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Happine.. i. a habit- The 'W'ay to fare 'W'eU t.

Clultivate it. to do 'W'ell.


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NOW WE HAVE 288 OF "Since coming up here early this I

The above sketch shows the result
week, I have been thinldng what I of the drawings fOr park lots. This:
OWNERS OF PARK LOTS. Dr. O. .T. Snyder (1 lot), Parker S.
WilJiams (1 lot).
could do to help the project. I have plan was traced and data filled in by i Drawing Held in V. M. C. A. Makes Each purchaser seemed weU ·pleas-
THE 600 BOOKS PLEDGED made certain inquiries and have Mr. J. B. Nesper, who kindly vol un- i Possible Much Desired Improve· ed with the results of the drawing,
secured deflnite information which I tee red his services. On each lot is: ment. and all manifested much interest in
Help Coming From Harrisburg. beH2\'e W!ll be of assistance to you shown its number and its price as! the short report of progress on plans
How many boolts do you think have In}Ur~herlUg the plan. _ fixed by the Park Committee, also the! Nineteen men and women gathered given by George M. Henry, president
been pledged to the NEW PUBUC • ThIS afternoon I had a lo~g tall,! approximate number of square feet: In the lobby of the Y. M. ·C. A. last of the Civic Association and origina-
LIBRARY at The Y. M. C. A. Com- wIth ~Jr. Norn~an ~. G~ay. FIrst As., it contains. The lots -.chosen at the: TuesdaY evening to take their choice tor and promoter of the Narberth
munity Center. since last wee],? slstan~ State LIbrarIan, ,m th: cours~ I drawings contain the names of the: of lots In the new park development- Park Plan.
No, we haven't done anything that ~f WI~tCaih hde t°frld mel~' hat aId CO~lrl~ owners and the figure in the circle i and, incidentally, to make local his- Several lot owners signified their
will mal,e "Thirteenth and Locust e 0 ne, om t liS S t ate. I I. indicates the order in which the tor Intention of building at the earliest
Streets," put up a "To Let" sign. but Gray then introduced me to MI'. y. possible moment and Mr. Henry re-
Ro ber t P . BI ISS.
SSIS t an t S ecre t ary names . were .drawn. To Illustrate, the' Up to this time ' these representa-
We have received pledges for · F L'b I price of lot No. 1 IS $1200, contains tive men and women had pledged to ported that work would 'Probably com·
That makes a total of 288, or wlthiu of TlIe P ennsy1vama •ree 1 ran' 6 mence by the llrst of April and be
CommlSSlon, w 110 a 1so gave me va I'.. I 750 square feet, and was chosen by buy some land for the good of Nar. completed by July first.
12 of haIf of the 600-and the cam- able information." Dr. ,:. R. Edwards, whose name was berth as a whole-'but just what they
paign has only been under way two Through Mr. Hall's interest In th\! the Sixth one drawn. were to bUy they knew not, except In another section of this issue is
short weeks. The new contributors shown an outline plan giving names
who have each agreed to give two library, and his volunta1'~' efforts we that the slice of the improved land of owners on lots selected, number of
have been put In touch with the State [0 be apportioned to them was to cost
volumes a month for one year are:
Miss Grace Haight, library authorities, from whom it will
be possible to procure many valuabl'~
RESERVE THIS DATE! not I~ss than $1,100 and not more than lot.
feet In each lot and price or each

A. J. Loos. There are a few more lots left-de.

Edward P. Dold, pamphlets, books and reference (This fact is worth thinking about slrable ones in every partleular-and
Mrs. William B. Goodall, volumes, that &hould be in onr C A H ld F for a moment as an expression of con· complete information may be had
Merritt Bond. library. A more definite statement on ivic ssocialion 10 0 irsl fldence and faith in the association from any officer of the Civic Associa-
(Previously Announced) this subject will be made as soon as Annual Meeting that has bent every energy to put tion.
George M. Henry, the necessary arrangements have berm Narherth In the front rank of towns
W. Arthur Cole. made. UJat are bla7:ing pathways along the
H. C. Gara, In the meanwhile isn't there some Every man and woman resident in lines of cO'operative endeavor and LlBRARV IS FREE TO ALL
Mrs. Edward Odell, way in which you can help the librar~"! Narberth or vicinity should reserve ciVic betterment.-Editorial Note).
C. R. BJackaJ1l, l\lr. HaJl found a way. more than a Friday evening, March 26, and come Those agreeing to purchase lots had The Library in The Y. M.
Fletcher W. Stites. hundred miles up-state! to the first annual meeting of the done so not Imowlng the location, the C. A. Community Center is
So it looks as though we would rUII THINK! Maybe you can contribute Narberth Civic Association to be held size or the actual price, until they a Free pUblic Library.
well past the half·way mark during the a bool, or two; or maybe you can in In the Community Room 'of the y. drew from a hat slips of paper on This announcement I"
coming week. Send me YOUI' name terest some of your friends in our l\I. C. A. at 8 o'cluck. which were written their names. They I made because it has been
and send or take your books to The library and secure assistance or SUIl:- A special Invitation to be present were allOWed to choose in the order learned that a number of
Y. M. C. A. Volumes may he left with gestlons that will be just wbat Is is extended to those who have moved In whiCh their names were drawn people have been under the
Secretary Hampton at any hour of the needed. i~to the borough during the year. from the hat, the drawing being con- im.pression that the bool,s
da.y or evening, or you can drop in any Join the 600 movement. Send me They are urged to come out to meet ducted by 'V. Arthur Cole, secretary were available only to dues-
Tuesday evening and see Mr. Gara your name. Send me your suggestions. the townsfolk and to learn "what's of the association, assisted by O. L. paying members of the Y. M.
personally. Mr. Gara is the manager (More next week.) doin'" by way of improving condi- Hampton, executive secretary of the C. A.
that has charge of the library. P. S. Friend Sterling. in a goot! tions in the Year··Round Home Town. Y. M. C. A. Community Center. Books may be borrowed by
But stOp a moment! Folks that are natured way, said to your "contribut· Complete reports will be read by The men and women whose civl,~ any resident of Narberth-
contributing books are not the only ing editor:" "How's your library com· officers and committees and new ot· pride led them to 'become 'purchasers a<lult or jnvenile, any weel,·
ones in our town who are helping the ing a~ong?" To which we replied: flcers will be elected for the ensuing of lots in the park, thereby making day or evening, until 9 P. M.
library movement. From W. R. D. "kll rIght: and say. here's a bargain: year. possi·ble so comprehensive an im. See Secretary 'Hampton or
Hall. one of our fellow-townsmen, who if you klll off the files and mosqultoe~ Be thinking up the names of those pJ'ovement are named in the order I 'Mr. Gara.
is connected with the State Highway weill provide the books, and make you would lilte to have serve you in hI which theil' names came out ot the Next week a complete
Department, at Harrisburg, we have reading" easy and comfortable this \'arious capacities so that time may hat: James Artman (3 lots), J. B. Wi!. catalo~ue of the books wtll

