Grade 8: COVID-19

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Academic Year


Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board, Lahore

Message from the Honourable
Minister for School Education, Punjab
A�er a lag of months due to COVID-19, the schools are reopening and academic
ac�vi�es are resuming in a phased manner across Punjab. The school closure
caused reduc�on in students contact �me in the current academic year resul�ng
in learning loss for children. This extraordinary situa�on called for a custom
designed approach in order to ensure that the remaining academic �me is
u�lized in the most efficient manner.

I am pleased to announce that School Educa�on Department, Government of

Punjab has risen up to meet the challenge caused by the pandemic and
subsequent loss of valuable teaching and learning �me in schools. I appreciate
Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board (PCTB) and Quaide-e-Azam Academy for
Educa�on Development (QAED) for outlining essen�al components of the
curriculum that merited priori�zed a�en�on and, developing comprehensive
support package for the teachers. I would also like to acknowledge the assistance
by PESP-II for this ini�a�ve by SED.

I earnestly hope that this effort by the School Educa�on Department,

Government of the Punjab will significantly help mi�gate the learning loss caused
to our children as a result of the COVID -19 outbreak.
Message from the
Secretary for School Education Department, Punjab
COVID-19 has been a significant disrup�on for educa�onal ins�tu�ons, educators
and learners across public and private schools. The educa�onal ac�vi�es are
resuming and the learning loss due to shortened academic year is one of the
substan�ve challenges to be overcome.

In this regard, I would like to commend the efforts of Punjab Curriculum and
Textbook Board (PCTB) and Quaide-e-Azam Academy for Educa�on Development
(QAED) for their efforts to respond to this challenge. PCTB and QAED teams
worked �relessly to revisit the curriculum for iden�fying core learning objec�ves
for students for the remaining academic year; and outlining a roadmap to
mi�gate the loss of learning �me for the students. These are valuable
contribu�ons towards bringing the educa�on system back on track across

I would also like to thank PESP-II for extending necessary technical assistance in
making it happen. I sincerely hope that the efforts of PCTB and QAED will help
mi�gate the learning loss caused by school closures, and help streamline the
learning trajectory of all the children in public sector schools.
Message from the Managing Director
Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board, Lahore
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a serious disrup�on of educa�on ac�vi�es.
Being responsive to the challenge and to mi�gate the educa�onal loss PCTB has
developed a priori�zed list of academic topics for all grades up to secondary level.
To further support teachers in the effec�ve delivery of teaching and learning
ac�vi�es in the classroom, PCTB is pleased to provide the academic calendar for
the remaining period for English and Mathema�cs for Grades 1 – 8 and Science
for grades 4 - 8. It provides complete list of textual chapters, topics and page
numbers along with curricular references of student leaning outcomes. This is
further augmented by the provision of daily lesson plans and student

I on behalf of my team would like to thank the honurable Minister and Secretary
School Educa�on Department, Government of the Punjab for their guidance and
support. I would like to express my gra�tude to the Director General,
Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educa�on Development (QAED) for furnishing the
required support for this ini�a�ve. I must also appreciate PESP II technical
assistance team for their valuable support.

I sincerely hope that teachers will find this academic calendar useful and it will
help them plan be�er and deliver more systema�cally.
Instructions for Teachers

We are pleased to share the academic calendar with you which is part of a
comprehensive response to dealing with the learning loss of students caused due
to COVID 19. The primary focus, while devising the response, has not only been
on developing a calendar but also on developing lesson plans that address
Student Learning Outcomes and allow teachers to help students discover
concepts and provision of support materials in the form of worksheets. Both
these documents will be shared with you on a rolling basis.

To ensure that the plan is executed in the best possible manner and that both
teachers and learners get the most out of the plans, it is suggested that �me to
each of the following domains is allocated as per the percentage given below:
• Teaching 75%
• Assessment 15%
• Reinforcement 10%

We strongly urge you to follow the sequence given in the calendar and plan your
lessons well in order to ensure that you are able to make up for the lost �me of
Table of Contents

English ........................................................................... 07 - 16
Mathema�cs ............................................................. 17- 24
General Science .............................................................. 25- 30
Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Month: September Number of Periods: 08

Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook
Name Page No.
Unit #1 Pre-reading Use pre-reading strategies to 01
The Tolerance Predict the content of a text from topic /picture,
of the Rasool �tle/headings, key words and visuals, etc. by
using prior knowledge, asking, ques�ons and
contextual clues.
While-reading Apply cri�cal thinking to interact with text, and 01 - 03
use intensive reading strategies (while-reading):
Dis�nguish between what is clearly stated and
what is implied.
Deduce meaning of difficult words from
Comprehend/interpret text by applying cri�cal

