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Curso 2017 – 2018 INGLÉS [WORD BUILDING]


Los sufijos más frecuentes que se añaden a los adjetivos para formar sustantivos son los

-ness -ity -ance -ence -ion -cy


 Happy  happiness  Aware  awareness

 Lonely  loneliness  Deaf  deafness
 Aggressive  aggressiveness  Sad  sadness
 Blind  blindness  Dark  darkness
 Weak  weakness  Ill  illness
 Serious  seriousness  Mad  madness


 Dense  density  Formal  formality

 Equal  equality  Prosperous  prosperity
 Productive  productivity  Generous  generosity
 Complex  complexity  Curious  curiosity
 Similar  similarity  Secure  security
 Regular  regularity  Creative  creativity
 Superior  superiority


 Elegant  elegance  Important  importance

 Extravagant  extravagance  Ignorant  ignorance
 Relevant  relevance


 Patient  patience  Coherent  coherence

 Adolescent  adolescence  Reverent  reverence
 Competent  competence  Confident  confidence
 Different  difference  Innocent  innocence
 Intelligent  inteligence  Present  presence
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Curso 2017 – 2018 INGLÉS [WORD BUILDING]

 Resident  residence  Decadent  decadence

 Obedient  obedience  Violent  violence


 Organized  organization  Irritated  irritation

 Populated  population  Operated  operation


 Accurate  accuracy  Prívate  privacy

 Diplomatic  diplomacy  Deficient  deficiency
 Frequent  frequency  Fluent  fluency
 Decent  decenty  Urgent  urgency
 Efficient  efficiency

Hay, sin embargo, muchos adjetivos que se convierten en sustantivos de una forma irregular:

 Angry  anger  Hungry  hunger

 Beautiful  beauty  Long  lenght
 Brave  bravery  Mysterious  mystery
 Broad  breath  Optimistic  optimism
 Certain  certainty  Poor  poverty
 Courageous  courage  Proud  pride
 Dangerous  danger  Safe  safety
 Dead  death  Strong  srenght
 Deep  depth  Thirsty  thirst
 Difficult  difficulty  True  truth
 Free  freedom  Warm  warmth
 High  height  Wide  with
 Honest  honesty  Wise  wisdom
 Hot  heat  Young  youth

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Curso 2017 – 2018 INGLÉS [WORD BUILDING]


Los sufijos más frecuentes que se añaden a los verbos para formar sustantivos son los

-al -ance -ation -ion -ment -ing


 Arrive  arrival  Revive  revival

 Disapproved  disapproval  Dismiss  dismissal
 Survive  survival  Bury  burial
 Approve  approval  Refuse  refusal


 Perform  performance  Appear  appearance

 Disappear  disappearance  Enter  entrance


 Create  creation  Found  foundation

 Preserve  preservation  Explain  explanation
 Organize  organization  Educate  education
 Civilize  civilization  Vary  variation


 Construct  construction
 Discuss  discussion
 Invent  invention


 Arrange  arrangement  Develop  development

 Retire  retirement  Improve  improvement
 Embarrass  embarrassment  Amuse  amusement
 Excite  excitement

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Curso 2017 – 2018 INGLÉS [WORD BUILDING]


 Mean  meaning  Write  writing

 Drive  driving  Lodge  lodging
 Heat  heating  Learn  learning
 Begin  beginning  Read  reading
 Feel  feeling  Swim  swimming

Hay, sin embargo, muchos verbos que se convierten en sustantivos de una forma irregular:

 Behave  behaviour  Live  life

 Compare  comparison  Marry  marriage
 Choose  choice  Please  pleasure
 Decide  decisión  Post  postage
 Deliver  delivery  Prove  proof
 Depart  departure  Rob  robbery
 Die  death  See  sight
 Feed  food  Sell  sale
 Fly  flight  Sign  signature
 Inhabit  inhabitant  Succeed  success
 Know  knowledge  Think  thought
 Laugh  laughter  Weigh  weight

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Curso 2017 – 2018 INGLÉS [WORD BUILDING]


Los sufijos más frecuentes que se añaden a los verbos y sustantivos para formar adjetivos son
los siguientes:

-able -al -ful -ible -ing -ive -y


 Accept  aceptable  Profit  profitable

 Believe  believable  Understand  understandable
 Irrítate  irritable  Comfort  comfortable
 Recognize  recognizable  Use  useable / usable
 Reason  reasonable  Predict  predictable
 Eat  eatable