reeeived an interesting and helpfUl summer. . be saved when time for the election Iiams (2 lots), Wm. D. Smedley (l be publillihed in OUR TOWN,
letter. But it is more than a letter- 'But we need your help and assist- is announced. lot), Miss Mary Gibson (2 lots), Wm. and the titles and authors of
it is a tangible offer to help in whal alice. neighbors. If we all do our The officers to be chosen are twen- Selfridge (l lot), Dr. H. R. Edwards newly acquired books will ba
wm be a. very important phase of our share the lot of the Narberth fly and ty in number: a president, three (1 lot), Dr. J. B. Esenweln (2 lots), printed in Ulese columns
library development. Hear Mr. Hall: mosquito will be far from a hIllPP)' vice·presidents, a secretary-treasur. A. C. Shand (l lot), Edward S. Haws from week to week.
"I was interested greatly in reading one, and we'll soon have a library that er and fifteen directors. (1 lot). Mrs. Renee Barrie (1 lot), A. Already there are many
your article in last week's issue or will be a plee.sure and benefit to every In addition to the officers, there S. Baird (1 lot), William T. 'Harris good books· on the shelves.
OUR TQlWN. You have the correct one. should be selected a new staff tor (4 lots), Mrs. A. E. Wohlert (1 lot), Drop in and look them over
tdea. Narberth should have a library Swat the fly and give a book! "Our Town"-an editor, a business Samuel T. Atherholt U 10t),Edward the next time you ·want to
and I can think of no vllilid reason why manager, an advertising manager and and RObert Toland (2 lots), S. P. M. read a good story. I
it should not 'be started NOW. E. A. Muachamp. a subscription manager. Tas1l:er (1 lot), A. E. Wohlert (llot),


