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Could the force holding space
together be an illusion?


Opportunity’s greatest finds of all time TITAN

Take a tour of the
—Why the ancient Red Planet was once habitable Solar System’s most
—Evidence for a fiery volcanic explosion Earth-like world
—Raging, planet-wide dust storms

Deadly cosmic tremors
CELESTRON shaking up the universe

MISSION TO w w w. s p a c e a n s w e r s . c o m INTERSTELLAR

Digital Edition Sunless exoplanets could
Rusty Schweickart on
lunar landing plans be the best place to find life



7x50 | 8x45 | 10x50 | 12x50

Apollo 9’s Lunar Module Pilot, Rusty

Welcome to issue 60! Contributors Schweickart tests the Portable Life

Support System on a spacewalk
Colin Stuart
Happy New Year the case. Scientists are still trying to As it completes 13 years on
and welcome figure out what it truly is, employing Mars, braving dust storms and
to All About a deluge of experiments to hunt for completing marathons, Colin
Space’s first issue the particle that could explain its looks back at how the record-
of 2017! To kick
off, we begin on
behaviour: the graviton. Further into
deep space, we catch up with the
breaking Opportunity revealed
the Red Planet to us for the first time! “On my EVA,
the Red Planet, a world that we’ve
learned so much about with the help
sunless, speeding interstellar worlds
known as rogue planets and discover
Kulvinder Singh Chadha
What exactly is gravity? Turn to
I remember
of spacecraft largely from NASA and
ESA. As Martian rovers and spacecraft
why they might be the best places
for finding life, and we also find out
page 24 as Kulvinder finds out
why the force that keeps us
being way up
become more advanced, we must not
forget the first machines that made
more about spacequakes – the cosmic
tremors that are shaking the universe.
on the ground is so weird and
how the hunt for its suspected
particle – the graviton – is very much on.
the front of the
their creation and our understanding
of Mars possible. One such rover is
Being in the midst of long nights,
turn to page 70 for our guide on Jonathan O’Callaghan
Lunar Module
Opportunity, which celebrates its 13th
year on Mars. Originally built to last
how to get into astronomy and don’t
forget to claim your free digital
Spacequakes are becoming
a huge problem for us here
on Earth. Jonathan reveals
with my hand
92 Earth days, the rover has surpassed
expectations and shown us what an
edition, which is packed with over 100
stargazing tips and tricks that’ll have
how humanity is looking to
combat the tremors in Earth’s
on the rail, and
alien world really looks like. Turn to
page 16 and celebrate the mission’s
you observing like a pro in no time!
magnetic field, unleashed by our Sun.
I just let go”
Giles Sparrow
huge achievements with us. This issue, Giles finds out all Rusty Schweickart, Apollo
Also this month, we uncover the there is to know about rogue 9 Lunar Module Pilot
secrets of gravity. You might think planets, the starless worlds that
that we know everything there is to Gemma Lavender drift through the galaxy, and
discovers that they could be
know about it, but excitingly, this isn’t Editor one of the best places to find life.

Keep up to date Online
@spaceanswers 3


06 New snaps
of Saturn’s
megastorm, sending
your laugh into space, a
supermassive black hole
caught snacking on its
galaxy, and new images
from ExoMars

16 Opportunity’s 38 Spacequakes
13 years on Mars The tremors that are shaking
All About Space recaps the up the universe. And they are
record-breaking rover’s very getting worse
best discoveries and notable
moments over a decade after it 46 Future Tech
landed on the Red Planet Bloostar
It might be small but this
24 Secrets of satellite launcher is tipped to
gravity make a big impact on space
Could the force holding space exploration
together be an illusion? We
discover more about gravity 48 Interview
32 5 amazing facts Rusty
Globular star Schweickart
The Apollo 9 NASA astronaut
clusters tells us how a jammed camera
Discover all there is to know during a spacewalk changed his
about these distant star groups life forever

34 Explorer’s 54 Interstellar
Guide planets
Titan Find out why these sunless,
Take a tour of the Solar System’s speeding exoplanets could be
most Earth-like world the best place to find life

94 WIN!
! 54 Interstellar

24 Secrets Your complete guide to the night sky
68 What’s in the sky?

of gravity 34
The midst of winter offers an
enormous selection of events

70 Get into
stargazing tonight

Titan Everything you need to kick-start

your hobby in astronomy and
explore the night sky

78 Month’s planets
Venus continues to shine brightly
this month

80 Moon tour
Head to the lunar eastern limb to
view Langrenus, one of the Moon’s
prominent impact craters

81 Naked eye &

binocular targets
Get lost in the stars and star
clusters of Auriga

82 How to... Make the

most of Earthshine
Capture one of the most beautiful
lighting effects on the Moon

84 Deep sky challenge

Turn your telescope to some of the
evening’s exquisite nebulae

86 How to...
Use a planisphere
Tips and tricks on making the most
of your observing companion

90 Me & My telescope
62 Yourquestions
answered We feature your astroimages

Our experts solve your space 92 Astronomy kit

conundrums this issue reviews
Must-have books, software, apps,

telescopes and accessories

Visit the All About Space

Spacequakes online shop at

For back issues, books,

merchandise and more

98 HeroesofSpace NOW AND
Gordon Cooper: The last
astronaut of Project Mercury
Page 52 25 %

Paris at night from

the International
Space Station
ESA astronaut, Thomas Pesquet, who blasted into space
as a crewmember of Expedition 50 and 51 missions,
took this stunning image of the capital city of France.
He journeyed into space with NASA’s Peggy Whitson
and Roscosmos’ Oleg Novitskiy in late October 2016.
Pesquet was so taken by the image that he decided
to share it on social media, commenting: “A strange
feeling: I think of what friends and family are doing now
on Earth, while taking pictures of them from space… Hi
Paris and France: you are beautiful tonight!”
Pesquet’s mission is known as Proxima, which is the
ninth long-duration mission for the ESA astronaut. He
will perform over 50 scientific experiments for his space
agency, France’s space agency CNES, as well as take part
in several activities for other Space Station partners.
Proxima, which is named after the closest star to the
Sun, is part of ESA’s vision to use Earth-orbiting
spacecraft as a place to live and work,
while preparing for future voyages of
exploration further into
the Solar System.


Twilight rays and star

trails over La Silla’s
The Sun sets on another day at La Silla in the Chilean Atacama Desert
as astronomers prepare to explore the night sky using one of the most
productive and industrious observatories in the world. This striking
photograph – taken by Roger Wesson – not only captures the last few
rays of sunlight to produce a blend of orange, red and yellow close to
the horizon, but also the prevalent star trails streaking through the sky.
Each stellar path across Earth’s sky is created by the motion of a single
star, captured using a long-exposure time setting. Meanwhile, the rear
headlights of vehicles cruising along the Chilean roads complete the
picture, as they provide a lit up network on the ground beneath the stars.

A supermassive
black hole
munches its
dusty galaxy
The largest galaxy in the constellation of
Centaurus takes centre stage of this image,
which was captured by the Hubble Space
Telescope. NGC 4696 is an elliptical galaxy –
one of the biggest structures in the universe
– and rests some 150 million light years away,
surrounded by a collection of galactic dwarfs.
NGC 4696 appears to be a very dusty galaxy,
@ NASA; ESA; Hubble; A. Fabian

with filaments surrounding the galaxy’s centre,

and this image, shot by Hubble’s Wide Field
Camera 3 (WFC3), captures the huge structure
in greater detail than ever before. Filaments
loop and curl inwards in a spiral shape, swirling
around the ever-hungry supermassive black hole.

@ ESO; R. Wesson
big rings
Dwarfed by Saturn’s
monstrous rings, icy moon
Mimas hangs in orbit
around its parent planet.
To look at it, you’d expect
the gas giant’s crowning
glory to be heavier than
this tiny moon, however,
this really isn’t the case
since it’s made up of
small, icy particles spread
over a vast area. It’s
also extremely thin and
typically no thicker than
@ NASA; JPL-Caltech; Space Science Institute

the height of a house. The

view was captured with
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft
from a distance of around
907,000 kilometres
(564,000 miles) from
Saturn. The Cassini
mission will sadly come to
an end in September 2017. 9

ExoMars’ first
colour snap of a
Martian moon
Taken with the ExoMars orbiter’s Colour and
Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS), this
colour composite of Phobos was taken from a
distance of 7,700 kilometres (4,785 miles)
away from the Martian moon. Phobos is
Mars’ largest natural satellite with an
average radius of about 11 kilometres
(seven miles) and it is thought to be
a pile of rubble that’s being held
together by a thin crust being torn
apart by tidal interactions. Phobos
is the Red Planet’s innermost moon
and is getting closer to Mars by
about two metres (6.6 foot) every
100 years, which is likely to culminate
in the moon’s demise within 30 to
50 million years, as it breaks up into
a planetary ring. This final image was
taken through each of the four colour
filters on CaSSIS, which were then
stitched together and combined. Since
two of the filters used by ExoMars’ camera lie

© ESA; Roscosmos
outside the wavelength response of the human
eye, this is not a true colour image of the moon.
Instead, these false shades represent Phobos’
variety of mystery minerals.

The Sun’s hole makes a move

© NASA; GSFC; Solar Dynamics Observatory

During the early days of December, the Sun’s coronal hole – seen as a dark patch on the left-
hand side – made its way around to the front of our nearest star. Coronal holes are cooler,
magnetically ‘open’ areas of the Sun’s magnetic field structure, which spew streams of high-
speed solar wind into space. These streams can often interact with the Earth’s magnetic
shield – known as the magnetosphere – to create the light shows known as aurorae.
It’s rare for a coronal hole to stay in the exact same shape. They are constantly altering
in size and appearance since the corona – the plasma that surrounds the Sun and which
extends for millions of kilometres into space – never stays the same.

Hubble spies a
super-faint galaxy
It might be regarded as a dim galaxy, but the Hubble
Space Telescope has worked its magic in five different
filters that bring together ultraviolet, visible and
infrared light to show off the spiral NGC 3274 in
all of its otherwise hidden glory. First discovered
by astronomer William Herschel in 1783 during a
systematic survey of the deep sky with his 12-inch
and 18.7-inch telescopes, NGC 3274 rests in the
constellation of Leo over 20 million light years away.

© ESA; Hubble; NASA; D. Calzetti 11

Cassini takes new

images of Saturn’s mega
hexagon-shaped storm
As it gets ready for its final death dive, the craft has
taken fresh close-up views of the ringed giant

From its new orbit around Saturn, NASA’s Cassini

spacecraft has photographed the strange hexagon- “This is it, the
shaped storm that swirls in Saturn’s northern
hemisphere. Showing amazing detail of the cloud
beginning of the
pattern, which has sides that are 13,800 kilometres
(8,600 miles) long, the images were taken at the
end of our historic
beginning of December as Cassini skimmed past th
outer edges of Saturn’s main rings, from a distance
exploration of Saturn”
of approximately 91,000 kilometres (57,000 miles)
above the planet’s cloud tops. between the planet and its innermost ring. This will
The photos were snapped as part of a new “Ring- allow astronomers to shed new light on Saturn, as
Grazing Orbits” mission phase for the spacecraft and until recently, Cassini had refrained from getting
it was the first of 22 daredevil dives being taken massively close to the planet. The images will also
over ten months. The final one is planned for 15 give them a great glimpse of the outer edge of
September when it will plunge to its death and into the huge A Ring, which may hold clues as to how
the planet’s atmosphere, its fuel already exhausted planets have grown within the Solar System.
and its mission accomplished. By that time, it will One thing is for sure, it’s going to be a dramatic
have gained the closest look at the small moons and end for Cassini, which has spent 20 years in space
outer rings of this fascinating planet. having launched in 1997. The Cassini-Huygens
“This is it, the beginning of the end of our historic mission has cost $3.2 billion (£2.5 billion) and it
exploration of Saturn,” says Carolyn Porco, Cassini arrived at Saturn in 2004 where it was able to
imaging team leader at Space Science Institute, study the planet, it’s rings and moons. Huygens
Boulder, Colorado. “Let these images – and those touched down on Titan’s surface in 2005.
to come – remind you that we’ve lived a bold and NASA, who has worked on the mission
daring adventure around the Solar System’s most with ESA and the Italian Space Agency,
magnificent planet.” says Cassini-Huygens’ key discoveries
During the latest mission, Cassini will orbit so far have been a global ocean
Saturn 20 times, collecting particle and gas samples that pointed to hydrothermal
and taking many images. It is also studying the activity within Enceladus,
small moons Tethys and Enceladus and it will and liquid methane
These images from
perform a close flyby of Titan. On 26 April it will seas on Titan. Cassini show the northern
hemisphere of Saturn and
its rings with the hexagon
storm clearly visible

in Brief
An artist’s impression SpaceX aim for
of gravitational waves
being generated by January launch of
binary neutron stars rocket mission
The private space company SpaceX
is earmarking a launch of one of its
Falcon 9 rockets in January 2017 –
despite an incident in September
when one exploded on the launch
pad. It will be carrying ten Iridium
telecoms satellites as part of a
mammoth $492 million (£390
million) contract and it will launch
from Vandenberg Air Force Base in
California, US.

Observatory continues search Ancient astronomers

suggest Earth spin
for more gravitational waves slowdown
Astronomical observations that date
A second science run at ground-based LIGO is back to 750 BCE confirm that the
underway in the search for space-time ripples Earth’s rotation is slowing down.
However, the records noted on clay
Scientists are resuming their search observations again on 30 November, Reitza, the executive director of the
tablets in what is today known as
for ripples in the fabric of space and with the second scientific run set to LIGO Laboratory. “We are only just
Iraq, suggest it is slowing by 1.8
time thanks to two newly upgraded run for six months. The Livingston now, thanks to LIGO, learning about
milliseconds each century – less
detectors. Researchers at the Laser detector, in Louisiana, is now 25 per how often events like these occur.”
than the 2.3 milliseconds previously
Interferometer Gravitational-wave cent more sensitive while the one in Theoretical physicist Albert
thought by scientists. It means that
Observatory (LIGO) made the first Hanford, Washington, is more stable. Einstein predicted the presence of
Earth is actually seen to be slowing
direct observation of gravitational “With our improved sensitivity gravitational waves in 1916 in his
more slowly.
waves on 11 February 2016 and and a longer observing period, we general theory of relativity. The
followed it up with a second will likely observe even more black- waves detected in February 2016
detection announced in June 2016. hole mergers in the coming run and were the result of a powerful collision
Dark matter may be
But with fresh tweaks to the further enhance our knowledge of between two black holes, located 1.3 less clumpy
detectors, LIGO began making black-hole dynamics,” says Dave billion light years away. It was previously thought that
the large-scale distribution of
dark matter was clumpy due to

New venture Astronaut Barry

Wilmore holds part
gravitational attraction. However, a
new study at the European Southern
allows you to of the zero gravity
3D printer, which is
Observatory’s Very Large Telescope,
Chile, shows that may not be case.
send your laugh on board the ISS
Researchers studying the shapes
of 15 million distant galaxies using
into space gravitational lensing have concluded
that the distribution of dark matter is
Art project wants to launch much smoother.
a 3D-printed guffaw
Whether you have an infectious US Air Force launches
laugh or a kooky giggle, the artist and new communication
coder Eyal Gever wants to hear from satellite into orbit
you. That’s because he is preparing A powerful military satellite, known
to create the first piece of artwork in as WGS-8, has been launched into
space and he’s going to do so based on orbit to provide high bandwidth
someone’s laughter. data and video relay for the United
Having launched an art project aboard the International Space Station It’s certainly an ambitious piece States armed forces. Built by Boeing
called #Laugh, he has created an app six years ago by the manufacturing of work but Gever is by no means at a cost of $426 million (£337.7
for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches, firm Made In Space. It will then be shy when it comes to pushing the million), WGS-8 can carry far more
which lets you produce a virtual star printed and released into space. boundaries. He has used 3D-printed traffic than previous satellites and
using the sound of your chuckles and “The earliest cave paintings were sculptures to depict crashes and oil it is designed to have a life span of
submit it for consideration. The star of human hands, which were a way spills in the past. “If humanity is one 14 years.
forms in real-time, taking on various of proclaiming and celebrating the day soon to thrive in space,” says
shapes and producing rings, spikes presence of humanity,” Gever says a spokesperson for Made In Space,
and other protrusions as you chortle. on his website. “#Laugh will be which worked on its printer with Stay up to date…
The laughter that generates the the 21st century version of that – a NASA, “then creating art and culture
greatest number of likes from the mathematically-accurate encapsulation in space is equally as important as Fascinating space facts, videos & more
general public will be sent as a file to a of human laughter, simply floating sending out people and the technology Twitter Facebook
zero-gravity 3D printer, which was sent through space.” to support them.” @spaceanswers /AllAboutSpaceMagazine 13

Astronomers see the birth of a giant galaxy

A massive structure has
been witnessed feeding
on the gas around it
a cluster of still-forming protogalaxies
appears to be growing from cold
molecular gas and not from violent
collisions, according to new research.
An object called the Spiderweb
Galaxy, which is more than 10 billion
light years away from Earth, is said
to be feeding on the gas that exists
between the infant galaxies within it.
“This is different from what we see
in the nearby universe, where galaxies
in clusters grow by cannibalising
other galaxies,” says lead study author,
Bjorn Emonts, a researcher at the
Center for Astrobiology, Spain. “In in New Mexico, and the Australia of gas is the equivalent of 100 billion
New Horizons has given scientists huge
this cluster, a giant galaxy is growing Telescope Compact Array. It allowed times the mass of the Sun but that it insights into the dwarf planet Pluto
by feeding on the soup of cold gas in them to see the cluster as it was when had to be about -200 degrees Celsius
which it is submerged.” it was just 3 billion years old. (-328 degrees Fahrenheit). Hunt for exotic life in
The astronomers made the startling By detecting CO gas, the In a statement, the astronomers
find while detecting carbon monoxide astronomers could work on the point out that this cold molecular gas Pluto’s ocean begins
(CO) gas in the galaxy through assumption that there is a larger is the raw material for new stars and The ocean is syrup-like
the National Radio Astronomy quantity of molecular hydrogen. They that the galaxy is growing directly
Observatory’s (NRAO) Very large Array were able to estimate that the amount from it.
and laden with ammonia
A new study claims alien life could
exist within Pluto’s subsurface ocean,
which raises the possibility of exotic
Heat bombs may roast the Sun’s atmosphere oceans on other dwarf planets.
Professor William McKinnon of
Has the mystery of why our star’s corona is hotter than the surface been solved? Washington University says a heart-
NASA researchers believe they shaped region of Pluto covered with
may be able to part-explain a long- Coronal heating involves a nitrogen ice, called Sputnik Planitia, has
standing puzzle: the issue of why the variety of complex physical a surface ocean loaded with ammonia.
processes, with heat bombs
temperature in the outer atmosphere While there is no direct evidence
providing one explanation
of the Sun is up to 500-times higher that Pluto has an ocean, McKinnon
than on its visible surface. By studying came to his conclusion with the aid of

© NASA; JPL-Caltech; Space Science Institute; R. Hurt; Barry Wilmore; ESO; M. Kornmesser; ESA; SOHO; JHUAPL; SwRI
the observations made by the Interface computer models and topographical
Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and compositional data, taken from
mission, the scientists have found New Horizons’ flyby of Pluto in 2015.
that heat bombs could be going off, The presence of a subsurface ocean
spreading heat over a large area. would explain the dwarf planet’s
The bombs, they say, are caused rotation, he says, while ammonia,
by blasts of energy from crisscrossing which is a great anti-freeze, would
magnetic fields, which realign in the account for how such an ocean could
corona, the name given to the Sun’s persist in such low-temperatures.
upper atmosphere. It’s the same “New Horizons has detected
kind of magnetic reconnection that ammonia as a compound on Pluto’s big
accounts for solar flares and if this moon, Charon, and on one of the small
didn’t happen, then the further away moons. So it’s almost certainly inside
you moved from the fiery furnace, the Pluto,” he says. “What I think is down
cooler you would become. Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. of thermodynamics states that heat there in the ocean is rather noxious,
“Because IRIS can resolve the “This is compatible with models naturally flows from an object of very cold, salty and very ammonia-rich
transition region ten-times better from the University of Oslo, in which a higher temperature to one of a – almost a syrup. It’s no place for germs
than previous instruments, we were magnetic reconnection sets off heat lower temperature, and now in the or any life as we know it. But as with
able to see hot material rushing up bombs in the corona.” opposite direction. This has ruled out the methane seas on Titan – Saturn’s
and down magnetic fields in the low Coronal heating was first conventional heat transfer, leading main moon – it raises the question of
corona,” says lead researcher Paola discovered in the 1940s and it has researchers on a lengthy search for whether some truly novel lifeforms
Testa, an astrophysicist at the Harvard- baffled scientists. The second law another answer. could exist in these exotic, cold liquids.”


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Available on the following platforms
A pair of colour cameras
allowing Opportunity to
take panoramic images
of the Martian surface.
The resolution of the
cameras was designed
to mimic the human eye.

Low-gain antenna High-gain antenna

NavCam This antenna can send This antenna can
A pair of black and white and receive signals beam information in a
cameras mounted on the from all directions. particular direction, say
mast of the rover helps Radio waves are sent to at the Earth or at one of
scientists to see the rover’s and from the rover by the flotilla of satellites
surroundings and plan out the orbiting satellites. in orbit around Mars.
its route across Mars.

PanCam calibration target

A sundial with different coloured
corners and engraved with the
message: “Two worlds one Sun.”
Engineers calibrate the PanCams
by adjusting the image until the
colours look as they should.

Solar arrays
Front HazCam These solar panels
One of four black and generate up to 140W
white cameras, these of power for up to
HazCams can see for four hours per Martian
three to four metres day. The rover needs
(9.8 to 13.1 foot) around 100W to drive. Two
the rover and are used rechargeable batteries
to look for obstacles. provide back up power.

In-situ instruments
Four scientific instruments are mounted
© Adrian Mann

on this front robotic arm, including a

microscope for close-up views of rocks and
an abrasion tool for scratching surfaces.

Opportunity on Mars

39 Sols 91 Sols
Opportunity’s Opportunity from orbit
objectives Opportunity’s journey across Mars has
been closely watched and calibrated by
the satellites in orbit around the Red
Planet. This image from NASA’s Mars
Search for signs of past
Global Surveyor shows some of the
liquid water  tracks of the rover, the craters it was
visiting, its back shell and parachute,
Determine distribution along with the location of its discarded
and composition of heat shield. It was taken on 26 April
Martian rocks  2004 on Sol 91 from a distance of
around 400 kilometres (249 miles).
Discover the geological
rocesses which formed
the Martian terrain 

Validate measurements made

y probes orbiting Mars 

Search for iron containing

inerals that may have
een formed in water 

Determine the texture of Signs of past water

ocks and soils and what This is a microscopic image of part of a rock called “Last
created them  Chance.” The view here is around five centimetres (two
inches) across and was taken on Opportunity’s 39th Martian
Assess whether Mars’ climate day. The texture of the rock has led scientists to believe that
was ever fit for life  water was once present in the area in which it was found – the
Meridiani Planum area of Mars, which is close to its equator.

