Il Vecchiotto Cerca Moglie (Il Barbiere Di Siviglia, G. Rossini) PDF

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ee Te tt ed Rt HUB Ue... Recit and Aria. Bertha. Che vecchio sospet-to-so! Ya-da pu- re, © ci sti- a fin-chécre-pal Sempre He's always so sus-picious!firsthe sendsme,then he couptermands direct-ly What a P ee} gri di ¢ th-multi in questa ca- sa: si jouscholdNothing elsebut scolding andwrangling, li-ti-ga, si_pian-ge, si_ mi-nac-cia_ such quarrel-ling, complaining, such ill-temper_— si, nonvéuno-ra di pa-ce conquesto vecchiog-va - ro e bronto—{o - h suchnot_a_moment of qui-et I ev-erhavewith this in-triguing old mi - ses oh che ca-sa in con-fu - sio-ne! leave him How I wish forsomekind ad - vis-er! |“) ‘yeo-chiot-to der - ca . mo-glie,vtol ma~ Ev-ry greybeardneeds must mar-ry, and the vin, Pp rizto Ia ‘ta - gazzaguello fre-me,questa? pazza, tut-tie due sonda “le - gar, maidenwill not. far-ryfill a husband is pro- vided;Boththe selfsamewayare mad, £. si, si, tut-tle dueson da Te - gar, si, si, tut-tie yes, __yes, boththe selfsamewayare mad, yes, yes, both the. _~——— yd : St. fae Son da le gar, tut-the selfsameway are mad, both the sont damm le - gar, tut-tie due sonda le-gar, tut-tfe T same_ way_— are__. mad, both the selfsamewayaremad, both the x due son da le - gar! Ma the cb - s&6 quo-sth- self-sameway are mad! What’ the eause of this con- che fa tht- de- fi - rar? ‘What's this love shatmakesthemmad? tee fo-she que-sta - iho-re, cause of this con - fusion? tat de - fi — rar? Eeligun ma-leu-ni-ver- Sale, u-na Smaniaympizci- love,thatmakes them mad? The com-plaint is u-ni - ver-sal,Tis a glamour, an ill - a co-re,.u-na smaniaunpiz-zi - co-re, un sol ~ le-fi-cdm'tor-men-to, Insion,tis a glamour, an il - Iw-sion;Tis a crav-ingwhatcanheal it? rimaanclio lo sen — - to, pove-r chiolo sen “self be-gin to feel_________ it, I my-self to feel. to, po-ve - ricnagncltio lo sen-to, nd sd co-me fi- ni - ra, it? Punylsel’ begin. to feel it? 1 am ev-tywhit as bad, tf co-me fi- ni - ra, né sd co-me fi - ni - ra. ev-ry whit as bad, (I am ev-'y whit as. bad! St Oh vee-chia - ia ma-le -det-ta! Sonda tut-ti di-sfrez-za-&, e vec- Ab,my youthfuldaysare o-verVain to sighnowfor a, I am stace, chiet ~ta di-spe-ra- ta, mi | re par, jte-ful, I am fright-ful;There’s no comfort to be had, 2 f vitn 0-81 Gfe-par, si, _mi_ con-vien ¢o-&i Gre-par, mi con- comfortto be_had, no, there’sno_.comfortto be_ had, there's no eré- par, mi con-vien to___ be_____ had, there's no com Piji_mosso, si— ce par, & vec-chiet-ta di-spe - ra - ta, mi _con-vienco-si cre - par, to___ be__ had, I am spiteful, 1 am fright-fulthere’s no comfort to be had, 2 ft mi con - viencO- si ere- par, e vee-chietta di-spe-ra - ta, ini there's no com - fort__ to be had con- I am spiteful, 1 am fright ithere’s no —~ vien co-si ere- par, mi con - Vien C—- sl-— scree pas comfort to be had, there's no__ com - fort__ to be. con-vien co - si cre - par, mi__con - vien o0- there’s no com - fort to be had, theres no__ com - fort si drepar, co - si cre - par, co - si cre - to be had, no,” there’s no com- fort to be PS mi con - vien co - siz ore - par! theres no com-fort___ to be____ had! fo “Dunque voi Don Alonso non conoscete affatto?, Recitative. Room with barred windows,as in the first Act. Bartolo (ushering in Basilio.) Basilio, partoto. Dunque voi Don A - lon-so non co-no-sce-téaf-fat-to? Af-fat- to. Do youmeanthen to tell me you do not know lon-so? I dontsir. Then,

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