PARK COMMITTEE MEETS TO ,----;:~~=_=~=-":1.'JIr-.---­
In the vicinity of Philadelphia. The
English ivy on the other 'hand sUffers
very much from the cold and is gen·
erally blighted every spring, particu-
Owned and Published every Thurs' The Park Committee met Monday
larly if it is planted on a southern or
day by the Narberth Civic Associa· evenirig to consider the nature of ,the southeastern exposure.
tlon. restrictions to be incorporated in
lam convinced that the professor
the deeds to lot subscribers. After a is right and that this is going to be
MRS. C. R. BLACKAL4 discussion of various questions which
the one evergreen vine for America.
Editor. arose, a tentative plan was adoptea
W. ARTHUR COLE, and the secretary was instructed to
Business Manager. incorporate this in a formal deed tg
be presented for final consideration Mr. L. l<Jafitwood Seibold, the author
H. C. GARA, and master of the Narberth Historical
at an adjourned meeting next Monday;
Advertising Manager. Pageant, .is ,presenting this Thursday
The restrictions then adopted will
THE FIRESIDE evening at the Philomusian Clulb in
Subscription Manager. BV Lady Narberth West Philade'lphia a 'beautiful old
be presented to the sUbscribers on
English miracle play 'by Clarke Smith,
the evening of the annual meeting of
\Vateh this paper for an announce- o( St. J~uke's School, Wayne, Pa., en·
the Civic Association to be held Fri-
Send all letters and news items to ment of "The Circus," to be given in titled "The Vigil." Mr. Seibold will
clay, March 26, at which time the
P. O. Box 956, Narberth, Pa. Do not the near future by the Ladies' Gym- EUONYMUS RADICAN VEGETUS. he assisted by the Eastwood Players,
various restrictions may be discussed
send them t':> the printer. nasium Class of the Community Cen- It dramatic club which he has organ-
Send all advertising copy to P. O. by all persons interested. ter. The Best Evergreen Vine for Amer. ized this winter as a result of anum·
Box 820. Make all remittances to Mrs. Mary N. Guldin, of New York ica-By A. E. Wahlert, of "The Gar. bel' of succes·sful productions. .
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF CIV- City, has been visiting Mrs. 'Carroll
P. O. Box 34. den" Nurseries, Narberth. The cast includes the Misses Arline
IC ASSOCIATION TAKES ACTION Downes, \ViQodside avenue.
Our Town is on sale at the depot Professor Wilhelm Miller writes in Langworthy, J~uise Eshleman, Lu·
news-stand, and at the store of H. E. ON IMPORTANT MATTERS. Miss Virginia Downes entertained the "Garden Magazine" of November, cille Kepler, 'Madeline Watrous, Caro·
Davis. Last Thursday evening, the Execu- the Delta Sigma Club at her home 1912: lyn ?llellon, Marion Clark and Helen
tive committee of the Civic Associa- on "roodside avenue, Friday, March "Is ivy the hest vine the world?" Kramer, also Messrs. S. J. Clevenger,
tion met in the Y. M. C. A. Building to 5th. The following girls were pres- Doubtless every Englishman will cry .Jr., E:. Roland Snader, .Jr., and Mr.
Entered as second-class matter, Oc·
hear the repor;t of the Music Com- ent: Ruth Jones. Marian Trotter, "Yes!" 'because the European or Eng- Seibold, master pf the players. Mr.
tober 15, 1914, at the Post Omce at
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the mittee and to act on several import- Madeline ,MCCoy, . Mildred Harris, \ish ivy (Hedera Helix) is the oldest William C. Ely, stage manager, is as-
Act of March 3, 1879. ant matters. Augusta Witherow, Helen Duff, Jean evergreen vine in cultivation and has sisterlby Mr, Raymond L. W·atrous
A. J. Loos read a detailed report Justice, Virginia Downes. TJdia made the deepest impression in liter- and :\lr. William Frederick Valentine,
THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1915 of the Henry Such violin recital which Bolick. ature, art and history. But if your property man.
conclusively proved ilhat Narberth Mr. Glancey, 221 Essex avenue, and standard is merit, not associations, The scenes show a thatched cottage
will support an occasional concert by Messrs. I. W. Arthur and James there is another vine which seems to on the edge of a moor, the furnish-
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS artists of high repute. The total re- Dougherty, of Bryn Mawr, visited the me inherently hettel', viz., the Climb- ings including many rare antiques
Fire 350. ceipts for the concert were $113.76. Y. M. ,C. A. and were much pleased ing Euonymus, or, as I now propose loaned by friends, priceless treasures,
Police 1250. Mr. Such received two·thirds of the with the Narberth equipment. 'mlese to call it, the "Evergreen Bitter-l which add greatly to the old world
'AltaI and the Civic Association one- men are both officers of the B. M. sweet." True, the form of its leaf is spirit of the setting.
third. The third received by th15 as- Ice Company. not unique, like that of ivy, but it A number of our residents had the
EDITORIAL NOTES sociation, after all expenses were Mrs. Guyon W. Gray has left for has one overwhelming advantage in ·pleasure of seeing this same produc-
paid, netted about $18. an extended Western trip. its gorgeous red berries, which are tion when given as a Christmas fes-
Mr. Loos had with him Earl Brooke Mrs. Walter 1. Dathard, Haverford resplendent all winter against a noble tival at the First Baptist Church in
THAN KS-EVERYBODY. who reported progress in organizing avenue, requests that all women in· background of evergreen foliage. And Philadelphia during the holidays.
The ground around the stllJUon is a brass band. Mr. Brooke outlined terested in basketry work communi- in many other ways It has greater
cleaner now than it has been all win· plans and received an appropriation cate with her at once, value tuan ivy, even In regions where THE BUSINESS MEN'S FROLIC.
not to exceed $200 for instruction and All women interested in the woman the i"y is hardy. "Had a great time at Y. M. C. A.
ter. Thanks.
But we must still he careful and- music for the current season, to be suffrage bill now before the Pennsyl- The accompanying picture givas Community Center last Thursday
THOUGHTFUL. There is room for expended under the direction of the vania legislature-especially those hut a faint hint of the five-fold glories night: Want to let you in on it and
improvement and OUR TO,WN be- Civic Association Music Committee. who signed the yellow slips-are urg· of the evergreen bittersweet (Euony- invite you to ome around next
lieves that that im'Provement is sure The band will start rehearsals next ed to meet in the Community Room mns Radican Vegetus). In the first Thursday night at 8 o'clock."
to come-and come quickly at that. week in the Y. M. C. A. Building. All of the Y. M. C. A., Friday morning place, it is e\'ergreen, and therefore "'Vhat did we do?"
interested should communicate. with at 11 o'clock, when Mrs. James D. has an obvious advantage over decid- "'Why, got into some old trousers,
An editor mig,ht be thought a "POOl'
either Mr. Loos or Mr. Brooke. Windsor will be present to outline the uous vines in being beautiful 365 days put on sneakers and frolicked about
one" to start a campaign against
Mrs. C. R. Blackall reported that campaign in Narberth and the State. of the year instead of two weeks or t.he ~ym lil,e two-year-olds, with Sec·
throwing paper away carelessly when
Miss 'Maude Wipf had consented to Mrs. E. C. Stokes, of Essex avenue, seen months. retary Hampton and Doc. Hoffman to
the rule of most edJtorial offices is
train a group of children to dance entertained at luncheon and cards on Secondly, it is very accommodating direct liS while breaking in."
"the whole floor is one big waste has-
at a fete to be given at Bryn Mawr Tuesday, March 16. Among thosli as to soils. climate, exposures; is "After we Umbered up a little we
ket." But even an editor reforms
in aid of the Bryn Mawr Hospital and present were Mrs. E. P. Dold, Mrs. easy to grow; and will trail over the pla~'ed volley ball. (No, it's not a war
sometimes. that Mr, Loos would try to recruit Gayon W. Gray, M!:.s. Carl M. Metz- ground or cJimt to the noble height game; but great sport and good exer-
Let's all try and remember not to
an orchestra to represent Narberth. gar, Mrs. W. J. 1.fenderson, Mrs..Jus- of thirty feet. ise for bllsiness mell-not too stren-
contrlbute our share to the nuisance
It was voted to accept the room on tice B. Morgan. Thirdly, it has an immense advant- uous; not too namby-pamby,")
-and then there .won't be any
the first fioor so kindly offered by the Mr.. and Mrs. 1. F. Hepler and fam- age over ivy, in being much 'hardier, "Then we passed the medicine ball
nuisance. Board of Managers of the y. M. C. A. ily are to move to the house formerly growing twenty feet in New England a bit and--
for uses of the association and recom- occupied by Mrs. David Terry. where ivy can be grown only as a "Took an exhilarating shower bath
mended that same be fitted as soon as ground cover. and a wir~' rub down."
practicable. "Lame next day?"
The printing press has made presi-
dents, killed poets; made bustles for
TO THE Fourthly, its superb red fruits.
which closely resemble those of our
"No: Felt LIVE in every muscle,
and did the best day's work in a
There is an evening of intense common wild bittersweet, seem di- month."
beauties and punished genius with A special meeting of the Evangel
enjoyment in store for you if you dnely appointed to redeem our Amer- "Get young again-come around and
criticism. It has curtailed the power Circle of King'S Daughters was held
are. Throw your cares to the winds, ican winters from their bleak, ugly frolic with the bunch who are not
of kings, converted bankers into pau- at the home of the president. Mrs.
pers and graced pantry shelves, It F. H. Derby, Monday, March 8th, to relax yourself completely and ,then and cheerless moods. going to be put on the shelf by th~
come and enjoy with us the ursinus And fifthly, it promIses to develop rusting-alit process,"
has made paupers college presi. consider the adviswbility of having a
Glee Club Concert. There will be a strong American character, becom- "Rather wear out than rust out is
dents. it has educated the poor and supper this month. After due consid·
splendid music and jolly fun. The ing as universal and as dear to the 0111' motto. Remember, Thursday
robbed the philosopher of his reason; eration by those present it was de'
adults' tickets are 35 cents and the American heart as ivy is in Europe. night at 8 o'clock."
it smiles, cries, dies, but it can't be cided not to have a supper before fall
children's. 25 cents-at Davis' or at I If J had a million dollars to spare
run to suit everybody, and the man but to hold a 1l0me-balte each month the door, I should like to plant an evergreen
will be crazy who tries. from now until June, the first to be WOOLMAN'S DRIVER LOSES
hittersweet against every stone, brick MONEY.
held in the Y. M. C. A. Saturday,
nnd concrete wall in America. The