0 50 100 150 200

0 Sols 191 Sols

Made of World Trade
Center metal
Part of Opportunity is made from
aluminium debris salvaged from
the World Trade Center, which
collapsed on 11 September 2001.
It was turned into a credit-card-
sized sheet of metal, to which
a United States flag emblem
was added. That metal protects
the cables that form part of
Opportunity’s drilling mechanism.
The same is true of the Spirit rover.
The team who built the part worked
just six blocks away from the towers
in downtown Manhattan.

84 Sols
Martian blueberries
Microscopic analysis of the Martian
surface revealed tiny spheres
resembling blueberries. Each of
the balls you can see here is a few
millimetres across. This image was Sand dunes
taken near Fram crater in April 2004 As Opportunity entered Endurance crater it found dunes on the crater floor.
on Opportunity’s 84th Sol on Mars Each of the ridges of sand are less than one metre (3.3 foot) high and are
and shows how the mineral hematite likely caused by the winds that whip across the dry Martian surface. Before
can come together to form small approaching the dunes to take the photograph, the rover drivers had to assess
structures. It has been suggested the likelihood of Opportunity becoming marooned in the dunes. The image is
they were deposited here by liquid in false colour and was taken by the PanCam instruments on board the rover.
water long ago in Mars’ warmer past. 17
Opportunity on Mars

Northern Autumn/
257 Sols Southern Spring

Frost on
Northern Winter/Southern Summer Once again, neither pole
Here the planet’s northern hemisphere is is angled towards the Sun
mostly tipped away from the Sun, leading and so above the equator it

the Red
to colder weather and shorter days. The is autumn, while below the
opposite is true in the southern hemisphere. equator it is springtime.

Being further from the
Sun than the Earth,
temperatures on Mars
regularly plummet below
freezing. On October 13
2004, 11 minutes after
sunrise, NASA scientists
noticed that frost had
formed on one of the
calibration targets for the
PanCams. So even near
the equator – the location
of Opportunity’s landing
site – temperatures drop
enough for frost to form.
Northern Spring/ Northern Summer/
No such frost observations
Southern Autumn Southern Winter
were seen on Spirit,
In this position neither The top half of the planet is now
Opportunity’s twin rover, hemisphere is directly pointed angled in towards the Sun and
which was situated on a towards or away from the Sun enjoys long periods of sunlight
different part of the planet. and so the two hemispheres enjoy and warmer weather, while it is
spring and autumn respectively. largely cold and dark in the south.

200 300 400

324 Sols 339 Sols

Glancing at its impact site Meteorite find
In this image you can see the area In January 2005, Opportunity was examining
where the rover’s heat shield impacted the impact site of its own heat shield when
the Martian surface. It was taken on Sol it came across a meteorite on the surface of
324, so nearly a year after Opportunity Mars. It was subsequently named Heat Shield
touched down on Mars. The main heat Rock. About the size of a basketball, it was the
shield is on the left-hand side and is first meteorite to be discovered on another
sitting inverted. The circular crater planet (two others had previously been found
created by the heat shield is 2.8 metres on the Moon). Its iron structure meant that
(9.2 foot) wide, but no more than ten the abrasion tool could not be used to scratch
centimetres (four inches) deep. it, as it would have been damaged.

Opportunity on Mars

491 Sols 1162 Sols

Opportunity learns to drive itself
This view of Opportunity’s tyre tracks was taken
after it drove a curved path that was more
self-determined than before. Engineers were
testing out a piece of software called Field
D-star, which helps Opportunity decide for
itself how to get to a given destination while
avoiding obstacles along the way. It was
taken on Sol 1162 and Victoria crater can be
seen in the background. For scale, the rocks
in the centre foreground are seven to ten
centimetres (2.8 to 3.9 inches) tall.

727 Sols
Signs of water at Roosevelt
Opportunity’s microscope shows a
close-up view of a structure known as
Stuck in Purgatory Roosevelt, found near the edge of Erebus
During April 2005, Opportunity’s wheels became embedded crater. Scientists have hypothesised that
more than ten centimetres (four inches) down into some soft, the fractures were caused by liquid water
sandy material. It took five weeks of planning, testing and moving through the structure. The image
expert driving in order to extricate the stricken rover. Due is a mosaic of several smaller images all
to its hellish effect on Opportunity, this region was dubbed taken on Sol 727. The feature is younger
Purgatory Dune. It could nearly have been the rover’s final than the surrounding rocks, meaning
resting place. Luckily, it was able to escape and has continued that liquid water may have been present
to operate for more than a decade after its little mishap. in the area after the other sedimentary
rocks had formed.

500 750 1000 1250 1500

1236 Sols

Opportunity encounters its first dust storm

In July 2007 both Opportunity and
its twin rover Spirit came under
severe threat from vicious dust
storms whipping across the Martian
surface. The rover gets its power
from its array of solar panels, but the
huge volume of dust brought by the
storms blocked out 99 per cent of
the available sunlight. Opportunity
was effectively put into hibernation
for a few days and the amount of
contact with the rover was scaled
back. Fortunately, the storms moved
away and the rover survived intact.

As the dust storm gathered, the

amount of daylight available to
the Opportunity rover dropped
dramatically. These images, taken by
the rover’s PanCam, shows how the
sky darkened over several weeks 19
Opportunity on Mars

2476 Sols
Textures of Santa
Maria crater
This image from Sol
2476 shows just how
different areas of
the same crater
can appear. In
the background
of Santa Maria
crater the material
appears smooth,
while it is a lot
more jagged in the
foreground. The
crater is about 90
metres (295 feet) in
diameter and the rover
was perched close to
the rim of the crater on
its southeastern edge
when this photograph
2117 Sols was taken using the
Inspecting Marquette Island Rock navigation cameras
From November 2009 to mid-January 2010, (hence why it is black
Opportunity inspected this basketball-sized rock and white).
as NASA experts believed it might have originated
deep in the Martian crust and been thrown to
its present location by an impact event. The day
before, the rover’s abrasion tool had scratched a
five-centimetre (two-inch) wide hole in the rock to
help scientists learn more about its composition. It
is named after an island in northern Michigan, US.

2000 2500

0-3968 Sols

Opportunity’s 2
Endurance crater
Opportunity spent May to December 2004
Victoria crater
After 21 months on Mars, Opportunity

exploring this crater and found that liquid reached this 730m (2,395ft) wide crater and
water was likely once present there. it explored the crater’s exterior and interior.

Opportunity’s sheer tenacity means it has lasted a

lot longer than mission controllers had originally
envisaged. In 2015, after more than 11 years
exploring Mars, the rover clocked up a total distance
of 42.1 kilometres (26.2 miles) – the equivalent of
running a marathon. On its journey from Eagle
crater to Endeavour crater, it found signs of past
water on Mars as well as clues as to the potential
habitability of the Red Planet, including its salinity.

Eagle crater
Opportunity landed in this 22m (77ft) wide
crater, just south of the equator, where it
found signs of acidic water in the area's past.

Opportunity on Mars

3078 Sols
Transit of Phobos Opportunity
On Sol 3078, Opportunity caught Mars’ largest
moon Phobos transiting the Sun. Technically it is
loses its memory
an annular eclipse – the moon doesn’t block out Over the years Opportunity has experienced
all the Sun’s light. As the moon has an incredibly several issues with its computer flash memory
rapid orbit around Mars – just 7.6 hours – – a system which can store data even when
transits of Phobos only last around 30 seconds.
the rover is turned off. In March 2015 mission
However, they happen very frequently as the
engineers installed a software update, which
moon orbits close to the Martian equator.
they hoped would fix the issue. However, the
problem recurred. The rover was only designed
for a 90-day mission, and more than a decade
of Mars exploration continues to take its toll on
Opportunity’s memory. Mission controllers must
reformat the rover’s memory banks whenever a
glitch occurs.

3809 Sols 1 125

Snaps of a close comet encounter
Back in October 2014, mission scientists
pointed Opportunity’s cameras towards the Opportunity’s memory: 128MB RAM
sky and captured this image of the Comet Modern computer memory: 16GB RAM

Siding Spring. It was taken about two and half

hours before the comet reached its closest
point to the Red Planet. However, at that
time, the Sun would have risen and made
taking the photograph impossible. Some
nearby stars, as well as effects of cosmic rays, Opportunity’s camera pixels: 1 megapixel
can be seen alongside the icy denizen from An iPhone 7’s camera pixels: 12 megapixels
the outer Solar System.

3000 3500

This crater has
been Opportunity’s home
for the last five years.

5km 21
Opportunity on Mars

3974 Sols
Spirit of St Louis 4332 Sols
This panoramic image from Opportunity
shows the elongated crater known as “Spirit Dust devil spot
of St Louis.” Towards the centre is a spire of After climbing up Knudsen Ridge in the
rock stretching upwards towards the Martian Marathon Valley, Opportunity looked back in
sky. The crater is 34 metres (112 foot) long the direction from which it came and spotted
and about 24 metres (79 foot) wide. The this dust devil spinning across the Martian
spire of rock is thought to be between two surface. It was taken by the NavCams on Sol
and three metres (6.6 and 9.8 foot) tall, 4332 on the 31 March 2016. It was a pretty
meaning it sits slightly higher than the rim rare sight for Opportunity who hasn’t seen
of the crater. The image was taken in late as many dust devils as its counterpart Spirit.
March 2015, around the time Opportunity These events are caused by a rising and rotating
was celebrating its 4,000th Martian day. column of air, which whips up the dust.

4000 4500

Opportunity in numbers
2º 19
The steepest slope tackled
by Opportunity during its
visit to the Marathon Valley

43.53km 0.18km/h
The number of mission managers
in charge of Opportunity during
its long stay on Mars
The total distance travelled The rover’s maximum speed.

© Alamy; Getty Images; NASA; JPL-Caltech; Cornell Univ.; Arizona State Univ.; MSSS; NMMNHS
by the rover since it started That’s about four-times faster

operation in 2004 than a snail’s pace


The number of raw images

captured by the rover’s suite of
cameras in the last 12 years The mass of the rover – a
little over the combined
mass of two average humans

6 $14 million
Number of wheels on the rover, The approximate annual
which allow it to trundle across cost of maintaining the
the Martian surface Opportunity rover

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Secrets of gravity

We seem to understand how it behaves, but scientists
are now finding out how mysterious this 'force' really is
Written by Kulvinder Singh Chadha
© Tobias Roetsch 25
Secrets of gravity

It keeps us on the ground, creates tides, and holds moving fast enough. This is how the planets stay force that keeps our feet on the ground, but it was
planets in their orbits around stars and satellites in orbit around the Sun rather than falling towards Isaac Newton who made the biggest conceptual leap,
revolving around the Earth. And maybe it did or it and burning up – they are moving fast enough in with his ‘Eureka!’ moment being the story (which
didn’t cause that apple to fall on Isaac Newton’s head. their orbits. That’s how gravitational lenses work. historians suspect is probably not true) of the apple
We’re talking about gravity, of course. But amazingly, While attempting to observe the most distant falling on his head as he rested peacefully beneath an
while we understand how gravity works, exactly how galaxies in the universe, astronomers make use of the apple tree. Newton wasn’t really interested in apples;
it is produced is still a source of great debate. gravitational force of clusters of galaxies, which are he had much loftier goals. Using his new theory of
Our current best theory of gravity is Albert some of the most massive structures in the cosmos. gravitation, which described how every object in
Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which explains Their huge mass warps space so much that light the universe is attracting every other object, he set
how mass bends space, and it is these bends in space from more distant galaxies can become magnified, about describing how gravity is the key to explaining
that we experience as gravity. It’s a bit like rolling in exactly the same fashion as a microscope lens how the planets orbit the Sun. Newton explained
down a hill; the steeper the slope, the faster we roll. magnifies small objects. The galaxy clusters, in how the force of gravity was proportional to the
So the more massive an object is, the more steeply essence, become a great cosmic lens. masses of the gravitating bodies, which is also what
it bends space. Another way to imagine it is if we But Einstein wasn’t the first to think about gravity. Einstein showed: that the more massive an object,
have a rubber sheet held between two people, their Many others, from Galileo to Robert Hooke, had a the stronger its gravity. He also showed that the force
hands holding each of the corners keeping the sheet hand in developing our early understanding of the of gravity was inversely proportional to the distance
taut. This rubber sheet is our space-time. Place a
marble on the sheet and it creates a small dip. Put a
bowling ball on the sheet and it will cause the sheet
to warp and bend much more severely than the
“Isaac Newton explained how the force of
marble – indeed, the marble will probably start to run
down the dip in the sheet towards the bowling ball.
gravity was proportional to the masses of
The only way the marble could escape is if it were the gravitating bodies”
the weakest
What is gravity? ‘force’
Gravity is various things depending on Whenever you pick
who you ask, but no-one yet really knows something up, you’re
counteracting the
planet’s entire
“Gravity is an
attractive force”
Isaac Newton

Gravity in orbit above

Earth is still 90 per cent
“Gravity is a warp what it is at the surface
in space-time”
Albert Einstein

“Gravity doesn’t
actually exist”
Erik Verlinde,
Professor of
theoretical physics,
University of

“Gravity is a particle”
Dmitri Blokhintsev and
F M Gal’perin,
Russian physicists

“Gravity is
an entropic
Jacob Bekenstein and
Stephen Hawking

Secrets of gravity

How does g work? Weight on

Gravity has a lot of effects tha hink about 78.8kg

It gives us weight

Weight on
Although your mass – the amount of Uranus: 62.0kg
‘stuff’ that you are made of – would
remain the same wherever you are in
the universe, your weight would vary
considerably. Weight is a force determined b
gravitational attraction. It’s the produ
large body’s ‘acceleration due to gravi
and your mass. So for example, if you ity
not weight – was 70kg and Earth’s g i
your weight would be 686.7 Newton

Weight on
Mercury: 26.5kg

Weight on
Saturn: 74.0kg
Weight on Weight on Weight on Mean human
Venus: 63.5kg Mars: 26.4kg Jupiter: 165.5kg weight: 70.0kg

It causes objects to gravitate

2 towards each other

Although gravity is the weakest
fundamental force, it is the longest
It bends light
One of the strangest things about gravity is that it can bend the path
of electromagnetic radiation, including light. The stronger a body’s
gravitational field, the more pronounced the effect. Some of the most spectacular
ranging. Bodies with a significant examples of this come from Hubble Space Telescope images of galaxy clusters.
amount of mass can influence Light from more distant galaxies is distorted as if by a lens.
one another across thousands of
astronomical units, or AU (one AU 1. Distant galaxy
being the distance between the A distant galaxy that
Earth and the Sun). It’s no surprise, normally couldn’t be
then, that planets close to the Sun observed is about
to be revealed. 2. Galaxy cluster
should orbit it in a gravitational
Galaxy clusters –
‘dance’. What is surprising though, is particularly ones where
that so should a tiny dwarf planet like galaxies are packed in –
Sedna, which can get out to 936 AU away. act as giant lenses.

Causes ripples

3 in space-time
One of the most extraordin
discoveries of this century was
existence of gravitational wav
or ‘ripples’ in space-time. Th
were detected by the Laser
Interferometer Gravitational
Observatory (operated by Ca
and MIT) in February 2016 a
3. Dark matter 4. Distorted light 5. Telescopes
are thought to have come fro
Although galaxy rays and lensed and observers
clusters contain an images Observers on
colliding black holes. Although enormous amount of Light rays from the Earth can see the
thought that they could be dete mass, gravitational extent to which
galaxy are distorted and
from such an extreme event, no o lensing also suggests lensed by the cluster’s this gravitational
any idea when, or if, that would hap invisible dark matter. gravitational field. lensing occurs. 27
Secrets of gravity

“Scientists suspect that in the first few between objects – so if you move twice as far away
from an object, its gravity feels four-times weaker.

fractions of a second after the Big Bang, But despite all the success of Newton’s universal
law, there was a strange problem with it. It was

all four fundamental forces were unified known that the orbits of the planets are elliptical
– not circular – and that the axes of these ellipses

as one single, symmetric force” slowly move around, or ‘precess’, about the Sun over
time. Newton’s law could account for 93 per cent of
the precession of Mercury’s orbit but not the other
seven per cent. Although this may seem like a very
A LIGO technician
small discrepancy, hardly worth mentioning in fact,
installs a mode cleaner
scientists have to account for such things. It wasn’t
tube baffle, used to
control stray light until Einstein came along with his general relativity
some 230 years later that the mystery was solved.
Newton’s laws are great for describing gravity in
everyday situations, where the gravitational field
isn’t too strong. Relativity is needed, however, for
describing much stronger gravitational fields, like the
one close to the Sun where Mercury orbits, or even
stronger gravitational fields such as those belonging
to neutron stars or black holes. Indeed, one of the
One of the LIGO facilities in Louisiana, US, reasons astronomers like to observe black holes and
used to discover gravitational waves learn all they can about them is that their extreme
gravity is the perfect place in which to test Einstein’s
theory of relativity. So far, relativity has passed all the
tests it’s been placed into – except for one.
The first third of the 20th century was an amazing
time for science. Not only was Einstein developing
general relativity, there was another scientific
revolution going on, but this time for objects on the
smallest possible scales. This was quantum
mechanics. The trouble with general
relativity is that it doesn’t say anything
Gravitational about how gravity operates on the
waves exist tiniest scales of atoms and particles.
Recently, these ripples in In order to do so, we must unify
space-time were finally gravity and quantum mechanics
discovered via two so that they tumble out of the same
colliding black equation, an equation describing
holes. ‘quantum gravity’. 
There are four fundamental forces in
nature: electromagnetism, the ‘strong’ force
(which holds atoms together), the ‘weak’ force (which
is responsible for radioactivity) and gravity. However,
scientists suspect that in the first few fractions of
a second after the Big Bang, when the universe
was still just a tiny but very hot and dense volume
of space, all four fundamental forces were unified
as one single, symmetric force. As the universe
expanded and the temperature cooled, this single
force fragmented into the four forces we experience
today. So unifying gravity and quantum mechanics
wouldn’t just give us a better understanding of what
happens inside black holes, it would help us on our
way to understanding the Big Bang. After nearly a
century attempting to bring gravity and quantum
mechanics together, nobody has yet succeeded.
Even so, quantum mechanics is able to say
some helpful things about gravity. It explains how
the fundamental forces can be described as fields
that cross the universe, and how fields are able to
transmit their force through force-carrying particles
The Hubble Space Telescope used known as gauge bosons. The gauge boson of the
gravitational lensing to capture electromagnetic force is the photon; for the strong
this stunning image of the rich force it is the gluon; for the weak force it is the W and
galaxy cluster, Abell 2218 Z bosons; and for gravity it is the graviton. According
to theory, massive bodies would constantly exchange

Secrets of gravity

Loop quantum gravity may

be able to reconcile general
relativity with quantum physics

It has
a grip
To completely escape
Earth’s gravity you must
fly at 40,555 kilometres
UK’s national cosmology (25,200 miles)
“Unifying gravity and quantum mechanics supercomputer – COSMOS
– to test various models and
per hour.

would give us a better understanding of scenarios. The founder of the

COSMOS facility is Professor Stephen Hawking and
what happens inside black holes, and of it was built in close collaboration with computer
specialists. The Cambridge group is particularly
the Big Bang” keen on developing a theory of quantum gravity.
This might involve gravitons and quantum field
gravitons and be attracted towards one another. curvature of space-time rather than a force carried theory, but as that is difficult to reconcile with
However, unlike photons, gluons and W and Z by particles. It would seem that to help unify general general relativity, alternatives are also being tested.
bosons, gravitons remain purely hypothetical – they relativity and quantum mechanics, we may need These include such exotic ideas as string theory,
have never been observed in the laboratory and a new understanding of gravity (or quantum field supergravity and loop quantum gravity.
likely never will, since the energies required to detect theory) that enhances what we already know, just String theory says that subatomic particles are
them in a particle accelerator like the Large Hadron like relativity enhanced Newton’s law of universal vibrating one-dimensional objects (strings), where the
Collider are huge. It is estimated that we would need gravitation, rather than replacing it. vibrations are the string’s properties, such as mass,
a detector the size of Jupiter orbiting an object with But there are teams of scientists around the charge and spin. This would also apply to gravitons,
strong gravity, such as a neutron star, to detect just world trying to come to that new understanding. but as of yet there’s very little evidence that string
one graviton every decade. Although quantum field The Relativity and Gravitation Group at Cambridge theory itself is even real. A similar scenario applies
theory predicts the existence of gravitons, general University, UK, as well as nearly a dozen other to supergravity, which says that the graviton has a
relativity does not because it pictures gravity as the departments throughout the country, use the super-heavy ‘shadow’ partner: the gravitino. This is

Why gravity is so weird

Why does gravity only pull? Why is it so precise?
It may be too much of an This is unknown. If the gravity had
assumption to say gravity only pulls been weaker during the Big Bang,
(dark energy pushes space apart), the universe would have expanded
but according to quantum field so that nothing would have formed.
theory, gravitons only congregate But if it was a bit stronger, then our
where there is positive mass/energy. universe may have ended by now.

Why is it so weak? Does life need it?