Post-reading Use cri�cal thinking to respond to the text (post- 03

Apply world knowledge and own feelings /
opinion to the text read.
Explore causes and consequences of a problem
or an issue and propose various solu�ons.
Evaluate material read.
topic sentence Analyze features of an effec�ve topic sentence 1 - 3
such as
specific words
vivid verbs
Write a simple unified paragraph on a given
Write a clear topic sentence using specific
words, vivid verbs, modifiers, etc.
Vocabulary Use dic�onary to 2
Choose appropriate word defini�on.

Month: October Number of Periods: 27
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook
Name Page No
Unit #1 Grammar Classify, use, convert and make declara�ve 4-5

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

The Tolerance
of the Rasool (affirma�ve and nega�ve), interroga�ve,
exclamatory, and impera�ve sentences.
Analyze and understand common prefixes and
suffixes; use that knowledge to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar words.

Oral Use conven�ons and dynamics of group 4

communica�on discussion and interac�on to
skills present and explain one’s point of view clearly.
support or modify one’s opinions with reasons.
Unit # 02 Pre-reading Use pre-reading strategies to 6
A Dialogue Predict the content off a text from topic
/picture, �tle/headings, key words and visuals
etc. by using prior knowledge, asking, ques�ons
and contextual clues.
While-reading Apply cri�cal thinking to interact with text, and 7-8
use intensive reading strategies (while reading):
Dis�nguish between what is clearly stated and
what is implied.
Deduce meaning of difficult words from
Comprehend/interpret text by applying cri�cal
Post-reading Use cri�cal thinking to respond to the text (post- 9
Apply world knowledge and own feelings /
opinion to the text read.
Explore causes and consequences of a problem
or an issue and propose various solu�ons.
Evaluate material read.
Topic sentence Analyze features of an effec�ve topic sentence 7–8
such as
specific words
vivid verbs
Write a simple unified paragraph on a given
Write a clear topic sentence using specific
words, vivid verbs, modifiers, etc.
Vocabulary Use dic�onary to 8

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

o choose appropriate word defini�on.

Grammar Recognize, differen�ate and demonstrate use of 10 - 13

possessive forms of more animate and
inanimate nouns
Illustrate use of tenses learnt earlier
Classify and use different kinds of adverbs learnt
Demonstrate use of more common and proper,
collec�ve, countable and uncountable nouns.
Wri�ng Write formal le�ers to people in immediate and 7
extended social and academic environment for
various purposes:
o Follow conven�ons of formal le�er with
respect to layout, saluta�ons etc.
o Recognize and demonstrate use of
appropriate vocabulary, style and tone
in formal le�ers.
Write the address on the envelope clearly and
in proper format.
Oral Use various func�ons to 8
communica�on ask and respond to ques�ons of personal
skills interest and general everyday aspects.
Month: November Number of Periods: 25
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook
Name Page No
Unit # 09 Pre-reading Use pre-reading strategies to 55
Prayer Predict the content of a text from topic/picture,
�tle/headings etc. by using prior knowledge,
asking ques�ons and contextual clues.
While-reading Read a poem and give orally or in wri�ng: 56
o Main idea
o Summary (through gapped
Summary exercises
o Personal response
Iden�fy line and stanza.
Recognize literary techniques such as
personifica�on and allitera�on.

Recite poems with ac�ons.

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Analyze how a writer/ poet uses languages to

Appeal to the senses through use of figura�ve
language including similes and metaphors.
Post-reading Use cri�cal thinking to respond to the 57 - 59
text (post-reading):
Apply world knowledge and own opinion
to text read.
Relate what is read to their own feelings
and experiences.
Express understanding of story through role
Vocabulary Build and use appropriate vocabulary and 57
correct spelling for effec�ve communica�on:
Illustrate the use of dic�onary for
finding appropriate meaning and
correct spellings.
Grammar Illustrate use of preposi�ons of posi�on, �me, 56
movement and direc�on.
Wri�ng Write the central idea of a given poem in simple 58
Write a simple poem using a poem model.
Use summary skills to:
write summary/ précis of simple passages.
summarize poems.
Write a paragraph of free wri�ng for fluency,
crea�vity and pleasure.
Oral communica�on Use conven�ons and dynamics of group 58
skills discussion and interac�on to
take turns
relate what they have to say to what has been
said before.
take into account different view points
extend their ideas in the light of discussion.
give reasons for opinions and ac�ons.
Unit # 10 Pre-reading Use pre-reading strategies to predict the 60
Hazrat Umar content of a text from topic/picture,
(R.A) �tle/headings etc. by using prior knowledge,
asking ques�ons and contextual clues.