:'>1arch 20th, all members of the Circle
being requested to contribute either The Little Wbite Tea House Norman H. Supplee, driver for Ed-
effect would be electrical, for it would ward W. Woolman, milk distributor,
add 1() per cent. to the 'beauty of
ES LIBRARIES. cakes. pies, bread or any kind of home AND SHOP America. And it wonld only be an- in Narberth, while making collections
baking. tiC'ipating lJ~' one hundred years wllat in this vicinity on March 8, lost a
I choose free libraries as the best The rug committee have 'been meet- Open Evenings, Private Catering will surely happen, for it is hardly roll of bills amounting to $3l.
agencies for improving lhe masses of ing twice a week to cut and sew rugs. LUNCHEONS AND SUPPERS SERVED TO ORDER possible that the world holds any 1\11'. Supplee had to run after his
the people, because they give nothing Members of the Circle and friends Phone, Narberth 12-52 D. plant with greater power to transform horse, which started to walk across
for nothing. They only help those who have ·been helping. '1 honse into a home. As in England the railroad bridge. When he had
help themselves. They never pauper· The Circle will hold a rummage pvcry home and every church is en- stopped his horse, he found he had
ize. They reach the aspiring, and sale in April. Anyone having anything
open to these the chief treasures of to contrtbute to this will either send
Geo.HanseUs'Sons riehed, dignified, and ennobled by ivy, lost his money in £he chase.
so every American home will come to As Mr. Supplee is responsible to
the world-those stored up in books. to or notify Mrs. J. W. Shinn, Wood· 'll) connected so closely with the ever- his firm for all collections, it is ~
A taste for reading drives out lower bine avenue.
Besides this, I believe good fiction APPOINTED BY CIVIC ASSOCIA·
green bittersweet that it will be im- hardship for him to lose this amount
possible to think of one without the of money, and we hope that anyone
other. who may have i(ound the TOn 'of
one of the most beneficial rellefs to Judging from Professor l\liller's re- bills will not delay in communicat-
the monotonous lives of the poor. For 1\11'. Fletcher Stites and Dr. R. C. ing with either Mr. Supplee or Mr,
these and other reasons I prefer the Hoffman have 'been appointed by the
free public library to most if not any Civic Association to serve with Mr.
other agencies for the happiness and E. A. Sterling on the committee for
CREAM marl, as quoted from "The Garden
Magaine," this new vine must certain- Woolman, at 4709 Lancaster avenue,
ly be a good one. I have also had reo Philadelphia. There is a reward.
ports from Newport, Rhode Island, to ------,-
improvement of a communitY.-An· the extermination of the fly and mos- Narberth P a. this effect. I have not had sufficient COMMUNITY NIGHT.
drew Carnegie. quito. _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - _ - - - - - - acquaintance with this vine to say Friday the 29th. There wl11 be a
how fast it will grow under our con- E,plendid program and a jolly good

Combination Coupon-Check Your Wishes LOST! ,litions, but it is perfectly hardy here, social time. You will want to be
and when hardy at Newport. there is there to meet all the rest of Narberth
ccrla'nl~' no danger that it will freeze
at the Y.M. C. A., at 8 P. M.
.Join tbe Loeal Oro_l.allon You Wlsb-_d Get Our ToWll" Too
Secretary, Civic Association, Box 34, Narberth.
Roll of BillsAmounting
Enter my name on your books In accordance with the checking be-
low, paying dues to association designated and keeping 50 cents as a
'1ubscription to Our Town for one year.
to $31.00
by Norman H. Supplee, driver for
Edward W. Woolman, milk distribut-
or, while running for horse over rail- ===DREER'S .
$1.50 VoUng Membership in Civic Association and OneYear's
road bridge at Narberth. Reward if Leadlnll Seed and Plant EstablishlDe;;t. Nurseries and
SUbscription to Our Town .. Greenhouses comprise nearly 300 acres and arow a com-
returned to
$6.50 Full-Membership In Y. M·.-C,-A:an;iOne-year;·s-Subscrlp, MR. SUPPLEE, plete line of hlih-irade stock.
tion to Our Town. or . MOWERS, LAWN ROLLERS, ETC.
MR. WOOLMAN, WIth areatly increased facilitics, we. arc th.orough)f. equipped for handling our enr-
One Year's Dues ns Member of Fire Company and One DREER'S G~l5trslWo~'keFOR1915

$3.50 4709 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia.
Year's SUbSCriPtion to Our Town. I is invaluable to everyone who grows v~gotablc8 or flowers.
Call or write for copy-Free.
Name ............................................................... MENTION OUR TOWN SOW DREER'S LAWN GRASS SEEDS FOR SURE RESULTS