You counteract the gravity of the Ultimately yes. Without gravity, gas
entire planet every day just by and dust clouds couldn’t collapse
lifting something up. If string theory into stars and planets. And even
is true, then the reason gravity is so then, planets couldn’t orbit their
weak is because it leaks into other suns without it. This would severely
spatial dimensions. limit the formation of life.
Apollo 15 astronaut, David Scott recreated Galileo’s drop
experiment on the Moon 29
Secrets of gravity

Einstein’s formula for general
relativity predicted the
expansion of the
Particle accelerators like the
Large Hadron Collider are the
best way to search for gravitons

part of super-symmetry theory, which says that all The further away something is from the centre
particles have a super-heavy ‘shadow’ partner, just of mass, the weaker the gravitational field it should
out of sight of our own universe. It was thought that experience. So within galaxies, stars near the
this might reconcile relativity and quantum physics, periphery should feel less gravity than stars near the
but as of yet, to no avail. galaxy’s core, and therefore should orbit around the
A more promising theory is loop quantum gravity, galaxy more slowly than the inner stars. However,
which says space-time itself is quantised, meaning this isn’t what is observed; in every galaxy the outer
that it comes in discrete packets. This quantisation stars are orbiting faster than they should – they
takes the form of interwoven loops, like a fine seem to be experiencing more gravity than can be
three-dimensional ‘chainmail’. And this doesn’t accounted for by the visible matter. This has led
clash with general relativity or quantum mechanics. astronomers to propose that there is dark matter
Loop quantum gravity is one of the biggest areas lurking in the universe, so much that it accounts for
of research for reconciling gravitational theories; 84.5 per cent of all the mass in the universe.
it allows gravity to still behave like warped space- However, since nobody knows what dark matter
time while still behaving in a quantised way. In is made from, some scientists have instead proposed
loop quantum gravity there’s no need for gravitons, that dark matter doesn’t actually exist at all, and it is
but it would require physicists to alter the Standard the laws of gravity that require changing. One of the
Model, so either way, it’s going to get messy for the more notable alternatives to dark matter is MOND,
theorists. There’s an extra fly in the ointment though. which is short for Modified Newtonian Dynamics,

“Loop quantum gravity is one of the

biggest areas of research for reconciling
gravitational theories; it allows gravity to
behave like warped space-time while still
Galaxies are held together by gravity, which also keeps
planets in their orbits around stars
behaving in a quantised way”
Secrets of gravity

Hunt for the graviton

There are many scientists who think that gravity is mediated b
What is a graviton? How the
Just like electromagnetism graviton works
(including light) is mediated The graviton, as part
by photons, gravity could quantum field theor
be mediated by gravitons. would congregate
According to the Standard wherever there is ma
Model of particle physics, there The theory goes that
are four fundamental forces two or more bodies
(nuclear strong force, nuclear with an appreciable
weak force, electromagnetism, amount of mass wou
gravity) and mass. These exchange gravitons a
forces are mediated by gluons, attract one another t
Z and W bosons, photons, way, via the graviton
gravitons and the Higgs boson field. But there is no
respectively. The graviton complete theory on
hasn’t been discovered yet and how gravitons shoul
remains theoretical. actually work.

How we’re looking for it

Gavitons contribute a stronger force than we can
currently observe, but that most of the gravity
spreads into extra dimensions. If so, then the best
way to discover gravitons is with particle accelerators,
the size of Jupiter orbiting
such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in
Switzerland. Any gravitons created in the LHC would
an object with strong
disappear rapidly, meaning they can’t be detected
directly. We would have to study any ‘empty zones’,
gravity, such as a neutron
which look like an imbalance in the event’s energy
before carefully figuring out if it is a graviton or star, to detect just one
something else.

graviton every decade”
and which describes Newtonian search uses
gravity acting differently over very Newton’s law
large scales. An Israeli scientist called Newton’s law has been
Mordehai Milgrom devised MOND in used to infer the
1983, and there is some observational existence of dark
evidence to support it. matter.
Recently, three scientists in America
– Stacy McGaugh and Federico Lelli of Case
Western University and James Schombert of the
University of Oregon – discovered that when they
measured the gravitational acceleration of stars
around galaxies, they found that these accelerations
could be explained purely from the gravity of the
© Shutterstock; Getty Images; Howard Sochurek; NASA; ESA; Hubble; Caltech; MIT;
LIGO Lab; T. Pyle; The SXS Project; CERN; Daniel Dominguez; Maximilien Brice
visible matter in those galaxies. No dark matter
was needed, and this was exactly what MOND had
predicted. However, there is also plenty of evidence
to support dark matter, too, including the way
colliding galaxy clusters behave, as well as dwarf
galaxies that are so dominated by dark matter that
they have almost no stars. In fact, our entire theory
behind how galaxies form and grow relies on giant
haloes of dark matter coming together.
So contrary to popular belief, the theory of gravity
isn’t done and dusted. To completely understand
gravity is going to require scientists to delve deeply
into exotic physics that relate to the true nature of The last new Quench
reality and the origin of the universe. Those answers Protection System (nQPS)
are not going to come easily – we’ve been trying connectors were installed at
to find them for centuries already – so for the time CERN in January 2010
being, it looks like gravity will keep its secrets. 31

clusters Globular clusters
can be home to
thousands of stars

Over 100 You can see a lot

orbit our galaxy of globular clusters
Globular clusters are mostly found in the outer-
edge of the Milky Way. It’s said that these dense from Earth
collections of stars are fairly common, with at least Early astronomers discovered many of these
© NASA; ESA; A. Sarajedini (University of Florida); G. Piotto (University of Padua [Padova])
157 in our galaxy alone. The bigger the galaxy, the globular clusters. If you own a telescope that has
more globular clusters it contains – for instance, the
Andromeda Galaxy could hold as many as 500 of
Smaller galaxies at least a small aperture, you should be able to see
some of the most famous globular clusters in the
them, while a giant elliptical galaxy such as M87 has
as many as 13,000 globular clusters.
are donating their night sky, such as the Great Globular Cluster in
Hercules (Messier 13).
clusters to the
They hold some of Milky Way Exotic objects are
the first stars Dwarf galaxies, namely the Sagittarius Dwarf and
the Canis Major Dwarf, which are the Milky Way’s hidden in them
It’s thought that the very first stellar members of orbiting satellite galaxies, have been observed to Some globular clusters have gigantic cores and it’s
our galaxy exist in globular clusters, making them have lost some of their globular clusters to our thought that some may even harbour black holes.
some of the oldest objects in the Milky Way. They galaxy. One such cluster is Palomar 12, which is All of these star clusters, though, are incredibly
are packed with stars that contain hardly any metal, about 30 per cent younger than most clusters in the dense, and close proximities with other objects often
and are also home to younger members, which were Milky Way, and is estimated to have been captured cause ‘exotic stars’ to end up in these clusters, such
born from star-forming gas drawn into the cluster. by our galaxy 1.7 billion years ago. as pulsars and X-ray binaries.

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HOW DOES FOAM WORK? Nonpolar end

Polar end



Without an emu sif er added to the m xture Emu si iers create po ar and non polar ends that
a r and water just won t m x there is attach to water and air respectively These enable
noth ng between the particles that wi l the partic es to bind which s why foams retain
enable them to bind their shape and integrity for longer

The casing
A ser es of valves and spr ngs
ensures the foam s released
w th enough force n order to
keep the cons stency intact

The canister
Nit ous ox de is used to force a r into
whatever’s n he siphon handy for
c eating foams of any density


Print edition available at
Digital edition available at
Available on the following platforms
Walvis Sinus

Pack your wet gear as we take you to the second

largest moon in the Solar System and the only
other planetary body to contain traces of water
It’s not often a satellite upstages the planet around moons in 1610, was the first to discover Titan.
which it orbits, but then again, Titan is no ordinary Alongside his brother, Constantijn Huygens Jr
moon. Locked in an elliptical embrace with the (a poet, socialite and engineer of sorts), the
ringed body of Saturn, it remained one of the great pair created their own telescopes and turned Paxsi
mysteries of astronomy for centuries, before humans them to another body in the night sky. Their
began pulling back those long settled veils during efforts were rewarded in 1655 when Huygens
the Space Age. As the mysteries have slowly been discovered Titan, although it was known
unlocked – through the data collected by Pioneer 11, by the names Saturni Luna (‘Saturn moon’)
Voyager 1 and Cassini-Huygens – Titan has revealed and Saturn VI until it was eventually given
some of the most fascinating topographical features a Greek mythological moniker in 1847.
beyond our own atmosphere. Being named after the godly progenitor
The moon boasts huge lakes of frozen water of the Greek Gods, it remains a fitting
and ice – a fact not surprising when you consider title for a planetary body as large as
that Titan’s surface temperature sits at a cool -179 Titan. As the second largest moon in the
degrees Celsius (-290 degrees Fahrenheit) – and an Solar System (beaten only by the Jovian
atmosphere thick with methane, and free of any sort satellite, Ganymede), Titan has a diameter
of magnetic field. It’s a fascinating corner of our Solar that is 50 per cent larger than our own
System and one that’s captured our imaginations Moon and it is a staggering 80 per cent
since its discovery in the 1600s. more massive. In fact, it’s so big it even
Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch astronomer who was eclipses our smallest known planet,
inspired by Galileo’s discovery of Jupiter’s four largest Mercury. A true titan, indeed.

How to get there 4. Jupiter and Saturn

To reach Titan, passing by some
1. Exit Earth’s of our Solar System’s most
atmosphere impressive sights is a given. As
To begin the long journey well as flying past the grand
to Saturn and Titan, you majesty of Jupiter, you’ll also Hetpet regio
first need to break through pass within proximity of Saturn.
our atmosphere. To do this
you need a rocket with a
serious amount of thrust,
such as the appropriately
named Titan IV rocket that
carried Cassini-Huygens.

2. The quest begins

Now you’re free of the
Earth’s gravity, the 3. Assisted by gravity
journey to the Saturnian Depending on the size of the
moon begins. The craft, it may need a little boost 5. Arriving at Titan
amount of time it takes from the gravity of planets it After using Saturn for an
can vary from 1.5 to passes on its journey. Both additional gravity boost, you’ll
six years, depending the Earth itself and Venus now enter orbit around the
on whether the craft could provide additional Saturnian moon, Titan, and finally
performs any flybys. speed via a slingshot. begin your time in its presence.


How big is Titan?

As the second largest satellite in our Solar System, Titan boasts
an impressive radius of 2,576 kilometres (1,600 miles). It's
Uanui Virgae approximately one and a half times the size of our own Moon.
3,474km 5,152km

The Moon

Tortola Facula

Aura Undae Saturn



Polaznik Macula
Ontario Lacūs How far is Titan?
As a natural satellite orbiting Saturn, Titan has an average distance
of around 1.4 billion kilometres (870 million miles) from the Earth
– that’s ten times the distance between Earth and the Sun.

If Earth were the size of a tennis ball,

Titan would be the size of a large marble
Titan 2.74cm (1.08in) in diameter, separated by Earth
a distance of a few kilometres. 35
Explorer’s Guide

Top sights to see on Titan

While Titan has seen a number of human-made landscape. The darker of the two are not shadowed, sustained mainly due to Titan’s cold temperatures
probes make its acquaintance over the past 40 years, but rather comprise a dark material believed to be the and the thick methane atmosphere above.
it wasn’t until the arrival of Cassini-Huygens in 2004 remains of former seas. Of the brighter areas, Xanadu As you might expect for a moon gripped in the
that humanity really began to see the true face of the is one of the largest, its smooth, icy surface creating a gravitational embrace of a ringed planet such as
Saturnian moon. Over the past 12 years, the Cassini reflective setting the size of Australia. Saturn, Titan is peppered with impact craters of
orbiter and the Huygens lander (which is currently Titan also hosts a number of large hydrocarbon varying sizes and distinctions. While most of these
roaming the plains and flats of the moon itself) have seas and methane lakes. The largest of these can are considered young by geological standards, many
revealed countless topographical features that depict be found in the moon’s polar regions. Ontario are still impressive sights to behold. Menrva is the
a moon with a storied history. Lacus, located in the south pole, was the first to be largest with its huge 440-kilometre (273-mile) wide
Composed mostly of water ice and rocky material, discovered, and was found to contain a mixture of double impact basin. There are also impact craters
Titan’s surface is relatively smooth considering its methane, ethane and propane. There is a relatively that appear as little more than raised ridges, such as
young geological age (it’s 100 million to 1 billion common composition for both the largest liquid the 90-kilometre (56-mile) wide Guabonito crater.
years old). Yet, the surface is littered with striking bodies on Titan (known as ‘maria’ or seas) – such as Scientists have concluded craters such as this have
characteristics, the largest being the albedo, vast the huge Ligeia Mare in the moon’s north pole – and been filled over time with windblown debris, near
areas of light and dark material that punctuate the the smaller lakes (or lacūs). Such lakes and seas are burying their presence on the surface of Titan.

Menrva crater Adiri Albedo Elivagar Flumina

The largest crater on the surface of Titan, Menrva Adiri is one of the largest and brightest albedos The Elivagar Flumina is a large network of river
is a double-impact basin with a diameter of 440km (bright surface areas) on Titan. It is named after the channels, which have been carved into the surface of
(273mi). It’s estimated to be 2.8km (1.7mi) deep. paradise of Melanesian mythology. Titan around the region of the Menrva crater.

Shangri-La dark albedo

One of the largest dark
albedos (dark surface areas)
on Titan’s surface, it’s
thought this locale is actually
a long since dried up sea.


Titan in orbit
As with our Moon and many Saturn every 15 days and 22
other natural satellites that hours. Interestingly, it’s also
surround the larger planets tidally locked to Saturn in a
in our Solar System, Titan synchronous rotation, causing
has a rotational period that’s it to permanently present one
identical to its orbital one. face to the ringed planet.
In this case, Titan orbits xxx



One Titan day = 15.9 Earth days

One Titan year = 15.9 Earth days
A colour view of
Saturn and Titan as Similar to our Moon and other satellites of the
captured by NASA's giant planets, Titan's day is the same as its year
Cassini spacecraft

in numbers
The average surface temperature of Titan

Weather forecast

Despite Earth and Titan being
almost every inch of the Saturnian moon

Number of molecules
The single subsurface ocean that covers

different distances from the

that have currently Sun (and also having vastly
been detected in -290°F
contrasting atmospheric
Titan’s atmosphere temperatures), scientists
believe that Titan actually has

an analogue weather system
similar to our own, although its
rain is mostly methane-based
and may be driven by the
presence of cryovolcanism.

The amount of
pressure present
on the surface of
Number of flybys that have been Titan compared
© NASA; ESA; JPL; Caltech; Space Science Institute; Freepik

conducted over Titan so far to the Earth

3% 5,152km
The surface
area of
the moon
that’s been
mapped by
radar so far The diameter of the Saturnian moon 37
th at S H A K E the
’re th e T R E M ORS L A N ET.
They ELD O F O U R P
very M A G N E
AN D TH E Written by Jo
nathan O’Calla
gh an


© Tobias Roetsch 39

f e c t the Earth
spac e qu a k e s af lanet?
How ese cosmic events do to our p
What can th Solar flare
An incoming solar flare
can reverberate Earth’s
magnetic field, leading
to a spacequake.

Geomagnetic storm
Spacequakes can be part of
GPS a broader phenomenon in
The Global Positioning Earth’s atmosphere called
System is also affected a geomagnetic storm.
by the ionisation of the
atmosphere, leading to
some complications.

Power grids
Radio communications In rare events, a powerful
The ionisation of the spacequake can disrupt Aurora
atmosphere caused by ground currents, and Spacequakes can help
spacequakes can hamper power grids, on Earth. funnel particles into the
radio communications. atmosphere, producing
bright aurorae.

, some a s w ide as our

s e
magnetised gathe source of the spacequak
planet, spin at g magnetic field”
on in the universe, such as solar radiation and
cosmic rays, but it also plays host to some unusual

in the vibratin
phenomena that we’re only recently beginning to
understand. One of these is the so-called spacequake,
a consequence of some strange goings on around our “A spacequake is a consequence of magnetic
planet – but a fascinating phenomenon all the same. of Earth, its magnetic influence, is pushed back from reconnection in the magnetotail,” says Panov. “When
Spacequakes are essentially large vibrations in the planet by the powerful solar wind, stretching the reconnection occurs, the plasma volumes are
Earth’s magnetic field caused by an interaction more than 1.3 million kilometres (810,000 miles) accelerated to velocities of up to 1,000 kilometres
with the Sun. They can be so intense as to create into space. That’s a pretty long way. Within this [620 miles] per second towards Earth. They hit the
space “twisters” – shifting and turning effects in magnetotail, something strange can occur. As the magnetic field lines of Earth, and these lines are
Earth’s magnetic fields. And the result, as with field lines get closer together, they can quickly and reverberated back and forth, until the kinetic energy
many events in Earth’s magnetosphere, can lead to suddenly combine and merge, releasing a huge of the accelerated plasma volumes is dissipated into
beautiful aurorae on Earth – but also pose problems amount of energy that comes crashing back to the ionosphere.” The total energy released has been
for satellites and electrical systems. “What we mean Earth. This process of magnetic field lines snapping compared to that released in an earthquake on Earth,
by ‘spacequake’ is an analogy to earthquakes,” says is known as magnetic reconnection, and has been hence the name. According to Panov, the amount
Evgeny Panov from the Space Research Institute in studied in depth recently by NASA’s Magnetospheric of energy released is similar to a magnitude 5 or 6
Austria, who has been studying spacequakes. “The Multiscale (MMS) mission. When this reconnection earthquake. “The problem is how this energy gets
seismogram observations look pretty similar when process occurs, it can release energy that was dissipated,” he adds.
you compare them to magnetometers on the ground.” previously trapped in Earth’s magnetotail. This To understand more about this process, NASA
To understand what’s going on, you first need to energy, solar radiation in the form of plasma jets, can has been running a mission in space since 2007
picture Earth’s magnetic field. Like a bar magnet come crashing back to Earth, impacting the magnetic called THEMIS, or Time History of Events and
running through the planet, Earth’s magnetic field field lines of Earth and causing them to shake – Macroscale Interactions during Substorms. It has
lines run between the poles. But the magnetosphere creating a spacequake. involved using five satellites to move through Earth’s


magnetic field, and study any changes. THEMIS

has been responsible for much of our knowledge
of spacequakes to date, being able to swoop into
Earth’s magnetosphere and measure the incoming
plasma following a reconnection event. THEMIS
gave us our first glimpse of the elastic band-like
snapping effect in Earth’s magnetic field that led
to these events. We have also since discovered the
process that takes place as the jets of plasma slam
into Earth’s geomagnetic field. What happens next is
a rebounding process as the plasma is moved up and
down on the vibrating magnetic field, decreasing in
amplitude over time.
And, as mentioned earlier, this gives rise to
something even more surprising, namely swirling
vortices of plasma inside the magnetised gas, some
as wide as our planet, which spin at the source of
the spacequake in the vibrating magnetic field.
It is likely that these vortices play a major part in
producing aurorae in Earth’s atmosphere, as they
funnel particles into the atmosphere that produce
the colourful effects. But they have a negative effect
too, as they can produce waves of ionisation that
disrupt satellites and radio communications. In more
dramatic instances, a spacequake itself can disrupt
ground currents, and in extreme cases may be able
to knock out a power grid. These events are linked to
solar storms, with the increase in particles to Earth’s
with a
atmosphere causing havoc. Other planets
like Jupiter
The most famous such incident was a solar storm magnetic field
in 1859, also called the Carrington Event, owing to are likely to ex
ke s of some sort
the English astronomer who observed it – Richard spacequa
Carrington. From 28 August to 2 September in 1859,

east longitude
96.7 degrees

k e v s E a rt h q uake
ce weather day
compares to
How a bad sp shake our planet’s surface
the tremors that Beijing


5 30,000km
33.1 degrees
north latitude
Yushu County
The distance above the Earth where Sichuan
spacequakes generally occur

The energy in a
spacequake is similar Depth: about
to a magnitude 5 or 6 33km (20mi)

32 million
Approximate amount Magnitude 6.9 earthquake Bad space weather day
of energy (in kilograms Earthquake in China, 14 April 2010 Bastille Day space weather event, July 2000
of TNT) in a magnitude
7 earthquake

1,000 hours

million It is not
earthquakes Speed of plasma unconmmon for
occur around ejected from the spacequakes to
the world Sun that can cause happen at least
year every year spacequakes once per day 41

a large amount of sunspots appeared on the Sun,

followed by increased auroral activity on Earth. A
result of the increased activity caused telegraph
systems in Europe and North America to fail, with
some reports claiming there were even electric
shocks to operators and sparks flying from some
telegraph pylons. Back then, this was about the
extent of the problem. But if a similar event were to
occur today, perhaps exacerbated by a spacequake,
then the effects could be dramatic. There are many
space weather-monitoring stations around the world,
which warn power stations and satellite operators
when a large event is imminent, so they can shut
down and prevent any damage.
One example of when this went wrong was in
1989, when a large geomagnetic storm knocked out
a power transmission system in Quebec, Canada.
Scientists are continuing to monitor these events to
understand them better, and ensure we don’t have a
catastrophic event in the future. By some estimations,
if another storm like the Carrington Event were to
occur, it could cause a large amount of damage. And
it’s not just Earth where these events occur.
Other planets, too, that have a sizable magnetic
field are also likely to play host to spacequakes, the
best example being Jupiter. Worlds like the Moon
or Mars do not really experience any such events,
are large
though, owing to a lack of a noticeable magnetic field. Spacequakes
ations in Ea rth’s
“Basically, you have to have an intrinsic magnetic vibr
tic field ca used by an
field on a planet to observe such a phenomenon,” magne e Sun
w ith th
says Panov. “If, for example, you consider the oon interaction
it doesn’t have such

the things that we rely on?

hat can space weather do to

Major Radio communication issues You'll struggle to use GPS Ground surges and fires
Magnetic reconnection in Earth’s magnetic field, The same issues that affect radio communication The most famous space weather event is the
linked to solar storms, can cause major radio issues. also hamper the Global Positioning System (GPS). Carrington Event of 1859, when a geomagnetic storm
Changes in the ionosphere can interfere with high- As a geomagnetic storm disturbs the ionosphere, it disrupted telegraph systems and reportedly started
frequency radio communications, causing issues for can degrade GPS ranging measurements, making it some fires due to surges. This danger remains today,
aircraft, especially ones travelling near the poles. difficult to pinpoint a location accurately on Earth. although we’ve yet to have another major incident.
Measures to stop it: Turn off key systems, and don’t Measures to stop it: Sit tight and wait for the storm Measures to stop it: Turn off power systems until
fly near the poles. to blow over. the storm has blown over.


Launch date:
17 February 20
lta II rocket
ve hicl e: De
(1,390lbs) tic
Mass: 630kg Earth’s magne
on : Five sate llites to study , in clu ding
Missi s up close
rve any change
field and obse eir ef fe ct on our planet
an d th

“THEMIS gave
us our first
glimpse of the
elastic band-like
snapping effect in
Earth’s magnetic
field that led to

© Adrian Mann
these events”

17 October 2003 5 November 2003

Halloween Energised
storms Earth’s magnetic
In 2003, a series field was highly
of geomagnetic energised by the
storms (later called event, meaning the
the Halloween satellites and even
Storms) caused aircraft had to take
havoc with Earth’s precautions.
magnetic field.