While-reading Apply cri�cal thinking to interact with text, and 61, 62

use intensive reading strategies

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

(while-reading) :
Scan to answer short ques�ons.
Make simple inferences using context of
the text and prior knowledge.
Dis�nguish between what is clearly
stated and what is implied.
Deduce meaning of difficult words from
Use context to infer missing words.
Read silently with comprehension
and extract main idea and suppor�ng detail.
Post-reading Use cri�cal thinking to respond to the text (post- 62 - 63
Apply world knowledge and own feelings
/ opinion to the text read.
Explore causes and consequences of a
problem or an issue and propose various
Evaluate material read.
Vocabulary Use dic�onary to 61,62
locate guide words.
locate entry word.
choose appropriate word defini�on.
Wri�ng Analyze wri�en text to use in their own wri�ng, fe 61,62
descrip�ve composi�on about people, objects and
Personality traits e.g. habits, a�tudes, values etc.

Oral communica�on Use conven�ons and dynamics of group 64

Skills discussion and interac�on to
use polite forms to nego�ate and reach

Grammar Demonstrate use of more common and proper, 63

collec�ve, and countable and uncountable
Apply rules of a, an, and the wherever
applicable in speech and wri�ng
Month: December Number of Periods: 26
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook
Name Page No

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Unit # 11 Pre-reading Use pre-reading strategies to predict the 65

A Great Virtue content of a text from topic/picture,
�tle/headings etc. by using prior knowledge,
asking ques�ons and contextual clues.

Make predic�ons about story line/ content,

characters, using contextual clues and prior

While-reading Analyze story elements: characters, events, 65 - 67

se�ng, plot, theme, tone.

Read a story to
o retell it sequen�ally.
o summarize.

Recognize the author’s purpose.

Iden�fy the speaker or narrator in a selec�on.

Read a text to analyze characters, their mo�ves,

ac�ons and emo�onal responses.
Post-reading Present a character sketch orally and in wri�ng. 68 69

Give a personal response about the characters

giving reasons to support the response.

Recognize genres of literature e.g. fic�on,

poetry, legend, myth.
Wri�ng Write a narra�ve in the first or third person 67, 69
which describes events / incidents:
use sequen�al order.
use specific adjec�ves and adverbs.
use appropriate tense.
use appropriate transi�onal devices
include quota�ons (actual words spoken) and
thoughts and emo�ons of the par�cipants in the
Write and revise short formal dialogues.
Vocabulary Choose appropriate synonyms and antonyms 66,67
from thesaurus.
Grammar Iden�fy and use adjec�ve phrases 66

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Illustrate use of preposi�on of posi�on, �me, 67

movement and direc�on
oral communica�on -
Unite # 12 Pre-reading Use pre-reading strategies to 70
Water is a predict the content of a text from topic/picture,
lovely thing �tle/headings etc. by using prior knowledge,
asking ques�ons and contextual clues.
While-reading Read a poem and give orally or in wri�ng: 71
Main idea
Summary (through gapped
summary exercises
Personal response
Iden�fy line and stanza.
Recognize literary techniques such as
personifica�on and allitera�on.

Recite poems with ac�ons.

Analyze how a writer/ poet uses languages to
Appeal to the senses through use of figura�ve
language including similes and metaphors.
Post-reading Use cri�cal thinking to respond to the text (post- 71
o Apply world knowledge and own opinion
to text read.
o Relate what is read to their own feelings
and experiences.
o Express understanding of story through
role play.

Apply strategies to comprehend ques�ons by

marking key words, verbs and tenses in a variety
of ques�on types:
Personal response
Vocabulary Build and use appropriate vocabulary and 71
correct spelling for effec�ve communica�on:
Illustrate the use of dic�onary for finding
appropriate meaning and correct spellings
Recognize syllable division of words in aural and
wri�en text.
Demarcate words into syllables with the help of
a dic�onary.

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Month: January Number of Periods: 26
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLO Textbook
Name Page No
Unite # 12 Grammar Differen�ate between, and demonstrate use of 72 - 73
Water is a material and abstract nouns.
lovely thing Analyze how a writer/ poet uses language to
appeal to the senses through use of figura�ve
language including similes and metaphors.

