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Life Church Prayer Meeting

Please pray for these staff members by name:

Pastor Kevin & Maria Kringel - Pastor Bev Tucker-

Lead Pastor Deliverance Ministry
Pastor Scott & Char Gipson- Pastor Evelyn Gipson-
Life Church Rockford Campus Pastor Healing School Ministry
Pastor Brian & Crystal Gorski Pastor Ron & Melissa Hargrove-
Life Church Geneseo Pastor Marriage/Family Pastor
Pastor Bob & Michelle Illes- Norma Borrero-
Children’s Pastor Prophetic Ministry
Pastor Becky Cross Sarah Kelly
Children’s Pastor Worship Leader
Pastor Sheryl Militello- Pastor David & Lydia Aguilar
Nursery & Toddler Pastor Spanish Pastor
Pastor Ben & Ginger Carter-
Junior High & High School Pastor

National/International Prayer Requests

Israel– As we are commanded in Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”
Our Nation & President Obama
Economic System
Our sister church in Zimbabwe

Our Missionaries and their families:

- David and Tamra Bienemann: New York & Chicago - Joyce Kitano: Japan
- Gary & Bettina Wornica: Mexico - Bill & Kim Snider: Philippines
- Tim Southerland: Holland - Steve & Natalie Overturf: East Africa
- Jake & Sarah Zaske: New York - Corey Erman: Turkey
- Michael & Beryl McNamee: Northern Europe - Rich & Michelle Franzen: South Africa
- Todd Powers—Powers Ministries International - Mark & Tracy Seger: Portlamd, OR
- Kamran Karimi: Global Exploits Ministries - Leonard & Diane Stitt: North Africa
- Steve & Lynette Deal: South Carolina - Debbie Halling: South West China
- Mark & Linda Hausfeld: Central Eurasia - Mike & Cindy Williams: China
- Jay Covert: East St. Louis, MO - Susan Clift: Southern Asia
- Jim Hawks, Sr.: Ghana, Africa

Life Church Prayer Requests

Abundant Living 623 Junior High & High School Ministry
Healing School Tot Town and Xtreme Kid Academy Ministry
Prophetic Ministry Royal Rangers
Women’s Ministry Cubbies & Awana
Men’s Ministry
Praise Reports
• Individual- Continual healing of eyes and ears
• Ken– He has been able to cut his diabetic medications in half after attending Healing School
• Becca– Successful brain exploration surgery showing brain has stabilized
• Individual– A man was saved at a restaurant
• Baby Kendall– Sent home from the hospital and is doing better
• Individual– A friend’s son is back in church and is overcoming his addictions
• Karli– Her foot which was broken is healing much faster than expected
• Michelle– Received an unexpected raise at work
• Karla– Her friend Karen who has been in cancer treatment since August 18 is coming home, and she
has restored energy and is believing for her complete healing
• John– He has been promoted at his job and his income will now be higher than at any time in his career
• Bob– God sent someone to help tutor him in his college classes
• Renee– Her daughter accepted the Lord on January 25th
• Mirian– She shared the script with her sister and she received the Lord as her Savior