 Education  educational  Logics  logical

 Accident  accidental  Region  regional
 Environment  environmental  Nation  national
 Profession  profesional  Globe  global
 Politics  political  Origin  original
 Music  musical  Sentiment  sentimental


 Colour  colourful  Peace  peaceful

 Success  successful  Pain  painful
 Help  helpful


 Horror  horrible  Divide  divisible

 Comprehend  comprensible  Access  accesible
 Sense  sensible  Convert  convertible

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Curso 2017 – 2018 INGLÉS [WORD BUILDING]


 Interest  interesting  Amuse  amusing

 Excite  exciting  Disgust  disgusting


 Offence  offensive  Effect  effective

 Destroy  destructive  Decide  decisive
 Action  active  Attract  attractive
 Product  productive  Create  creative
 Reception  receptive  Mass  massive
 Construct  constructive  Compete  competitive


 Luck  lucky  Sleep  sleepy

 Sun  sunny  Rain  rainy
 Dirt  dirty  Hair  hairy
 Thirst  thirsty  Blood  bloody
 Cloud  cloudy  Sand  Sandy
 Mud  muddy  Fun  funny
 Dust  dusty

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Curso 2017 – 2018 INGLÉS [WORD BUILDING]


Para dar un significado negativo a los adjetivos, sustantivos o verbos, se suele emplear una
serie de prefijos negativos:

un- in- il- im- ir- dis- non-


 Unable  Unbelievable
 Uncomfortable  Unconventional
 Unfair  Unhappy
 Unlucky  Unpleasant
 Unacceptable  Uncertain
 Unconscious  Unemployed
 Unfortunate  Unkind
 Unnecessary  Unpredictable


 Inability  Insecurity
 Informal  Inexhaustible
 Inadequate  Invisible
 Injustice  Independent
 Incapable  Inefficiency


 Illegal  Illiterate
 Illegible  Illogical
 Illegitimate


 Immature  Imperfect
 Impatient  Impersonal

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 Irrational  Irresistible
 Irregular  Irresponsible
 Irrelevant

 Disagree  Dislike
 Discontent  Discomfort
 Disappear  Disloyal
 Dishonest  Disconnect
 Disapprove  Disobey


 Non-profil  Non-smoker
 Non-stop  Non-violent
 Non-resident  Non-specialist
 Non-verbal

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Curso 2017 – 2018 INGLÉS [WORD BUILDING]



1 Accomplishment  Fulfilment 30 Evidence  Proof

2 Adequate  Appropriate 31 Famous  Well-known
3 Afraid  Scared 32 Fond  Loving
4 Afterwards  Later 33 For a while  For a moment
5 Allow  Permit / Let 34 Forbid  Prohibit
6 Alone  By oneself 35 Fragile  Breakable
7 Amount  Quantity 36 Grown up  Adult
Surprise / 37 Hardly  Almost
8 Astonishment  Amazement
Strange / 38 Huge  Enormous
9 Atypical  Bizarre
39 Ill  Sick
10 Awful  Terrible Devise / Think
40 Invent  out
Prosper /
11 Be successful  Achieve in
41 Join  Link / Bond
12 Begin  Start 42 Judicious  Wise
13 Behaviour  Conduct 43 Kind  Sort / Friendly
14 Beliefs  Convictions 44 Lead  Guide
15 Booking  Reservation 45 Look for  Search
16 Call  Name / Phone 46 Main  Principal
17 Carefully  Cautiously 47 Manage  Control
18 Chance  Opportunity 48 Marvellous  Wonderful
19 Closed  Shut 49 Matter  Subject / Issue
20 Continue  Go on 50 Maybe  Perhaps
21 Crazy  Mad 51 Mistake  Error
22 Decrease  Reduction 52 Nearly  Almost
23 Delighted  Pleased 53 Next to  Beside
24 Depart  Leave 54 Nowadays  At present
25 Despair  Hopelessness 55 Obligation  Duty
26 Disease  Illness 56 Obsolete  Antique
27 Distant  Far 57 Obtain  Get
28 Divide  Part
29 Eventually  Finally

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58 Odd  Strange 85 Respond  Answer / Reply

