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Famous Philosophers

Philosophy, which literally means “the love of wisdom,” is one of the oldest disciplines in
history. There are many ideas about philosophers and what they do. Some have even
considered the field to be a science that deals with logic and reason. Either way, many
famous philosophers have made their contributions known to the world through their
writings and their students. Below is a list of the greatest thinkers of all time along with their
most important theories about human nature and other ponderings of the world.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) Voltaire (1694-1778)

Famous For: The Communist Manifesto, co-founder and father Famous For: his philosophical wit
of Socialism & Communism French philosopher François -Marie Arouet was a well known
Karl Marx is better known as the “father of socialism and during the 18th century. He is better known under his
communism,” one follows the other. Marx has been labeled as a pseudonym, Voltaire. Voltaire was an advocate of some of the
“revolutionary socialist” for his belief in what has been most basic freedoms, he believed in the freedom of
called dictatorship of the proletariat. In addition to espousing expression, religion and voiced this through his witty writing.
his own philosophies, he was also a sociologist, economist, One of his favorite targets was the Catholic church.
journalist, and historian.

Socrates (c. 469-399 BC) Plato (c. 428-348 BC)

Famous For: the Socratic Method of logic and a founder of Famous For: Platonic idealism & the theory of forms
Western philosophy Athenian native Plato, and his role in western philosophy can
His story began in his hometown of Athens, Greece but unfolded be traced back to when he was student of Socrates. He also
through the writings of his students and fellow philosophers. The excelled in mathematics, logic, ethics, rhetoric, and religion.
field of ethics was the specialty of Socrates and introduced a He founded the Academy in Athens.
concept that has been dubbed as elenchus, or the Socratic
method. He contributed much to the field of logic and

John Locke (1632-1704) Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986)
Famous For: theory of mind &Father of Classical Liberalism Famous For: existential feminism & ethics of ambiguity
The effect of English philosopher John Locke has on the world Simone de Beauvoir is viewed as a philosopher, but she saw
reverberates to this day. His part on the idea of the social herself more as a political activist, intellectual, and a writer.
contract theory was one he shared with Sir Francis Bacon. The She authored numerous books which include The Second Sex,
likes of Rousseau, Voltaire, even American revolutionaries have The Mandarins, and She Came to Stay.
been influenced by his writings. He also offered the theory of
mind wherein he states that knowledge is something you are not
born with, but learn and experience.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Adam Smith (1723-1790)

Famous For: General Will and the moral simplicity of humanity Famous For: father of modern economics
The political philosophy of Rousseau became the basis of the Best remembered for his writing ofAn Inquiry into the Nature
French Revolution. His ideas not only influenced nations, his and Causes of the Wealth of Nationsand The Theory of Moral
work is reflected in the modern thinking in regards to education, Sentiments, Scottish philosopher Adam Smith was a pioneer in
political, and sociological matters. Two of his books,Discourse the field of political economy. His ideas in the areas of moral
on the Origin of Inequality and On the Social Contract have had philosophy and economics have been studied throughout the
its effect on social and political thinking. years, and still is.

Aristotle (384–322 BC) Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

Famous For: Aristotelian logic & theory of soul Famous For: the “Baconian” method of scientific
The third member who has greatly influenced western investigation and creator of empiricism
philosophy, Aristotle provided ideas in the areas of aesthetics, The English Renaissance and Scientific Revolution benefitted
ethics, logic, metaphysics, politics, and science. He was a from the work and ideas of Sir Francis Bacon. In addition to
student of Plato and teacher to Alexander the being a philosopher, Bacon was likewise an author, jurist,
great. Nicomachean Ethics is one of the treatises that Aristotle statesman, orator, and scientist. He was instrumental in
wrote. He believed that ethics should be applied practically, not advocating the use of the “inductive” method when it came to
merely theorizing it. scientific matters, this scientific method was also called
“Baconian method”.

Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) Confucius (551-479 BC)
Famous For: Law of Continuity, Monads, and the Famous For: The Golden Rule andConfucianism
Transcendental Law of Homogeneity Born during the Spring & Autumnera in Chinese history,
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz holds a special place in the Confucius and his ideas on social and personal relationships
annals of philosophy and mathematics. As a mathematician, he became a school of thought that many Chinese embraced. He
refined the use of infinitesimal calculus. As a philosopher, he is was a voracious writer for which includes the Five Classics in
best remembered for his “optimism” and as an advocate of Chinese literature. He believed that proper moral behavior is
rationalism along with Descartes and Spinoza. He als o presented best practiced, than morality being made a rule.
the Law of Continuity.

René Descartes (1596-1650) Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

Famous For: being the Father of Modern Philosophy, Famous For: transcendental idealism & metaphysics
“Cartesian” coordinate system & “I think, therefore I am” This 18th century German philosopher, Immanuel Kant,
Rene’ Descartes influence on the world of philosophy is evident contends that “reason is the source of morality.” His ideas
at today’s universities. His book Meditations of First continue to resonate in the halls of academic philosophy. The
Philosophy is still being used. Perhaps this statement attributed influence of these ideas is evident in present day thinking on
to Descartes will ring a bell, “I think, therefore I am.” the subject of ethics, epistemology, aesthetics, politics, and
metaphysics. In his publication of Critique of Pure Reason,
this was his attempt to combine reason with experience to
prove failures of “traditional philosophy.”