Address .•. ......................... . HBNRYA.DREER/C'714-16

.. Chestnut St.Pbila.
Nrw.a nf tlTr C!!11urtllrli WIN MAIN LINE CHAMPIONSHIP.
MERION MEETING HOUSE. I FROM ALL .ANGLES IThis team defeated Narberth once this
season and some is expected. The Narberth Y. M. C. A. basket
I,Montgomrey Avenue and Meeting TllJis will ,probably ,be the last game ball team in addition to winning the
METHODiST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. I House Lane. of the season. Everybody come out Y. M. C. A. championship of the Main
Merion Meeting House is opened for ' wins the main Une title and root. Line this year, went one step further
worship every First-day at 10.30 A. by defeating the .strong Haverford A. A. Le Bonbon Enfant. In the limelight by winning tlie Main
Rev. Chris G. Koppel, Pastor. M. Visitors are' cordially welcome. team by the score 36 to 16. Narberth's Line Independent Championship by
Morning servlce-ll A. M., dedica-
tion of the new pipe organ. The pas- 1100rest competitor was thought to be NARBERTH Y. M. C. A. BASKET defeating the Haverford A. A. last
BALL TEAM. Saturday evening at Narberth in the
tor wl1l make the presentation and Radnor Ex-High, but Haverford shat- most exciting game of the season by
the trustees wl1l receive the organ on tered these pre<Lictions by defeating The Narberth Y. M. C. A. basket the score of 36 to 16.
behalf of the congregation. The them last week. The game Saturday ball team turned the tables on the In- Lardie Davis, Narberth's center,
church chorus choir will sing "There
"Juice" Will Be Switched Into Wire3 night was probably the hardest fought dependent Club, of West Chester, 1 scored enough points by himself to
is a Oreen HI11 Far Away," by Ooun- last Wednesday evening, and gave win the game; making a total of 24.
a Minute After Midnight. ever witnessed in tile Narberth cage,
od; soloist, Miss I\larlon Brill. Ser- them their first defeat of the season But everybody had a share in the
mon by the pastor. . The big moment, set for 12.01 A. Referee Smith finding It necessary to
l\f. Sunday, when "the juice" was to call numerous foulS' on the visitors. by the score of 31 to 17 in a fast and scorlng,each member of the team
Evening servlce-7.30, fifteen min-
ute organ recital. 7.45, sermon by the be turned Into a portion of the <llec- Between the halves of the big game rough-played game. The first half end- scoring at least one fleld goal. The
ed with the score In favor of the Nar- dribbling and passing by the team
pastor. Selections by the church trlfied right of way of the pennsyl- the Narberth second team defeated the berth Speed Boys by 15 to 9, aided by as a whole was the best seen this
chorus choir, "Jerusalem, 0 Turn vania Railroad, was postponed to the Redemption team of Philadelphia in
the splendid foul goal shooting of year. Line-up:
Thee" ("Oallia"), Oounod; soloist. same minute to-morrow (Thursday) a owell played and clean game. The Lardle Davis, Narberth's crack cen- Narberth Haverford
Miss Ruth Prescott. "Onward, Chris- morning. Some wires carrying 44,000 game was featured by the fine passing tel'. Humphries .. , forward Loucks
tian Soldiers," Macdougall; soloist, volts, and the direct overhead wires of the local boys, and the foul shoot-
for the trolleys, each carrying 11,000 Ing 00' .Jefferies was also good. Jefferies The second half started off with a E. Davis forward, Campbell
Mr. David Stickney. rush by the visitors almost tying the L, Davis center ." .. , Swartz
Sunday school at 9.45 A. M. Young volts, wl11 get their first load of the was undoubtedly the individual star of score, then the home team found Flack guard Weller
electric fluid In the stretch between the game, caging many field goals
People's service at 6.45 P. M. Itself, and with the extraordinary Durbin guard .,.,. Kerwood
A warm and cordial welcome to Philadelphia and Bryn Mawr. from difficult angles of the floor. This
It will be a big moment for nearly Is probably the Junior team's last dribbling by Captain Durbin and L. (McReynolds)
strangers and friends. Jefferies, soon had the game tucked Field goals-Humphreys, 2; E.
1000 men who have been working on game of the season.
the job. and it will be regarded with away on ice. Davis, 2; L. Davis, 2; Fleck 1; Dur-
Revenge Is sweet. Maybe it Isn't. T,he visItors were allowed only two bin, 1: LoUCkS, 3; Camp1rell, 2; Me·
Interest by hundreds interested in We certainly got revenge when the
ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. electrical science throughout the Narberth team defeated the West field goals by the home team's guards, Reynolds, 1, Foul goals-L. Davis.
country. The reason Is that the whole Chester Y. M. C. A. team, considered both occurring In the first half. This 20 Swartz, 4. Referee-"Chet" Smith,
Rev. Andrew T. Burke, Rector. construction is "theoretical." The ter- one of the best independent teams Is the third time this season the Delaware College. Timekeeper-I....
Sunday services guards of the Y. M. ·C. A. team have Jeffries. Scorer-L. Jeffries. Time of
8 A. M.-The Holy Communion. rlfic ,:oltag~ to be sent sizzling over around Philadelphia. Narberth jour- shut out their opponents without a halves-20 minutes.
9.45 A. M.-The sunday school. the wlr'€s W.lll show whether the ideas neyed to West Chester week ,before
fleld goal in a half. Two other times
11 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Ser-, °b f lthe engmeers have been good or last and were beaten, but West Ches- the visiting forwards were 'shut out
ar. ter found it a ve!'Y difficult task to
without a field goal in the entire
m~n.p M.-Evening prayer. About daylight a car or a train, perform ,in Narbert'h. The game was THE WRONG NUMBER.
. equipped with a pantograph, will trav- exciting from the beginning until the game. The above alone shOWS the cal- She was a careless girl, sa15 Lon·
el along the line, and after that the final whistle 'blew, only being decided Ibre of Vernon Flack. Lester Jefler- don Tlt·Bits, to put the subscriber on
engineers and firemen who will oper- In the last few minutes of play. In ies and Captain Durbin, who some- tbe wrong number. Being in III hurry,
EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH. ate trains will begin test practice this game the Narberth team showed times plays the guard position. the subscriber promptly asked for a
that will continue for some days. excellent team work, bringing many I cannot pass on without saying a box for two.
Emerson L. Swift, Pastor. The 44,000 volt lines are the big, plaudits from th~ excited spectators. word or two of one of our forwards, "But we don't have boxes for two,"
The Ushers' Association was en- carrying wires, which supply the four The final score was 33 to 17. There who always plays the same game, and said a startled voice at the other end
tertained by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tay- trolley wires. This voltage will travel Is a plan in view to .play West Ches' is In every scrimmage. On Wednesday )f the line.
lor, Chestnut avenue. Tuesday eve- from the first "booster" station op- te:r on a neutral floor to decide the this particular person, who is Eugene "Why, Isn't that the theatre?" he in-
ning. Dr. A. B. Hirsh, Philadelphia, posEe the Schuylkl1l Arsenal. The of the two teams. Such a Davis, excelled and also shot two quired.
read a paper on the important topic, electricity will be introduced to the game would create much interest, and field goals of the very spectacular "No," was the reply, "tulS is --'I,
"How Shall American Health Stand- trolley wires between Fortieta Is desired by many Main Line ,basket style, one helng made while Jene was the undertaker."
ards Be Safe-Ouarded?" The subject street and Bryn Mawr. In prepara- ball enthusiasts. on his way to the floor with two
was ably treated and ,the discussion tion for this, forms have been sent Mutt .Jefferies the star guard of the guards on him.
elicited many interesting facts rela- out notifying all workmen what is home team, injured Ihls knee in the Mercer starred for the visitors, col- N L
tive to false rc-:medles and inefficient going to happen. game with West Chester. and ,was un- lecting a total of eleven points out U C AIMED LETTERS.
legislation. Intelligent citizenship able to play in the game .with Haver- of their total of 17. Walter Humph-l Letters addressed ~o the following
mus~ create strong sentiment in favor reys played in his old time form, his named persons remam unclaimed in
ford A. A. on Saturday. Harvey Hum-
of genuinely protective measures. The PAPER GARBAGE-BAGS. phreys substituted for him and played \Vest Chester friends not being pres- the Narberth post office:
next meeting will be in the nature of How to dispose of the kitchen refuse a fine game. caging two field goals. ent to attract his attention. Line-up: Miss Sarah Dungee, Mrs. M. B.
a banquet at the Y. M. C. A., April so that it B1hall in no way become 8 Bill Stephens, the all-around athlete Narberth Independents Horne, Mrs. Sarah McAllister, Mrs.
19. menace to health has always been of Central High School of Philadel· E. Davis forward Mercer Geo. Rober,ts, Mrs. Laura Va~ghan.
The Bible School will meet next more or less of a problem to tbe house- phla, was noticed among the spe.'- Durbin. Capt... forward Frame Mrs. S. Wickward.
SundaY, 9.45. New scholars are being keeper. If she lives in the country tators at Saturday's game. (Humphries) Edward S. Haws, P. M.
received each SundaY'. Worship at or on a farm, she may likely feed it Weller, the Lower Merion High L. Davis center J. Kirk
11.00. Young People's service at 7.00; to the chickens or live stock, or It School coach, and a former athlete at .Jefferles guard G. Kirk
subject, ..Favorite Books of the Bible may be systematically burled in the Franklin and 'Marshall Colleg€, and Durbin
and Why," John 1:1-5. Mr. A. A. garden soil.
Chalker gave a very interesting talk.
Shorty Loucl{s, of the University of
There are incinerators for household Pennsylvania Freshmen B. B. team.