Wri�ng Analyze how a writer/ poet uses language to

appeal to the senses through use of figura�ve
language including similes and metaphors.

Unit #13 Pre-reading Use pre-reading strategies to 75

The Telephone predict the content off a text from topic /picture,
�tle/headings, key words and visuals etc. by using
prior knowledge, asking, ques�ons and contextual
While-reading Apply cri�cal thinking to interact with text, and use 75
intensive reading strategies (while reading):
Dis�nguish between what is clearly stated and what
is implied.
Deduce meaning of difficult words from context.
Comprehend/interpret text by applying cri�cal
Post-reading Use cri�cal thinking to respond to the text (post- 76
Apply world knowledge and own feelings / opinion
to the text read.
Explore causes and consequences of a problem or an
issue and propose various solu�ons.
Evaluate material read.
Topic sentence Analyze features of an effec�ve topic sentence such 75
specific words
vivid verbs
Write a simple unified paragraph on a given topic:
Write a clear topic sentence using specific words,
vivid verbs, modifiers, etc.
Grammar Demonstrate use of pronouns as subject and object. 75,76
Recognize func�on of, and use possessive, reflexive
and empha�c pronouns.
Demonstrate extended use of ques�on words.

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

iden�fy, and demonstrate func�on and use of

rela�ve pronouns which, who and that.
Use more indefinite pronouns.
Demonstrate use of pronoun-antecedent
agreement recognizing their rela�onship.

Vocabulary Recognize syllable division of words in aural and 75

wri�en text

Wri�ng Analyze wri�en texts to use in their own wri�ng,

features of a simple expository composi�on showing
cause and effect of an event or an ac�on:
o Logical order of events or ac�on.
Appropriate connec�ves of cause and effect.
Month: February Number of Periods: 15
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLO Textbook
Name Page No
Unit 14 Pre-reading Use pre-reading strategies to 81
Let’s Make Predict the content off a text from topic /picture,
Our Roads �tle/headings, key words and visuals etc. by using
Safer prior knowledge, asking, ques�ons and contextual
While-reading Apply cri�cal thinking to interact with text, and use 81
intensive reading strategies (while reading):
Dis�nguish between what is clearly stated and what
is implied.
Deduce meaning of difficult words from context.
Comprehend/interpret text by applying cri�cal
Post-reading Use cri�cal thinking to respond to the text (post- 81, 82
Apply world knowledge and own feelings / opinion
to the text read.
Explore causes and consequences of a problem or an
issue and propose various solu�ons.
Evaluate material read.

Vocabulary Use dic�onary to 81

o iden�fy part of speech of a word through
abbrevia�on used.
Build and use appropriate vocabulary and
correct spelling for effec�ve communica�on:
o Illustrate the use of dic�onary for finding

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

appropriate meaning and correct

Use a simple thesaurus to locate synonyms
and antonyms.
Wri�ng Write and revise short formal dialogues. 84
Write a simple unified paragraph on a given
Write a clear topic sentence using specific
words, vivid verbs, modifiers, etc.

Oral communica�on Use various func�ons to

skills o ask and respond to ques�ons of personal
interest and general every day aspects.
o ask and express opinions, emo�ons,
wishes needs and requirements by giving
o express dissa�sfac�on, disapproval, and
disagreement politely.
o agree/ disagree par�ally
o make plans.
express personal needs.

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Month: September Number of Periods:8

Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Unit 1: Sets Find a subset of a set. 4
Opera�ons on Define proper ( ) subsets of a Exercise:1.1, Q:1-2(i,ii),
Sets set. Q:3(i)
Find power set P(A) of a set A.
Opera�ons on Sets Verify commuta�ve and associa�ve 8
laws with respect to union and Exercise: 1.2, Q:1(i),
intersec�on. Q:2(ii)
Opera�ons on Sets Verify the distribu�ve laws. 8
Exercise: 1.2, Q:4
Unit 2: Irra�onal numbers Define an irra�onal number. 20
Real Numbers Recognize ra�onal and irra�onal
numbers. Exercise:2.1, Q:1(i,v),
Define real numbers. Q:2(iv,vi)
Demonstrate non-termina�ng
/non-repea�ng (or non-periodic)
Squares Find perfect square of a number. 22
Establish pa�erns for the squares
of natural numbers Exercise:2.2, Q:1(ii),
(e.g., 4 =1+2+3+4+3+2+1). Q:2(ii)
Square root Find square root of a natural 25
number (e.g. , , ) given in
Exercise:2.3, Q:1(ii, vii),
perfect square form, by prime
Q: 2(ii, iv)
Month: October Number of Periods: 27
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Unit 2: Square root Find square root of a natural number (e.g. 25
Real Numbers 16, 625, 1600), given in perfect square
form, by division method. Exercise:2.3, Q: 2(ii,iv),
Square root of a Find square root of a common frac�on 26-27
common frac�on (e.g. 9 , 36 , 49 ), 16 49 64
Exercise:2.4, Q:1(vi),
Square root of a Find square root of a decimal (e.g. 0.01, 29
decimal 1.21, 0.64), given in perfect square form, Exercise:2.5, Q:1(vi),
by prime factoriza�on and division Q:2(ii,ix)