30 October 2003 11 December 2003

Ejection Normal
The cause was a By December,
surprising outbreak things had returned
of 17 solar flares on to normal – but
the Sun, which hit it was a striking
Earth’s magnetic reminder of the
field between 19 danger solar storms
October and 7 could pose to our
November 2003. home planet. 43

n play
Spacequakes ca
a part in prod ucing
au rorae in
Earth’s skies

u .
nov noted that the plasma jets seem capable of
producing two vortices, which are of interest, and
which may have a bigger role to play in the dynamics
of aurorae. “We would like to know more about that,
because so far we have just a few observations of

© Alamy; Steve Speller; Oleksiy Maksymenko; NASA; GSFC; Evgeny Panov; Space Research Institute of Austria;
the vortices,” he says. Other unanswered questions
concern the size and frequency of spacequakes. It
seems that they can occur once a day, and as much
as once every four hours, but we don’t yet fully
understand how they interact with Earth, nor the
exact mechanisms behind the vortices they create.
But what is clear is how fascinating this
phenomenon is, a bizarre consequence of some
strange unseen events in the Earth’s magnetosphere.
The Sun’s influence on our planet, in terms of solar
storms, has been known for a very long time. Only
now, though, are we really getting to see a clear
picture of all the different processes at play around
our planet.

“When the
reconnection occurs,
the plasma volumes
are accelerated to
velocities of up to A coronal mas
is an unusua
s ejection (CM
lly large rele
magnetic field
1,000km [620mi] of plasma and
from th e solar corona

per second towards

the Earth”
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Future Tech Bloostar

Spanish company, Zero2Infinity hope to float their
rockets past the thick lower atmosphere on balloons
The most demanding part of an orbital launch is
not reaching 28,000 kilometres (17,400 miles) per
hour in space, but powering through the thick lower
“A large balloon will gently lift Bloostar off
atmosphere; this takes a significant part of a rocket’s
propellant load and puts stress on the craft. Around
the Canary Islands and disappear from
80 per cent of the Earth’s atmosphere is in the first
11 kilometres (6.8 miles) of altitude (the height jet
view long before the rocket engines light”
airliners fly at), and aerodynamic drag, the force most of the drag losses means that the whole vehicle stage. After the second stage burns out, a third stage
pushing back on the rocket as it flies, depends on the can be smaller, lighter and cheaper. As it avoids – packed in the hole in the middle of the second
density of the air and the speed of the rocket. the stress of Max Q, it means the structures can be stage and powered by a single example of the smaller
As the speed rapidly increases just after launch, lighter, saving more propellant still, and these factors engine – pushes satellites of up to 75 kilograms (165
rockets plough through the relatively thick air, combined mean the design can be optimised around pounds) into a Sun-Synchronous orbit some 600
experiencing “Max Q”, or maximum dynamic packaging the vehicle without major concern for kilometres (373 miles) high.
pressure, where aerodynamic forces peak and many aerodynamics, saving more mass and cost. Indeed, Packing the stages gives Bloostar a much larger
launchers – including the Space Shuttle – throttle Bloostar looks like no rocket you have ever seen. volume for carrying payloads, and it makes the
back their engines to keep within safe limits. Spanish The first stage is formed of a doughnut-shaped vehicle more compact and suited to the balloon
start-up, Zero2Infinity plan to make the launch of tank carrying liquid oxygen and liquid methane – launch; which will be carried out from the Canary
small satellites cheaper and safer by cutting out this the same combination SpaceX are developing for Islands due to their stable wind conditions. The
problem entirely, by instead using a balloon to carry trips to Mars. These propellants are pushed into six, simplicity of the pressure fed approach can also be
their rocket above the lower atmosphere. 10.6-tonne thrust engines purely by gas pressure in continued with steering, as the six engines could be
When their rocket “Bloostar” launches – hopefully the tanks, avoiding the need for complicated turbo- differentially throttled to control direction rather than
starting in 2019 – it will not be the usual fiery pumps. Those engines are arranged around the ring- steered around on gimbals; so, potentially, Bloostar
spectacle. Instead, a large balloon will gently lift shaped tank structure; on top of which is a foldable, could make it into space with 12 small valves as the
Bloostar off the Canary Islands and disappear from two-part, dome-shaped fabric canopy that protects only moving parts in the whole system.
view long before the rocket engines light at 20 the upper stages and payload. Once the first stage has Though balloon launches are not easy,
kilometres (12.4 miles) altitude. Performing the rocket burnt out, this canopy folds open to clear the way for Zero2Infinity have an ingenious concept in
powered launch at that height puts the rocket above the second stage; which is another toroidal tank with Bloostar that brings a genuinely novel approach to
99 per cent of the Earth’s atmosphere, which has a ring of six smaller rocket engines, burning LOX small space launches – hopefully we’ll find out soon
a number of complementary advantages. Avoiding and methane, packed inside the middle of the first if it lives up to its potential.

A large balloon,
probably filled
with hydrogen,
will lift Bloostar
above the thick
lower atmosphere.


Collapsible canopy
20km altitude Even at 20km (12.4mi),
Nearly twice as high as jet Bloostar will need some
airliners fly, but only half the aerodynamic shape. A
height Felix Baumgartner flexible canopy provides
parachuted from, Bloostar this, which folds open ready
will light its engines. for second stage ignition.

Canary Islands
A mid-ocean location,
stable winds, and a close
proximity to Zero2Infinity’s
base in Barcelona make
the Canaries the favourite
location for lift off.

Pressure fed engines LOX-methane Toroidal tanks Satellite

All Bloostar’s engines are Liquid oxygen and methane Bloostar is built around Capable of lifting up to 75kg
fed with propellants by the are becoming popular as they doughnut-shaped (165lb) in a well-proportioned
gas pressure in the tanks give better performance than composite tanks, which payload fairing, Bloostar could
© Bloostar

(like a water rocket) without kerosene, without the challenges allow the vehicle to be lift a wide variety of micro and
complicated pumps. of super cold liquid hydrogen. stacked concentrically. mini satellites into space. 47
Interview Rusty Schweickart

Russell Schweickart
Rusty Schweickart served
as the Lunar Module
Pilot on Apollo 9, where
he performed the first
in-space test of the Portable
Life Support System,
used by Apollo 11’s Neil
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
on the Moon. As well as
developing the hardware
and procedures used by
the crew on the first Skylab
mission, he was awarded
the NASA Distinguished
Service Medal, the National
Academy of Television
Arts and Sciences Special
Trustees Award (Emmy
Award) and the NASA
Exceptional Service Medal.

“On my EVA, I
remember being
way up the front of
the Lunar Module
with my hand on
the handrail, and I
just let go”

Apollo 9’s
Rusty Schweickart
The retired NASA astronaut tells All About Space how
a jammed camera during a spacewalk changed his life forever
Interviewed by Rafael Maceira Garcia
Did you have to deal with the motion sickness too? the spacecraft is always a very special experience
If NASA had stuck with its original rosters, the Yes, but that was over by the time we actually did because you’re really out there, you’re no longer
crew of Apollo 9 should have flown on Apollo 8, the EVA. We had to postpone the EVA because I had looking through a window. Even if you looked
circling the Moon during Christmas 1968. How did motion sickness the day before, and you don’t get in around in your Apollo suit you didn’t see the edge
you take the news that you were not going to fly a suit and go outside in space if you’re going to have of anything, so it’s as if you’re naked in space. And if
to the Moon after so much hard training? motion sickness, because that will kill you. I mean, if you’re not moving around you don’t feel the suit, as
Well… Those were very complicated times and the you vomit in the suit you will die. It’s very dangerous. you’re floating inside it. So the feeling is very much
mission shifted all over. We were actually the back-up of just being out there all by yourself. You’re a 2001
crew for the first Apollo missions including Apollo 7, You have the honour of being the astronaut that baby in space. So it’s always a special time. Then,
but we were also going to pick up the Lunar Module performed the first Apollo spacewalk, testing the of course, on Apollo 9, I recognised that we’d had
and be the first to fly it. Then we were shifted off new spacesuit’s integral life support systems. How problems before in the suit, and we didn’t know what
the back-up crew and Wally Schirra’s team took do you recall your feelings before and during such to expect from the new Apollo suit. We also never
our places for the first Apollo mission, with Gus a historic time? flew with a totally self-contained backpack, I only
Grissom, Roger Chaffee and Ed White the appointed Going outside is always a special time for any had a tether to the spacecraft. There was no umbilical
first choice crew. We moved into a totally different astronaut, no matter how you do it. Whether you’re chord, so in other words, I had no services coming
mission, but we were going to fly the Lunar Module. the tenth or the thousand person, going outside through that tether. So everything was on my
Then that didn't work and Frank Borman proposed
moving his flight.

Did you ever have the feeling of having lost the

chance of going to the Moon?
No, not then, but after we flew on Apollo 9 and tested
the Lunar Module in Earth orbit, the next rotation
would have been to go from Apollo 9 to being back-
up for Apollo 12 and then a member of the prime
crew on Apollo 15, which Dave Scott did. But things
changed because I had gotten sick on Apollo 9. I
had motion sickness, and as the first person not
to get sick, but the first person to acknowledge it
[Laughs] – that’s an important difference – there
was a big question as to whether people getting sick
might actually make going to the Moon unsafe and
dangerous for people. So we had to learn something
about that and I volunteered to be the guinea pig to
test motion sickness, so that we came to understand
what was going on there and how we could
overcome it, etc… So that took me out of the normal
rotation. That’s the way that happened.

You lifted off as the pilot of the Lunar Module with

the first complete Apollo spacecraft on 3 March
1969. What moments or lessons would you point
out from that experience?
Well, I mean, the primary lesson from our experience
on Apollo 9 was that everything worked well. We’d
had a lot of problems in Gemini doing EVA with
a suit and they were largely unsuccessful, but we
had the brand new suit. I had to go on the EVA, the Inside the Apollo Lunar
first experience of going outside, and fortunately, Module mission simulator
nothing really dangerous happened. We also had the at the Kennedy Space
backpack that was going to allow us to run around Center, Florida, during
on the Moon. So that was a very important test that Apollo 9 mission training
we did in Apollo 9. 49
Interview Rusty Schweickart

“I was an independent spacecraft really, back and in the suit. I was an independent spacecraft
really, linked by a string, and it all worked beautifully.

linked by a string to the Apollo craft, and it As a fighter pilot and an astronaut you’re trained

all worked beautifully” to handle risk – were there any risky moments?
We really didn’t have any risky moments. Everything
worked well. There were a couple of surprises when
we first undocked the two spacecraft. It gets a little
Russell “Rusty” Schweickart
bit technical, but there were some very small little
was selected in 1963 for
latches that had to release, and in the simulator on
NASA’s third astronaut group
the ground, when we did the procedure everything
worked well. Dave Scott in the Command Module
threw the switch and the two spacecraft separated.
Springs pushed us apart and the spacecraft moved
away, but when Dave pushed the switch and let it
go in the actual situation, the probe had not fully
extended. He just hit the switch and let it go – which
is what we did in the simulator on the ground – but
when it reached the end of its travel pushing the
Lunar Module away, those little latches (as soon
as he let go) went back out and so we went ‘clunk’,
and stopped. We kind of looked at each other and
wondered, “what was that?” McDivitt and I said
we should probably redock and figure out what
happened. We wanted to let the ground team work
through it and figure out what happened, and then
do it again. At about that time, Dave looked up and
saw that we weren’t separated and he just hit the
switch again. As we started to drift off, we looked
at each other and said: “Well, too late now! So we'll
find out when we come back from the rendezvous in
eight hours if anything is wrong.”

What do you treasure most from your mission?

The EVA. Being outside the spacecraft and having
five minutes to myself when the movie camera that
was documenting my EVA failed. Jim McDivitt said:
“Okay Dave, you’ve got five minutes to try and fix the
movie camera. Rusty, just stay there.” Well, that was
great! I mean, I had five minutes to just stay there
and look at where I was. So that was pretty special.

Did the mission change you in any way?

Well, yeah, because you know, during those five
minutes… I remember being way up the front of the
Lunar Module with my hand on the handrail, and I
just let go. With one hand I swung myself around and
looked at the Earth; the Command Module was also
in that direction, but mainly I could see the Earth,
the black sky and the black universe above it. I just
said to myself: “This is my time to be a human, not to
be an astronaut. I’m not going to think about what’s
next on the checklist. My job is to be a sponge, to just
let this come in through the spacesuit and into me
as a human being.” And that happened. Many years
afterward, I was still processing it. A lot of questions
came to me: How did I get here? And I don’t mean by
a Saturn V. How do I happen to be here? I was a farm
kid from New Jersey. What’s happening? What does
this mean? Why am I here? What are the implications
of this? What is my responsibility? All of those things
just came flooding in and those were things that I
processed for several years afterwards, before I really
talked about that experience in that sense.

NASA astronaut Schweickart flew on the first manned The Apollo programme was debatably the most successful What do you think is the legacy of Apollo 9?
Earth orbital test flight of the Apollo Lunar Module human spaceflight programme carried out by NASA The Apollo 9 was the engineering test flight. We

Rusty Schweickart

Schweickart performs an
EVA standing on the Lunar
Module porch, photographed
by fellow astronaut, James
McDivitt from inside

protect the Earth, and the life on it, from asteroid

“Going to Mars is going to be a much bigger impact will be a very important legacy.

challenge, and it’s not clear to me how soon Do you think a trip to Mars is as challenging and
risky as the Apollo programme?
we’re going to be able to do that” I think there’s no question; it’s far more risky. We
know one of the biggest problems in going to Mars
would basically test everything. Everybody said it and the thermal shield ripped off and took the solar is the radiation environment. You are not only going
was the engineer’s flight, because everything that array with it… I mean, we had a disaster in space. It into space for a long time, you’re outside of Earth
had to work in order to make a successful lunar was a matter of ‘can we save this mission?’ A lot of orbit where you are protected by the radiation belts.
landing was tested. Well, not everything, because the work that I had done underwater and in EVA That happens when you’re in the Space Station,
we didn’t test any of the actual landing radar, for came to the rescue of Skylab. The experience that I for example, but when you get out into deep space
example – because we didn’t have the Moon there – had in doing all of the normal work led to a capability you are exposed to heavy particles. We don’t really
but 90 per cent of what had to work we tested on our where we literally saved the mission. The things that have a good way to protect people from radiation
flight. In some cases we went beyond the normal test we designed and tested underwater, as well as the damage. This is a big issue among others; a small
to make it extra difficult. So it was a very important training provided for the crews, were important. It group of people going for that long would also
flight in terms of proving that we really were ready to was the Skylab rescue that was the real contribution experience psychological challenges. The experience
go out to the Moon and land. that came out of the earlier nominal work. of Antarctica, the South Pole, over winter is small
compared with a group of people going to Mars for
As back-up Commander of the first manned After Skylab you served as Director of User Affairs three years. Those things are challenges that we
Skylab mission in 1973, you were responsible for in NASA’s Office of Applications. Are you still understand, and didn’t exist in going for a week or
developing the hardware and procedures used by involved in any way with the space programme? something to the surface of the Moon with three
the first crew to perform critical in-flight repairs. I'm not directly linked to the space programme in people. Going to Mars is going to be a much bigger
Can you recall any near-disasters? terms of NASA, for example, but the last 15 years of challenge, and it’s not clear to me how soon we’re
My job at that time was to prepare all of the EVA my life have been spent working on what we refer going to be able to do that. People talk about a one-
procedures, retrieve the film canisters, and we also to as planetary defence: protecting the Earth from way trip. Older people like myself, we have lived our
developed better foot restraints so that people were asteroid impact. That’s what I really am very proud lives, so who cares…
free to move around. All of that was done for the of. I’m as proud of that as I am of having flown on
normal operations on Skylab. That’s why I did all that Apollo. Anyone could have flown on Apollo, but that Would you go if you had the chance?
work. Almost all of it was done in neutral buoyancy work on the B 612 Foundation and the Association I don’t think so… Perhaps if my family disowned me, I

in the big water tanks, but the reality is that what all of Space Explorers, both of which I founded, and would think about it, but now I think it’s for younger
of that led to was when Skylab got off the ground the work that we’ve done in enabling humanity to people to do. 51




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Interstellar planets

Interstellar planets

Space is suspected to be filled with worlds wandering alone

without their star, but could such loners ever shelter life?
Written by Giles Sparrow 55
Interstellar planets

How rogue worlds are made

Astronomers have put forward a variety of theories to explain
how planets could end up drifting through interstellar space

They’re kicked out of their system in a They’re ejected by a supernova explosion

planetary collision When the most massive stars reach the end of their
Not all planetary systems are as neatly ordered as our lives, a spectacular explosion sheds most of their
own, and they all evolve over time. If a Jupiter-mass mass and drastically reduces their gravity, potentially
planet had a close encounter with a neighbour, the cutting loose any orbiting planets to fly off into
smaller planet could find itself ejected from orbit interstellar space.
around its star.

They’re thrown out by a collision with a They form alone from a dust disc
star or black hole Computer models and observations show that planet-
Close encounters and collisions between stars and like objects with more mass than Jupiter but less
stellar remnants, such as black holes, are inevitable mass than a brown dwarf, can form independently
over astronomical timescales, and happen frequently out of knots of gas and dust in the same stellar
in the densely packed clusters where stars are born. nurseries as the stars themselves.
Even if the stars survive the encounter, the orbits of
their planets would likely be disrupted.

Interstellar planets

In the past two decades, we’ve grown used to the thanks to reflected starlight. So Earth-like interstellar
idea of exoplanets – distant worlds orbiting their stars
in alien solar systems. Some of these planets are
planets, relatively tiny balls of rock floating far from
any stars, are so small, cold and faint as to be almost
Are rogue planets
very different from our own – scorched gas giants
skimming the surface of their stars, or frozen balls of
impossible to detect. The only exception might be if
they wander by chance in front of a more distant star
ideal for life?
ice larger than the Earth. But perhaps the strangest and create a ‘microlensing’ event, where the starlight
exoplanets of all are those that drift alone through is bent.
the darkness of interstellar space, far from the heat Fortunately, there are occasional lone planets, still
and light of any star. Only a handful of these objects hot from the gravitational collapse in which they
are known so far, but according to scientists, many formed, that give out light of their own, shining
billions of them could be scattered across our galaxy dimly but distinctly if viewed through powerful
– estimates vary from at least a couple for each of telescopes, and emitting radiation that can reveal
the Milky Way’s 200-billion-odd stars, up to an important clues to their other properties. One of the
astonishing 100,000! most intriguing examples, catalogued as PSO J318.5-
Astronomers call these mysterious worlds 22, was discovered in 2013 by a team including Dr
interstellar or ‘rogue’ planets, but in order to Niall Deacon, now at the University of Hertfordshire.
understand them, we first need to find them and Deacon specialises in studying extremely faint brown
learn more about their characteristics – and that’s a dwarfs – often called ‘failed stars’ – in the nearby
challenge in itself. The vast majority of exoplanets stellar population, and it was during a search for such
discovered so far have been detected through their objects that he and his colleagues stumbled across
influence on their parent stars – either the tug of their the object he calls PSO J318.
gravity on the star’s path through space, or slight dips “We were doing a large survey with the Pan-
in the star’s brightness as a planet transits in front of STARRS (Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid
its star as seen from Earth. But for interstellar planets, Response System) observatory on Maui, Hawaii. We
neither of these techniques work. The other obvious looked for very red objects that drift across the sky a
route of observing them through their own light and bit – lots of distant galaxies are red, but if an object is Pretty much all life on Earth is dependent on
other radiation is also caught in a catch-22 situation: moving quickly across the sky, it must be nearby. So the Sun to survive, so it might seem strange
while the light of exoplanets is often drowned by we detected a bunch of candidates and did follow-up to imagine life thriving on planets lost in the
that of the stars they orbit, most are only visible at all measurements with the United Kingdom InfraRed interstellar darkness. But researchers say we
shouldn’t write off rogue planets entirely. As
early as 1999, David J Stevenson of the California
“Rogue planets are thought to be planets Institute of Technology argued that even small
rogue planets, expelled from their solar systems,
that formed from gas and dust, and were could sustain a hydrogen-rich atmosphere and a
warm surface for long enough for life to evolve,
later ejected from their solar systems by thanks to the radiation of energy left over from
its formation. This idea is clearly confirmed by
close encounters with planetary neighbours the discovery of gas giants like PSO J318, which
pumps out enough energy to vaporise iron!
or near misses with stars” Of course, any life that evolved in the hot
atmosphere of a rogue gas giant would be very
different from that we see on Earth – conditions
The Pan-STARRS PS1 telescope
might prevent life from gaining a foothold at all,
on Haleakala, Maui, has a wide-
and would almost certainly stop it at the level of
field telescope and giant digital
camera that make it ideal for bacteria-like organisms that could float among
surveying large areas of the sky the clouds. But more solid, Earth-like worlds
with geological activity driven by escaping heat
could also have the potential to sustain life
on or beneath their surfaces (perhaps similar
to the bacteria associated with ‘hot rocks’ and
subterranean water channels on Earth). With
photosynthesis out of the question due to a lack
of sunlight, the ‘primary producers’ at the base of
any alien food chain would have to find another
chemical means of generating energy, perhaps by
consuming carbon from the rock itself.
Perhaps the most promising home for life in
interstellar space, however, would not be on a
rogue planet itself, but on its moons. Here, tidal
forces might create an environment similar to
those seen on several moons in our own Solar
System, with a deep ocean of liquid water, heated
from below by volcanic activity and shielded from
space by a solid, icy crust. Such an interstellar
ocean could offer hospitable conditions for the
development of fairly advanced aquatic life forms. 57
Interstellar planets

Telescope on Mauna Kea, and Mike Liu noticed that

“There are occasional lone planets, still hot this object was really, really red. We followed it up
with a spectrum from NASA’s Infrared Telescope
from the gravitational collapse in which Facility, and found that its light was very similar
to that of the planets around HR8799 [a group of
they formed, that give out their own light” three giants that were among the first to be directly
imaged, back in 2008]. So based on its colours and
spectrum, we knew that it might be a free-floating
This ‘Einstein ring’ shows gravitational
planet.” But how do you tell the difference between
lensing of light around galaxies, but
something similar happens, on a a planet and a brown dwarf? “Brown dwarfs are
much smaller scale, when a rogue basically failed stars,” explains Deacon. “They’re
planet passes in front of a distant star objects that don’t have enough mass to push
down on their cores and give them high enough
temperatures to fuse hydrogen in the middle. The
official definition is that brown dwarfs can fuse a
small amount of deuterium [a rare, heavy form of
hydrogen that undergoes nuclear fusion more easily]
in their core early in their lifetime.”
In practice, this tends to mean that brown dwarfs
have masses between about 13 and 80 times that of
Jupiter, but it leaves the definition of planets rather
fuzzy, as Deacon points out: “That definition means
that a brown dwarf could form in the disc around
a star, rather like a planet forms, but equally, some
objects with a mass smaller than the planet/brown
dwarf boundary could, in theory, form on their own
in a star-like way. You can look at something like
Earth or Jupiter and say that’s definitely a planet, and
look at something with about 50 Jupiter masses and
say it’s definitely a brown dwarf, but what about for
something that’s about 12 Jupiters? It’s a bit iffy how
you make that decision.” Of course, even working out
the mass of an object floating on its own through

