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Jesse Johnson

Script for my short film.

June 25, 2020

Film description- A teen wakes up in the middle of the night in his house alone, despite living with
their family. He tries to find out where his family disappeared to but instead discovers something
much worse.

INT- Bedroom- Night

He wakes up in his room in a sweat with a dry throat and a headache.

He sits up in bed trying to make out things in his pitch-black room which is not helped by his newly
awoken mind

He groans as he stands up out of bed and stretches all his limbs relieving himself of all the stress in
his muscles.

He reaches for his glass of water but to his surprise it’s empty.

He puts on his dressing gown before he leaves his room and heads downstairs to refill his glass and
to get some tablets for his headache.

INT- Kitchen- Night

As he reaches the kitchen, he notices the door to his parents’ room is wide open and the bed is
empty with no sign of his parents at all.

Said in a whisper and raspy voice due to dry throat. -

Where the fuck

INT- Parents’ Bedroom- Night

He enters the room and looks around he even checks the back garden, but no one was in sight. He
comes back inside and locks the back door just in case and jogs upstairs to see if they were up there
and he did not notice.

As he goes up the stairs his breath grew heavier as he started to get worried.

INT- Upstairs Hallway- Night

As he turns around the last step, he finds that all his brother and sisters bedroom doors are wide

He tries to remember if they were before he went downstairs but could not remember.

His breathing is becoming a bit harder now due to the amount he is breathing and his dry throat.

Said with an almost shaky voice-


Long pause as he walks towards the closest bedroom door. -

Jesse Johnson



Are you in there?

INT- Sister’s Bedroom- Night

He enters his sisters’ bedroom to find neither of them are there either.

He runs to his other brothers’ room panting on the way.

INT- Brother’s Bedroom- Night

He said to himself as he entered his brothers’ room.

What the fuck is going on

His brother was not in his room either.

He begins to panic as he has no idea what is going on or where his family is.

INT- Bathroom- Night

He runs into the bathroom and closes the door behind him.

As he tries to turn the light on it just flickers before going off completely.

He paces around the bathroom talking to himself saying-

Maybe they were all in the back garden and I just didn’t see them. Or maybe they have just gone
somewhere (as he says somewhere, he realises he is just trying to calm himself down and in reality
he has no idea where they are and what happened to them so he starts sobbing)

He goes over to the sink and splashes some water over his face and hair to cool him down and to try

As he lifts his head back up from soaking himself in water, he sees a dark figure behind him staring
into the mirror back at him.

His heart stops and he stopped breathing.

He stares into where its eyes should be, however he cannot see due to the hair over the eyes, for a
minute or two however it felt like hours

He finally plucked up the courage to turn around. He slowly starts turning around and as he turns
fully around the figure is gone.

He runs from the bathroom across the hall to his room and slams the door shut as he cries and
breathes heavily.

INT- Bedroom- Night

He whispers to himself to not feel as alone-

What the fuck was that

He sits down as far away from the door as he can afraid of whatever it was that he just saw in the
Jesse Johnson

He reaches for his phone and quickly decides to try calling his sister.

The phone rings for about five seconds before he hears a ring tone coming from his sisters’ room.

Whispers because he is afraid whatever he saw will hear him. -


He tries calling his brother, but the same thing happened again

He then tries his stepdads’ number but that one cut off immediately for some reason

He whispers-

What the fuck is going on how is this even happening? It can’t be happening can it?

He then tries his mum’s phone number and he can hear it ring but only slightly due to his mums’
room being downstairs. No one answered.

He tried calling his mums phone one more time just in case maybe he just imagined it all and she is
actually just asleep downstairs.

This time though the ring tone sounded closer almost it was at the bottom of the stairs, but still no
one answered.

He whispered to himself unsure if his mind is playing tricks on him. -

Is that closer

He called again this time the ring tone was unarguably closer as it sounded halfway up the stairs
compared to last time.

He scrunches up in against the back of the wall he was against afraid that something or someone
was growing nearer.

Still sobbing and knowing he probably should not he decided to call his mums number one more
time just to make sure even though deep down he knew that the ring tone was getting closer.

After what seemed like eternity for the phone to start ringing the noise rung louder than ever right
outside his bedroom door and it rang all the way until the call stopped.

He sat as still as ever holding his hand over his mouth not breathing while staring directly at the

After about 1 minute or so of complete silence suddenly out of nowhere his phone started playing
his ringtone and he looked down to see who the caller was, and it was his mums’ number. He hangs
up straight away knowing that whoever or whatever is outside his door now knows he is in there.

He holds his breath with his hand over his mouth just to make sure.

The screen cuts to black and a knocking is heard at a door.

Jesse Johnson

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