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100 Units of Transmission Line Towers

Estimated route Length based on ruling span of 400 meters

Ruling te Route
No. of Towers Span length (m)
100 400 39600

Item Tower Type Description Angle of Height Quantity

1 CA Suspension Tower 0⁰ to 2⁰ 50-60mtrs 70
(Tangential Positions)
2 CB Light Angle Deviation 0⁰ to 15⁰ 50-62.5mtrs 10
3 CC Medium Angle Deviation 15⁰ to 30⁰ 50-62.5mtrs 10
4 CD Heavy Angle Deviation 30⁰ to 70⁰ 62.5mtrs 10
and Dead end Tower
(Terminal Point)
5 CTT Position of Transposition 0⁰ to 2⁰ 50-60mtrs 0


 No Transposition will be done because the line runs a short distance.

 The line will make 8 heavy angle direction change
 70% of the line will move in a straight line between angle deviations (tangential Positions)
 The bid can consider the highest height for each type of tower since the route and drawing
was not shared

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