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Cubes and perfect Recognize cubes and perfect cubes. 36
cubes. Cube root Find cube roots of a number, which are Exercise:2.9, Q:1(i,v),
perfect cubes. Q2 (i)

Cubes and cube Recognize cubes and perfect cubes. Page 36

roots Find cube roots of a number, which are
perfect cubes. Exercise:2.9, Q:3-4(i)
Unit 3: Number systems Recognize base of a number system. 43
Number system Define number system with base 2, 5,
8 and 10. Exercise:3.1, Q:1(ii,v),
binary number system (system
with base 2),
number system with base 5,
octal number system (system with
base 8), decimal number system
(system with base 10).

Conversion Convert a number from decimal system to 44

a system with base 2, 5 and 8, and vice Exercise:3.1, Q:1(ii,v),
versa. Q:2(i),
Adding, Add, subtract and mul�ply numbers with 51
subtrac�ng and base 2, 5 and 8.
mul�plying Exercise:3.2,
numbers with a Q:1(ii,viii,xiv)
base 2, 5 and 8
Adding, Add, subtract and mul�ply numbers with 52
subtrac�ng and different bases.
mul�plying Exercise:3.2, Q:2(ii,
numbers with v,viii)
different bases
Unit 4: Compound Define compound propor�on. 58
Financial propor�ons Solve real life problems involving Exercise:4.1, Q:2,8
Arithme�c compound propor�on
Partnership Solve real life problems involving 62
partnership Exercise:4.2, Q:2
Conversion of Convert Pakistani currency to well- 67
currencies known interna�onal currencies.
Exercise:4.4, Q:2,8
Profit markup Calculate 73
• the principal amount,
• the profit/ markup rate Exercise:4.5, Q:3,6

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Percentage Find percentage profit and percentage 78

Discount, profit loss.
and loss Find percentage discount. Exercise:4.6, Q:3,5
Insurance Define insurance. 81
Solve real life problems regarding life and
vehicle insurance. Exercise:4.7, Q:3
Income Tax Explain income tax, exempt income 84-85
and taxable income.
Solve simple real-life problems related to Exercise:4.8, Q:2,9
individual income tax assesses.
Unit 5: Algebraic Recall constant, variable, literal and 92
Expressions algebraic expression. Exercise:5.1, Q:1-3(i,iv)
Polynomials Polynomials Define 92
polynomial, Exercise:5.1, Q:4(i, vi),
coefficients of a polynomial. Q:5-(iv)
Polynomials Define degree of a polynomial 92
Exercise:5.1, Q:6(iv),
Q:7(I, viii)
Month: November Number of Periods:25
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Unit 5: Opera�ons on Add and subtract polynomials 95
Polynomials polynomials Exercise:5.2, Q:1(ii),
(Addi�on and Q:2(i),
Opera�ons on Mul�ply polynomials 95
polynomials Exercise:5.2, Q:6(ii)
Opera�ons on Divide a polynomial by a linear polynomial 95
(Division) Exercise:5.2, Q:8(vi)
Basic algebraic Recall the formulas: 100
2 2
formulas • (a+b) =a +2ab+b ,
2 2 2 2 2
Exercise:6.1,Q:1 (ii),
6 and apply them to solve problems like: Q:2(iii), Q:3(ii),
Factoriza�on, • Evaluate (102)2 , (1.02)2 , (98)2 and
Simultaneous (0.98)
equa�ons Basic algebraic Find x 2+ 1 and x 4+ 1 when the value of x 2 100
formulas x 4, x±1 is given. Exercise:6.1, Q:4(i),
Factoriza�on Factorize expressions of the following 101
types: • ka +kb+kc, Exercise:6.2, Q:4,8,13,