Field goals-J. Kirk, Yeager; E.

garbage to be inS'tallcd in 'the base- and a. former quarterback at Lehigh Davis, 2: L. Davis, 4; Fleck. Foul
last Sunday evening. The largest and most
Evangelistic service at 7.45; sub- ment 1Ilee a furnace, and If one uses University. played for Haverford /1... A. goals-Durbin, 4; G. Kirk, 3; Mercer, complete store In
ject, "God's Law and Liberty." Bring a coal or wood range it is possible, They are both good athletes aIHI 11; L. Davis, 13.
your Billy Sunday hymnal. We ex- with care. to hurn the refuse, played a good game against our local
pect all of the services to be full of separated from all slops. beneath the team.
covers at the b'ack of the fire-box.
Referee-Dr. Hoffman, Hahnemann.
Timekeepers-Simpson and Earl F. NARBERTH
blessing. Interest in Bowling. Smit.h. Scorer-Earl F. Smith. Time We do business with about
In towns and cities. garbage is mora Considerable interest is being shown of halves-20 minutes.
commonly gotten rid of by some sys- in the Y. M. C. A. at bowling. Fren Bowling News.
three-quarters of the people of
ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH. tem of collection from cans or other 'Va.lzer has organized a team of young :'\arberth defeated paoli Men's Club Narberth. We ought to have all
receptacles. This method is con· fellows, and ,has recently played two three matches to none in the Y. M. C. their business, also the business
Sundays: Early Mass, I\lay to Sep- venient. but it has its drawbacks. the games. They we,re defEated In the A. on Friday ·evening. "Big Bill" of the other quarter.
tember, inclusive, 630 A. M., early chiefest being the lacl{ of care given first game by the Ardmore Mail Car- Humphrey rolled in his old time form. If you are a new resident, in-
Mass, October to April, inclusive, 7.00 to the receptacles. riers, but in the second game tlley ac- vestigate before you select a
A. M.; late Mass, 9.30 A. 1\1. In many instances only such of the complished th~ unexpected hy defeat- NARBERTH. store to place your patronage.
!\lasses on holydays: (L30 and 8.30 refuse as freely leaves the can when Ing the same team. The regular Y. Haws. . 129 131 152 We like to be investigated.
A. M.: Masses on weekdays, 8.00 A. the collector dumps it is taken away, M. C. A. team is showing great Ward. . 151 141 138
M. the remnant (unless the householder activity. They played last week with Scanlin 132 169 154 Our quality suits the most exact-
Lenten and other evening devo- talms pains to clean 'the can) sticking the strong Paoli team, who came down Humphreys 164 129 157 ing.
about the sides and bottom soon be· to the little v;l1age of Narberth. as
tions, 8 o'clock. Saville . . .. 143 155 141 Our prices are never questioned.
comes decomposed. emitting putrid thoey termed It, to bring home the Our service surpasses the Big
gases and foul odors, In addition, It bacon, but were ,11Orrlbly mistaken 742 City Stores.
Total .......... 719 725
attracts flies and serves them as a w,hen they took a glance at the score
sheet and found tllat they were de- Lau NOT A CHAIN STORE
CHURCH. To obviate this evil there is being feated. The bowling alleys are open
130 135 133
Ilsed in some places water-prOOf bags to everyone in the community for a Bowers
Rev, John Van Ness, Minister. Isinger . . 131 141 133
of lleavy oiled paper as linings for the
Next Sunday, Sunday school at 10 garbage-can. This prevents the gaT- small fee per game. Why not come Suplee
Owned and personally manag-
129 ed. Every article is guaranteed
A. l\'I., preceded by fifteen minute song bage from coming in contact with the in some time and bowl a game? It Tyler 134 140 144
sen'ice conducted 'by Professor Wil- can. The collector in his rounds re- certainly is a fine exercise, which wl11 . , . 117 108 on a money back proposition.
liam T. l\'Ielchior. 11 A. M., public moves the bag and contents together, im'lgorate those tired muscles after a We are constantly growing. If
worship, Gospel sermon. 5 P. M., leaving the can empty and clean. A hard day's worl{. Bear this In min'l. Total ........... 681 646 665 you doubt this, ask your neigh-
Communicants' Class, conducted by new bag is then fitted in and the Reports from the Y. M. C. A. show bor. After you read this, cut it
the pastor, for the young people about receptacle is again ready for use. Such that the gymnasium classes. which The Narberth 2nd team traveled out, return to us and get
to nnite with the church. 7 P. M., bags are inexpensive: hut even thoug-h have just recently been organized, ar~ to Ardmore last Friday 'evening and
,Junior 'Congregation, led by Augusta the regulation article is not at hs.nd, Increasing. Every Saturday morning defeated the Mail Clerks two games
Witherow. 8 P. 1\1 .. public worship. strong }lapel' of almost any sort may many of the young boys. I should say, to one. The rubber will be played at
Gospel sermon. future athletes of the town, assemble Narberth, March 26, (Friday). The
10 Ibs. Sugar
be used to line the can, and will. in a
The "Every l\Iember Canvass" of great measure. serve the same purpose there, and go through a series of second team is managed by "Yours
the entire congregation will 'be made If, as s'hould be, care is taken tJo first drills, after which theY are given in- Truly Constable" Walzer. D. Lacey, A.
in the afternoon between the hours of drain the garbage of liquids. Keep a structions in the art of self-defence. Kirk. Bill Durbin, Walzer, Ed. Ensing· You cannot save 10 cents any
at 5e a lb.
two and six by fourteen elders, dea- strainer in the sink ·for thls.-Home This certainly is a fine chance for the er and Ed. Long comprise the second
cons and trustees of the church. The and School. young fellows of Narberth. 'Dhe Y. M. easier.
C. A. authorities have gone to the ex· team. Totals:
pew renting system will be abolished First game-Narberth, 662; Mail
and hereafter all sittings will be free. pense of hiring a man to teach the BETSY-BErn, THE RECORD BREAKER
On the 30th of January t.he great fellows. Why not take advantage af Clerks, 632.
Last Sunday donations were receiv- Second game-Narberth, 710; Mail
Pennsylvania Railroad system became such a soft opportunity? After the We have fixed up our breeding pen
ed in this church to the Billy Sun- and are now prepared to deliver eggs
da~' campaign. dry, both as t.o train service and ter- class Is over the shower baths are Clerks, 650.
ready for use. Mr. Townsend. the Third game-Narberth, 613: Mail for setting from our famous Betsy-
Next Tuesday. March 23rd, the minal bars for liquor selling. Clerks, 663, Betty strain of Barred Plymouth Rock,
ladles wl11 hold their regular monthly house superintendent alwaYs has a who won the North American egg lay-
meeting. The Ladles' Aid Society will SUllPly of warm water for this special Ing contest last year, and broke all
convene at 11 A. M., at which time occasion. Why not join these classes? records
1\1) mite boxes are to be returned. Don't put it off. The present is al- ZOO Eggs in 238, Days, Price. '1.00
J~uncheon will be served at 12.30, and ways the best time. Next Saturday There are Mosquitoes In lor 15 Eggs
at 2 P. M. there will be an important morning at nine o'clock at the Y. M. 0 d
meeting of the 'Missionary Society. c. A. and you're ,sure of a good time. your cellar. ne dea E.C.ANDERSON
A large chorus' choir Is rehearsing NOTICE: Saturday night the Nar- one now saves 1,000
berth team will play the strong Weat Summer bites ESSEX &: MONTGOMERY AVE:!'.
the music to be sung on Easter Sun- NARBERTH, PA.
Philadelphia Alumni on the local fioor. 1:;..1 - _