Financial Prayer Requests

• Individual– Pray for contracts to be signed
• Kathy– Needs a better, safer, and affordable place to live, career change, pay increase, and dirction
for her life
• Individual– For a house to sell
• Individual– Believing for a new vehicle, new jobs and promotions for family members, financial
breakthrough and supernatural debt cancellation
• Katie– Supernatural favor for sub teaching jobs, childcare, and other part time jobs during the next 4
weeks at college
• Keith & Melissa– For the Lord to lead them to the jobs He has for them
• Chuck & Theresa– Pray that their daughter will find a part time job and peace in her college studies
• Individual– God’s intervention in a housing situation
• Diana & Lafe– Continued hope and provision, and they both need great jobs
• Mary– Finances
• Gretchen– To find the right job nearby
• Rich & Mary– Miracle in their finances
• Meg– Believing for a new car and an increase in her finances
• Individual– Financial breakthrough
• Dwayne– God’s wisdom regarding a job change
• Kati– Job decision
• Chuck– God’s help in location decision
• Sherrie– Wisdom concerning starting a new business
• Individual– Work situation and job opportunity
• Marilyn– She needs a job
• Gene– Needs a photography job
• Joel– A closer job with better benefits
• Brant– Financial/ministry breakthrough
Healing/Deliverance Prayer Requests
• Amy– Healing from cancer and freedom from side effects of chemo
• Jen– 3 months pregnant; healing for any signs of Downs Syndrome for the baby
• Greg– Healing in his toes
• Aaliejah– 2 1/2 yrs. old; deliverance from effects of visiting her parents who are drug addicts
• Beth– Healing from inoperable stage 3 lung cancer an for her family
• Kevin– Healing from severe brain injuries sustained in a mugging incident, and for his family
• Jean– Healing of cancer in her blood and restoration
• Karen– Healing of cancer
• Julie- 22 years old; healing from a stroke
• Jim– Healing for health issues
• Chris– Healing from breast cancer; she is 4 months pregnant
• Ellen– Complete healing for her lips, mouth, and nose from a grease splatter accident
• Tammy– Healing and recovery following breast cancer surgery and a closer walk with the Lord
• Mike– Healing from cancer, deliverance, and salvation
• Marie– Restoration of her eyesight and strength
• Meg– Healing for high blood pressure
• Dolly– Continued healing
• Arthur– Continued healing and speedy recovery following knee surgery
• John- Continued healing from spinal stenosis and lymphoma
• Christen– Healing from cancer
• Beth– A healthy full-term pregnancy and baby, and safe delivery
• Ryan– 12 years old; complete healing and total restoration for his wrist and growth plate
• Caleb– Continued health and normal growth; that chemo will not hinder any healthy cells
• Bob– Complete healing from ITP
• Jeanine– Manifestation of total body healing and freedom from pain
• Gary & John– Deliverance from alcohol
• Joshua– Deliverance from a spirit of rebellion
• Peggy, Sarah, Patty, Gary, Carol, & Glen– Healing and restoration from cancer
• Amy- Deliverance for a sleep disorder and cigarette addiction
• Cindy– Deliverance from depression
• Curt & Angie– Healing and restoration and salvation
• Darcey– Healing from MS, and deliverance from hurt and bitterness for her and her family
• Dave & Cori– Pray for them to conceive happy and healthy children
• Patty– Miracle healing from lymphoma
• Father, mother, & son- Deliverance and emotional and mental stability
• Tammy– Healing from COPD
• Terry– Deliverance from alcohol and a renewed relationship with the Lord
• Ethel– Stable pregnancy and relationship with the Lord
• Theresa– Healing for complications from a brain aneurism
• Darren– Healing from serious injuries sustained in a snowmobile accident
• Tessie– Healing following surgery to remove her thyroid gland
• David, Mark, & Greg– Deliverance out of homosexuality and salvation
• Gil– Healing from lung cancer
• Kendall– Baby girl; healing for tumors in her abdomen
• Autumn– Healing
• Russ– Healing, deliverance and restoration
• John– Healing from pain
• Jared & Jordan– Healing, deliverance, and salvation
• Justin– Healing from fatigue and for God’s will in his life
• Val– Healing for a torn rotator cuff
Family Prayer Requests
• Steve & Louie– Salvation
• Pete– Safety in travels
• Individual– Restoration of a troubled marriage
• Ken– A closer walk with the Lord
• Ashley– Breakthrough
• Andrea– Wisdom
• Josh– To return to his family and the Lord
• Jordan– Perseverance to get through college
• Bob–Pray for favor for himself and other Rockford teachers, for wisdom for the Rockford school board
in making decisions, and for peaceful resolutions
• Karin– That she would trust God completely and seek His wisdom
• Individual– Peace, joy, and direction for her life
• Jasmine– Pray that her sister is safe
• Shannon– Peace and comfort following her son’s suicide
• Tom, Joe, Kathryn, Kathleen, Steve, Alicia, & Kim– Salvation
• Kristen– That she would meet the godly man God has prepared for her
• Zach, Melissa, Carl, Beth, Jeff, Walter, & Cecil– Salvation
• Rudy & Kim– Salvation, marriage, and finances
• Mark, Kim, Cruz, Ashley, Clarissa, Marcos, Alex, Isabela, Melissa, Ruben, Arturo, Humberto, Jorge,
Lupe, Orlando, Raul, Bill, Elvi, Jose, Irma, Juan, Raul, Karen, Anthony, Danny, Neto, Esmeralda,
Ernesto, Lori, Patty, Adrian, Elisabeth, Tammy, Cristobal, Griselda, Marisol, Perlita, Rey, Sandra,
Jesenia, Tifany, & Oralia- Salvation, deliverance, healing, finances, and God’s favor
• A family– Supernatural protection spiritually, physically, emotionally, relationally, financially, and for
marriages, possessions, and jobs
• Family– Restoration of marriages, peaceful, restful sleep, wisdom in making plans and decisions, and
protection for travel
• Randy– Restoration and salvation
• Cara, Daryl, Mary, Steven, Beverly, & Courtney– Salvation
• Stacy & Becky- Salvation
• Mike, Shane, Ruth & Ron– Salvation
• Sarah & Jack– Pray that the hearing for contested paternity rights for their adopted son will be placed
in juvenile instead of custody court, and favor in a final decision
• Daughter and son-in-law– Miracle restoration of their marriage
• Circle of Love– Pray for upcoming missions trip February 3-14, for salvations, safety for those traveling
from Laos, and for Mike and his family stationed in Tunisia during the present political unrest
• Laurie– God’s peace
• Doug– Emotional restoration from hurt and loss
• Lance– Clear direction from the Lord in making decisions
• Jill– To know God’s presence and peace
• Kyle & Kelsey– Help, guidance, protection and wisdom at college
• Mary– Continued restoration for her family and pray that her husband will come back to church
• Candi– Wisdom
• Liz– Knowledge and God’s help with her college studies, homework, and tests
• Landon and T– Salvation
• Carol– Pray for her niece’s salvation and deliverance from drugs
• Lisa & family– Peace, comfort, and strength following the loss of her mother Corinne
• Tina– Favor with a court situation and with her job
• Chris– Salvation for her sons and granddaughter
• Renee– Pray that God will answer her requsts
Healing/Deliverance Prayer Requests, continued
• Toni– Healing for a pulled muscle in her back and shoulder
• Trevor– Healing for a spot on his lung
• Connie– Healing from a cold
• Betty– Healing from Alzheimer’s and peace
• Gil– Healing from lung cancer and freedom from pain
• Teresa– Healing from breathing problems
• A grandma– Healing
• Dorothy– Healing