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) Albert Camus (1913-1960)

Famous For: life-affirmation & statement “God is dead” Famous For: absurdism & 1957 Nobel Prize for literature
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and his ideas covered a Albert Camus received a Nobel Prize for literature in 1957.
lot ground and as a result, people began to raise questions they The award was given in recognition for his attempt to create
normally would not. The main crux of Nietzsche’s work was the awareness of the plight of “the human conscience”. Camus is
idea of life-affirmation, but he also presented ideas such as Will associated with the tenet known as “absurdism.” This French -
to power, perspectivism, master-slave morality, and Algeria born philosopher was also an author and journalist.
the Apollonian/Dionysian dichotomy.

C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
Famous For: The Chronicles of Narnia, “Screwtape Letters” & Famous For: being a political theorist & concept of “Homo
“Mere Christianity” faber”
C.S. Lewis was an academic scholar and Christian apologist. Hannah Arendt refused to be labeled as a philosopher on the
Some of his works are well known, these include,The Chronicles basis that her work revolved around “men, not man.”
of Narnia, The Screwtape Lettersand The Problem of Pain. He Philosophy deals with man in the singular, solo, which is
and J.R.R. Tolkien were friends and part of the English different to what she was, a political theorist, dealing with
department at Oxford. men and the world around them. Hanna’s passion involved
work in the fields of authority, democracy, the nature of
power, politics, and totalitarianism.

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)

Famous For: absolutism for the soveriegn & political Famous For: being one of the founders of analytic philosophy
philosophy Bertrand Arthur William Russell is remembered in the field of
Thomas Hobbes is dubbed as the founder of the “social contract” philosophy as a proponent of analytic philosophy. One of his
tradition. This English philosopher wrote in the mid 17th essays has been labeled as the ideal of philosophy, the essay is
century,Leviathan, which laid the groundwork for the entitled On Denoting. The British wanted to go against
introduction of the social contract theory. He also was an idealism, Russell was their leader.
advocate of liberal thought and “absolutism for the sovereign.”

Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

Famous For: the philosophy of existentialism Famous For: Pascal’s law in mathematics & Pascal’s wager
Jean Paul Sartre believed that “existence precedes essence.” in philosophy
Sartre did not shy from being linked to the ideal of The name of Blaise Pascal is frequently associated with
existentialism. He applied his ideals on other areas of his life. mathematics. As a philosopher, he proposed what we know as
Pascal’s wager, in which people, in general, will bet their life
on the existence or non existence of God.

Michel Foucault (1926-1984) Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)
Famous For: Structuralism andGenealogy Famous For: the idea of theReverence for Life
What does it take to make another man do your bidding? This Albert Schweitzer was a man with many facets. His goal and
was the goal of Michel Foucault. Most of his theories touched on philosophy of life was to have a “Reverence for Life”. He
the topic of the “nature of power” and its purpose. His writings believed that civilization had cast aside its foundation in
revolved around the social institutions and “human science”. His ethics.
published works, The Birth of the Clinic and The Order of
Things helped highlight his views on “structuralism.”

David Hume (1711-1776) Origen (c. 185-253)

Famous For: problem of causation & his book A Treatise of Famous For: one of the earlyChurch Fathers and theologian
Human Nature Origen has been cited by scholars over the centuries, by
One of the pillars of the Scottish Enlightenment, philosopher academics, pastors, priests, and students. He wrote several
David Hume is credited with the “founding document of treatises that covered philosophical theology, exegesis of the
cognitive science” in his book A Treatise of Human Nature. bible and textual criticism. He was influenced in his thinking
Hume made every attempt to establish a naturalistic approach in by both Plato and Aristotle. In his discussions and writings, he
understanding “man”. One of his arguments, “Reason is, and always alluded to scripture, which he believed is divinely
ought only to be slave of the passions,” is a longstanding idea inspired by God.
that says, “allow desires to dictate reason.”

Thomas Paine (1737-1809) Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

Famous For: writing Common Sense during the American Famous For: his books Walden &Civil Disobedience
Revolution The book Walden was Thoreau’s attempt to express a desire
As a political activist, Thomas Paine is regarded who helped two towards living a simple life in nature. Because of another book
revolutionary wars. A pamphlet he wrote in 1776, he wrote,Civil Disobedience, he had been viewed as an
entitled Common Sense was instrumental in igniting the fires of anarchist. Thoreau’s idea of giving up illusory ideals in
freedom and a reason to revolt during the American Revolution. exchange for the true needs of life was something he
Years later, he wrote Rights of Man that justified the French advocated throughout his life.