How to find a rogue planet space might seem like an impossible challenge.
What’s more, without large amounts of radiation from
nuclear fusion to hold them up, large gas planets and
Gravitational Microlensing at work brown dwarfs all collapse under gravity into objects
microlensing This diagram shows how microlensing reveals exoplanets in orbit of about the same size. So how can you even begin to
Microlensing is a distortion around stars, but the principle is the same for rogue interstellar planets tell them apart?
and magnification of a star’s The first step, as Deacon explains, is to work
light, which happens when Orbiting planet Distorted light out the object’s temperature based on features of
another object passes in front A star closer to As the distant star’s light its spectrum, including its colour. “Because brown
of it and bends the paths of Earth is orbited by passes close to the planet, dwarfs have no core fusion, they lose heat as they
light passing near it through an unseen planet. it is deflected, with some age. But more massive things have more gravitational
gravity. It’s been successfully bent towards Earth. energy when they collapse, and that turns into more
used to find exoplanets heat that takes longer to radiate away. PSO J318 has
orbiting other stars, but a surface temperature of about 1200 Kelvin (925
can also be used to detect degrees Celsius, or 1,697 degrees Fahrenheit), and
interstellar planets, allowing for a given temperature, there’s a link between mass
astronomers to estimate and age: you have to distinguish between something
how common they are. that’s high-mass and old, or low-mass and young.”
Magnified image
Unfortunately, microlensing Distant starlight Astronomers on Earth see the Once you have that temperature information,
events by interstellar planets Light from a distant star starlight distort and brighten in a there are other clues in the star’s light that reveal
tend to be one-offs, so it’s spreads out on straight- characteristic way, which reveals more about its properties: “There are features in the
hard to learn much about the line paths in all directions. the mass of the intervening object. spectrum that tell you how strong the atmospheric
planets themselves. gravity is. These are dark absorption lines [created
when atmospheric chemicals absorb light of specific
Direct imaging colour and energy] formed by alkali metals and iron
The direct detection of interstellar planets relies hydride that are pressure-sensitive, so in higher-
on long-exposure surveys of large areas of the sky density atmospheres that are more compressed by
looking for brown dwarfs and other faint objects. gravity, the lines are stronger. And because these
Infrared surveys are particularly useful since many objects are all about the same radius, the gravity
of these objects emit more radiation as heat than measurement more or less tells you the mass. So
they do as light. Surveys often target areas of recent if two objects have the same temperature, then a
star formation, where objects are likely to be at younger, less massive one will tend to have weaker
their youngest, and therefore hottest and brightest. spectral lines than an older, more massive one,”
explains Deacon. The weak lines in PSO J318’s

Interstellar planets

Wandering worlds we’ve found so far

PSO J318.5-22
WISE 0855-0714 Distance away: 80 light years CFBDSIR 2149-0403
Distance away: 7.27 light years Discovery method: Direct Distance away: 100 light years
Discovery method: Direct observation Discovery method: Direct
observation Constellation: Capricornus observation
Constellation: Hydra PSO J318 is the best-studied Constellation: Aquarius
Cha 110913-773444 rogue interstellar planet so
OTS 44
Distance away: 163 light years Discovered in 2014 using WISE, CFBDSIR 2149-0403 seems Distance away: 550 light years
this small object is a little far, with a tightly constrained to be part of the AB Doradus
Discovery method: Direct Discovery method: Direct
over seven light years away. mass and age that indicates it Moving Group, a group of
observation observation
With a surface temperature is undoubtedly a planet rather recently formed stars 50–120
Constellation: Chamaeleon Constellation: Chamaeleon
of -30°C (-22°F), it’s either a than a brown dwarf. It is about million years old. With a surface
Discovered in 2004, Cha This faint young object has
cold, low-mass brown dwarf 80 light years away and was temperature of 430°C (806°F),
110913-773444 has the mass of a mass between six and 17
or an interstellar planet on our discovered in 2013. its mass is likely to be between
about eight Jupiters, making it Jupiters, putting it on the
a candidate interstellar planet. cosmic doorstep. four and seven Jupiters. boundary between brown dwarf
Infrared observations show and planet. Excessive infrared
that it is surrounded by a faint radiation from its surroundings
disc of planet-forming material, suggest it is shrouded by a disc
perhaps moons in formation? of planet-forming material.

“Earth-like interstellar planets are so small,

cold and faint they are difficult to detect”
spectrum pointed towards it being a recently formed So where exactly do rogue planets come from?
interstellar planet with relatively low gravity, rather Some (particularly smaller, Earth-like objects) are
than an older brown dwarf. But to really get an idea thought to be celestial runaways that probably
of its properties, the team would need to pin down began by coalescing like ‘normal’ planets from the
its age more precisely. They did this through some dust and gas in orbit around newly formed stars, but
ingenious cosmic genealogy, tracking down the were later ejected from their solar systems by close
planet’s siblings in space. encounters with planetary neighbours or near misses
“PSO J318’s distance of 80 light years, its sky with other stars. But many others are probably life-
position and its motion are linked to a group of long loners – worlds that coalesced directly from
young stars called the Beta Pictoris association, and interstellar nebulae in the same way as stars and
because these stars have an estimated age of about brown dwarfs. Astronomers believe there is a lower
25 million years, we can assume that PSO J318 is limit to the mass of objects that can form in this way,
the same age. From that, we were able to work out meaning that even the smallest would have two or Many smaller objects wander through interstellar space,
the mass more accurately, and confirm that the new three times the mass of Jupiter. So is there a way including icy comets. Some astronomers suspect Comet
object is below 12 Jupiter masses. So by the official to distinguish between the two possible origins of Hyakutake may have started out as an interstellar
definition, it’s a planet,” says Deacon. interstellar giants? “There are some suggestions,” says drifter, due to its unusual chemical composition 59
Interstellar planets

Deacon. “An object forming in a disc is going to be

affected by the way that ices of different materials What if a rogue planet
entered our Solar System?
condense at different distances from the primary star,
and that might cause slight differences in chemical
composition from an object that formed in a star-like
way, but the idea of detecting those differences is still
in its infancy.”
If a new Jupiter-mass world wandered through the
For astronomers, interstellar planets have one big
advantage over their exoplanet cousins in other solar
plane of the planets, the results could be catastrophic
systems. “When you look at planets orbiting other
stars, unless they’re in very wide orbits we have
to somehow get rid of the light from the primary Uranus and Neptune
star,” observes Deacon. “We can either do that from More loosely bound to the
space, blocking the light with a device called a Sun’s gravity, the Solar System’s
coronograph, or we can use computerised ‘adaptive outer ice giants might be most
optics’ techniques on Earth to correct for the blurring vulnerable to having their orbits
of the atmosphere, sharpen the image of the star and disrupted, perhaps drifting
reduce its size. But those are really time-consuming away into interstellar space
processes and you can only really do them on the themselves, or falling into orbit
around the rogue visitor.
biggest, hardest-to-access telescopes.” In contrast,
rogue worlds present fewer of these problems:
“Almost all the data in our discovery paper came
from four-metre (13.1-feet) class telescopes or smaller Earth
some of which are over 35 years old,” comments If Earth’s orbit became more Mercury
elliptical, it would present a As the closest planet to the
Deacon. “If you want to study atmospheres in
severe danger to all life, as the Sun, Mercury’s orbit is tightly
more detail, or maybe collect time-series data from
amount of sunlight reaching bound by solar gravity, so
repeated observations over hours or days on end to the surface would become it would probably survive
look for trends, then you can do that much more more variable and summers more or less unchanged.
easily using a smaller and more accessible telescope and winters more extreme.
if the planet’s sitting on its own.” The Moon might shield us
In 2015, a team led by Dr Beth Biller at the from the worst effects of
University of Edinburgh, Scotland, did just this with asteroid bombardment. Venus
PSO J318, carrying out precision measurements Venus might find its almost
perfectly circular orbit
of the planet’s light over an extended period, and
disrupted into an ellipse.
identifying slight variations in the planet’s brightness
This could in turn upset its
as it rotates and displays different hemispheres to slow rotation period and
Earth. They found that it rotates in a little over five alter the Venusian climate.
hours, and has a blotchy surface best understood as
patchy regions of cloud. Similar cloud features have
previously been detected on brown dwarf stars, but
those on PSO J318 seem to be thicker. “They could
be clouds of silicate dust,” says Deacon, “or perhaps
condensing molten iron, since at these temperatures Mars
they could have iron vapour in their atmosphere. On If the orbit of Mars was nudged
a planet like this, you could have molten iron rain!” closer to the Sun then, surprisingly,
It seems bizarre to imagine that a planet exiled Mars might become more
from its parent star (if it ever had one) and drifting hospitable as its icecaps melted
Asteroid Belt and its atmosphere thickened.
alone through the dark and icy depths of interstellar The countless small bodies orbiting between But it would take the brunt of
space should have such a hot atmosphere, but PSO Mars and Jupiter would undoubtedly be bombardment from asteroids.
J318 undoubtedly owes its torrid temperatures to its disrupted. Some might be thrown out of the
youth. Over time, the heat in its core that currently Solar System entirely, but others, along with
drives weather activity will dissipate and the planet comets from beyond Neptune, would rain down Saturn
will cool into a dark, deep-frozen ball of gas floating on the inner Solar System causing huge impacts. Saturn, the second most massive
© NASA; ESA; ESO; Hubble; JPL-Caltech; Penn State University; L. Calçada;

alone through space, as many others have done planet, would probably also survive,
but its ring system might not
before. The void between the stars, it seems, is not as
R. Hurt; Rob Ratkowski; MPIA; A. Quetz; E. Kolmhofer; H. Raab

withstand the disruption of the rogue

empty as we previously thought – instead, we must planet’s gravity and the bombardment
come to terms with the idea that it’s littered with of cometary debris carried with it.
strange, dark worlds.

“On a planet like Jupiter

PSO J318, you As the Solar System’s largest planet,
Jupiter would be best able to

could have molten withstand the disruption of a rogue

planet passing by. Its gravity would

iron rain!” Niall Deacon draw in many of the comets falling in

from the edge of the Solar System.


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How big is dwarf

Moon’s diameter:
3,476km (2,160mi)
planet Ceres? Ben Walker

ANSWERED BY Ceres’ diameter:

OUR EXPERTS 950km (590mi)
In proud association with
the National Space Centre

Sophie Cottis-Allan
National Space Academy
Education Officer
Sophie studied
astrophysics at
university. She has
a special interest in
astrobiology and
Charon’s diameter: Pluto’s diameter:
planetary science.
1,208km (751mi) 2,370km (1,473mi)

Josh Barker
Education Team
Having earned a
master’s in physics
and astrophysics, Josh
Do astronauts need to dodge space junk on a regular basis?
continues to pursue his Lauren Elliot on spacewalks can see the damage sense, it was too big to survive.” There
interest in space at the Not as often as you might think. along the exterior of the ISS. Space are more than half a million pieces of
National Space Centre. Luckily, space is very big, and suits are covered in Kevlar, similar to space debris bigger than a centimetre
collisions with large debris are rare. bulletproof vests, to protect against (0.4 inches) zooming around Earth.
Gemma Lavender The International Space Station is micrometeoroids. But astronauts This is potentially a huge risk to active
Editor regularly hit with tiny micrometeoroid don’t see or dodge the debris itself. satellites, craft and space stations, and
Gemma holds a master's particles – a stray fleck of paint or As Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield larger particles are carefully tracked so
degree in astrophysics,
is a Fellow of the Royal a scrap of metal – and astronauts once said: “if it was big enough to that collisions are avoided. TM
Astronomical Society
and an Associate
Member of the Institute There are over 500,000 pieces
of Physics. of debris larger than 1cm
(0.4in) in orbit around Earth
Robin Hague
Science Writer
Robin has a degree
in physics with space
technology and a
master's in hybrid rocket
engine design. He
contributes regularly to
All About Space.

Tamela Maciel
Space Communications
Tamela has a degree in
astrophysics and writes
for the National Space
Centre Blog. She has
eight years' experience in
science communication.

Make contact: @spaceanswers /AllAboutSpaceMagazine @

Earth’s diameter:
12,756km (7,926mi)


Star density increases as
Would a you journey towards the
middle of the Milky Way

planet near the

galaxy’s centre
have a brighter
night sky? The colour of a star actually reflects
its temperature
James Davis
Yes, and this is because as we journey What does a
towards the middle of the galaxy, the
average star density increases. This
star’s colour
would indeed result in more visible tell me about it?
stars in a planet’s nighttime sky in Barry Hunt
that region. However, this increased A star’s colour can say quite a lot
number of stars is not without its about the star. First of all, a star’s
drawbacks. Being closer to lots of temperature directly influences the
stars massively increases the chance colour of the light it emits. Cooler
that such a planet would be exposed stars emit red light, and as the star’s
to dangerous radiation. It is also more temperature increases it turns orange,
likely that things like supernovae yellow, then to white and finally
may occur close enough to cause blue. The colour can also give us an
disruption to a planet. This leads us to insight to a star’s age. Blue stars are
believe that life is less likely to exist hotter and are therefore burning their
towards the centre of a galaxy. JB fuel reserves faster. Blue stars found
on the main sequence are typically
young stars. As stars get older and
they run out of hydrogen, they start
to cool. As this happens they tend to
shift towards the redder end of the
spectrum. However, we can’t infer that
all red stars are old. Some of them may
have been cool from the start. JB 63

What’s the
best way to see
Jupiter’s moon Europa is covered in a
thick layer of water ice Saturn’s Cassini
Jack Felstead
Could astronauts You would need a small telescope
ever go ice skating (at least!). The Cassini Division is a
gap in the planet’s ring structure
on Europa? that is thought to be caused by
Jacquie Turner the gravitational forces of Saturn’s
They would need a lot of protection! moons. This divide was named after
Jupiter’s moon Europa is indeed Cassini, who spotted it in 1675 during
covered with water ice, and below his study of the ringed planet. To
that, it’s likely that a vast, liquid water discover this for yourself, you’ll need
ocean exists. Such an intriguing a little assistance from some extra
world is the focus of several planned equipment.
missions, such as ESA’s JUICE and The divide, or the rings in fact,
NASA’s Europa mission. The holy grail aren’t visible to the naked eye. To
of such missions would be a detection see the divide a small telescope will
of microbial life forms within Europa’s be needed, ideally a minimum of 8
depths. But the icy surface of Europa inches in diameter. This should give
is unlikely to be a hospitable place. a magnification of around 200x, and
Europa is blasted by intense radiation with this magnification you should be
channelled by Jupiter’s magnetic able to see some detail in the rings,
fields, and until we can safely shield The Cassini Division was first as well as being able to spot a few of
astronauts from this, we’re unlikely to seen in Saturn’s rings in 1675 Saturn’s larger moons. SA
see ice skaters on Europa. SA


Galaxy jets

Terrance Freedman
quasars made? Funnels made by the black hole
twisting the space-time fabric suck
up particles, which are accelerated by
Heating up electric currents, before being blasted
A swirling disc of dust and gas When the material falls into out into space as focused beams of
An accretion disc made of gas and the black hole and reaches the charged particles and radiation.
dust circles the black hole. If the event horizon – the point of no
black hole isn’t particularly active, return – the matter collides,
then the matter won’t fall in. creating immense temperatures.

The ‘calm’ black hole The active black hole An active galaxy
If a black hole is ‘calmly’ sitting When a black hole begins Combine the intense magnetic
at the centre of its galaxy, it spinning into motion, it field of the supermassive black
generally distorts the fabric of drags the fabric of space- hole with the collision of atoms
the universe around it. It leaves time with it. This ‘sheet’ and high temperatures and you’ll
a sharp dent in this sheet of gets twisted up inside the get an extremely active galaxy.
space-time from which nothing black hole. Electrons then find themselves
– not even light – can escape. gathered by the magnetic field.

Questions to… @spaceanswers /AllAboutSpaceMagazine @

How does a full Moon

create high tides?
David Richards
High tide

High tides are not just created by the High tide

full Moon. The tides in general are
a result of the Moon’s gravitational
attraction – that coupled with the
spinning of the Earth gives us the
changing tides. The gravitational forces
from the Sun can also affect the tides
and this gives rise to something we
call spring tides. These occur when the
Moon and the Sun line up.
When the Moon is on the same side
as the Sun (during a full Moon or new Moon
Moon) their influences compound and Sun’s
we get a slightly higher tide, as the gravitational pull
water “springs” higher than normal.
During half Moon periods, when
the Moon opposes the Sun, we get a Moon’s DEEP SPACE
slightly lower tide known as a neap gravitational pull
tide, as the gravity of the Sun opposes Low tide
that of the Moon. JB

© Science Photo Library; Roger Harris; Alamy; Denys Bilytskyi; NASA; ESA; Hubble; JHUAPL; SwRI; NASA; JPL-Caltech; Space Science Institute; Chris Gunn; G. Ugarkovic; Gregory H. Revera

Does the
coldness of space
have an adverse As the universe continually expands,
galaxies appear to move faster than the
effect on orbiting speed of light relative to each other

telescopes? Are galaxies able to

move away from each
Jack Wilson
Yes, space telescopes are carefully other at faster than
designed for the extreme temperatures the speed of light?
(both hot and cold) of operating in Lee Taylor
space. The vacuum of space itself While it’s thought that it is impossible
doesn’t strictly have a temperature, for anything to exceed this limit,
but objects in space (including planets, measurements of distant galaxies
spacecraft and space telescopes) do suggest they are moving away from
absorb and lose heat through radiation. each other at a speed greater than
If a space telescope is facing toward that of light, relative to one another.
the Sun, it can easily overheat from And yet they are able to do so without
the intense radiation, so too much heat opposing Einstein’s theory of relativity.
in space can be just as big a problem To understand this we must first
as too little. consider the ‘speed limit’ of the speed
To prevent this, engineers wrap of light. As far as we know, this speed
space telescopes in shiny, silver cannot be exceeded within an inertial
thermal blankets that reflect most of frame of reference. Basically, this
the radiation away from the craft. For means that no object can travel faster
example, the base of the new James than the speed of light relative to the
Webb Space Telescope, scheduled to objects nearby. But the expansion of
launch in October 2018, is covered in the universe is the expansion of space
this reflective material. itself, and is not an inertial frame of
Similar ‘space blankets’ also have reference. The objects are moving
their uses back here on Earth, for Shiny, thermal blankets further apart, and for two galaxies at
example, in wilderness survival and at reflect radiation away incredible distances, this results in
the ends of races, to trap in body heat from spacecraft movements faster than the speed of
and keep people warm. TM light, relative to one another. JB 65

What are the constellations

of the Northern Hemisphere?
Head out for an evening under the stars and you’ll see quite a few patterns take shape
Alice Williams
Many people can point out the sauce pan shape of
the “Plough” (or Big Dipper in the US), though they
may not be aware it is also the thigh and tail of Sagitta
Ursa Major, the Great Bear. Ursa Major is one of 88 (The Arrow)
official modern constellations, but as with most of
the northern constellations, its origins are ancient;
though we commonly use “constellation” to mean the
patterns in the sky, in modern astronomical use star
patterns are asterisms, and a constellation is a region Corona
of sky associated with an asterism. Pegasus  Borealis 
The first evidence we have of humans trying to (The Winged) (The Northern
make sense of the layout of the stars are stone tablets Crown)
from the Babylonian civilisation around 3000 BCE;
the Babylonian tradition influenced the civilisations
developing around the eastern Mediterranean, and
the Greeks adopted these older patterns into classical
astronomy around the 4th century BCE. Following
the collapse of the western civilisations, astronomy
was preserved and developed in the Islamic world Lynx 
and many of our current star names, like Aldebaran (The Lynx)
and Betelgeuse, come from Arabic. Aries Coma
New constellations were added with the age (The Ram) Berenices 
of exploration, as adventurers pushed into the (Berenice’s Hair)
Southern Hemisphere and saw regions of sky that
were beyond the horizons of historic astronomers.
Not all of these new additions made it into formal Canes
use, though; the Cat, the Toad, the Hot Air Balloon Venatici 
(The Hunting
and the Battery have all fallen by the wayside! In
1922 the International Astronomical Union decided
to rationalise the constellations in use to a common
standard, and divided the sky up around them as a
system of mapping. Henry Norris Russell divided the
sky into 88 official constellation regions; drawing on (The Bull) Vulpecula
48 classical patterns and the newer ones from the (The Fox)
Southern Hemisphere. These regions are centred on
the original named asterisms but can also be used in
specifying other stars in the constellation area, which
are not necessarily part of the classical pattern.
The most well known are Orion the Hunter and Lacerta 
the pan handle of the Great Bear, as they are the (The Lizard)
most distinct patterns in our sky. Many are familiar
with the constellations in the zodiac – the star
patterns through which we see the Sun and planets Triangulum
pass. There are now 30 standard constellation regions (The Triangle)
in the Northern Hemisphere, though it is worth
noting that these patterns are only a result of our
perspective and don’t indicate any direct relationship Camelopardalis 
between the stars in them; they just happen to be in (The Giraffe) Draco 
a similar direction. (The Dragon)

Questions to… @spaceanswers /AllAboutSpaceMagazine @

(The Harp)
(The King)
(The Crab)

Leo Minor 
(Little Lion)
(The Foal)
(The Herdsman)

(The Strongman)

Ursa Major 
(The Great Bear)

(The Little
(The Chained

(The Twins)

Cassiopeia  (The Hero)
(The Seated Queen)

(The Swan)

(The Charioteer)

(The Dolphin)

What’s in
the sky? Red
In or
der dly
visio to prese
n, y rve
obse ou should your nigh
red li ide unde r
ght r

In this issue…
68 What’s in the sky? 70 Get into
6 6 6
January is packed with stargazing tonight
unmissable celestial events - Start out in astronomy the
don't miss them! right way with our full guide

80 Moon tour 81 Naked eye and JAN JAN JAN

Explore Langrenus Crater, binocular targets Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos- Conjunction of the Conjunction of
one of our lunar companion’s Get lost in the stars and star Pajdusakova reaches its Moon and Ceres at Moon and Eris at a
hidden gems clusters of Auriga brightest at magnitude a separation of 3°25’ separation of 8°56’
+6.4 in Capricornus in Pisces and Cetus in Pisces and Cetus
82 How to… Make 84
Deep sky

12 14 14
the most of Earthshine challenge
Combine your images of the Dig deep in the constellation of
crescent Moon and Earthshine Gemini for some exotic sights

86 How to… 88 The Northern JAN JAN JAN

Use a planisphere Hemisphere Venus and Neptune Venus reaches its Comet 74P/Smirnova-
Learn how to make the most Your winter favourites make pass closely and half phase in the Chernykh reaches its
of navigating the heavens their appearance this month within 0°21’ of each dawn sky brightest at magnitude
other in Aquarius +12.9 in Gemini
90 Me & My 92 In the shops
19 19
Telescope We test the Celestron Cometron
The very best of your FirstScope 76, plus other must-
astrophotography images have astronomical accessories

© Bernal Saborio

The Moon and Jupiter pass Mercury reaches

closely and within 2°33’ of greatest elongation
each other in Virgo west at dawn at
magnitude -2.0

26 26 31
Conjunction of the Conjunction of the Conjunction of the
Moon and Mercury Moon and Pluto Moon and Venus at
at a separation of at a separation of a separation 4°03’ in
3°42’ in Sagittarius 2°45’ in Sagittarius Aquarius and Pisces

What’s in the sky?