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Factoriza�on Factorize expressions of the following 101

types, • ac+ad+bc+bd, Exercise:6.3, Q:3,10,
Factoriza�on Factorize expressions of the following 102
2 2
types: • a ±2ab+b , Exercise:6.4, Q:3,13,18,
Factoriza�on Factorize expressions of the following 103
2 2
Exercise:6.5, Q:4,10
Factoriza�on Factorize expressions of the following 104
2 2
Exercise:6.5, Q:16,18,
Factoriza�on Factorize expressions of the following 104
2 2 2
Exercise:6.6, Q:1
Manipula�on of Recognize the formulas: 105
Algebraic • (a+b)3 =a 3 +3a2b+3ab2 +b 3,
3 3 2 2 3
expressions Exercise:6.7, Q:1(iv, x),

Manipula�on of Recognize the formulas: 106

Algebraic • (a+b)3 =a 3 +3a2b+3ab2 +b 3,
3 3 2 2 3
expressions Exercise:6.7 Q:2,
and apply them to solve the problems like:
3 3
3 3
x x , x±1 is given.
Simultaneous Recognize simultaneous linear equa�ons in 108
linear equa�ons one and two variables.
Give the concept of forma�on of linear Exercise:6.8, Q:1(ii)
equa�on in two variables.
Simultaneous Know that: 112
linear equa�ons a single linear equa�on in two unknowns
is sa�sfied by as many pair of values as Exercise:6.9, Q:1(ii)
two linear equa�ons in two unknowns
have only one solu�on (i.e., one pair of
Solu�ons of Solve simultaneous linear equa�ons using 112
Simultaneous method of equa�ng the coefficients
linear equa�ons Exercise:6.9, Q:2(ii
Solu�ons of Solve simultaneous linear equa�ons using 112
Simultaneous method of elimina�on by subs�tu�on,
linear equa�ons Exercise:6.9, Q:3(ii,v),
Solu�ons of Solve simultaneous linear equa�ons using 114
Simultaneous method of cross mul�plica�on.
linear equa�ons Exercise:6.10, Q:2,

Real life problems Solve real life problems involving two 115
simultaneous linear equa�ons in two

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

variables. Exercise:6.10, 9,11,

Real life problems Solve real life problems involving two 117
simultaneous linear equa�ons in two
variables. Exercise:6.11, Q:1(ii),

Elimina�on Eliminate a variable from two equa�ons 117

by: • Subs�tu�on,
Exercise:6.11, Q:2(ii)
Elimina�on Eliminate a variable from two equa�ons 119
by: • Subs�tu�on,
Exercise:6.12, Q:1(ii,vi)
Elimina�on of Eliminate a variable from two equa�ons 119
variables from two by: applica�on of formulae.
equa�ons by Exercise:6.12, Q:2(i)
applica�on of
Elimina�on of Eliminate a variable from two equa�ons 131
variables from two by: applica�on of formulae.
equa�ons by Exercise:7.2, Q:1(iii),
applica�on of
Parallel lines Describe the following rela�ons between 133
the pairs of angles when a transversal
intersects two parallel lines. Exercise:7.3, Q:1(i), Q:2
Pairs of corresponding angles are equal.
Pairs of alternate interior angles are
Month: December Number of Periods: 26
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Unit 7: Polygons Demonstrate the following proper�es of a 131
Fundamentals parallelogram.
of Geometry Opposite sides of a parallelogram are Exercise:7.2, Q:1(iii),
Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each
Polygon Demonstrate the following proper�es of a 133
Opposite angles of a parallelogram are Exercise:7.3, Q:1(i), Q:2
Unit 8: Construct a square when the difference 146

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Prac�cal Construc�on of between its diagonal and side is given.

Geometry Kite, Hexagon, a Construct a kite when two unequal Exercise:8.1, Q:2,10,12,
square sides and a diagonal are given.
Construct a regular hexagon when a
side is given.

Construc�on of a Construct a right-angled triangle

right-angled • when hypotenuse and one side are given.
triangle • when hypotenuse and the ver�cal height 148
from its vertex to the hypotenuse are
given. Exercise:8.2, Q:1(b), Q:4
Unit 9: Pythagoras Solve right angled triangles using 154-155
Areas and theorem (solu�on Pythagoras theorem.
Volumes of a right angles Exercise:9.1, Q:1(iii),
triangle) Q:8 (ii,v)
Pythagoras Solve right angled triangles using 155
theorem (solu�on Pythagoras theorem.
of a right angles Exercise:9.1, Q:5
Month: January Number of Periods: 26
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Hero formula State and apply Hero’s formula to find the 158
areas of triangular.
Exercise:9.2, Q:1, Q:2(i),
Hero formula State and apply Hero’s formula to find the 159
areas of quadrilateral regions.
Exercise:9.2, Q:4(ii), Q 5
Surface area of a Find the surface area of a sphere. 161
Exercise:9.3, Q:1(ii)
Volume of a Find the volume of a sphere. 161
Exercise:9.3, Q:3(ii)

