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Unit 5: Fiction or Reality Level: 2nd year

Sequence: Discovering language Teacher: BENISSAD


Lesson: Conditional Type Three

Time: 1 hour

Objectives: By the end of the lesson learners will be able to form conditional sentences using
conditional type three
Competencies: Interacting, interpreting and producing
Frame work: P.P.P
Required materials /resources: white board / lesson plan /

Time Aim Procedure

10 1) to introduce
the language
Warm up
Mins form
The teacher asks learners to talk about things they regret in the
2)To develop past and write examples on the board.
imagination by
Eg: If I had done my homework, I would have got a better mark.
creating their
own sentences
The teacher then asks learners
3) To develop
students’ ability a- Which tense is used in the <<if>> clause?
to recognize
different tenses b- What is the tense in the result clause of the sentence

the learners will say:

a- past perfect
b- would + have + ppv

15 To remind
learners of the
The teacher reviews the previous lesson so that learners remember
Mins grammatical the grammatical form of conditional type two.
form they have
learned *The teacher says that today we are going to learn how to use

To understand conditional type three to talk about something impossible in the

The language past, regret or blame. On the board, the teacher illustrates how
conditional type three is structured.
***Conditional Type Three***


 It is used to express something impossible in the past, regret

or blame.

The teacher gives a task to the learners

Activity one: correct verbs between brackets

a- If the Europeans (not travel) …………………………….to America
to settle there, the Indians of that nation (live)
…………………….. free and successful.
b- If the Americans had not intervened during the world war ɪɪ,
20 To practice the
Hitler’s armies and his allies (dominate) ………………………..
use of
Mins conditional the planet.
type three c- If the Chinese (not build) ……………………………… the great wall
many centuries ago, the Mongolian tribes (destroy)
……………………………..their civilization.
d- If human beings (not develop)
To check the …………………………….agriculture thousands of years ago, they
learners (suffer) ……………………………terribly from famine.
Answer to activity one:
a- Had not travelled would have lived
b- Would have dominated
c- Had not built would have destroyed
d- Had not developed would have suffered

To develop
15 students’ Production
imagination by
mins Activity two: write a sentence with << if >> for each situation
creating their
own sentences
a- The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so
b- I was able to buy a car because my friend lent me the money.
c- I did not get a taxi because I did not have any money on me.
Answers to Activity One:
a- If the driver in front had not stopped so suddenly, the
accident would not have happened.
b- If my friend had not lent me the money, I could not have
bought a car.
c- If I had had some money on me, I would have got a taxi.

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