Jargon buster
Conjunction Declination (Dec) Opposition
A conjunction is an alignment of objects at This tells you how high an object will rise in When a celestial body is in line with the
the same celestial longitude. The conjunction the sky. Like Earth’s latitude, Dec measures Earth and Sun. During opposition, an object
of the Moon and the planets is determined north and south. It’s measured in degrees, is visible for the whole night, rising at sunset
with reference to the Sun. A planet is in arcminutes and arcseconds. There are 60 and setting at sunrise. At this point in its
conjunction with the Sun when it and Earth arcseconds in an arcminute and there are 60 orbit, the celestial object is closest to Earth,
are aligned on opposite sides of the Sun. arcminutes in a degree. making it appear bigger and brighter.

Right Ascension (RA) Magnitude Greatest elongation

Right Ascension is to the sky what longitude An object’s magnitude tells you how When the inner planets, Mercury and Venus,
is to the surface of the Earth, corresponding bright it appears from Earth. In astronomy, are at their maximum distance from the Sun.
to east and west directions. It is measured magnitudes are represented on a numbered During greatest elongation, the inner planets
in hours, minutes and seconds since, as the scale. The lower the number, the brighter can be observed as evening stars at greatest
Earth rotates on its axis, we see different the object. So, a magnitude of -1 is brighter eastern elongations and as morning stars
parts of the sky throughout the night. than an object with a magnitude of +2. during western elongations.

11 12
Mercury hits its Venus reaches greatest
greatest brightness elongation east and
in the dawn sky at shines brightly at
magnitude -2.2 magnitude -5.1

14 18
Conjunction of Conjunction of the Moon
Ceres and Eris at a and Makemake at a
separation of 6°09’ separation of 27°28’ in
in Pisces and Cetus Virgo and Coma Berenices

20 24
Conjunction of the The Moon and Saturn
Moon and Haumea at pass closely and
a separation of 25°03’ within 3°36’ of each
in Virgo and Boötes other in Ophiuchus

31 Naked eye
JAN Small telescope
The Moon and
Venus pass closely Medium telescope
and within 3°52’ of
each other in Pisces Large telescope 69

In the midst of winter, now is the perfect time
to head outside and get started in astronomy –
whether you’ve got a telescope or not

Get into stargazing tonight

It’s a common myth that you need a telescope to it when hopping from one target to the next is a Once you’re under skies untouched by light,
be an astronomer. While it’s true that one of these breeze rather than a complication. you’ll find it to be a truly breathtaking experience
instruments can reveal much more than the naked Before you head outside though, there are a few and you’ll be amazed at what you can see with the
eye or, in some cases, a pair of binoculars can, you things you should be aware of. First of all, you unaided eye. Star clusters, such as the Pleiades in
don’t need a telescope to enjoy the night sky. What’s should allow your eyes time to adapt to the dark to the constellation of Taurus, are easily detectable
even better is that taking your first tentative steps observe fainter targets – this should take 20 minutes. in the winter sky as fuzzy smudges, as are several
into stargazing is absolutely free. Second, ensure that you’ve chosen the darkest site star-forming regions such as the Orion Nebula.
Beginners are often advised to just use their possible to reduce interference – a location without Meanwhile, as the planets make their way across the
eyes before even considering to buy a telescope, light pollution from artificial lights and preferably night sky throughout the evening, you should be
in order to familiarise themselves with the night on a night when the Moon is at its new phase or a able to see our galaxy, the Milky Way, spilled across
sky with the aid of nothing more than a star map slim crescent is best. Any stray light is sure to make the sky from exceptionally dark locations. And last
or planisphere. Whether you’re looking to buy a taking in the night sky difficult at best and you of all, remember to wrap up warm and bring a flask
telescope at a later date or not, learning your way should ensure that you use a red light to preserve of hot drink with you – there’s nothing better than
around the sky is essential – you’ll be thankful for your night vision when reading night sky guides. gazing upon the universe in comfort. 71
without a telescope
Wrap up warm and step
outside, there’s an entire
night sky for you to
explore with your eyes
Your eyes are capable of seeing objects as faint
as magnitude +6 under exceptional observing
conditions and good eyesight, meaning that you’re
able to see at least 9,000 stars all at once. Of course,
it isn’t just our Sun’s stellar cousins that you’re able
to see – there are planets, galaxies, star clusters and
nebulae that will make themselves known, provided
that you know where to look. In fact, you’re actually
able to see for thousands of light years just by
simply looking up.
The ideal time to get started in observing is
near the time of the new Moon, so that you’re not
battling light pollution in order to seek out the
many night sky treasures that await you. You should
aim to choose an area that has a good horizon
that’s devoid of obstructions such as houses, trees,
mountains and hills.
There’s no doubt that under the best skies you
can get to, you’ll most likely want to see as much
as your eyes and the conditions will allow, but it’s
important to remember that you’re likely to see
planets and stars much more easily than galaxies
and nebulae, even if they have the same magnitude.
“You’re actually
This is because the latter are much more spread out,
or diffuse, than Solar System objects, which appear
able to see for
as concentrated points of light.
The more you observe, the more you’ll notice
that as the seasons wheel from one to the next,
the constellations will start to become familiar.
of light years
Constellations are constructs of the human
imagination, many of them derived from ancient
just by simply
myths and legends. In a ‘join the dots’ fashion,
some of these ancient patterns actually resemble
looking up”
the entities they are meant to portray; some are
incredibly large and sprawling, while others appear
to simply fill in the gaps in this giant celestial jigsaw
puzzle. We still use this imaginary patchwork of
star patterns because they break up the night sky
– which is essentially a random scattering of stars
– into ‘manageable sections’, enabling objects to be (approx. $7.54)
referred to and located with relative ease. Make sure From: Philip’s Astronomy
you take note of these star patterns, as they will
serve as signposts to help you find your way around
the night sky.

Get into stargazing tonight

Your targets for tonight

Start your exploration with our pick of the top naked-eye objects
Orion Nebula (M42) The Big Dipper
To The Night Sky
Moon Price: £6.99 (approx. $8.80)
From: Collins Astronomy




Constellation: Orion (The Hunter) Constellation: Ursa Major (The Great Bear)
Best seen: Throughout the night Best seen: Throughout the year
Magnitude: +4.0 Seven stars make up the Big Dipper, which is also
Glance below the three stars of Orion’s Belt and known as the Plough, in the constellation of Ursa Easy to find in the night sky, the Moon is the first
you should be able to make out the Orion Nebula Major. It is perhaps one of the most famous asterisms object that many beginners to astronomy enjoy
as a white smudge in a dark sky. Also visible from in the world and its stars, Dubhe and Merak, can be observing. Our lunar companion is at its most
suburban areas with modest light pollution, the star- used as ‘pointer stars’ to help you find the North Star, interesting when it moves from one phase to the next
forming region is a huge cloud of gas that’s forming Polaris. Ursa Major is visible for most of the year in throughout the month, where the lunar seas and
new stars about 1,300 light years away from us. the Northern Hemisphere. craters are at their most dramatic.

The Winter Triangle Betelgeuse (Red supergiant) The Pleiades (M45)




Constellation: Orion (The Hunter), Canis Minor (Little Constellation: Orion (The Hunter) Constellation: Taurus (The Bull)
Dog) and Canis Major (Great Dog) Best seen: Throughout the night Best seen: Throughout the night
Best seen: Throughout the night Magnitude: +0.42 Magnitude: +1.6
Not strictly a constellation, but an asterism, you know With its signature orange-red colouration, Betelgeuse It’s hard to miss this open star cluster, also known as
that it’s winter when you can see the Winter Triangle is visible even from light polluted areas. It is usually The Seven Sisters. To the naked eye, you should be
dazzling in the night sky. The Winter Triangle links rising in the east and is visible from a wide range of able to see six or seven stars in a formation that looks
the constellations of Orion, Canis Major and Canis locations across the globe. Just above Orion’s Belt, quite similar to a miniature version of the Plough, or
Minor by their bright stars Betelgeuse, Sirius and Betelgeuse is a variable star that ranges in brightness Big Dipper. You don’t need a perfectly dark site to see
Procyon respectively. between magnitudes +0.0 and +1.3. the cluster, as you can see it quite easily from towns.

Magnitudes Sun
-4.5 to -3.7
Andromeda Galaxy
In astronomy, you’ll come
across magnitudes. An object’s
magnitude tells you how bright it
will appear from Earth. Perhaps
quite confusingly, the lower the
number, the brighter the object
Celestron Sky Maps will be. For example, an object that
Price: £30 (approx. $37.70) has a magnitude of -1 is brighter
From: David Hinds Ltd than one with a magnitude of +2. Brighter Fainter 73
Getting closer to the universe
with binoculars or a telescope
If you’ve seen all of the targets available to you using the
naked eye, then you’re ready to magnify your experience
will appear marginally better and the greater your
magnification, the more impressive your views of
binoculars, you can look further into the universe. If the Solar System will be. All is not lost with getting
you’re not keen on purchasing a scope straight away, good views of fainter targets, though. Peripheral
then binoculars with a magnification of at least vision can play a huge part in getting effortless Merc
10x50 are portable and open up the opportunity views of the more diffuse objects, since the rod Price:
to grab sights of night-sky objects that your naked cells around the outside of your eye are much more
From: The
eye is unable to resolve. An increased magnification sensitive to dim objects. Filters can also enhance Widescreen Centre
means that you can also get better detail of targets and provide better contrast.
than your unaided eye can make out – Jupiter, with If using a telescope, a stable surface to place it on
its equatorial belts, and moons are an example. As is also essential. You should choose your observing
with touring the heavens with the naked eye, you site in the daytime, ensure that the ground is level
should give your eyes time to adapt to the dark and and have an idea of what you would like to observe
have a planisphere or a night sky guide to hand. before heading out. Once you’re outside and you’re
On your first night, you shouldn’t expect too using a telescope, you should experiment with
much. You’ll see galaxies and nebulae as faint, eyepieces to see which magnification works best
fuzzy patches of light. Planets, on the other hand, when gazing upon your chosen target.

Targets for tonight Grab your telescope or even a pair of

binoculars and take a tour of the deep sky
Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) Horsehead Nebula (IC 434) The Trapezium



Type of object: Spiral galaxy Object: Reflection nebula Type of object: Open cluster
Constellation: Ursa Major (The Great Bear) Constellation: Orion (The Hunter) Constellation: Orion (The Hunter)
Magnitude Magnitude: +6.8 Magnitude: +4.0

Beehive Cluster (M44) Eskimo Nebula (NGC 2392)

Price: Starting at £50
From: Hama UK Ltd Gemini

RECOMMENDS Type of object: Open cluster Type of object: Planetary nebula

Constellation: Cancer (The Crab) Constellation: Gemini (The Twins)
Magnitude: +3.7 Magnitude: +10.1

Get into stargazing tonight

Inspire Series
Price: Starting at
£159 (approx. $200)
David Hinds Ltd

How to star hop A handy technique for easy navigation of the night sky

1 2
Use a sky chart Determine the
You’ll need a sky field of view
map before you While it is usually
begin star hopping. From written on the side of
a dark sky location, you’ll binoculars, it can be
find it hard to read your worked out for telescopes
sky map, so you should by dividing the field of
ensure that you use a red view of your eyepiece
torch to preserve your (usually specified by the

© Alamy; NASA; ESA; M. Robberto; Hubble; Rogelio Bernal Andreo; ESO; B. Tafreshi; Adam Evans; Ken Crawford; Miguel Garcia
dark-adapted vision. manufacturer) by the
telescope’s magnification.
You should ensure that
you start off with the
eyepiece with the lowest

3 4
Use a template Star hop to
Using a few square your target!
centimetres of Begin by finding
clear plastic, a drawing a bright or recognisable
compass and a felt-tip star in the middle of
pen, create a template. your telescope’s field of
Find a star on the chart, view. Make a note of the
centre the finderscope stars at the edge and
on it, and check the move your instrument
stars on the edge of the in the direction your
field of view. Then draw target object lies in. Make
a circle on the plastic, sure that the stars on
with the compass on the one edge of your field
star at the centre of your of view are on the other
telescope’s field of view. side of it. 75



Orrion Pisces
nis Minor
Monoceros Venus

Canis Major
C Aquarius

Lepus Capriccornus

19 January 2017 Sculptor
Piiscis Austtrinus
Puppis Caelum Grus


Moon phases 5
49.3% 60.9% 72.1% 82.3%
11:38 --:-- 00:29 12:05 01:45 12:35 03:02 13:09

90.7% 96.5% 99.5% 99.5% 99.5% 96.7% 91.5%
04:19 13:50 05:32 14:40 06:38 15:38 07:35 16:44 08:22 17:55 09:01 19:08 09:33 20:19

84.3% 75.9% 66.5% 56.8% 47.0% 37.4% 28.3%
10:00 21:29 10:25 22:36 10:48 23:41 11:11 --:-- 00:45 11:35 01:48 12:02 02:49 12:31

19.9% 12.7% 6.8% 2.6% 0.3% 0.3% 2.6%
03:49 13:05 04:46 13:45 05:39 14:31 06:27 15:25 07:10 16:26 07:48 17:31 08:21 18:41

1FEB 2
% Illumination FM Full Moon
Moonrise time NM New Moon
Moonset time FQ First quarter
7.3% 14.3% 23.2% 33.6% LQ Last quarter
08:50 19:52 09:17 21:05 09:44 22:19 10:10 23:34
All figures are given for 00h at midnight (local times for London, UK)

What’s in the sky?
Canes Venatici
Lyra Boötes
Leo Min

Coma Berenices Cancerr

Vulpecula Corona Boreallis
Hercules Leo



The Virgo
us Serpen
ns Moon


The Hydra
Sun Mercury Corvus

Saturn Antlia

rona Austrina Centaurus


Illumination percentage Planet positions All rise and set times are given in GMT
12 JAN 19 JAN 26 JAN 2 FEB Date RA DEC Constellation Mag Rise Set
05 Jan 17h 57m 58s -20° 13’ 04” Sagittarius -1.8 06:43 15:11

12 Jan 17h 57m 46s -20° 54’ 32” Sagittarius -2.2 06:20 14:39
19 Jan 18h 20m 34s -21° 56’ 03” Sagittarius -2 06:22 14:27
40% 60% 70% 80% 26 Jan 18h 55m 05s -22° 30’ 36” Sagittarius -1.8 06:32 14:30
02 Feb 19h 35m 30s -22° 15’ 38” Sagittarius -1.7 06:44 14:45

05 Jan 22h 15m 59s -12° 00’ 12” Aquarius -5 10:13 20:16
12 Jan 22h 42m 47s -08° 46’ 20” Aquarius -5.1 09:55 20:33


19 Jan 23h 07m 42s -05° 27’ 06” Aquarius -5.2 09:35 20:47
50% 50% 40% 40% 26 Jan 23h 30m 37s -02° 07’ 20” Pisces -5.3 09:13 20:59
02 Feb 23h 51m 12s +01° 07’ 48” Pisces -5.4 08:50 21:09

05 Jan 22h 56m 01s -07° 41’ 16” Aquarius 0.5 10:30 21:19
12 Jan 23h 15m 26s -05° 32’ 23” Aquarius 0.6 10:10 21:22


19 Jan 23h 34m 40s -03° 21’ 58” Aquarius 0.6 09:51 21:24
90% 90% 90% 90% 26 Jan 23h 53m 45s -01° 10’ 59” Pisces 0.7 09:32 21:27
02 Feb 00h 12m 46s +00° 59’ 36” Pisces 0.8 09:12 21:29

05 Jan 13h 20m 44s -07° 06’ 35” Virgo -2 00:53 11:48

12 Jan 13h 23m 02s -07° 18’ 32” Virgo -2 00:29 11:22

19 Jan 13h 24m 49s -07° 27’ 20” Virgo -2.1 00:04 10:55
100% 100% 100% 100% 26 Jan 13h 26m 04s -07° 32’ 53” Virgo -2.1 23:34 10:29
02 Feb 13h 26m 45s -07° 35’ 03” Virgo -2.2 23:07 10:02

05 Jan 17h 23m 44s -21° 53’ 29” Ophiuchus 1.3 06:20 14:26

12 Jan 17h 27m 03s -21° 56’ 18” Ophiuchus 1.2 05:56 14:02

19 Jan 17h 30m 14s -21° 58’ 41” Ophiuchus 1.2 05:32 13:37
100% 100% 100% 100% 26 Jan 17h 33m 16s -22° 00’ 38” Ophiuchus 1.2 05:08 13:12
02 Feb 17h 36m 07s -22° 02’ 12” Ophiuchus 1.2 04:43 12:47 77
This month’s planets
Planet-watchers are spoiled for choice as 2017 settles into its stride,
with bright planets on view after sunset and before sunrise
Planet of the month

Right Ascension: 22h 42m 47s
Declination: -08° 46’ 20” Pisces

Constellation: Aquarius
Magnitude: -5.1
Direction: Southwest




Sculptor Piscis Austrinus


16:00 GMT on 12 January 2017

The holidays might be over, and the over a lake or the sea and see its Venus blazes so brightly in our sky denying Venus’ beautiful appearance in
New Year celebrations behind us, but as reflection dancing on the water. because of that thick atmosphere. It Earth’s sky, and this month it will be a
January 2017 gets into its stride, Venus It’s often remarked by astronomers acts like a giant mirror, reflecting the spectacular sight.
is still a dazzling evening star high in how ironic it is that a planet which Sun’s light back out into space, so if It begins in January to the lower
the southwest after sunset. As soon as looks so beautiful and which is named you flew to Venus all you’d see is a right of much fainter Mars and spends
dusk falls, Venus can be seen glinting after the Roman Goddess of Love, could featureless yellow-white ball shining the rest of the month closing in on
in the lavender sky like a silvery spark, be so unattractive in reality. It would be brightly against the blackness of Mars until they’re just 5.5 degrees apart
and by the time the sky has darkened unfair to call Venus ugly; every planet space. If your craft carried a spacesuit on 31 January. On that evening a lovely
to deep purple, the planet is shining so in the Solar System has its own unique designed to survive the harsh slim, crescent Moon will shine beneath
brightly it shouts: “Look at me!” fascinations. But let’s be honest, a world conditions on the planet’s surface – and Venus, the three worlds making a very
An hour after sunset Venus will be that has sulphuric acid for rain and you’d need something looking like a attractive triangle low in the southwest
obvious to the naked eye from your clouds of poisonous carbon dioxide suit of medieval armour to last more after sunset. Going back slightly to 12
garden, even if houses and streetlights – so thick, in fact, they permanently than a few minutes – you’d plod in slow January, be sure to use your binoculars
surround you. But if you want to see block out the Sun and create a space motion across a barren landscape of and telescope on this evening to
Venus at its best, head to a dark sky site probe-crushing atmospheric pressure low, rolling hills with heat-blasted rocks, look for the faint blue-green spark of
and you’ll be stunned by its brilliance, – is never going to win any beauty or shimmering in a syrupy heat haze Neptune, shining less than a Moon’s
especially if you can watch it blazing popularity contests. beneath a sepia-hued sky. But there’s no width to the right of Venus.

This month’s planets

Mercury 07:30 GMT on 25 January

Sagitta Right Ascension: 18h 49m 42s
Declination: -22° 28’ 22”
Constellation: Sagittarius
Magnitude: -1.9
Direction: Southeast
Mercury is often called “elusive” and justifiably so: its
Delphinus close orbit around the Sun means it can never appear
far from the Sun in the sky, so we can only catch it
for short periods before sunrise or after sunset. At the
moment Mercury lies in the southeast before dawn.
Scutum Serpens
Aquila Although its magnitude of +1 suggests it should be an
easy naked-eye object, it will be low and shining in a
Sagittarius Mercury fairly bright sky, so you might need to sweep the sky
with binoculars first. Once you know exactly where
to look, your naked eye should pick out Mercury as a
tiny gold-hued spark of light. Mercury will have lots
E SE S of company this month. On 10 January it will lie to
Saturn’s left and on 25 January it will be to the lower
left of a beautiful waning crescent Moon.

Mars 18:30 GMT on 20 January Jupiter 02:30 GMT on 19 January

Pisces Crater
Cetus Serpens
Sculptor Aquarius Equuleus


Right Ascension: 23h 37m 24s company as it dominates the sky. Right Ascension: 13h 24m 49s 1am. Through binoculars it will look
Declination: -03° 03’ 16” Look out for Mars and Venus just 5.5 Declination: -07° 27’ 20” like a tiny disc, with up to four of its
Constellation: Pisces degrees apart in late January. Mars is Constellation: Virgo 63 moons glinting close by. A small
Magnitude: +0.6 now so far away that it just scrapes Magnitude: -2.1 telescope will show the planet’s
Direction: Southwest above first magnitude in brightness. Direction: Southeast prominent cloud bands and the GRS.
This month Mars is little more than You’ll need a good telescope and high Suspended among the stars of Virgo, Look out for Jupiter shining close to
a red star keeping the brilliant Venus magnification to reveal any detail. Jupiter is now rising in the east before the last quarter Moon on 19 January.