Slowly, halttngly, grudgingly, Uncle
PACKING, SHIPPING, HAULING Sam is preparing to free himself from T Ill~Church,
port of " Ilage I. all advertlHemellt Of the
the reproach thll;t he bestows less at- It I. mennt to sene the buHines. of re-
lIg1on; for C hrlHtlnnlty hON busln''88 with every lIerson
tention upon the children than upon III the world.
FURNITURE AND PIANOS the beasts of the field, the fts'h of the
s€a, and the pests in the crops. Mean- So eager arc the churches of Nnr- churches arc all one In an oarncst
AUTOMOBILE TO HIRE While, a far more ominous rival claim·
tH'l'th to reach every man, woman
and child In their ficld with an as-
desire to serve all people. and to
mako our Mastcr real to men.
ant than these has seized what should suranec of good wlll and sincere In- Beeausc wc haVe the most Important
Phone. Narberth 672. Agency lor Ford (:ars tcrcst, that a churchman Is writing m ....sage In "U the unlvel'8fl to toll.
be the children's portion-The New weekly advertising for this space In we aro ad"ertlslllg It In the newspll.-
1\1 i1itarlsm. "Our Town!' per, CTcn as It Is proclaimed from

EDW. A. CAMPELL The second annual report of the

chief of the Children's Bureau reminds
It Is nothing new for
Church to go aCtcr the peoplc with
th.' good ncws Ihat they havo
tho pUlpits e"cry wcck.
Amid all the hurry and frct and
c,-ow,1Iog ear"s of this busy world,

Fish, Oysters and Clams

us that ·the 'bureau operated for the
second year with the same staff Jf
fifteen persolls and appropriation of
friends, and a Friend, who sook thclr
happlncs... The ehurchcs nro always
doing that.
The "en' existence of "church
IIl1l1rllng 18 an In,-ltnUon to every be-
We dcelarc thc Good Ncws that
man's real life Is his splrit-llfc. and
that his relation"hlp with a. loving
GOd should be his IIrst care.
Thc dcepest joy, the highest prlv-
234 WOODBINE AVE. NARBERTH. PA. $25,640 with Which It was established. hohler. Ilegc and thc broadest opportunity
J,lterally dozens of agenclcs nro of mortal soul Is personal fcllO\vshtp
Phone, Narberlh 30e-W. In the week ,In which thIs Cinderella employed b)' organized Christianity with God, through Jesus Christ, His
All Orders Promptly Delivered. SaliSlaclion Guaronteed among the federal reports appeared, to assure all men that Gad loves Son.
tllCm. and that God's dlselplcs 10Te 'Vhatcvcr touchcs thc lire or the

I[ 'j'M.~f.~
Congress apPropriated fOr the army them. too. people Is tho concern of thc Church.

$101,000,000. And the 'House passed Now we are advertising this samc If anybody Is In dlstres. of mind or
on February 15, 1915, an appropriation friendly message_ Wc would leave no spirit or bOlly. We arc sincerely de-
l1lethorl untried that glvos prom Iso slt-ous or an opportunity to try to
of $141,189,786 for the navy. For the of h,,!plnl>: to bring to the people a help_ To the hcrca"ed and .Ick and

Fruits and Vegelables 01 Ibe Highest Qualily

nu ~r.~1~11:
f't:1,RI5\5.. U U.
fiscal year 1915, the s-taff of the Chil·
dren's Bureau, created to serve 30,000,-
000 children under sixteen yearll of
age, 'has been Increased to seventy-six
.enSe of the actuality of religion. We
want e,-crybody to l<11ow that the
troublcd In mind We arc "spcclallY
"ager to bring thc comfort of Jesus.
This adverlisement Is the pledge or Ihe willingness of Ihe uniled churches of Narberrh to
serve Ihe people. Our denomloatlonal distinctions Bre all merged ia our common idenllty
BS Ihe Church of Ihe living Christ. who weeps over Ihe modern city, ,ven S5 He wcpt over'
persons, and the appropriation to (COPYRIGHTED)
$164,640! A propoI'tional increase I
For Rent
For particulars inquire at The Little
I(sixfold) by the coming Congress i
would meet in some measure our need
of knowledge and the children's need
of service.
In ca;;e of illness, death or other trouble, any minister will be glad to help.
NOTE-Issued and supervised b}- the p,"lors of the Melhodist, Presbylerian, Roman Calhollc
Bnd Baptisr Churchc~' 01 Narbe!I", Po. Printed by courtesy of "Our Town."
White Tea House, between 10 and 12
A. M., or 2 and 4 P. M., or telephone With the niggardly inltlal a pproprla- ~::;;;;;;;:;::;;:::;:;:;;;;;;;;:::;:;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;
Narberth 12-52 D. tion and the meager staff, a firm foun'l ~
daJtlon has been laid for future work. --- --
Rarely, indeed, is there crowded into 1";:==============::;;I
Did You Catch the compact space of nineteen pag-es
1;0 much ripe wisdom, and so much
Properties For Rent and Sale
stimulus to practical action, as in this Fire Insurance
thin and modest government report.
That Fly? Miss Lathrop's conC€ption of her office Bell Phone 352 W.
618 i's thllJt of a "special bureau addressed Wall BUilding. Narberth. Pa.
----------------- to the great task of ascertaining true'
GODFREY democratic standards for the nurture
The Real Estate Man at
and protection of the nation's chil- Howard F. Cotter
114 Woodside Ave., JAMES G. SCANLIN dren."

