Audio Tape Test # Two Index Page: 30-January-05

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Page 1. Index

Page 2. Narrative

Page 3-4 Conversation

Page 5. Listening Test, Question paper A

Page 6. Listening Test, Question Paper B

Page 7. Listening Test, Question Paper C

Page 8. Listening Test, Answer paper A

Page 9. Listening Test, Answer Paper B

Page 10. Listening Test, Answer Paper C

Page 11 Report Writing, Key Facts

AUDIO TAPE TEST #TWO. “Police medal”

You will hear an audio script concerning a mission-related topic. This script will be
followed by a conversation between two persons. This conversation will relate to the
script, you will hear the tape only once. You will make notes of the script and of the
conversation. From these notes you will be instructed either to answer 10 (ten) questions
or complete a written report of the incident. Good Luck.

On 14 January 2005, a journalist from the Police magazine called “To Serve and protect” went
to see the magazine Director and proposed writing an article about the history of police medals
awarded to citizens for their assistance to the Police. The presumed name of the article was
“Police Medal”.
On 16 January 2005, the journalist went to the Police museum located at Main street number74
to conduct research for the article. While in the museum, he was pleased to see pictures, letters
of appreciation, and medals given to young citizens, for their assistance to the Police during
investigation of crimes.
In the records section of the museum, the journalist read that on May 7, 1947 the Chief of
Police reported the kidnapping of an 8 year old girl, when she was walking home from school.
He said that this crime might have gone unresolved if there had been no cooperation between
the citizens and the police. Two youths, 11 and 15 years old, witnessed the girl being abducted
and took down the registration plate number, PK 5386, of the vehicle used to commit the
crime. This led to the immediate arrest of the criminals. The girl was freed and returned to her
The common practice of the 20th century was to send letters of thanks to the citizens, but the
Police Commission decided thate wanted something special to recognize young people who
helped the Police department. It was decided that a "Board of Police Commission Medal"
should be formed to plan for the presentation in such cases. Medal designers were instructed to
enquire as to the design and costs.
The following resolution was presented and passed unanimously.
The medal was to be made of bronze with the words "Police Commission Award" on the front
side of the medal and the reverse side was to specify the name of the recipient as well as the
date of the service rendered and the words "For praiseworthy service in law enforcement". The
estimated cost of production of this medal was 250 dollars.
The medal presentation was always made in the office of the Mayor, who also served as
Chairman of the Police Commission. The first ceremony took place on 26th of November,
1947. The medals were awarded to two boys 11 and 15 years old, who reported the abduction
of a girl along with vital clues that led to the immediate arrest of the suspects.
The next award was presented in 1948 on April 15th to a 17 year old male, who had witnessed
an armed robbery attempt at a jewelry shop. The young male began following the gunman. He
saw two Police officers and informed them of the circumstances and they were able to arrest
the gunman without incident.
Before publishing the article, the director of the Police magazine asked the journalist to come
to his office to brief him about the article.
The following conversation is the dialogue between the director of the Police magazine and the


Director: Thank you for coming to my office. “To Serve and Protect” magazine welcomes
young talents. I need to ask you some questions about your article. Have you
already decided what name to give to it?
Journalist: I wish to call it “Police medal”.

Director: How did you manage to collect historical material?

Journalist: I went to the Police museum and conducted a research for the article.

Director: What is the location of the Police museum?

Journalist: The Police museum is located at Main street number 74

Director: When did you go to the Police museum?

Journalist: I went to the Police museum on 16th January 2005.

Director: What was your impression after visiting the museum?

Journalist: I was pleased to see pictures, letters of appreciation, and medals given to young
citizens, for their assistance to Police investigations.

Director: When was the first medal awarded?

Journalist: The first medal was awarded on 26th of November, 1947

Director: To whom was the first medal awarded?

Journalist: Actually the were two medals which were presented to two boys 11 and 15 years

Director: Ah, really. These two boys must have done something extraordinary in order to be
awarded Police medals
Journalist: On 07th of May 1947 the Chief of Police reported the kidnapping of an 8 year old
girl. Two youths, witnessed the girl being abducted.

Director: How did it happen?

Journalist: They saw the girl walking home from school and had witnessed this girl being
abducted. The boys got the vehicle’s license number PK 5386. Then they reported
it to the Police.

Director: Did the police manage to arrest the criminals?

Journalist: Yes, they did. The girl was freed and returned to her parents.

Director: Did you see how the first medal looked like?
Journalist: The medal was made of bronze with the words "Police Commission Award" on the
front side of the medal ; the reverse side specified the name of the recipient

as well as the date of the service rendered and the words "For praiseworthy
service in law enforcement".

Director: What was the estimated cost of production of this medal?

Journalist: The estimated cost was 250 dollars.

Director: Who decided to establish this medal award and who did the presentation?
Journalist: The “Board of Police Commission Medal" was established and the presentation of
the medals was made in the office of the Mayor who also served as a Chairman of
the Police Commission.

Director: Now, please tell me something about the second award ceremony.
Journalist: The second award was made on 15th of April 1948.

Director: Who was awarded this time?

Journalist: It was a 17 year old young male, who had witnessed an armed robbery attempt at
a jewelry shop.

Director: How did he help the Police?.

Journalist: He began following the gunman. Then he saw two Police officers and
informed them of the circumstances. This helped the Police to arrest the gunman
without incident.