Saturn 08:00 GMT on 20 January Uranus 17:30 GMT on 25 January

Ophiuchus Pisces

Aquila Saturn
Sagittarius Aquarius
Serpens Formax


Right Ascension: 17h 30m 41s rising two hours before the Sun. At Right Ascension: 01h 17m 06s high in the sky at sunset and visible
Declination: -21° 58’ 59” magnitude 0.5, it is an easy naked-eye Declination: +07° 30’ 32” until it sets at 1am. Binoculars will
Constellation: Ophiuchus object. Binoculars will pick out the Constellation: Pisces pick it out as a pale green “star” close
Magnitude: +1.2 planet’s largest moon, Titan, while a Magnitude: +5.8 to Zeta Piscium, while a telescope
Direction: Southeast telescope will reveal its stunning rings, Direction: South will show its fern green disc and may
This month Saturn is a morning star, which are currently wide open. Uranus, shining at magnitude 5.8, is reveal hints of detail in its atmosphere. 79

Top tip!
Look out for the
crescent Moon forming
a beautiful triangle
with Venus and Mars
in the southwest after
sunset on 31 January!

Moon tour
Langrenus crater

© James Stuby; NASA

This month we help you find one of the Moon’s best hidden gems…

The Moon has many “celebrity” size are both greatly diminished as it is tones of the mare and landscape around shadows they cast across its floor. On
craters, like Copernicus, Tycho and almost on the Moon’s limb. it. This means that although the crater is the 15 January, Langrenus is smothered
Eratosthenes, which are big and bright Photographs taken by Apollo crews reduced to an oval or lozenge shape by by darkness and it doesn’t emerge again
enough to be obvious to the naked eye. and lunar orbiters show Langrenus foreshortening, it is at least a bright one until 30 January, when the Moon will
However, these celebrities owe their is very similar in appearance to and, unlike some craters, it is easy to see be a beautiful thin crescent, low in the
fame to a stroke of good fortune: the Copernicus when viewed from above: it whenever sunlight is falling on it. southwest after sunset. The crater will
bodies which blasted them out of the is a roughly circular crater, with shallow As this issue hits the shelves, show some surface relief for the next
lunar surface millennia ago struck the walls that are more than 20 kilometres Langrenus is a small, bright oval shining few nights until all its shadows are
face of the Moon pointing right at Earth. (12.4 miles) wide and broken up into near the western limb of the first washed away by the rising Sun.
There are other craters just as big and more than half a dozen slumped terraces quarter Moon, down at the 4 o’clock Langrenus is also known as a hot spot
interesting as Copernicus, but they are and ledges. The walls are especially position on the Moon’s face as darkness of “transient lunar phenomena” – sudden
reduced to “B” or “C List” status because rugged and rippled on its western side. falls. Around full Moon – 11 January brightenings that may be caused by
they were blasted out of areas not so Stark mountains jut up out of the crater’s – Langrenus will be a very noticeable releases of gas from beneath the crust –
well-placed for observation. Instead, we floor with three-kilometre (1.9-mile) high bright mark beneath Mare Crisium so keep an eye out this month.
see them at an angle, foreshortened by peaks; these cast long, jagged shadows through binoculars, looking like a bright
the curve of the Moon’s limb. Langrenus across the floor when sunlight hits them smash pattern left in an icy puddle after
is one such crater. at a low angle after sunrise or before a stone has been thrown onto it.
A 137-kilometre (85-mile) wide, six- sunset. Beyond Langrenus’ walls, out The best nights to see the crater are
kilometre (3.7-mile) deep hole, punched on the lunar plain, several rays of bright on 13 and 14 January, when the Moon
into the Moon by a massive asteroid debris spread away westwards from is starting to wane and the terminator
impact millennia ago, Langrenus would the crater, but again their appearance is begins to creep towards Langrenus from
rival great Copernicus in beauty if it diminished by the angle of viewing. the west. With the Sun’s rays slanting
had been formed near the centre of the One of the most striking things about across the crater at a shallow angle, it
Moon’s face. Sadly, it was blasted out of Langrenus is the unusually high albedo will really stand out from the surface
the eastern edge of Mare Fecunditatis, – reflectivity, or brightness – of its floor. and look more like an actual crater. At
the ancient sea directly to the south of Its floor is very noticeably brighter than this time, view it through your telescope
the dark eye socket of Mare Crisium, the surrounding terrain; it is more of a with medium to high magnification,
and so Langrenus’ beauty and apparent grey-white colour than the dark, ash-grey to see its central mountains and the

Naked eye targets

This month’s naked eye targets

Turn your gaze to the constellation of Auriga, where you Lynx
can get lost in many beautiful stars and star clusters

Gemini Messier 36 Messier 38

Similar to the Pleiades in the Sometimes known as the Starfish
constellation of Taurus, 10x50 Cluster, Messier 38 is easy to spot
binoculars will show Messier in binoculars with a magnification of
36 well, as the cluster glows at 10x50. The cluster’s brightest stars make
an apparent magnitude of +6.3. up a pattern that resembles the Greek
Astronomers estimate that letter Pi. With its absolute magnitude of
Messier 37 there are at least 60 members, -1.5, the open star cluster shines with a
Celebrated as the richest of the all glowing in white and blue. luminosity of around 900 Suns.
three well-known star clusters
in Auriga, M37 is thought to be
home to 500 stars. With around
150 stars shining at magnitudes
of around +12, M37 will appear
similar to a nebula in modest
binoculars, but will become
clearer with a telescope. Red
giants are also nestled among
their white-blue companions.

Capella (Alpha Aurigae)

The brightest star in the
constellation is located to
the east of the Pleiades star
cluster. Capella might appear
to be a single yellowish-white
star to the naked eye, but it
is actually a system of four
stars in two binary pairs. It is
unmistakable at an apparent
magnitude of +0.08.

The Kids (Haedi)

Supposedly representing two
Taurus lambs, the two stars – Zeta and
Eta Aurigae – are easy to spot
southwest of bright star Capella,
which marks the left shoulder
of the celestial charioteer. The
Kids appear as a white-blue star
paired with a red supergiant.

Perseus 81

How to…

Make the most

of Earthshine

© Alamy; Alan Dyer

We’ve probably all seen it at some point, the bright crescent Moon, but
also a faintly lit disc. What is going on and how often can we see this?

Tips & tricks

after new Moon in the evening sky, photographically? The answer to this
You’ll need: or just before it, in the morning sky,
when our nearest neighbour in space
question is definitely yes, but to get a
really good picture of it, you’re going to
 DSLR camera appears to be quite close to the Sun. need a few things. Set the camera to ‘manual’
 Zoom or But why does this happen and why First of all, you’ll need a DSLR It is best to use a DSLR camera and set
telephoto lens can’t we see it at other times? camera with the ability to change the it up using the ‘manual’ settings rather
 Small telescope It is all to do with the respective lens. It is possible to get quite good than ‘automatic’ settings.
positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon pictures just using an ordinary 50mm
 Tripod and the fact that the Earth and the focal length lens, or even a wide-angle Use a telephoto lens
Moon are retro-reflective – that is, lens, but if you do, you won’t be able to Although you can use a wide-angle lens,
make out much of the Earthshine as it’s better to use a zoom or telephoto
On a clear early evening or early they preferentially reflect light back
lens with around 200mm focal length.
morning, at certain times, if you look along the path it came from. When the lunar disc will seem very small.
out low down near the horizon and the Moon is apparently close to the A zoom lens or telephoto lens is A small telescope
close to where the Sun is either setting Sun from our point of view, the Earth best, or even a small telescope to will improve results
or rising, you might spot a very thin from someone standing on the Moon which you can attach your camera. If you can attach your DSLR camera to
crescent Moon. If you look more would appear to be almost fully lit This setup will give the most dramatic a small telescope, this should provide
closely, you might notice that along and therefore quite bright. This light, images. You may also need to take two even better images of the Earthshine!
with the brightly lit crescent, you can originally from the Sun, of course, then separate images, one to capture the
see a fainter glow over the whole disc illuminates the part of the Moon that bright crescent, so a faster exposure, Experiment with exposure
of the Moon, allowing you to make out is not lit up by the Sun directly. and one slightly longer exposure to Use a fairly short exposure for a clean
image of the crescent and a slightly
some of the features. What we are actually seeing, then, is catch the Earthshine. You’ll then need
longer one to capture the Earthshine.
It is an effect more romantically the sunlight reflected from the Earth to combine these images in photo
called ‘the old Moon in the new onto the Moon and back to us again. editing software such as Photoshop, Use a tripod
Moon’s arms’ but otherwise known It is without question a truly beautiful which will produce a stunning image Use a sturdy tripod to give your images
as ‘Earthshine’. This effect occurs just sight, but is it possible to capture it of our lunar companion. a crisp, shake-free and professional look.

Make the most of Earthshine

Improving your pictures

Combine your images to get the thin crescent Moon and Earthshine in one image…
If you take just a single shot of the Earthshine, you separate images with different exposure times are
may find that either the brightly lit crescent is over- required. You’ll then need to carefully combine the
exposed and the rest of the Moon’s disc is properly two images in software such as Photoshop. You’ll also
exposed, or it may be that the crescent is properly need to take the images very close to each other in Send your photos to
exposed and the lunar disc is under-exposed. To terms of time, so that the light and the Moon position
get both parts of the scene properly exposed, two don’t change too much.

1 2
Decide on your shot type Locate the Moon under magnification
Set up your equipment and choose either a wide-angle shot or a more close-up It sounds simple but finding the Moon can be tricky under magnification.
image, using a zoom or telephoto lens or even a small telescope. Once you’ve found it, centre it in the view-screen of your camera.

3 4
Take some test shots Focus on the Earthshine
Take an image of the bright crescent first, and then check the image for good Once you’re happy with your shots of the crescent, shift your focus onto the
focus and exposure. Adjust the ‘manual’ settings on your camera as necessary. Earthshine. Don’t wait too long to take the next shot though.

5 6
Watch out for overexposure Process your images
Once focused on the Earthshine, take a longer exposure – this will over- Using Photoshop or similar photo editing software, combine the two images
expose the crescent, but the two images will later be combined in Photoshop. to get a perfectly exposed picture of ‘the old Moon in the new Moon’s arms’. 83

The Eskimo Nebula (NGC 2392)

Deep sky challenge

The exotic night sky
objects of Gemini
Dig deep in the constellation of 'The Twins' and
you’ll find some of winter's best-kept secrets
Gemini, also known as The Twins, sits nicely about Pollux, is an orange giant star and is known to have
half way up the sky at this time of year, and contains an extra-solar planet orbiting about it.
many lovely objects for those armed with a telescope. The constellation is fairly easy to spot and is full
These vary from open star clusters to faint nebula of interesting objects. A small telescope or binoculars
and even a supernova remnant. The two bright stars will be able to show you Messier 35, a lovely open
that mark out the constellation are interesting too. star cluster by the foot of the twin Castor, but
Alpha Geminorum, known as Castor, is a lovely star you’ll be best suited with a large aperture and long-
system composed of three binary pairs all linked exposure imaging to capture the supernova remnant, The Jellyfish Nebula (IC 443)
together by gravity, and Beta Geminorum, known as known as the Jellyfish Nebula.

Deep sky challenge

1 4
Messier 35 IC 444
You only need a small telescope with low This reflection nebula is quite close to IC
magnification or suitable binoculars to enjoy 443 and yet is distinctly separate from the
M35, which is scattered over a large, elongated area. Jellyfish Nebula. However, despite not taking up a
Averted vision can reveal some of the stars under large proportion of sky, it’s much easier to image due
dark skies, while binoculars of magnitude 20x80 will to its higher surface brightness, which shines at a
resolve many of the cluster’s members. magnitude of approximately +7.0.

2 5
NGC 2129 Eskimo Nebula (NGC 2392)
Use a medium-power telescope to thoroughly Looking somewhat like a person’s head in a
observe this small but attractive star cluster, hood, this lovely object is a planetary nebula – a
as it will be harder to spot at low magnification. The star that has ejected its outer layers. With a magnitude
star cluster is very young; its age has been estimated of roughly +10, locating the Eskimo Nebula is easy
at around 10 million years, so you’ll be feasting your with a telescope of at least a medium aperture and
eyes on blue-white stars. under favourable night sky conditions.

3 6
Jellyfish Nebula (IC 443) NGC 2420
Showing up in long-exposure images, this Within the grasp of a small-to-medium
beautiful nebula is the remains of a supernova, telescope, this cluster can appear as a smudge
IC 444 an exploded star that shed its outer layers. An OIII in averted vision. Around 25 stars can be viewed with
filter will assist in observing, and should reveal a amateur equipment, although at least 650 members
bright arc of gas and dust that is equivalent in shape are suspected to exist there. The larger your aperture,
to a giant jellyfish, suspended in space. the more of the cluster’s stars you’ll be able to see.


NGC 2420

JPL-Caltech; WISE Team; Adam Block; Mount Lemmon SkyCenter; University of Arizona; WIYN; NOAO; NSF
© NASA; ESA; A. Sarajedini (University of Florida); G. Piotto (University of Padua); Andrew Fruchter (STScI);



Orion 85

How to…

Use a
You may have seen one or even owned one, but
how do you use one of these star charts successfully?

When you buy a planisphere, you rotating disc, is the time of day, usually

You’ll need:
need to make sure that you get the
right one for your particular observing
marked with am or pm. You’ll need
to know your time zone, as the times
Tips & tricks
 A planisphere latitude. For example, if you live in the on the planisphere are usually UT Practice in the daytime
UK, then one set up for 51.5 degrees (universal time) – the same as GMT. Have a play with your planisphere in the
 A red torch To use the planisphere, all you need
north will serve you best. If you live in daytime to get used to how it works.
more southerly climes of the Northern to do is find the date on which you
A planisphere is a circular disc, usually Hemisphere, then you’ll likely need are observing on the outer ring, and Be aware of the details
made from plastic, which is designed one for 32 degrees north. And if you then rotate the inner ring to line up Remember that the days are the
numbers and the lines between them.
to show you the constellations visible live in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll the date with your observing time.
in the night sky at any given time of need to make sure that you have one The constellations showing in the disc Check your time zone
the year. On closer inspection, you’ll for your own latitude likewise. Each will show up exactly as they should If you live east or west of the Greenwich
notice that it consists of two discs, one one is good for around 10 degrees of be found in the sky above you. The Meridian (GMT), add or subtract your
of which is transparent, with a central latitude either side. rivet in the centre marks the position time from the dial.
axis allowing them to rotate against You’ll notice that around the outside of the Pole Star, while the centre of
each other. As you do this, you’ll of the planisphere there are months the constellation disc – known as Match it to your view
notice that the ‘window’ that shows of the year, and inside that the days of the zenith – is marked by a small Hold the planisphere overhead, face
the constellations, and which has the the month, usually marked as every blue cross. This is the point directly south and turn the whole disc to match
your viewpoint.
central axis of the disc, is offset. This other day. You read the even days (or overhead. Hold the planisphere over
axis marks the position of the Pole Star odd days as the case may be) using your head and align it north, southeast Get a red-light friendly design
and is the point about which all the the line between two odd numbered and west to see which constellations Most planispheres are red light friendly,
constellations appear to rotate, as they days. Inside this circle of days and are visible and where they can be so use a red torch to view it and
do in the real night sky. on the second and slightly smaller found in the night sky. preserve your night vision.

Use a planisphere

A more than useful tool

Planispheres are quick to use and help you find your way around the night sky
You can use a planisphere to show you, not only You can even use a planisphere to find the planets
the constellations, but where and when you can see as some have planetary tables printed on the reverse.
them. A planisphere will show you when a particular Draw a line from the degree mark the table gives to Send your photos to
constellation rises and sets and the best time to view the rivet in a particular month, and where it crosses
it, as well as the objects within it. the ecliptic line is where the planet can be found.

1 2 3
Set the month Use a red torch Check it against the sky
On the planisphere’s outer ring, find the month To preserve your night vision, use a red torch or The constellations in the window should now
in which you are observing or want to look at. red light to read details on your planisphere. represent what is visible to you in the night sky.

Make sure you’re facing south

Ensure that you are facing south. You can Match up the constellations
use a magnetic compass here and hold the You can now see which constellations are rising in the east and setting in the west along with those due
planisphere over your head. south or overhead. Enjoy your tour of the night sky! 87
The Northern OT


In the middle of the darker months, early 2017 is the

1 OR

perfect time to turn your eyes and scopes to the skies


It’s the time of year astronomers enjoy which observers will see make their
the most. The midst of winter offers grand appearances at dusk and dawn


a selection of targets not just for the through the coming weeks.

beginner to whet their stargazing A selection of galaxies, including the

appetite, but for seasoned sky-watchers Cigar Galaxy (M82) bursting with star

to get stuck into tours of the heavens. formation in the constellation of Ursa

Mid-January through to February Major, as well as M106, M94 and M63

offers a selection of star clusters, galaxies in the constellation of Canes Venatici,

and nebulae for those armed with or and the star clusters of Gemini,

without an optical aid. These views Orion and Perseus, are readily

compliment the readily available planets, available for viewing.

Using the sky chart

This chart is for use at 10pm (GMT)

Jan 16

mid-month and is set for 52° latitude.


Hold the chart above your

head with the bottom of the


page in front of you.

Face south and notice
that north on the chart

is behind you.

The constellations on the chart CER

should now match what you C Jan


see in the sky. IN IS 11


Magnitudes Spectral types


oc Neb
yo ula


Sirius (-1.4) O-B G M4

-0.5 to 0.0 MO
0.0 to 0.5 ERO
0.5 to 1.0 F M
M4 Siriu
1.0 to 1.5 7 s
1.5 to 2.0
2.0 to 2.5 Deep-sky objects M41

2.5 to 3.0 CANIS

Open star clusters M
3.0 to 3.5 PU
Globular star clusters PP Adhar
IS a
3.5 to 4.0
Bright diffuse nebulae
4.0 to 4.5
Planetary nebulae Observer’s note:
Fainter The night sky as it appears
Variable star Galaxies on 16 January 2017 at
approximately 10pm (GMT).

The Northern Hemisphere




U 9




North Pole




ub r
Do luste


Sunflower Galaxy (M63)



M 34

M 33


(Jan 31)





(Jan 31


Jan 31








Bete UR
se TA Orion constellation





© Wil Tirion; NASA; ESA


Medusa Nebula (Abell 21)

Me & My
Send your astrophotography images to for a chance
to see them featured in All About Space

David Moug
Manitoba, Canada
“About five years ago I started
off my hobby of astronomy
with a pair of binoculars, doing
simple visual observing in
order to learn my way around
the night sky. It wasn’t long
before I joined a local astronomical group and, on
interacting with other members, I became fascinated
at how some were recording images of a variety of
astronomical targets. Wanting to get involved, I started
doing my own research into GoTo tracking mounts as
well as auto-guiding setups for astrophotography.” Wide-field view of Orion

Rosette Nebula in H-Alpha (Caldwell 50) Rosette Nebula (Caldwell 50) using Hubble Palette

Me & My Telescope
Orion Nebula (M42)

Michael Saltsman
Greater Manchester, UK
“I am an estate agent by day and
an astrophotographer by night. I
studied photography at school but
also loved physics – I was even at
school with Professor Brian Cox at
Oldham Hulme Grammar School.
I have always loved taking photographs of the skies and
I own a computerised scope to observe the planets and
deep-sky objects. One of my great passions is to share my
wide-field Milky Way shots on social media, where large
corporations have shared my work. My aim is to image
Waxing crescent the galaxy from the Atacama Desert in Chile one day.”

Patrick Gilliland
Worcestershire, UK
& Calar Alto, Spain
“I have always had an
affinity with dark nights
since a holiday as a child,
where I sat looking in
amazement at all of the stars
of the Milky Way. In recent years, I decided to get
involved more in astronomy and later embarked on
a hobby in astrophotography. I am soon to begin a
degree in astronomy and planetary science in order
to better understand what I image.”

NGC 891

Send your photos to… @spaceanswers @ 91
Celestron Cometron
FirstScope 76
Designed with the beginner or casual astronomer in mind, this tabletop scope is
portable, provides good night-sky views and doesn’t take up too much space
Telescope There are several things that novice
sky-watchers crave when choosing
When unpacking the FirstScope,
you’ll notice that it is already pre-
inspection of the overall build of this
reflector, the finish isn’t perfect with

Cost: £72 / $90.75
their very first telescope: portability,
ease of use and a price that’s not
going to break the bank. We’re pleased
assembled with only the 5x24
finderscope needing to be affixed to
the telescope tube. The FirstScope is
traces of glue apparent on the tube.
Considering what you get for the price
though, the scope’s plastics aren’t
From: David Hinds Ltd to say that the Celestron Cometron supplied with two Kellner eyepieces – glossy and cheap. You’ll notice that
Type: Reflector FirstScope ticks all of the boxes on a 10mm and a 20mm – and possesses the telescope’s base is short, meaning
Aperture: 76mm (2.99”) these fronts. And, what’s more, this a fast focal ratio to provide a wide field that you’ll need to place it on a table
Focal length: 300mm (12”) tabletop telescope comes with all of view that’s ideal for not just viewing for comfortable use. On the plus side
of the accessories you need for any the planets and the lunar surface, but though, if you have children who have

Best for...
beginner wanting a fuss-free tour also allows the user to view wide- been pestering you for a telescope, the
of the night sky, providing much angle star clusters. Weighing in at a Cometron FirstScope is the perfect
improved and more comfortable views mere 1.95 kilograms (4.3 pounds), the solution, especially given the low price
Beginner of the planets and lunar surface over FirstScope is ideal for those looking and ease of use.
the naked eye or even binoculars. for a grab-and-go instrument. On close With Newtonian designs, the two
mirrors within the tube should be
£ Small budget
aligned and astronomers usually

Planetary viewing
“This tabletop telescope comes achieve this process – known as
collimation – using thumbscrews
with all of the accessories you to adjust the optical system.
Unfortunately, these aids are only
Lunar viewing
need for any beginner wanting usually on the more expensive
models, meaning that it was quite a
Bright deep-sky objects
a fuss-free tour of the night sky” task trying to collimate the Cometron
FirstScope, as the primary mirror isn’t
adjustable and a collimation cap or
eyepiece isn’t actually included with
the telescope. Nevertheless, and given
The FirstScope
that we have been spoilt for clear
comes supplied
skies throughout the end of 2016, we
with 10mm and
20mm eyepieces couldn’t wait to tour the night sky –
especially given how easy it is to get
started in astronomy with this pint-
sized scope.
Late December provided a gaggle
of Solar System targets including
Mars, Venus, Saturn and the Moon
to test the telescope’s optical system.
Our lunar companion was at 22 per
cent illumination, meaning that there
wasn’t too much natural light pollution
to hinder our view of other targets
we were keen to observe. With the
eyepieces supplied, you won’t get
hugely close-up views of the surface
of the Moon, but you’ll be able to see
craters and get a feel for the rugged
terrain along the terminator. Views
aren’t hugely pin-sharp through the
field of view, since the focuser tube is
quite loose, but they are sure to delight
those who have always wanted to
get a closer look at the lunar surface

Telescope advice
The 5x24 finderscope
should be replaced
with a red dot finder
for easier navigation

It’s not possible

to properly
collimate the
FirstScope since
the primary
mirror is fixed

An alt-azimuth design
is employed, allowing
for simple use so that
you can skip setting up
and get observing

without straining their eyes. With to spot any details on the gas giant,
Venus in the southwest and shining such as its belts and Great Red Spot,
at a stunning magnitude of -4.9, we the Galilean moons – Io, Ganymede,
turned the scope to the second planet Europa and Callisto – appeared as
from the Sun. As expected, we didn’t bright spots either side of the
see a great deal of detail but were king of the Solar System’s limbs.
treated to a white disc and bright While the views aren’t as good
white ‘star’. Meanwhile, the Cometron’s as you’d expect through a
wide-angle views provided fair sights more dedicated scope, they
of the Pleiades star cluster, also known are sure to provide a wow
as Messier 45, in the constellation factor for first time observers.
of Taurus. Each of the young, hot If you’re looking for a fuss-
member stars in this open cluster were free piece of equipment to
exquisite through the field of view. compliment your existing
Using the finderscope did prove quite telescope, we recommend a
cumbersome during our observations pair of binoculars. However,
though, making star-hopping quite if your children have been
difficult in light polluted areas – for bugging you for a telescope
instance, it failed to pick up stars with and you can’t quite commit to
magnitudes below naked eye visibility a moderately-priced instrument,
– so it makes more sense to use a red then the Cometron FirstScope may
dot finder for simpler navigation. be the one for you – especially if the
Waiting until dawn was worthwhile lunar surface, the planets and casual
as Jupiter, which shone at -1.9, rose in glances at the night sky are of interest
the southeast. While it was difficult to you and your family. 93
ade Instruments and Hama UK
Courtesy of: Complete with everything you need to view the
wonders of the universe on your first evening under
the stars, the Meade Infinity 80 – with its modest 3.2”
aperture – delivers bright and detailed images of a
variety of targets both on land and in the night sky.
Featuring an alt-azimuth mount with slow motion
controls for easy tracking of celestial objects as they
move across the sky, the Infinity 80 comes with three
WOR eyepieces that provide low, medium and high powered

£3 TH
magnification for a versatile viewing experience. The

Infinity 80 is supplied with eyepieces, a Moon map
and a red LED torch.