will be pleased to assist you In get·

The worIc of the bureau being de- 'MEATS of
ting a home. Contracting Painter fined in the statute creating it as that
of "reporting upon all matters per- l I. QUALITY
Telephone-Narberth 685 A. Narberth, Pa. taining to the welfare of children and Y. M. c. A. BUILDING
Estimates child life," the obvious starting point
Telephone Tbe Full-Welgbt Package
CHARLES A. HAYES was infant morta1lt~·. and child wel-
fare in ,the home and in the commun- 400 Stamps with 6 lb. pkll. S2.86 Miesen's Bakery
Chairs Recaned and Repaired John A Mowrer
Joseph C. Mowrer ity. Pamphlets accordingly been
iss,ued deaUng with Prenatal Care, In-
SO Stamps with I lb. Pit«.
40 Stamps with 1·2 lb. pkl. 30e
306 WOODBINE AVE. fant Care, Baby-Saving Campaigns, In· 20 Stamps with 1-4 lb. pkg. ISe Bread. Cake. Rolls. Pies,
Carpenters, Contractors and fan·t Mortality, BIrth Registration (a Candy. lee Cream
Builders revised ediUon of the first bureau A blend of high grade Teal CATERING FOR PARTIES
Telephone Connection. Narberth and pamphlet). Child Labor Legislation in With an exquisite flavor and del·
Now Is The Time Merion. the United States (a compilation of
the texts of the various laws). and
icate fragrance. SimtIar qual.
ity ordinarily costs from 80c to VERL PUGH
The springltke days are comlOg
when you will want Films for
your Camera. Get them at
Howard E. Davis Mothers' Pensions in the United
States, Denmark, and New England (a
$1 the pound outside of Our
StJree. Try a package and Bee
how perfectly it will satisfy your
Electrical Contractor
A FULL LINE OF most useful collection of statutes.) I
taste. 225 lona Avenue, Narberth, II••
FIEDLER'S Whitman's Candy
Bulletins dealing With the administra'j
lion of child labor laws in Massachu- Telephone-Narberth 3S1-D.
Do aot mill Ihe many Specials
setts, Connectitcut, IIIaryland, Ohio, at Our Storeo rbls ....eek.
Telephone-Narberth 368. - - Wisconsin, and other typical stateJ
Frank Ct'ist are under way. I ACHSAH M. WENTZ
EDWARD HAWS MEATS & PROVISIONS Of extraordinary value is the late~t Robinson & Crawford Instructor in Piano, Organ and

Plaster and Cement Work

puhlication, the pamphlet on infunt
mortality, a study of one of the

Theory of Music
6 Arcade Building
High Grade Butter smaller industrial cities of greatly
Estimates Furnished Jobbing Telephone-Narberth 644 A. J Telephone-Narberth 604
mixed population, Johnstown. Pa. In
this pamphlet the social nature of In- t:.e:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====:=::===================:======
(Successor t'O E. J. HOOD) I HARRY B. WALL fant mortality is brought into high
reIlef by the revelation that the in·
104 Forrest Avenue.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
and Heating
fant d€ath·rate rises as the fathers'
wage falls. Again, the children die
just in ,proportion as the city fails to
Burpee's Seeds Grow
perform its primary duty in regard to THE truth of this famous slogan is proved by thousands oE
Johbing a Specialty. Narberth, Pa.
NARBERTH. PA clean water, milk, air, and streets and p!ea,ed and permancnt customers. Thc Burpee Idca of
wholesome hous.lng. Quality First- "10 give rather Ihan to gct all that is possiblc"-

Contented ConsUmers Commend

TO BUY, TO BUILD, TO RENT Pathetic are the dev·ices for making
accessible to parents these valuable
combined with cfficicnt sef\'ice, bs built the world's greatest
mail order sced business. We deliver seeds free by parcel
MEET ME AT THE CABIN publications which the bureau's dimin· post, and havc not advanced prices hccause 01 Ihe war.
Cook's Coal utive share of the printing fund re- Write loday for Burpee'. Annual, the "Leading

C. P. COOK Wm. D. Smedley stricts to editions of a few thousanlls

American Seed Catalog" for 1915., It is mailed free.

"Indiv.\dual requests are honored,



and in the case of fairs, conferences,
hospitals, clinics, and the like, for
which pamphlets are needed in quan-
tity, a plan has been devised by which
tBurpee Buildings

a certain number are sent out as sam-

BUILDING SUPPLiES 218 Narberth Avenue
ples, blank lists are forwarded for
addresses to be filled in and returned
to the bureau. and the pamphlets are
NARBERTH, PA. F. H. WALZER mailed free direct from Washington
to the individual addresses given." Undertakers
Through no fault of the bureau, edi- 33 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.
Painting in all its Branches tions small to pettiness, long delayerl
,~ -
Prompt Deliveries Assured In printing, and mailed only on ap-
plication, have given an appearance
Estimates Cheerfully Given.
Telephone-Narberth 3ll-D. of slow and limited achievement In found helpful reinforcement of itfl Georg e B . S Up1ee
lhese earliest years of tentative effort.. limited equipment. Similar co-opera-
These difficulties are, however, clearly tlon with other bureaus will, in tho
BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE destined to give way before pressure lapse of time, doubtless enhance the Steam & Hot Water Heating
Ch as. M· Stuard p. I M'
upon Congress by mothers, teachers, value of the work and economize the.
and other persons eagerly desirous of resources of all concerned. i
Bell Telephone. .

clear, compact authoritative state- It is reasonable to hope that the I _
ments of available current facts, such default of the American RepUblic in
and Game.
as can be had from no other source relation to its children, may becoJll'~ The Merion Title and Trust Co.
than the bureau. And -the most trying I::!eadily less: that through the Chll- of Ardmore, Pa.

DIRECTOR Fancy Fruit and Vegetablel.

experience the bureau can ever know dren's Bureau, expenditure may be The oldest, largest and best deposl·
has been successfully outlived, its first directed against death, disease, Vice,
two experimental years. The bureau crime, ignorance, and poverty, the Capital, $150,000.
tory in this vicinity.
Surplus, $125,000
ARDMORE, PA. l'A Store for Particnlar People" is no longer an experiment, it has home·grown foes of our children; th~t :
we may desist ft·om squandering theIr I Undivided Profits, $40,000.
come to stay.
NARBERTH, PA. In co-operatlon with the Census portion upon derenses against foreign we have been at peace.-Florence Kel·
A\ltomobile Service Telephone. Bureau, the Children's Burea.u bas nations with which for generations ley, in the "Survey."

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