Area of a cone Find the surface area of a cone. 166

(curved surface
area, base area, Exercise:9.4, Q:1(ii), Q:4
total surface area)

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Volume of a cone Find the volume of a cone. 166

Exercise:9.4, Q:1(ii), Q:4
Unit 10: Demonstra�ve Prove the following theorems along with 173
Demonstra�ve geometry corollaries and apply them to solve
geometry appropriate problems. Exercise:10.1, Q:1(ii), Q
If a straight line stands on another straight
line, the sum of measures of two angles so
formed is equal to two right angles.
Unit 11: Trigonometric Define trigonometric ra�os of an acute 185
Introduc�on to ra�o of an acute angle. Exercise:11.1, Q:1(ii,vii)
Trigonometry angle
Trigonometric Find trigonometric ra�os of acute angles ( 185
ra�o of an acute 30 , 60 and 45 ). Exercise:11.1, Q:2(ii)
angle Q:3(iii, viii)
Trigonometric Find trigonometric ra�os of acute angles ( 185
ra�o of an acute 30 , 60 and 45 ). Exercise:11.1, Q:4(i)
Unit 12: Frequency Construct frequency table. 193
Informa�on distribu�on table
Handling Exercise:12.1, Q:1
Measures of Calculate mean (average), weighted mean, 198-199
Central Tendency median and mode for ungrouped data.
Exercise:12.2, Q:1
Real life problems Solve real life problems involving mean 200
involving mean, (average),
mode, median weighted mean, median and mode. Exercise:12.2, Q:7
Month: February Number of Periods: 15
Chapter/Unit # & Topic/Sub-topic SLO Textbook
Name Page No


Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Month: September Number of Periods: 08

Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Chapter No: 1 Nervous system Describe the structure and func�ons of the 1,2
Human Organ Neuron or nerve nervous system. 2,3
System cells
Types of neuron 3
Working model of Describe the working of the nervous system 6,7
nervous system through a model.
Ac�on controlled by Differen�ate between voluntary and 7
nervous system involuntary ac�ons they have experienced.
Reflex ac�on Explain reflex ac�on with an example. 7,8
Month: October Number of Periods: 27
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Chapter No: 1 Excretory system Define excre�on. 8
Human Organ Kidneys and Draw and label human excretory system. 9
System associated structure Describe the role of kidney in excre�on of
Nephron waste. 9,10
Func�on of kidneys 11
Chapter No: 2 Cell division Differen�ate between mitosis and meiosis. 19,20
Cell Division Mitosis 20,21
Meiosis 21
Difference between 21,22
mitosis and miosis
Heredity Define heredity and recognize its importance 22,23
Basis of heredity in transferring of characteris�cs from parents 23,24
to offsprings.
Chapter No: 3 Rela�onship Describe the rela�onship between DNA, genes 33
Biotechnology between and chromosomes.
chromosomes and
Introduc�on of gene Explain how genes are introduced into a 35
into bacterium bacterium.
How do scien�st 35,36
insert gene in a
Applica�ons of List some biotechnological products used in 39
biotechnology daily life.
Agriculture List general applica�ons of biotechnology in 39
various fields.
Food produc�on Explain how biotechnology allows mee�ng the 40
preserva�on nutri�onal needs of growing popula�ons.

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Health 41
Environment 41
Month: November Number of Periods: 25
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Chapter No: 4 Air pollutants and • Explain the sources, proper�es and harmful 46,47
Pollutants and their sources effects of air pollutants.
their effects on • List problems in human organ systems
environment caused by air pollutants.
Greenhouse effect • Explain the Greenhouse effect. 49
Ozone deple�on • Describe the causes and effects of ozone 50,51
Global warming • Carry out a research to explain global 51
warming and its likely effects on life on earth.
Acid rain • Explain the forma�on of acid rain and iden�fy 52,53
its consequences on living and nonliving things.
Deforesta�on • Define deforesta�on. 53
Effects of • State the effects of deforesta�on on the 53,54
deforesta�on on environment.
wild life
Saving the earth • Suggest ways in which individuals, 56
organiza�ons and government can help to
make earth a be�er place to live.
Chapter No: 5 Chemical Reac�ons • Define chemical reac�ons and give examples. 62 , 63
Chemical Applica�ons of • Explain the rearrangement of atoms in 63
Reac�ons chemical reac�ons chemical reac�ons.
Balancing the • Explain the balancing of a chemical 65, 66
chemical equa�on reac�on.
Solve the example 1 66-68
Chapter No: 6 Acids • Define the terms acid, alkali and salt. 78,79
Acids, Alkalis, Sources of common
Bases and Salts acids
Proper�es of acids • Describe the proper�es of acids, alkalis and 80-82
Uses of acids • Explain the uses of acid, alkali and salt in 82
Hydrochloric acid daily life. 82
Nitric acid 82
Sulphuric acid 83