John Dewey (1859-1952) John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)
Famous For: for his ideas on pragmatism & educational Famous For: being the “most influential English speaking
progressivism philosopher of the 19th century”
One of the first men to present the idea of pragmatism as a John Stuart is regarded as “the most influential English
philosophical concept, Dewey also espoused Reflective speaking philosopher of the 19th century”. Mainly, he was a
Thinking. He believed in the philosophy of education, in which defender of political philosophy and he comes from the school
he views education as a “social continuity of life.” This is why of utilitarianism. As a member of the British parliament, he
he championedEducational Progressivism. played a role highlighting “liberal political philosophy.”

William James (1842-1910) Erich Fromm (1900-1980)

Famous For: the philosophy of religion and theory of emotion Famous For: orientation of character
William James was part of the philosophical school of As a humanistic philosopher, Erich Fromm has been linked to
pragmatism. More importantly was his application of that school the school of critical theory. Some of his exemplary ideas
of thought on the philosophy of religion. He also attempted to include “being and having modes of existence.” Escape from
explain why, if we see a snake, we fear the snake and run. In his Freedom is one of Fromm’s books which tries to explaing
theory of emotion, James contends that we see a snake, we run; man’s changing view of freedom.
therefore, we fear the snake.

Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) John Calvin (1509-1564)

Famous For: Machiavellianism &The Prince Famous For: Calvinism & Doctine of Predestination
Italian Renaissance philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli is Calvin developed a point of reference in Christianity the has
considered the founder of political science and an expert in been known as Calvinism. His attempt to explain the “doctrine
political ethics. His main cointributions include political of predestination” as it pertains to God and salvation continues
philosophy and realism. His book, The Prince has been viewed to be debated to this day. The Congregational,
as a masterpiece that deals with political philosophy. Presbyterian, and Reformed church base their tenets on the
teaching of John Calvin.

Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)
Famous For: father of existentialism Famous For: War and Peace andAnna Karenina
The philosophy of religion and the idea of existentialism are two As a social reformer and moral thinker, Leo Tolstoy is known
schools of thought that has been linked to Kierkegaard. Mo st of for his novels, War and Peace and Anna Karenina. He helped
his ideas revolve on the issue on how a person lives as an shape the idea of Christian anarchist thinking and even pushed
individual. the idea of anarcho pacifism.

Parmenides (c. 515-450 BC) Mozi (c. 470-391 BC)

Famous For: Eleatic school of philosophy Famous For: Mohism
Parmenides founded the Eleatic school of philosophy sometime Chinese philosopher Mozi was the moving force in the
in the 5th century BC. He presents us with two views of reality, establishment of the school of Mohism. Mozi was a proponent
“what is” and “the way of opinion.” A quote from him is telling of moral philosophy and ethics. His teaching encouraged self-
on how he affected western philosophy, “Thought and being are reflection and being real, not just obedience and ceremony.
the same.”

Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)

Famous For: Thomism and Summa Theologica Famous For: Feminist philosophy &A Vinidication of the
Even though he was a priest, Thomas Aquinas and his Rights of Woman
philosophy have influenced modern philosophy. He was the Mary Wollstonecraft believed that women should be treated
father of Thomism, he believed that the truth is true regardless of equally the same way and that the social order should be based
the source. His work in Summa Theologicaand Summa con on reason. She is considered as the earliest of feminist
Gentiles are important sources of discourse that continue to be philosophers. Her book A Vinidication of the Rights of
used today. Woman speaks of women not being inferior to men.

Auguste Comte (1798-1857) Avicenna (c. 980-1037)

Famous For: Altruism & positivism Famous For: The Book of Healing

Comte was one of the founders of sociology and the principle of Persian philosopher Avicenna was a proponent of Islamic
positivism, better known as the positive philosophy. Historians philosophy on which the Avicennian philosophy is based. The
view him as the first of the scientific philosophers. He also Book of Healing is his most famous work that has become an
conceived the word altruism, a doctrine that says people have an encyclopedia on philosophy and science. In that book he
obligation to help or serve others. discusses the philosophy of science.

Emma Goldman (1869-1940) Epicurus (341-270 BC)

Famous For: anarchist political philosophy Famous For: Epicurianism & Materialism
Goldman comes from the philosophical school of of Epicurus’s philosophy is centered on two things, “peace and
anarchism.She was a vocal supporter of womens rights and other freedom from fear” known as ataraxia and “the absence of
social issues. The school of anarchism believes a state is pain”, aponia. In his view, pain and pleasure are barometers of
harmful, unnecessary, and undesirable, making Goldman, anti- good and evil. This school of thought is known as
state. Epicurianism.

Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Famous For: Catholic Church & City of God Famous For: Philosophical Investigations & fideism
The idea of the “Catholic Church” comes from the work of Saint Wittgenstein was a man who buried himself in the philosophy
Augustine. His writings, City of Godand Confessions have of language, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of
influenced western philosophy and are still read today. He mind. Two of his published works, Philosophical
believed that man is the unity of soul and body, a perfect Investigations and Tractatus are reflective of these beliefs he
combination. held. His ideas include the “picture theory of language” and
“logical necessity” to name a few.


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