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How to reduce poverty in Pakistan?


This is a secondary and primary research based assignment. This assignment consists the
basic knowledge of poverty and economy of Pakistan in the introduction. Few historical based
information is also provided in the literature view and materials used to shape this assignment
are mention in the research methodology.
The assignment provides all the basic causes of poverty in Pakistan which are literally
analytical. Causes of poverty are may be few but they totally play complete role to provide
overview of the current economic condition of Pakistan due to poverty. Impact of poverty on the
economic development of Pakistan is also described separately to clarify the doubts and to give a
depth to this assignment.
In the end a conclusion is provided after re-reading and analyzing the whole assignment
and some recommendations to bring improvement in the economic development of Pakistan are
also provided. Therefore, to assure that this assignment is completed through authentic
knowledge, references are given at the last page of this assignment and necessary citations are
given where required.

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How to reduce poverty in Pakistan?2

The aim of this research is to analyse how to reduce poverty in Pakistan?. The nature and trends
of the poverty in Pakistan are discussed in this report. The vast fluctuations in levels of poverty
in Pakistan had been difficult to understand over the last 4 decades(Awan, Waqas& Amir, 2012,
p.n.d). Poverty is a composite occurrence. Poverty is the unavailability of primary human
necessities like shelter and clean water because of their incapability to bear/meet their expenses.
Relative poverty is the state of having a small number of assets/funds than others within the
community or province. The term poverty is caused in Pakistan due to the difference in
consumption and income differences of people.The underprivileged describe scarceness as
separation from the circle, an absence of safety, low incomes, and a deficiency of employment
chances, poor nutrition, having numerous children, deprived learning opportunities and the
misapplication of assets. There has been analyzed a huge difference in poverty between the era
of 90’s and 2000’s.
Poverty is starvation. Poverty is nonexistence of accommodation. Poverty is being bizarre.
Poverty is not being capable to go to school and not knowing exactly how to read. Poverty is not
having an employment, is anxiety of forthcoming. Poverty is losing a child to disease got by
infected water. Poverty is incapacity, absence of illustration and independence. (world bank
2000) Poverty in any country causes backwardness in educational system, industrial revolution,
women rights, import and export etc(Saboor, 2004, p.n.d).

Literature Review
The historical researches on how to reduce poverty in Pakistan had proven the changes
and difficulties of poverty. According to the study of 1970’s to 1980’s era a large number of
economies were known to be managed by United States. It was narrated by MaqboolSial and
Asma Noreen in 2015 that the changes in poverty estimations are causing due to the urban-rural
division in Pakistan with reference to economic strategies(Cheema&Sial, 2010, p.n.d). This
problem is measuredly undertaken regarding poverty issue in modern measures. According to
Rizwan, Ajmal and Azkar in 2015, poverty is also caused due to the phenomenon migration from
rural or under developed areas to the highly developed which creates completed dimensions
within the society(Anwar, 2009, P.157). In 2016, Abrar and MohdRazani stated that poverty is
also caused due to non-access of education which causes shelter-less life, no money, no standard
of living and much more lack of rights through which the poverty rate of Pakistan increases day
by day(Cheema&Sial, 2010, p.n.d).

Research Methodology
This assignment is prepared through the critical and analytical research. The researches
taken for this assignment are both, primary and secondary as well. The materials from which a
pure non plagiarized research has been abstracted are magazines, internet resources, historical
books, past newspapers and articles are part of primary research of this assignment. On the
second hand, the secondary research which is conducted to make it an enhanced assignment
includes interviews of the top economists, graphical studies and statistical analysis.

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How to reduce poverty in Pakistan?3

In the results it is known that very rapid changes had been and are still being occurred in
the economy of Pakistan. The poverty is decreasing no doubt whereas economy is increasing and
decreasing vice versa. This research is from the era of 1970’s which means from the era of
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Zia ulhaq till present which is the era of Imran Khan.