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Month: December Number of Periods: 26

Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Bases / Alkalis 84
Chapter No 6: • Explain the uses of acid, alkali and salt in
Acids, Basis and Proper�es of alkalis daily life. 85
Salts Uses of bases / 86
alkalis 87
Sodium hydroxide
Calcium hydroxide
Salts 87
Proper�es of salt 88
Uses of salts in 90
Pressure, Force and • Define the term Pressure. 99
Chapter No 7: • Iden�fy the units of pressure.
area 100
Force and • Explain hydraulics and hydraulic system by
Water pressure 102,103
Pressure giving examples.
Liquid pressure in • Describe the causes of gas pressure in a 103
closed container container.
Gas pressure in 105,106
container • Explain how gases behave under pressure.
Pneuma�cs 106
Applica�ons of • Iden�fy the applica�on of gas pressure. 106,107
compressed air
Aerosols • Explain the working of aerosols. 107
How do aerosols 108
Atmospheric • Describe the term atmospheric pressure. 108
Atmospheric 109
pressure varies with
Month: January Number of Periods: 26
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Chapter No 8: Physical quan��es • Define a physical quan�ty with examples. 113
Measurement of Metre rule • Select and use measuring instruments. 116
Physical Measuring cylinder 118
• Measure the volume of liquid by reading
Quan��es Flasks 119
correct meniscus.
Pipe�e 120

Sources and

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Chapter No 9: Sources of heat • Describe the sources and effects of heat. 123,124
Sources and Effects of heat • Explain thermal expansion of solids, liquids 124,125
Effects of Heat and gases.
Energy Thermal expansion • Explore the effects and applica�ons of 125,126
and contrac�on of expansion and contrac�on of solids.
Applica�on of • Inves�gate the processes making use of 128
thermal expansion thermal expansion of substance.
and contrac�on of
Rive�ng 128
Fixing a tyre over the 129
Fixing axle into a 129
Effects of expansion • Inves�gate the means used by 130
and contrac�on of scien�st and engineers to overcome the
solids in everyday problems of expansion and contrac�on in
life everyday life.
Expansion gaps in 130, 131
concrete roads
Railway tracks 131
Expansion of bridges 131
Overhead power 132
lines and telephone
Large bends in pipes 132
Month: February Number of Periods: 15
Chapter/Unit Topic/Sub-topic SLOs Textbook Page No
Lenses • Define lens. 137
Chapter No 10:
Lenses Types of lenses 138
Principal focus and • Differen�ate between the different types of 138,139
Focal length of the lenses.
How to find focal 139
length of a lens?
Image forma�on • Describe the image forma�on using a lens 140,141
using a lens by ray by ray diagram.
Uses of lenses • Iden�fy the types of lenses used for 146
various purposes in daily life.
Chapter No 11: How electricity is • Design an experiment to generate electricity. 150,151
Electricity produced?

Grade 8
Academic Calendar

Bicycle dynamo • Explain the working of the model generator. 151

A small generator • Iden�fy the simple devices that
generate electricity in daily life.
Power plant • Design and demonstrate the working of a 151-153
generator power sta�on.
Telescope • Describe development of tools and 160
Chapter No 12: technologies used in space explora�on.
Exploring space Refrac�ng telescope 161
Reflec�ng telescope
Spectroscopes 162
Space cra�s 162
Space sta�ons • Analyze the benefits generated by the 163
Space shu�le technology of the space explora�on.
Problems created by • Suggest the ways to solve the problems that 166
space explora�on have resulted from space explora�on.
and their solu�ons
New technologies • Iden�fy new technologies used on earth 167
developed on the that have developed as a result of the
earth as a result of development of space technology.
space explora�on

Standard Opera�ng Procedure
Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board, Lahore

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