Director: Your article will definitely assist in encouraging heroic feats such as this, and
prompting the youth to assist the Police with information as much as they can.
Journalist: Thanks for the recognition of my work.

Director: Good bye.

Journalist: Good bye.


Family Name:……………………………. First Name………………………….. CP#……………..

Country………………………….. Date…………………………….

Q1. What was the name of the Police magazine?

Q2. Where is the location of the Police museum?

Q3. What was reported by the Chief of Police on 07-th of May 1947?

Q4. What was the license number of the car on which the abducted girl was driven away?

Q5. What was written on the front side of the Police medal?

Q6. How much did it cost to produce the first medal?

Q7. When and where did the first Police medal award ceremony take place?

Q8. Who was the Chairman of the Police Commission?

Q9. When was the second medal award made?

Q10. What did the 17 year old man witness?


Score. /10 Percentage 100% Tester

Tester CP


Family Name:……………………………. First Name………………………….. CP#……………..

Country………………………….. Date…………………………….

Q1. What was written on the front side of the Police medal?

Q2. What was the license number of the car on which the abducted girl was driven away?

Q3. What did the 17 year old man witness?

Q4. Where is the location of the Police museum?

Q5. What was the name of the Police magazine?

Q6. Who was the Chairman of the Police Commission?

Q7. When was the second medal award made?

Q8. How much did it cost to produce the first medal?

Q9. When and where did the first Police medal award ceremony take place?

Q10. What was reported by the Chief of Police on 07-th of May 1947?


Score. /10 Percentage 100% Tester

Tester CP


Family Name:……………………………. First Name………………………….. CP#……………..

Country………………………….. Date…………………………….

Q1. When and where did the first Police medal award ceremony take place?

Q2. What did the 17 year old man witness?

Q3. When was the second medal award made?

Q4. Who was the Chairman of the Police Commission?

Q5. How much did it cost to produce the first medal?

Q6. What was written on the front side of the Police medal?

Q7. What was the name of the Police magazine?

Q8. What was the license number of the car on which the abducted girl was driven away?

Q9. What was reported by the Chief of Police on 07-th of May 1947?

Q10. Where is the location of the Police museum?


Score. /10 Percentage 100% Tester

Tester CP


Q1. What was the name of the Police magazine?

“To serve and protect”
Q2. Where is the location of the Police museum?
Main street-74
Q3. What was reported by the Chief of Police on 07-th of May 1947?
A kidnapping of an 8 year old girl
Q4. What was the license number of the car on which the abducted girl was driven away?
PK 5386
Q5. What was written on the front side of the Police medal?
"Police Commission Award"
Q6. How much did it cost to produce the first medal?
250 $
Q7. When and where did the first Police medal award ceremony take place?
In the office of the Mayor on 26th of November, 1947.
Q8. Who was the Chairman of the Police Commission?
Q9. When was the second medal award made?
1948 on April 15th
Q10. What did the 17 year old man witness?
An armed robbery attempt at a jewelry shop


Q1. What was written on the front side of the Police medal?
"Police Commission Award".
Q2. What was the license number of the car on which the abducted girl was driven away?
PK 5386.
Q3. What did the 17 year old man witness?
An armed robbery attempt at a jewelry shop.
Q4. Where is the location of the Police museum?
Main street-74.
Q5. What was the name of the Police magazine?
“To serve and protect”.
Q6. Who was the Chairman of the Police Commission?
Q7. When was the second medal award made?
1948 on April 15th.
Q8. How much did it cost to produce the first medal?
250 $.
Q9. When and where did the first Police medal award ceremony take place?
In the office of the Mayor on 26th of November, 1947.
Q10. What was reported by the Chief of Police on 07-th of May 1947?
A kidnapping of an 8 year old girl.


Q1. When and where did the first Police medal award ceremony take place?
In the office of the Mayor on 26th of November, 1947.
Q2. What did the 17 year old man witness?
An armed robbery attempt at a jewelry shop.
Q3. When was the second medal award made?
1948 on April 15th.
Q4. Who was the Chairman of the Police Commission?
Q5. How much did it cost to produce the first medal?
250 $.
Q6. What was written on the front side of the Police medal?
"Police Commission Award".
Q7. What was the name of the Police magazine?
“To serve and protect”.
Q8. What was the license number of the car on which the abducted girl was driven away?
PK 5386.
Q9. What was reported by the Chief of Police on 07-th of May 1947?
A kidnapping of an 8 year old girl.
Q10. Where is the location of the Police museum?
Main street-74.


1. On 14 January 2005.
2. Police magazine “To Serve and Protect”.
3. Article about the history of police medals.
4. Presumed name of the article “Police Medal”
5. On 16 January 2005 Police museum located at Main street number74
6. On May 7, 1947 the Chief of Police reported a kidnapping of an 8 year old girl.
7. Two youths, 11 and 15 years old.
8. PK 5386
9. "Board of Police Commission Medal"
10. Medal designers were instructed to enquire as to design and costs.
11. The medal was made of bronze
12. "Police Commission Award" on the front side of the medal
13. Reverse side name of the recipient, date of the service rendered
14. "For praiseworthy service in law enforcement".
15. 250 $.
16. The medal presentation was always made in the office of the Mayor
17. Chairman of the Police Commission.
18. The first ceremony took place on 26th of November, 1947.
19. The next award was presented in 1948 on April 15th to
20. 17 year old young man witnessed an armed robbery attempt at a jewelry shop.

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