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for inputs suitable for use in Organic Farming according to (EC) n°

834/2007 & 889/2008 Regulations
Attestation reference: 153415IT1700n1e -
Number of products: 13

This attestation is issued to the operator below:

Via A.Stradivari 4 – 20131 MILANO
Ecocert SA confirms after inspection that the following products:


BOUNDARY FE Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
SHORE Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
LYSO AMMIN Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
FURIA Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
FIRST SUN* Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
CUPRUM MZ Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
ALIKA Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
TRENCH ONE SW Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
BIONIC CK Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
FENCE N Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
BOUNDARY SW Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
RED BLOC SW Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed
BLOCKS Fertilizer EU 889/2008 allowed

are suitable for use in Organic Farming according to

(EC) n° 834/2007 & 889/2008 Regulations

*Only for foliar treatment of apple trees

Inputs Service Manager

Arnaud FABRE
Issue date, in L'Isle Jourdain: 10/04/2017
Expiry date: 30/06/2018

This document belongs to Ecocert. It has to be returned on request.

Only the original is valid, until the expiry date of the attestation or the termination of the attestation

Ecocert SA – Capital 442 400€ – Lieudit Lamothe Ouest – 32600 L’Isle Jourdain – France
Tél. +33 (0)5 62 07 34 24 – Fax : +33 (0)5 62 07 11 67 –
TVA Intracommunautaire n° FR 18380 725 002 00014
CREDIT MUTUEL 2200 17639640 41 – SIREN 380 725 002 RCS AUCH – APE 7120B

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