakes PDI (pre-delivery
inspection) operations before
statutory income for
the assembled units are
manufacturers in the
distributed to Honda dealers
automotive industry is
nationwide. The company
employs over 1300
- from 10 to 30 per cent of employees, and has a strong
the value of increased and dedicated dealer network
exports, provided the totaling 54 nationwide. In line
goods attain at least 30 with its goal to provide the
per cent value added; and best customer service, the
- from 15 to 50 per cent of company has a dedicated
Honda Malaysia Sdn.
the value of increased parts warehouse located in
Bhd. is a joint-venture
exports provided that the Klang, Selangor.
between Honda Motor Co.
goods attain at least 50 Ltd. of Japan (51%), DRB-
per cent value added. HICOM Berhad (34%) and

9 Automotive Industry
network covers 14 well as additional services in
showrooms and workshops in the field of software
various cities in Malaysia. development for global sales
solutions and automotive
BMW Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. is a apprentice training. Since
joint venture between 2004, it has expanded its
Bayerische Motoren Werke brand portfolio to include the
BMW Group Malaysia (BMW) AG, manufacturer of wholesale distribution of
encompasses BMW Malaysia BMW vehicles based in smart passenger cars,
Sdn. Bhd. and BMW Asia Munich, Germany and Sime Maybach passenger cars and
Technology Center Sdn. Bhd. Darby Group. Mitsubishi Fuso Commercial
Its activities cover the Vehicles.
wholesale of BMW cars, Mercedes-Benz (M) Sdn. Bhd
spare parts and accessories, has also expanded its
as well as the overall planning operations to include the
of sales, marketing, after- establishment of:
sales, and other related
activities in Malaysia. BMW • Joint assembly operations
Asia Technology is in Pekan, Kuantan
responsible for the operations • Apprentice Training Centre
of the group’s Data Centre In and Vehicle Preparation
Cyberjaya and the Parts Mercedes-Benz
Centre in Shah Alam,
Distribution Centre in the Port Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. a
of Tanjung Pelepas. Retail joint venture company formed
sales of BMW and MINI cars in 2003, was established to • Automotive Spare Parts
fall under the purview of manage the wholesale Warehouse in Shah Alam,
authorized BMW dealers. distribution of Mercedes-Benz Selangor
BMW Malaysia’s dealership passenger cars, commercial
vehicles and spare parts, as

Automotive Industry 10
Today, Mercedes-Benz C, E M-Class, CLK, SLK, SL, C-
and S-Class are locally Class Sport Coupe, Maybach,
assembled, adhering to the and smart.
same high quality expected of
the marque globally. The
strategic partnership for a
joint assembly operation with
DRB-HICOM, has resulted in
Mercedes-Benz Malaysia
having the largest product Denso (Malaysia) Sdn.
range in locally assembled Bhd., established in 1980, is
passenger car and today one of the largest
commercial vehicles in the automotive component
ASEAN region. Mercedes- manufacturers in Malaysia. A
Benz Malaysia also pioneer in the development of
manufacturers commercial many products, Denso
vehicles, consisting of (Malaysia) focuses on the
Mercedes-Benz bus chassis, manufacture of air-
prime movers such as Actros conditioning systems: cooling
trucks as well as Mitsubishi units, condensers,
Fuso commercial vehicles. compressors and
The company also imports evaporators; engine
other niche models, such as management system
the Mecedes-Benz A-Class, components: starter
motors, alternators and
radiators; and instrument
clusters and others:
meters, windshield wipers,
windshield washers,
power window motors,
hors, flashers and relays.
In addition to
being a major automotive
component supplier to the

11 Automotive Industry
national car projects, the and arms, and currently, more automotive lightings and
company also exports its than 80% of its products are components, making it the
products to Indonesia, exported, with the major only location for research and
Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines, markets being the United development activities in the
Australia, Japan and the States, Japan and Europe. Asia -Pacific region. The
United States of America. The company’s products are company exports more than
used by major automotive 60% of its production, mainly
manufacturers, such as to Japan and Thailand for
Toyota, Daihatsu, Honda, Mazda, Suzuki, Isuzu and
Nissan and DaimlerChrysler in DaimlerChrysler while its
their global operations. domestic customers are
mainly PROTON and
TRW Automotive, a world PERODUA.
leader in steering and
suspension systems and
number one in the global
market for electric steering
systems, established TRW Malaysia Automotive
Steering and Suspension Lighting Sdn. Bhd. is
(Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. in 1992 engaged in the research,
to manufacture steering gear design, development and
boxes. Today, it has manufacture of exterior
diversified into the
manufacture of tierods, tierod
ends, suspension ball joints,
stabilizer bars, steering
columns, steering linkages as
well as cold forged parts and
components for motor vehicle
braking system.

Nippon Wiper Blade

(M) Sdn. Bhd., a 100%
Japanese-owned company,
manufactures wiper arms and
blades for both OEM and
after sales markets. The
company has established
itself as a world-class
manufacturer of wiper blades

Automotive Industry 12
MIDA’s Headquarters
Malaysian Industrial Development Authority, Plaza Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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MIDA’s Overseas Offices

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13 Automotive Industry
MIDA’s Overseas Offices


Economic Counsellor Consul (Investment)
Embassy of Malaysia Consulate General of Malaysia
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Fax: (468) 791 8761 Tel: (1213) 955 9183 / 9877
E-mail: Fax: (1213) 955 9878

Director SAN JOSE
Malaysian Industrial Development Authority Director
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Director/ Consul Investment
Malaysian Industrial Development Authority NEW YORK
Consulate General of Malaysia Consul (Investment)
(Investment Section) Consulate General of Malaysia
17th Floor, Frankfurt Kastor, Platz der Einheit 1 (Investment Section)
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Malaysian Industrial Development Authority E-mail:
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Tel: 0049 (0) 89 20300430 Director
Fax: 0049 (0) 89 203004315 Malaysian Industrial Development Authority
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Director Fax: (1617) 338 6667
Malaysian Industrial Development Authority E-mail:
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Tel: (331) 4727 3689 / 6696
Fax: (331) 4755 6375 CHICAGO
E-mail: Director
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Consul-Investment, Chicago, Illinois 60611
Consulate of Malaysia (Investment Section) United States of America
Malaysian Industrial Development Authority Tel: (1312) 787 4532
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Tel: (3902) 3046 521
Fax: (3902) 3046 5242

Automotive Industry 14
For more information, please contact:

Transport Industry Division

Malaysian Industrial Development Authority
Block 4, Plaza Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603 2267 3633
Fax: 603 2274 8470

August 2010

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