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Nama : Estu Didik Ma’arif

Kelas : XII TKJ 2

No : 10

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : XII TKJ

Materi : Offering a help (Pertemuan ke-2)

Tenggat Waktu : 4 s.d 11 agustus 2020

Listening skill

Please, study this conversation and respon the question !

Mira : What are you doing Rani ?

Rani : I am writing a short story in English. It’s very difficult for me.

Mira : Do you need a help ?

Rani : Oh, That’s very kind of you. I heard that you are good in English.

Mira : Don’t say that. What if I need your story first, then I will edit it for you.

Rani : alright, here you are.

Mira : I think You should change this sentence. You use the wrong sentence,

Rani : Oh, You’re right. I should use simple past time.

Mira : Yes, then change the verb !

Rani : okay, You are very helpful.

Mira : I’m glad I can help you.

Rani : Thank you for your help.

Mira : You’re welcome.

Rani : Can I take you a glass of water and some cakes?

Mira : No, thanks, I’m not thirsty.

Answer these question below !

1. What is Rani doing?

2. Does Mira offer a help to Rani ?

3. What should Rani do on her task ?

4. Why does Rani say thank you to Mira ?

5. How many expressions do you find in this dialog. Please, mention one by one !

1. She is writing a short story in english.

2. Yes, Mira offer a help to Rani.

3. Rani should to change the sentence because she used the wrong sentence. it must use
simple past tense and change the verb.

4. Because Mira has helped Rani to correcting her wrong assignment.

5. There is ten expression I find in the dialog.

• Mira: Do you need a help

•Rani: Oh, That’s very kind of you. I heard that you are good in English.

•Mira: Don’t say that. What if I need your story first, then I will edit it for you.

•Rani: alright, here you are.

•Rani: okay, You are very helpful.

•Mira: I’m glad I can help you.

•Rani: Thank you for your help.

•Mira: You’re welcome.

•Rani: Can I take you a glass of water and some cakes?

•Mira: No, thanks, I’m not thirsty.

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