Causes of Poverty
There is a vast range of areas through which a high level of poverty occurs in Pakistan.
Some of the main reasons are stated below:

The economy of any government highly depends on its government. If a government
becomes corrupted, no power on earth can save that country to tend into bad/worse poverty and
economic state. Corruption turns an economy of any country into a nightmare whereas it takes a
lot of time to recover or some countries fail to recover from it(Saboor, 2004, p.n.d).

Inflation is one of the major causes of illiteracy in Pakistan which eventually causes
poverty increment day by day. Due to the higher demands of schools and high schools, people
are unable to send their children for education and therefore they fail to study and conquer jobs.
And those who have jobs also often fail to meet the higher demands of the market due to the
inflated environment within the country(Cheema&Sial, 2010, p.n.d).


Even those with degrees and high education roam on the streets of different areas, cities and
countries in the search of job for years and years. The unemployment rate is not depended upon
the education only but also on the job opportunities offered within the country (Saboor, 2004,
p.n.d). Due to the high industrial revolution in Pakistan, machines have taken place of 80% of the
human labor which is the major cause of unemployment which discursively increases poverty in
Pakistan (Saboor, 2004, p.n.d).

Government’s Expenditures

It is estimated that a higher amount is spent on the living and security of government’s higher
grade employees than on the development and betterment of Pakistan. Due to the wrong use of
economy, Pakistan’s name in the list of countries with higher rates of poverty is leveling up
(Murtaza&Faridi, 2014, p.n.d). The expenditures on development are the basic right of a

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How to reduce poverty in Pakistan?4

country’s people so that they can get a chance to be educated and employed through which
poverty rate can eventually decrease easily (Murtaza&Faridi, 2014, p.n.d).

Inappropriate Policies

The policies which government make may lack some consideration regarding to the economy of
Pakistan. Some factors for which policies re made such as some of the business investing factors
and stock exchange factors etc. become the hurdle for people and increases poverty rate of the
country (Murtaza&Faridi, 2014, p.n.d).  Numerous of the strategies aggravate end user rates,
such as for foodstuff and energy, which irrationally upset the poor.

Impact of Poverty on Economy of Pakistan

Poverty is the major curse in a country which becomes threat for the future of a country as
poverty breeds poverty. If poverty is not treated within a country that country can never step
towards development (Sial, Noreen &Awan, 2015, p.686). Poverty means no money; no money
means no education, healthy eating and nutrition which eventually means that the growth of
children from poor families are at higher risk of unemployment and diseases (Sial, Noreen
&Awan, 2015, p.689). The opportunities to increase literacy rate, business rate, industrialization
etc become very low and therefore, the future of that country become impoverished (Sial, Noreen
&Awan, 2015, p.693).


After the study of above assignment, it is clear that the economy of Pakistan is continuously
fluctuation majorly cause of poverty. The main reasons through this assignment are known to be
‘Lack of education’ and ‘Unemployment’ then later on other factors such as inflation,
inappropriate policies of a government, corruption, foreign investments and much more; which
are the sub reasons of causing illiteracy and unemployment in Pakistan. Due to the stated
reasons, the poverty is being like a family to Pakistan and growing with it. It is also a hurdle
between Pakistan and its development.


After analyzing the above assignment’s key points, it is recommended that government has to
take few steps as economy of Pakistan is dependent on the government and poverty can be
diminished by government. By reducing inflation, providing free education and increasing
employment opportunities, government can easily help Pakistan to step towards sufficiency.
Government should also say no to corruption. Additionally, people should put more and more
efforts in educating their children. Men and women both should have a right to work and earn for
their family an education of their children. Those who are wealthy should take steps in providing
free education to people who cannot afford it. By implementing such steps in real, poverty can be
defeated and economy of Pakistan might become better than before.

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How to reduce poverty in Pakistan?5

I would like to suggest the following steps to the government to wage a war against poverty. A
massive effort for job creation and employment generation in order to reduce the high levels of
poverty must be launched. Infrastructure development would be an effective tool to curb the
rising ratio of poverty. Housing is another sector which needs to be promoted and encouraged
through a well-planned incentives package. Transportation sector should also be reactivated.
Better law and order situation would be helpful in the restoration of business activities and to
reduce rising poverty.

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How to reduce poverty in Pakistan?6


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