To be in with a chance of winning,

all you have to do is answer this question:
Which planet is the fifth from the Sun?
A: Uranus
B: Jupiter
C: Mars
Enter via email at
or by post to All About Space competitions, Richmond House, 33 Richmond Hill, Bournemouth, BH2 6EZ
Visit the website for full terms and conditions at

FREE Ensure you’re fully-equipped for

your tours of the night sky with 101
Stargazing Tips & Tricks. From the
best sights to see on the Moon and
planets to how to get the best sights of
galaxies and nebulae, 101 Stargazing
Tips & Tricks helps you to make the
most of naked eye, binocular and
telescope targets with minimum fuss. To claim your free digital
We also show you how to minimise
light pollution and where you should
edition, head over to:
go for the best dark skies.

Star hop
to the
10 tips to minimise 5Cover
your head 6Beneighbour
nice to your
Find a dark
sky site Spring's top
How to Andromeda Another way of shielding yourself from This may seem like an odd hing to suggest but a lot of

intrusive light is by covering your head w th st ay or unwanted light these days comes f om security You don t have to travel to the
light pollution
a dark cloth This is surprisingly effec ive in ights If you have them turn them off while observing Australian outback to see the
get ing your eyes ‘dark adapted’ a lowing the and make sure they point at the ground at other times stars in a l heir glory Very often
1 Your jumping off point pupil of your eye to dilate as fully as poss ble and if on timers make sure hey are on for as short a the e are fantastic light pollution
Centre a known nea by star in the field Triangulum This in turn will mean your eye is as sensi ive time as is practical If your neighbour’s secu ity lights are free s tes just hou s drive outside

star hop
of view in this case Alpha Andromeda as it can be to light and will help you see those t oublesome then be pol te and ask them to turn them of town In the UK the website
or Alpheratz faint stars and other objects through your off wh le you observe Bring them over to show them www darkskydiscovery org uk wi l
2 First hop telescope Don t wo ry if you think it makes what you are looking at you never know you might allow you to inds s tes near you
Move one field of view along the you look da t no one can see you in the dark! convert them to your hobby Otherwise simply Google "Dark
P sces
If you live in or near a town or city you know the

northern ‘arm’ of Andromeda Make a Sky S tes" and your location
mental note of any pa terns of sta s as
you go effects of stray light dimming down and ruining
3 Halfway there
If you’ve ever wanted to know how to Hop another field of view If you get lost your view of the stars. Here are some tips to help…
backtrack to he pattern of stars in the
find your way around the night sky previous field and try again
4 Almost there
Dete mine your 04
with binoculars or a telescope, here’s a field of view for
Hop once more check your star cha t
and centre the brightest star in the field
straightforward method star hopping
of view
05 Bored of the Solar System? Take a tour beyond
5 You re there!
Finding your way around the sky
when you are looking through
or binoculars you can divide the
magnifica ion into the ape tu e
chart You can do this w th just a few
squa e centimetres of clear plastic and
can see at the edge of the field Don t
forget hat most finder scopes invert
As you move towards your qua ry you’ l
see a misty patch of light coming into
02 the orbit of Pluto with our pick of the top deep-sky
binoculars or a telescope can be a Equipment with a 0x50 scope wi l by using a drawing compass and felt the image view Cong atulations you've made t to
objects visible during the spring nights
nightmare as you are looking at a give a field of view of 5° The finder tip pen The quick method here is to To find a target start w th a bright the And omeda Galaxy!
ve y sma l part of the sky If you’re scope has a much larger field of find a star on your chart and centre or easily recognisable star in the You’re familiar wi h observing the

searching for a particular object a view than your main telescope so t as carefully as you can in the field middle of he ield of view Note he planets having located everything 01 1 V rgo A (M87)
star cluster for example it can seem to give yourse f a helping hand st ll of view of your binoculars or finder stars at the edge of the field heading from Jup ter’s G eat Red Spot to Right
nigh on impossible But if you use a
traditional me hod and are systematic
fur her always start w th the lowest
magnifica ion eyepiece you have This
scope Next check the stars at the edge
of the field of view and relate them to
towards your quarry Move the scope
so that the sta s at hat edge of he
JargonBuster Saturn’s majestic rings wi h ease and
you’ve obse ved the Moon to the point (The Virgin) ascension 12h 30m 49 42s
Declination +12° 23′ 28 0439″

Field of
in your approach you ll soon discover will give you the largest ield of view the stars on your cha t Draw a circle field are now seen near he other Keep of knowing every phase every sea and Magnitude +9 59 A
you can find your targets easily and once you have acqui ed your target in on the clear plas ic w th the compass heading towards your target by doing almost every c ater You’ e now ready Distance 53 5 mi lion ly 10
have fun on the way
Before the advent of computerised
the finder scope
It can be helpful to create a ield of
point on the star in the middle of he
field of view Make his wide enough
this until you ind it You’re ikely to
find lots of other inte es ing things on view for the next challenge far beyond our
own Solar System
Taking pride of place in the
Virgo cluster the supergiant
diam han the full
‘goto’ systems on telescopes view template to use with your star to just encircle the stars which you your journey The ci cular area of sky seen Veterans of obse ving the night sky
through your binoculars or ellip ical galaxy is the easiest of the cluster’s galaxies to the be p with large binocula s
astronomers had to ind interesting will speak of their favourite galaxy spot t w ll appear as an amorphous blob when viewed emana istinct even in six inch telescopes
objects to look at the hard way t telescope Binoculars normally of the nebula they can t wait to see
Use he star hop technique to embark on a voyage have a fixed field of view th ough a small telescope while you can aim to detect greater d at least an eight inch telescope to pick
didn t take hem long to wo k out to the Andromeda Galaxy during a certain ime of he year or the powerful jet that's blasting out from the black hole at and nebu t he da k patches that make up the Owl's eyes
that by using a simple system it was
poss ble to do this reliably every time Goto even a simple double or binary star
hat they view eve y night These
02 M87’s core using larger telescopes

It’s known as star hopping literally

hopping from one view to an adjacent
Some modern telescopes have
computers hat will ‘goto’ any Pegasus
objects a e hund eds thousands even
m llions of light years away Drac
view to track down a desired object
In order to use t you ll need to get to
object in ts database when
instructed via the keypad
Do not expect to see the inc edible
detail returned by great space (The 3 423s
66° 37′ 59 52″

grips w th a couple of things and have instruments such as the Hubble Space Magn tude +8 1

10Take up
some equipment to hand Telescope However the la ger your Distance 3 300ly

First of a l you ll need a star chart The diameter of a telescope’s telescope’s aperture combined w th The Cat’s Eye nebula also known
preferably one which shows stars and front lens or main mirror he best possible eyepieces the mo e as Caldwe l 6 or NGC 6543 is

1Get into
Wait for filters
objects clearly and accu ately There usually stated in inches or mm you’ l be able to see Dark skies such

famous for he image that the

8Stay filters
are several of these available which The beauty of modern dig tal cameras as those boasted by the International Hubble Space Telescope snapped of
should it the b ll or a ternatively you
shadow the right your optics
Coloured filte s screw into the bottom is hat it’s easy to manipulate the Dark sky Association's ( DA’ ) dark sky its stunning form

3Get out out late

may have some software from which Refers to the number of times of the eyepiece of your telescope There are various f lters that are image p oduced in software and parks reserves and communities also
2 The Sombrero galaxy (M104) A medium sized telescope
you can print star charts You’ l also an object is made to appear If you have street ights shining into f you can’t shield yourself from stray They have lots of good uses in spec fically designed to help reduce reduce the orange glow of a city sky make finding these objects easier 01
combined w th eyepieces that
need a ed ight torch so you can ead
the chart in the dark
larger using the optics in a
telescope or binoculars
your ga den do your best to find a
spot that’s not illuminated by these Ar ificial light is shone into the sky of town ight hen you can at least shield
the equipment you are using Dew
observing not least that of enhancing
details on the Moon and planets
t is a fact that stray light reduces as
the night wears on If you are able to
the effects of light pollution for
astronomers These often go by the
with a few clicks of a mouse This is
of course the most expensive option
To successfu ly see faint objects
you need to a low your eyes to adjust
Right ascension 12h 39m 59 4s
Declination 11° 37′ 23″ kick the magnification up to
around 500x or 600x will be the
You ll then need to know the field and which can give you a good view and is reflected back to us from dust This can be easier said han done but They can also be very helpful when stay out late you’ll probably ind that name of C ty Light Suppression (CLS) unless you already own a DSLR to the darkness which can take Magnitude +8 98

shields on telescopes if short can minimum that you’ l need to spot
of view of your binoculars or the of the sky Getting into the shadow and water vapour and atmospheric if you have ea ly poor views of the it comes to reducing the effects after midnight the amount of stray f lters or Anti Light Pollution ilte s camera or specia ist ast onomical anywhere up to half an hour or more Distance 29 3 mil ion ly
be extended using hick card black this beaut ful nebula You ll l kely
finder scope of your telescope Some of a b ick wall or a t ee can help here po lution High humidity or prolonged stars most of the ime it ea ly might of light pollution This is because ight around seems to be less than (ALP) These are narrow band ilte s imaging camera However because of Once you’ve perfected seeing d ffuse Provided you have access to dark skies this galaxy shows up in about any sized
or dark in colour while telescope see a greenish tint and a central
binoculars will have his wr tten The side of a building can help too d y spells when dust can be thrown be wor h the e fort to pack up your they are only allowing through the earlier in he evening This is due that tune out’ the wavelengths of the sensi ivity of these cameras they objects with your pe ipheral vision instrument ts name coming f om a dark lane of dust hat slices lengthwise
and binocular eyepieces can also be 11th magn tude star wi l also reveal
on them for example 7° field’ or Finder scopes and many but this can of course block your view up into the atmosphe e wi l seem equipment and drive a few miles out wavelengths of light of the spec fic to people going to bed and tu ning light em tted by low pressu e sodium can often ‘see’ more than the human take a step outside with All About through the galaxy A smaller telescope w ll reveal a slightly irregular shape
shielded using flexible ‘wings’ which tself A bright ring and a fuzzy
some hing sim lar A telescope is telescopes will make the image of a large part of he sky so you may to make the situation worse Check of your town or city to find darker colour of the fi ter and blocking out things such as outside ights off Also street lights These can make a eye in light polluted condi ions Of Space for our pick of galaxies star w th only a slight hint of the dark lane Any telescope will reveal a bright core
can usually be obtained from dealers outer halo w ll be visible f you The Cat's Eye nebula is among the most
unl kely to te l you this To work appear upside down and back need to hunt around for the best spot weather reports and wa t for stable skies You will be amazed at the the other colours particula ly the some local authorities wi l turn street significant di ference when you are course the results a e better when cluste s double stars and nebulas hat combined w th large hazy bulges to the no th and sou h complex forms of its kind yet found
These will help reduce stray ight have da k adapted vision
out the field of view of your scope to f ont in your garden conditions w th low wind speeds d fference this makes orange/pink glow of street lights igh ing down or off after midnight viewing through your telescope they’re used f om a truly dark sky site he spring sky has to offer
entering your eye from the side

8 12 13 30 31

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In the shops
The latest books, apps, software, tech and
accessories for space and astronomy fans alike
Filter kit
Meade Series 4000
1.25” eyepiece and filter kit
Cost: £200
From: Hama UK Ltd
A selection of filters and eyepieces are a must for improved
views of the night sky and Meade Instruments Ltd have
ensured that the astronomer has everything they need for
exquisite views of a selection of night sky targets, and at a
modest price. What’s more, each accessory has a fitting of 1.25”,
meaning that they can be fitted to a wide range of telescopes.
Meade has also thrown in a robust carry case to keep the
eyepieces and filters secure and protected from the elements.
The Meade Series 4000 comes with 6mm, 9mm, 13mm,
18mm and 32mm Plössl eyepieces, a 2x Barlow lens and yellow,
red, green, blue and Moon filters. Using the Meade Polaris 130
reflector, we put the eyepieces to the test. Slotting them into
the barrel, one by one, we were impressed with the quality.
The lower-power eyepieces were ideal for casual astronomy,
revealing excellent detail on the Moon and sights of the planets.
Our only criticism is that some may find it a struggle to identify
the lens apertures while observing in the dark. The filters also
fitted securely and gave us beautiful views of craters, lunar mare
and surface detail on Jupiter and Saturn’s rings.

AstroPlanner v2
Cost: Free
For those who are looking for assistance from astronomy
software to learning their way around the night sky,
AstroPlanner can look quite frightening. However, once
you get the hang of using it, this free software, which is
compatible with Macintosh and Windows, is useful to have
in your observing arsenal. AstroPlanner not only allows you
to plan and log your observations, it allows you to control
telescopes with computerised GoTo mounts as well as those
with digital setting circle controllers. One thing that we
must point out though, is that AstroPlanner is nothing like
the more ‘user friendly’ Voyager or SkySafari software. On
launching AstroPlanner, you’ll go through a setup wizard for
the software’s basic configuration. There is also the option
to edit these settings later if you find that it is required.
Setting all of the customisations was quite complicated, but
there’s also the option to set to default settings. AstroPlanner
uses a large main window to allow you to plan your night
of observations. At this window, you are able to enter or
view information on the objects you wish to see, such as
field of view and magnification. Once these are complete,
you are given a view of your chosen object, as it would
appear through your telescope. The software allows you to
find your object on its database but we did note that not
all of the objects we wanted to observe were listed. Adding
objects, however, wasn’t a problem. We put the error down
to a bug. On the hugely positive side, AstroPlanner provides
a lot of useful information on each target that is listed.

In the shops
NASA Space Weather Media Viewer
Cost: Free
From: iTunes & Google Play
The surface of the Sun is an angry place, unleashing solar
flares and coronal mass ejections that impact our planet.
Of course, these eruptions can cause problems for our
telecommunication satellites but they are also responsible
for the fantastic light shows known as aurorae, which are
visible in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
NASA’s Space Weather Media Viewer allows you to view
the Sun’s surface in near real-time through the telescopic
eyes of some of the space agency’s solar missions – and
we have to say, we were pretty impressed with both
the idea and how smoothly the app operates. What’s
more, if you weren’t convinced to download it already,
it’s absolutely free for owners of smartphones that run
Android and iOS.
We downloaded the app with the help of an internet
connection and discovered it to be quite smooth and
rapid. Close up views of the Sun were in hydrogen-alpha
and, over quite a period, we discovered our nearest star
was moderately active as prominences and coronal loops
erupted from its fiery surface. There are other features, too,
including video interviews with solar scientists and the
option to save solar events.

US Spy Satellites Owners’
Workshop Manual
Cost: £25 (approx. $31.50)
From: Haynes
Recently released and employing a clever spin on the famous
Haynes Manuals, US Spy Satellites Owners’ Workshop Manual
is perfect for those with a keen interest in spaceflight. While
it’s quite easy to disregard this hardback as anything to do
with space, we think it slots in well with its Haynes Manual
companions, combining the private side of the military and
space. We particularly enjoyed the chapter that concerned
plans to use astronauts to spy from orbit using the Gemini
spacecraft. As with all Haynes Manuals, an impressive
amount of detail has gone into putting this book together;
it serves as a well-rounded reference book as it chronicles
all of the major American military reconnaissance satellites
in substantial detail. Containing so much detail has its
downfalls though, meaning that – in places – the book comes
across as quite dry when compared to author David Baker’s
other titles, such as Haynes’ NASA Hubble Space Telescope
and NASA Mars Rovers. If you have more of a love for the
‘top secret’ projects, then US Spy Satellites Owners’ Workshop
Manual will be right up your street. However, if you’re
keen on the spacecraft and rockets that not only propelled
astronauts into space but also taught us more about the
Solar System and the universe, then we strongly recommend
Baker’s other works in the Haynes Manual series. 97
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of NASA’s original space Space Research Institute of Austria; Solar Dynamics Observatory;
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Gordon Cooper
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He flew a solo mission in space up flying in 1965 as the Command

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and set flight endurance records took him and Conrad around the
Earth 120 times, chalking up 5,331,745
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Space is a lonely place and Gordon military meeting in Washington DC kilometres (3,312,993 miles) over   8.
Cooper felt that more than most. As a where the discussions were centred eight days. It was a major victory in Head of subscriptions Sharon Todd
NASA astronaut, he made two notable on putting a human into Earth’s orbit the Space Race since it more than Circulation
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in 1963 as part of the United States’ before the Russians did the same. by the Soviet’s two years earlier with
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first human spaceflight programme, Cooper put his name forward and Vostok 5; that mission had lasted four Production Director Jane Hawkins
Project Mercury, which saw him after a tough application process, he days 23 hours and seven minutes,  01202 586200

spend close to 34.5 hours on a solo gained his place on what was called completing 82 orbits. Gemini 5 was Management
Finance & Operations Director Marco Peroni
mission. His second was as Command Project Mercury along with six others. nevertheless Cooper’s last spaceflight. Creative Director Aaron Asadi
Editorial Director Ross Andrews
Pilot of Gemini 5 alongside Pete Together, they became known as the Although he was the Commander
Printing & Distribution
Conrad, when the pair established a Mercury Seven and their task was of the backup crews for Gemini :\QGHKDP3HWHUERURXJK6WRUH\·V%DU5RDG3HWHUERURXJK
new space endurance record of 190 to pilot manned spaceflights, which 12 in 1966 and Apollo 10 in 1969, Cambridgeshire, PE1 5YS
Distributed in the UK, Eire & the Rest of the World by
hours and 56 minutes in orbit. took place between May 1961 and he became frustrated at not being Marketforce, 5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HU
Born on 6 March 1927 in Shawnee, May 1963. chosen for a Moon landing mission  ZZZPDUNHWIRUFHFRXN
Distributed in Australia by Gordon & Gotch Australia Pty Ltd,
Oklahoma, Cooper left school at Cooper’s flight was the final one. and he retired from NASA and the Air 26 Rodborough Road, Frenchs Forest, New South Wales 2086
the age of 18 and enlisted in the It took place on 15 May 1963 on Force in 1970. He became successful  ZZZJRUGRQJRWFKFRPDX

United States Marine Corps. Upon board the Mercury-Atlas 9 spacecraft, in business but he had a reputation Disclaimer
The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any unsolicited material lost or
his discharge, he moved to Hawaii to which launched from Cape Canaveral, for eccentricity too. During the final damaged in the post. All text and layout is the copyright of Future Publishing Ltd.
Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced in whole or part without the written
live with his parents and he attended Florida (Cooper took the opportunity Mercury mission, he had noticed an SHUPLVVLRQRIWKHSXEOLVKHU$OOFRS\ULJKWVDUHUHFRJQLVHGDQGXVHGVSHFLÀFDOO\IRU
the purpose of criticism and review. Although the magazine has endeavoured to
the island’s university before being to have a nap on the launch pad anomaly around the South Caribbean ensure all information is correct at time of print, prices and availability may change.
placed on active duty with the United during a countdown). It orbited and captured 100 more, which he mentioned herein.

If you submit material to Future Publishing via post, email, social network or any
States Air Force. He then flew fighter Earth 22 times, during which he combined into a map that he said was other means, you automatically grant Future Publishing an irrevocable, perpetual,
royalty-free licence to use the material across its entire portfolio, in print, online and
jets in West Germany between 1954 became the first American to sleep in the key to billions of dollars worth digital, and to deliver the material to existing and future clients, including but not
limited to international licensees for reproduction in international, licensed editions
and 1955 in the midst of the Cold War, space before splashing down in the of treasure. It became the focus of a of Future Publishing products. Any material you submit is sent at your risk and,
although every care is taken, neither Future Publishing nor its employees, agents or
ahead of completing his degree in Pacific Ocean. There had been some Discovery Channel documentary in subcontractors shall be liable for the loss or damage.

aerospace engineering. By the end of potential heart-in-mouth moments 2016 called Cooper’s Treasure. He also ‹)XWXUH3XEOLVKLQJ/WG
ISSN 2050-0548
the decade, he had logged more than on the 21st orbit, though, when said he had seen his first UFO while
7,000 hours of flight time. system malfunctions forced Cooper flying in West Germany and was a
But then his career took an to carry out some of the re-entry firm believer in them. Cooper sadly
unexpected turn. As the Space Race steps manually, but the 34 hours died at the age of 77 on 4 October
with the Soviet Union was in full 19 minutes and 49 seconds that he 2004, convinced the US government
swing, Cooper was invited to a secret spent on board the spacecraft was was covering them up.



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