59 Ordinary  Common 86 Result  Outcome
60 Own  Possess 87 Return  Come back
61 Painful  Achy 88 Rich  Wealthy
62 Pal  Mate 89 Risky  Dangerous
63 Peaceful  Calm 90 Sad  Sorrowful
64 Point out  Indicate 91 Sensible  Wise
65 Portrait  Photograph Embarrassing /
92 Shameful  Outrageous
66 Postponement  Delay Because / From
93 Since  then on
67 Prepared  Ready
68 Prison 94 Speech  Discourse
 Jail
69 Probable 95 Stop  Halt
 Likely
70 Promote 96 Struggle  Fight / Dispute
 Foster
71 Property 97 Take place  Happen
 Belonging
72 Put and end 98 Terrifying  Frightening
 Finish
73 Quarrel 99 Thoughtless  Inconsiderate
 Fight
74 Raise 100 Transform  Change
 Lift
75 Rapid 101 Trust  Confide
 Fast
76 Realise 102 Unexpected  Sudden
 Notice
77 Real 103 Unhealthy  Insanitary
 True / Authentic
78 Recently 104 Unlikely  Improbable
 Newly
79 Recommend 105 Unsuitable  Inadequate
 Counsel / Advise
80 Refinement 106 Vast  Huge
 Politeness
Strengthen / 107 Victory  Triumph
81 Reinforce  Consolidate
108 Weak  Frail
82 Remarkable  Outstanding
109 Wealthy  Rich
83 Research  Investigation
110 Whereas  While
84 Resemble  Look like

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1 Abolish  Set up 33 Full  Empty

2 Advantage  Disadvantage Get worse /
34 Get better  Worsen
3 Agree  Disagree
35 Glad  Sad
4 Answer  Question
36 Good  Bad
5 Appear  Disappear
37 Handsome  Ugly
6 Ashamed  Shameless
38 Healthy  Unhealthy
7 Before  After
39 Heavy  Soft / Light
8 Big  Small
40 High  Short
9 Buy  Sell
41 Hold  Release / Loose
10 Careful  Careless
42 Hopeful  Hopeless
11 Clean  Dirty
43 Hot  Cold
12 Close  Open
44 Hurry up  Delay
13 Cold  Hot
45 Immigration  Emigration
14 Comfortable  Uncomfortable
46 Improvement  Worsening
15 Dangerous  Safe
47 In  Out
16 Dead  Alive
48 In front of  Behind
17 Destroy  Build / Make
49 Include  Exclude
18 Different  Equal
50 Increase  Diminish
19 Difficult  Easy
51 Intelligent  Foolish
20 Early  Late
52 Interesting  Boring
21 End  Beginning
53 Join  Separate
22 Everybody  Nobody
54 Late  Early
23 Excited  Calm / Relaxed
55 Later  Former
Unexpected /
24 Expected  Sudden 56 Laugh  Cry
25 Expensive  Cheap Enter / Arrive /
57 Leave  Remain
26 Fall  Increase Give back / Pay
58 Lend  back / Return
27 Fat  Thin
28 Find 59 Likely  Unlikely
 Lose
29 First 60 Live  Die
 Last
30 Following 61 Long  Short
 Previous
31 Foolish 62 Many  Few
 Wise
Permit / Let / Unmarried /
32 Forbid 63 Married  Single
 Allow

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64 Much  Little 85 Spend  Save

65 Narrow  Wide 86 Start  Finish
66 Near  Far 87 Strange  Common
67 New  Old 88 Strong  Weak
68 Noise  Silence 89 Sweet  Bitter
69 Noisy  Silent 90 Switch on  Switch off
70 Outside  Inside 91 Tall  Short / Low
71 Pass  Fail 92 Teach  Learn
72 Pleasant  Unpleasant 93 Tidy  Untidy / Mess
73 Question  Answer 94 True  False
74 Reasonable  Unreasonable 95 Turn on  Turn off
75 Relaxed  Excited 96 Unknown  Known / Familiar
76 Remain  Leave 97 Useful  Useless
77 Remember  Forget Strengthen /
98 Weaken  Fortify
78 Rich  Poor
99 Weep  Smile
79 Right  Wrong
100 Wet  Dry
Join / Bond /
80 Separate  Unite 101 White  Black
81 Shut  Open 102 Win  Lose
82 Sit down  Stand up 103 Worst  Better
83 Slow  Fast 104 Wrong  Right
84 Slowly  Fast 105 Young  Old

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