Military Prayer Requests

• Greg– Pray for him while he is serving in the National Guard in Iraq
• Eddie- Pray for him while he is serving in Iraq
• Paul– Pray for him while he is serving in Baghdad
• Individual– Pray for protection while he is serving in the Marines
• Individuals– Pray for their protection while they are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan
• Individual– Serving in Iraq; pray for protection and wisdom
• Phil– Pray for him while he is serving in Iraq
• Individual– Pray for him while he is serving in the navy
• Damarrkus & Koby– Pray for them while they are serving in the Marines and the Air Force
• Jeremy– Pray for him while he is serving in Iraq
• David– Pray for him while he is serving in Iraq, and for peace for his mother and family
• Michael & Josh– Pray for protection and safety for them while they are serving in the military
• Veronica– Pray for her while she is serving in the Army
• Frank– Pray for guidance and that he learns to trust in God while he is serving in the Army
• Anna Lyn– God’s provision and safety while she is serving in the Navy
• A son-in-law– Pray for safety as he serves in Afghanistan
• Joshua– Pray for him and his family while he is serving in Iraq
• Kallie– Pray for protection and health for her while she is serving in the Marine Corp
• Individual– Safety and protection while he is serving in Iraq
• James– Pray for him while he is serving in the Marines
• Chris– Pray for him while he is serving in Afghanistan
• Stephan– Pray for him while he is serving in the Army
• Jeff– Pray for him while he is serving in Iraq
• Jason– Pray for him while he is serving in Afghanistan
• William– Safety while he is serving in the Middle East and salvation
• Jason– Pray for him while he is serving in Afghanistan
• Bradley– Pray for him while he is serving in the Army
• Trevor– Pray for protection for him while he is serving in Afghanistan
• David– Safety and protection while serving in Afghanistan
• Brett– Protection and guidance while serving in Afghanistan
• Ronald– Protection and Christian fellowship while he is serving in the military
• A son– Pray for him while he is serving in the Navy
• David– Safety while he is serving in Afghanistan
• Christopher– Safety and protection while he is serving in Afghanistan
• Tom– Protection and safety while serving in Afghanistan
• John– Protection and safety while serving in the Navy in Japan
• Glen– Safety and protection while he is serving in Afghanistan
• Chris– Pray for him as he is deployed to Afghanistan February 12
• Pray for all others serving in the military

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